在信号处理中,若干应用涉及给出噪声模型样本的函数的恢复。本文考虑的设置是由于模数运行,通过添加剂高斯噪声破坏的样本。该问题的典型示例在相位展开问题或在自复位模拟到数字转换器的上下文中出现。我们考虑一个固定的设计设置,其中在常规网格上给出了模态样本。然后,提出了三个阶段的恢复策略来将地面真理信号恢复到全局整数班次。第一阶段通过使用局部多项式估计器来剥夺模型样本。在第二阶段,将展开算法应用于网格上的去噪模式。最后,使用了一种样条曲的准立体算子来产生对地面真理函数的估计到全局整数偏移。对于H \“较旧的类,均匀的误差率具有高概率的恢复性能。这扩展了由Fanuel和Tyagi获得的最近结果,用于Lipschitz平滑功能,其中在去噪步骤中使用了$ K $ NN回归。
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在许多应用中,我们获得了流畅的函数的嘈杂模态样本的访问,其目标是鲁棒地解开样本,即估计该功能的原始样本。在最近的工作中,Cucuringu和Tyagi通过首先将它们代表在单元复杂圆上,然后解决平滑度规则化最小二乘问题 - Laplacian的平滑度适用的Proximity Graph的平滑度$ G $ - ON单位圆的产品歧管。这个问题是二次受约束的二次程序(QCQP),其是非凸显的,因此提出解决其球形放松导致信任区域子问题(TRS)。就理论担保而言,派生$ \ ell_2 $错误界限(trs)。然而,这些界限通常弱,并且没有真正证明由(TRS)进行的去噪。在这项工作中,我们分析(TRS)以及(QCQP)的不受约束的放松。对于这些估算器,我们在高斯噪声的设置中提供了一种精致的分析,并导出了噪音制度,其中他们可否证明模数观察W.R.T $ \ ell_2 $常规。分析在$ G $是任何连接的图形中的常规设置中进行。
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在非参数回归设置中,我们构建了一个估计器,该估计器是一个连续的函数,以高概率插值数据点,同时在H \ h \'较大级别的平均平方风险下达到最小的最佳速率,以适应未知的平滑度。
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We propose a new method for estimating the minimizer $\boldsymbol{x}^*$ and the minimum value $f^*$ of a smooth and strongly convex regression function $f$ from the observations contaminated by random noise. Our estimator $\boldsymbol{z}_n$ of the minimizer $\boldsymbol{x}^*$ is based on a version of the projected gradient descent with the gradient estimated by a regularized local polynomial algorithm. Next, we propose a two-stage procedure for estimation of the minimum value $f^*$ of regression function $f$. At the first stage, we construct an accurate enough estimator of $\boldsymbol{x}^*$, which can be, for example, $\boldsymbol{z}_n$. At the second stage, we estimate the function value at the point obtained in the first stage using a rate optimal nonparametric procedure. We derive non-asymptotic upper bounds for the quadratic risk and optimization error of $\boldsymbol{z}_n$, and for the risk of estimating $f^*$. We establish minimax lower bounds showing that, under certain choice of parameters, the proposed algorithms achieve the minimax optimal rates of convergence on the class of smooth and strongly convex functions.
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We consider the problem of estimating the optimal transport map between a (fixed) source distribution $P$ and an unknown target distribution $Q$, based on samples from $Q$. The estimation of such optimal transport maps has become increasingly relevant in modern statistical applications, such as generative modeling. At present, estimation rates are only known in a few settings (e.g. when $P$ and $Q$ have densities bounded above and below and when the transport map lies in a H\"older class), which are often not reflected in practice. We present a unified methodology for obtaining rates of estimation of optimal transport maps in general function spaces. Our assumptions are significantly weaker than those appearing in the literature: we require only that the source measure $P$ satisfies a Poincar\'e inequality and that the optimal map be the gradient of a smooth convex function that lies in a space whose metric entropy can be controlled. As a special case, we recover known estimation rates for bounded densities and H\"older transport maps, but also obtain nearly sharp results in many settings not covered by prior work. For example, we provide the first statistical rates of estimation when $P$ is the normal distribution and the transport map is given by an infinite-width shallow neural network.
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在(特殊的)平滑样条问题中,一个人考虑了二次数据保真惩罚和拉普拉斯正则化的变异问题。可以通过用聚拉普拉斯的正规机构代替拉普拉斯的常规机构来获得较高的规律性。该方法很容易适应图,在这里,我们考虑在完全监督的,非参数,噪声损坏的回归问题中图形多拉普拉斯正则化。特别是,给定一个数据集$ \ {x_i \} _ {i = 1}^n $和一组嘈杂的标签$ \ {y_i \} _ {i = 1}^n \ subset \ subset \ mathbb {r}令$ u_n:\ {x_i \} _ {i = 1}^n \ to \ mathbb {r} $是由数据保真项组成的能量的最小化器,由数据保真术语和适当缩放的图形poly-laplacian项组成。当$ y_i = g(x_i)+\ xi_i $,对于IID噪声$ \ xi_i $,并使用几何随机图,我们在大型中识别(高概率)$ u_n $ to $ g $的收敛速率数据限制$ n \ to \ infty $。此外,我们的速率(到对数)与通常的平滑样条模型中已知的收敛速率相吻合。
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在许多应用程序(例如运动锦标赛或推荐系统)中,我们可以使用该数据,包括一组$ n $项目(或玩家)之间的成对比较。目的是使用这些数据来推断每个项目和/或其排名的潜在强度。此问题的现有结果主要集中在由单个比较图$ g $组成的设置上。但是,存在成对比较数据随时间发展的场景(例如体育比赛)。这种动态设置的理论结果相对有限,是本文的重点。我们研究\ emph {翻译同步}问题的扩展,到动态设置。在此设置中,我们给出了一系列比较图$(g_t)_ {t \ in \ mathcal {t}} $,其中$ \ nathcal {t} \ subset [0,1] $是代表时间的网格域,对于每个项目$ i $和time $ t \ in \ mathcal {t} $,有一个关联的未知强度参数$ z^*_ {t,i} \ in \ mathbb {r} $。我们的目标是恢复,以$ t \在\ Mathcal {t} $中,强度向量$ z^*_ t =(z^*_ {t,1},\ cdots,z^*_ {t,n}) $从$ z^*_ {t,i} -z^*_ {t,j} $的噪声测量值中,其中$ \ {i,j \} $是$ g_t $中的边缘。假设$ z^*_ t $在$ t $中顺利地演变,我们提出了两个估计器 - 一个基于平滑度的最小二乘方法,另一个基于对合适平滑度操作员低频本质空间的投影。对于两个估计器,我们为$ \ ell_2 $估计错误提供有限的样本范围,假设$ g_t $已连接到\ mathcal {t} $中的所有$ t \网格尺寸$ | \ MATHCAL {T} | $。我们通过有关合成和真实数据的实验来补充理论发现。
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我们研究基于度量传输的非参数密度估计器的收敛性和相关距离。这些估计量代表了利息的度量,作为传输图下选择的参考分布的推动力,其中地图是通过最大似然目标选择(等效地,将经验性的kullback-leibler损失)或其受惩罚版本选择。我们通过将M估计的技术与基于运输的密度表示的分析性能相结合,为一般惩罚措施估计量的一般类别的措施运输估计器建立了浓度不平等。然后,我们证明了我们的理论对三角形knothe-rosenblatt(kr)在$ d $维单元方面的运输的含义,并表明该估计器的惩罚和未化的版本都达到了Minimax最佳收敛速率,超过了H \ \ \'“较旧的密度类别。具体来说,我们建立了在有限的h \“较旧型球上,未确定的非参数最大似然估计,然后在某些sobolev-penalate的估计器和筛分的小波估计器中建立了最佳速率。
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我们考虑了一个通用的非线性模型,其中信号是未知(可能增加的,可能增加的特征数量)的有限混合物,该特征是由由真实非线性参数参数化的连续字典发出的。在连续或离散设置中使用高斯(可能相关)噪声观察信号。我们提出了一种网格优化方法,即一种不使用参数空间上任何离散化方案的方法来估计特征的非线性参数和混合物的线性参数。我们使用有关离网方法的几何形状的最新结果,在真实的基础非线性参数上给出最小的分离,以便可以构建插值证书函数。还使用尾部界限,用于高斯过程的上流,我们将预测误差限制为高概率。假设可以构建证书函数,我们的预测误差绑定到日志 - 因线性回归模型中LASSO预测器所达到的速率类似。我们还建立了收敛速率,以高概率量化线性和非线性参数的估计质量。
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We consider the problem of estimating a multivariate function $f_0$ of bounded variation (BV), from noisy observations $y_i = f_0(x_i) + z_i$ made at random design points $x_i \in \mathbb{R}^d$, $i=1,\ldots,n$. We study an estimator that forms the Voronoi diagram of the design points, and then solves an optimization problem that regularizes according to a certain discrete notion of total variation (TV): the sum of weighted absolute differences of parameters $\theta_i,\theta_j$ (which estimate the function values $f_0(x_i),f_0(x_j)$) at all neighboring cells $i,j$ in the Voronoi diagram. This is seen to be equivalent to a variational optimization problem that regularizes according to the usual continuum (measure-theoretic) notion of TV, once we restrict the domain to functions that are piecewise constant over the Voronoi diagram. The regression estimator under consideration hence performs (shrunken) local averaging over adaptively formed unions of Voronoi cells, and we refer to it as the Voronoigram, following the ideas in Koenker (2005), and drawing inspiration from Tukey's regressogram (Tukey, 1961). Our contributions in this paper span both the conceptual and theoretical frontiers: we discuss some of the unique properties of the Voronoigram in comparison to TV-regularized estimators that use other graph-based discretizations; we derive the asymptotic limit of the Voronoi TV functional; and we prove that the Voronoigram is minimax rate optimal (up to log factors) for estimating BV functions that are essentially bounded.
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Influence diagnostics such as influence functions and approximate maximum influence perturbations are popular in machine learning and in AI domain applications. Influence diagnostics are powerful statistical tools to identify influential datapoints or subsets of datapoints. We establish finite-sample statistical bounds, as well as computational complexity bounds, for influence functions and approximate maximum influence perturbations using efficient inverse-Hessian-vector product implementations. We illustrate our results with generalized linear models and large attention based models on synthetic and real data.
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近似消息传递(AMP)是解决高维统计问题的有效迭代范式。但是,当迭代次数超过$ o \ big(\ frac {\ log n} {\ log log \ log \ log n} \时big)$(带有$ n $问题维度)。为了解决这一不足,本文开发了一个非吸附框架,用于理解峰值矩阵估计中的AMP。基于AMP更新的新分解和可控的残差项,我们布置了一个分析配方,以表征在存在独立初始化的情况下AMP的有限样本行为,该过程被进一步概括以进行光谱初始化。作为提出的分析配方的两个具体后果:(i)求解$ \ mathbb {z} _2 $同步时,我们预测了频谱初始化AMP的行为,最高为$ o \ big(\ frac {n} {\ mathrm {\ mathrm { poly} \ log n} \ big)$迭代,表明该算法成功而无需随后的细化阶段(如最近由\ citet {celentano2021local}推测); (ii)我们表征了稀疏PCA中AMP的非反应性行为(在尖刺的Wigner模型中),以广泛的信噪比。
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当我们对优化模型中的不确定参数进行观察以及对协变量的同时观察时,我们研究了数据驱动决策的优化。鉴于新的协变量观察,目标是选择一个决定以此观察为条件的预期成本的决定。我们研究了三个数据驱动的框架,这些框架将机器学习预测模型集成在随机编程样本平均值近似(SAA)中,以近似解决该问题的解决方案。 SAA框架中的两个是新的,并使用了场景生成的剩余预测模型的样本外残差。我们研究的框架是灵活的,并且可以容纳参数,非参数和半参数回归技术。我们在数据生成过程,预测模型和随机程序中得出条件,在这些程序下,这些数据驱动的SaaS的解决方案是一致且渐近最佳的,并且还得出了收敛速率和有限的样本保证。计算实验验证了我们的理论结果,证明了我们数据驱动的公式比现有方法的潜在优势(即使预测模型被误解了),并说明了我们在有限的数据制度中新的数据驱动配方的好处。
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当回归函数属于标准的平滑类时,由衍生物的单变量函数组成,衍生物到达$(\ gamma + 1)$ th由Action Anclople或Ae界定的常见常数,众所周知,最小的收敛速率均值平均错误(MSE)是$ \左(\ FRAC {\ SIGMA ^ {2}} {n} \右)^ {\ frac {2 \ gamma + 2} {2 \ gamma + 3}} $ \伽玛$是有限的,样本尺寸$ n \ lightarrow \ idty $。从一个不可思议的观点来看,考虑有限$ N $,本文显示:对于旧的H \“较旧的和SoboLev类,最低限度最佳速率是$ \ frac {\ sigma ^ {2} \ left(\ gamma \ vee1 \右)$ \ frac {n} {\ sigma ^ {2}} \ precsim \ left(\ gamma \ vee1 \右)^ {2 \ gamma + 3} $和$ \ left(\ frac {\ sigma ^ {2}} {n} \右)^ {\ frac {2 \ gamma + 2} $ \ r \ frac {n} {\ sigma ^ {2}}} \ succsim \ left(\ gamma \ vee1 \右)^ {2 \ gamma + 3} $。为了建立这些结果,我们在覆盖和覆盖号码上获得上下界限,以获得$ k的广义H \“较旧的班级$ th($ k = 0,...,\ gamma $)衍生物由上面的参数$ r_ {k} $和$ \ gamma $ th衍生物是$ r _ {\ gamma + 1} - $ lipschitz (以及广义椭圆形的平滑功能)。我们的界限锐化了标准类的古典度量熵结果,并赋予$ \ gamma $和$ r_ {k} $的一般依赖。通过在$ r_ {k} = 1 $以下派生MIMIMAX最佳MSE率,$ r_ {k} \ LEQ \ left(k-1 \右)!$和$ r_ {k} = k!$(与后两个在我们的介绍中有动机的情况)在我们的新熵界的帮助下,我们展示了一些有趣的结果,无法在文献中的现有熵界显示。对于H \“较旧的$ D-$变化函数,我们的结果表明,归一渐近率$ \左(\ frac {\ sigma ^ {2}} {n}右)^ {\ frac {2 \ Gamma + 2} {2 \ Gamma + 2 + D}} $可能是有限样本中的MSE低估。
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Many applications, such as system identification, classification of time series, direct and inverse problems in partial differential equations, and uncertainty quantification lead to the question of approximation of a non-linear operator between metric spaces $\mathfrak{X}$ and $\mathfrak{Y}$. We study the problem of determining the degree of approximation of such operators on a compact subset $K_\mathfrak{X}\subset \mathfrak{X}$ using a finite amount of information. If $\mathcal{F}: K_\mathfrak{X}\to K_\mathfrak{Y}$, a well established strategy to approximate $\mathcal{F}(F)$ for some $F\in K_\mathfrak{X}$ is to encode $F$ (respectively, $\mathcal{F}(F)$) in terms of a finite number $d$ (repectively $m$) of real numbers. Together with appropriate reconstruction algorithms (decoders), the problem reduces to the approximation of $m$ functions on a compact subset of a high dimensional Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^d$, equivalently, the unit sphere $\mathbb{S}^d$ embedded in $\mathbb{R}^{d+1}$. The problem is challenging because $d$, $m$, as well as the complexity of the approximation on $\mathbb{S}^d$ are all large, and it is necessary to estimate the accuracy keeping track of the inter-dependence of all the approximations involved. In this paper, we establish constructive methods to do this efficiently; i.e., with the constants involved in the estimates on the approximation on $\mathbb{S}^d$ being $\mathcal{O}(d^{1/6})$. We study different smoothness classes for the operators, and also propose a method for approximation of $\mathcal{F}(F)$ using only information in a small neighborhood of $F$, resulting in an effective reduction in the number of parameters involved.
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Consider $n$ points independently sampled from a density $p$ of class $\mathcal{C}^2$ on a smooth compact $d$-dimensional sub-manifold $\mathcal{M}$ of $\mathbb{R}^m$, and consider the generator of a random walk visiting these points according to a transition kernel $K$. We study the almost sure uniform convergence of this operator to the diffusive Laplace-Beltrami operator when $n$ tends to infinity. This work extends known results of the past 15 years. In particular, our result does not require the kernel $K$ to be continuous, which covers the cases of walks exploring $k$NN-random and geometric graphs, and convergence rates are given. The distance between the random walk generator and the limiting operator is separated into several terms: a statistical term, related to the law of large numbers, is treated with concentration tools and an approximation term that we control with tools from differential geometry. The convergence of $k$NN Laplacians is detailed.
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协方差估计在功能数据分析中普遍存在。然而,对多维域的功能观测的情况引入了计算和统计挑战,使标准方法有效地不适用。为了解决这个问题,我们将“协方差网络”(CoVNet)介绍为建模和估算工具。 Covnet模型是“Universal” - 它可用于近似于达到所需精度的任何协方差。此外,该模型可以有效地拟合到数据,其神经网络架构允许我们在实现中采用现代计算工具。 Covnet模型还承认了一个封闭形式的实体分解,可以有效地计算,而不构建协方差本身。这有助于在CoVnet的背景下轻松存储和随后操纵协方差。我们建立了拟议估计者的一致性,得出了汇合速度。通过广泛的仿真研究和休息状态FMRI数据的应用,证明了所提出的方法的有用性。
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This work aims to give non-asymptotic results for estimating the first principal component of a multivariate random process. We first define the covariance function and the covariance operator in the multivariate case. We then define a projection operator. This operator can be seen as a reconstruction step from the raw data in the functional data analysis context. Next, we show that the eigenelements can be expressed as the solution to an optimization problem, and we introduce the LASSO variant of this optimization problem and the associated plugin estimator. Finally, we assess the estimator's accuracy. We establish a minimax lower bound on the mean square reconstruction error of the eigenelement, which proves that the procedure has an optimal variance in the minimax sense.
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