pla窃意味着从事他人的工作,而不为此归功于他们。窃是学术界和研究人员中最严重的问题之一。即使有多种工具可以在文档中检测窃,但其中大多数是特定于域的,旨在在英语文本中起作用,但pla窃不仅限于单一语言。孟加拉语是孟加拉国最广泛的语言,是印度第二大口语的语言,有3亿本人的母语和3700万本语言的人。窃检测需要大量的语料库进行比较。孟加拉文学的历史为1300年。因此,大多数孟加拉文学书籍尚未正确数字化。由于我们的目的没有这样的语料库,因此我们从印度国家数字图书馆收集了孟加拉文学书籍,并从中提取了全面的方法论并构建了我们的语料库。我们的实验结果发现,使用OCR,文本提取的平均准确性在72.10%-79.89%之间。 Levenshtein距离算法用于确定窃。我们已经构建了一个用于最终用户的Web应用程序,并成功地测试了孟加拉文本中的窃检测。将来,我们旨在构建一个具有更多书籍的语料库,以进行更准确的检测。
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Most low-resource languages do not have the necessary resources to create even a substantial monolingual corpus. These languages may often be found in government proceedings but mainly in Portable Document Format (PDF) that contains legacy fonts. Extracting text from these documents to create a monolingual corpus is challenging due to legacy font usage and printer-friendly encoding, which are not optimized for text extraction. Therefore, we propose a simple, automatic, and novel idea that can scale for Tamil, Sinhala, English languages, and many documents along with parallel corpora. Since Tamil and Sinhala are Low-Resource Languages, we improved the performance of Tesseract by employing LSTM-based training on more than 20 legacy fonts to recognize printed characters in these languages. Especially, our model detects code-mixed text, numbers, and special characters from the printed document. It is shown that this approach can reduce the character-level error rate of Tesseract from 6.03 to 2.61 for Tamil (-3.42% relative change) and 7.61 to 4.74 for Sinhala (-2.87% relative change), as well as the word-level error rate from 39.68 to 20.61 for Tamil (-19.07% relative change) and 35.04 to 26.58 for Sinhala (-8.46% relative change) on the test set. Also, our newly created parallel corpus consists of 185.4k, 168.9k, and 181.04k sentences and 2.11M, 2.22M, and 2.33M Words in Tamil, Sinhala, and English respectively. This study shows that fine-tuning Tesseract models on multiple new fonts help to understand the texts and enhances the performance of the OCR. We made newly trained models and the source code for fine-tuning Tesseract, freely available.
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该研究形成了由芬兰民族学家和语言学家,Matthias Alexander Castr \'en(1813-1852)收集和出版的材料进行的各种任务的技术报告。 Finno-Ugrian社会正在将Castr \'en的稿件作为新的关键和数字版本出版,同时不同的研究团体也关注这些材料。我们讨论了所用的工作流程和技术基础设施,并考虑如何创建有利于不同计算任务的数据集以进一步提高这些材料的可用性,并帮助进一步处理类似的归档集合。我们专注于以一种方式处理的集合的部分,这些集合可以在更提高其在更多技术应用中的可用性,补充较早的这些材料的文化和语言方面的工作。大多数这些数据集在Zenodo公开使用。该研究指出需要进一步研究的特定区域,并为文本识别任务提供基准。
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The International Workshop on Reading Music Systems (WoRMS) is a workshop that tries to connect researchers who develop systems for reading music, such as in the field of Optical Music Recognition, with other researchers and practitioners that could benefit from such systems, like librarians or musicologists. The relevant topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to: Music reading systems; Optical music recognition; Datasets and performance evaluation; Image processing on music scores; Writer identification; Authoring, editing, storing and presentation systems for music scores; Multi-modal systems; Novel input-methods for music to produce written music; Web-based Music Information Retrieval services; Applications and projects; Use-cases related to written music. These are the proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems, held in Delft on the 2nd of November 2019.
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土著非洲语言在人工智能中被归类为服务不足,并且数字包容性和信息获取差。挑战是如何在没有必要数据的情况下使用机器学习和深度学习模型。 Kencorpus是一种肯尼亚语言语料库,打算弥合有关如何收集和存储文本和语音数据的差距,足以启用数据驱动的解决方案,例如机器翻译,多语言社区中的问题回答和转录。 Kencorpus是一种主要在肯尼亚说的三种语言的语料库(文本和语音):斯瓦希里语,Dholuo和Luhya(方言Lumarachi,Lulogooli和Lubukusu)。该语料库打算填补开发数据集的空白,该数据集可用于低资源语言的自然语言处理和机器学习任务。这些语言中的每一种都为语言语料库贡献了文本和语音数据。数据收集是由社区,学校和合作伙伴(媒体,出版商)的研究人员完成的。 Kencorpus有5,594个项目的集合,为4,442个文本(560万字)和1,152个语音文件(177小时)。基于这些数据,还开发了其他数据集,例如Dholuo和Luhya的POS标记集(分别为50,000和93,000个单词),来自Swahili文本(7,537 QA对)的问答对,以及将文本转换为Swahili(12,400句子)。数据集可用于机器学习任务,例如文本处理,注释和翻译。该项目还在QA任务的文本和机器学习语音和机器学习中为概念系统提供了证明,最初的结果证实了Kencorpus对机器学习社区的可用性。 Kencorpus是这些低资源语言的第一个此类语料库,并且是学习和共享类似作品的经验的基础。
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在设计基于AI的系统中,有蓬勃发展的兴趣,以帮助人类设计计算系统,包括自动生成计算机代码的工具。这些最值得注意的是,以第一个自我描述的“Ai对程序员”,GitHub Copilot,一种在开源GitHub代码上培训的语言模型。但是,代码通常包含错误 - 因此,鉴于Copilot处理的大量未曝避代码,肯定是语言模型将从可利用的错误代码中学到。这提出了对Copilot代码捐助的安全的担忧。在这项工作中,我们系统地调查了可能导致Github CopIlot推荐不安全代码的普遍存在和条件。为了执行此分析,我们提示CopIlot在与高风险CWE相关的方案中生成代码(例如,从吉利的“前25名”列表中的方案)。我们探索了三个不同代码生成轴上的Copilot的表现 - 检查它如何表现为特定的弱点多样性,提示的多样性以及域的多样性。总共生产89个不同的Copilot方案,以完成,生产1,689个计划。其中,我们发现大约40%的脆弱。
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近年来,基于变压器的模型已导致自然语言处理的语言建模取得重大进步。但是,他们需要大量的数据接受(预先)训练,并且除英语以外的语言中缺乏语料库。最近,一些计划提出了从自动网络爬行获得的多语言数据集。但是,西班牙语的结果具有重要的缺点,因为与其他语言相比,它们要么太小,要么呈现出较低的质量,从而获得了次优的清洁和重复数据删除。在本文中,我们介绍了Escorpius,这是一种西班牙爬行语料库,该语料库是从附近的1 pb普通爬网数据中获得的。它是西班牙语中最广泛的语料库,其提取,纯化和重复数据删除的质量水平。我们的数据策划过程涉及一条新型的高度平行清洁管道,并包含一系列重复数据删除机制,以确保文档和段落边界的完整性。此外,我们同时维护源网页URL和WARC Shard Origin URL,以抱怨欧盟法规。 Escorpius已根据CC BY-NC-ND 4.0许可发布,可在HuggingFace上获得。
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自动程序合成是软件工程中的持久梦想。最近,Open AI和Microsoft提出了一种有希望的深度学习(DL)解决方案,称为Copilot,作为工业产品。尽管一些研究评估了副驾驶解决方案的正确性并报告其问题,但需要进行更多的经验评估,以了解开发人员如何有效地受益。在本文中,我们研究了两项不同的编程任务中副标士的功能:(1)为基本算法问题生成(和复制)正确,有效的解决方案,(2)将副副副总裁与人类程序员的建议解决方案与一组人的建议解决方案进行比较编程任务。对于前者,我们评估副铜在解决计算机科学中选定的基本问题(例如对基本数据结构的基本问题)中的性能和功能。在后者中,使用人提供的解决方案的编程问题数据集。结果表明,Copilot能够为几乎所有基本算法问题提供解决方案,但是,某些解决方案是越野车且不可复制的。此外,Copilot在组合多种方法来生成解决方案方面存在一些困难。将副驾驶员与人类进行比较,我们的结果表明,人类溶液的正确比率大于副本的正确比率,​​而副铜产生的越野车解决方案需要更少的努力来维修。尽管本研究和以前的研究中的强调,副柯洛特(Copilot)作为开发人员特别是在高级编程任务中的助手表现出局限性,但它可以为基本编程任务生成初步解决方案。
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Furigana是日语写作中使用的发音笔记。能够检测到这些可以帮助提高光学特征识别(OCR)性能,或通过正确显示Furigana来制作日本书面媒体的更准确的数字副本。该项目的重点是在日本书籍和漫画中检测Furigana。尽管已经研究了日本文本的检测,但目前尚无提议检测Furigana的方法。我们构建了一个包含日本书面媒体和Furigana注释的新数据集。我们建议对此类数据的评估度量,该度量与对象检测中使用的评估协议类似,除非它允许对象组通过一个注释标记。我们提出了一种基于数学形态和连接组件分析的Furigana检测方法。我们评估数据集的检测,并比较文本提取的不同方法。我们还分别评估了不同类型的图像,例如书籍和漫画,并讨论每种图像的挑战。所提出的方法在数据集上达到76 \%的F1得分。该方法在常规书籍上表现良好,但在漫画和不规则格式的书籍上的表现较少。最后,我们证明所提出的方法可以在漫画109数据集上提高OCR的性能5 \%。源代码可通过\ texttt {\ url {}}}
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评论是源代码的重要组成部分,是文档的主要来源。这引起了人们对使用大量注释的兴趣训练或评估消耗或生产它们的工具,例如生成甲骨文,甚至是从注释中生成代码,或自动生成代码摘要。这项工作大部分对评论的结构和质量做出了强烈的假设,例如假设它们主要由适当的英语句子组成。但是,我们对这些用例的现有评论的实际质量知之甚少。评论通常包含在其他类型的文本中看不到的独特结构和元素,并且从中过滤或提取信息需要额外的谨慎。本文探讨了来自GitHub的840个最受欢迎的开源项目和Srilab数据集的8422个项目的Python评论的内容和质量,并且Na \“ Ive vs.深入过滤的影响都可以使用现有注释来用于使用现有注释。培训和评估产生评论的系统。
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The number of scientific publications continues to rise exponentially, especially in Computer Science (CS). However, current solutions to analyze those publications restrict access behind a paywall, offer no features for visual analysis, limit access to their data, only focus on niches or sub-fields, and/or are not flexible and modular enough to be transferred to other datasets. In this thesis, we conduct a scientometric analysis to uncover the implicit patterns hidden in CS metadata and to determine the state of CS research. Specifically, we investigate trends of the quantity, impact, and topics for authors, venues, document types (conferences vs. journals), and fields of study (compared to, e.g., medicine). To achieve this we introduce the CS-Insights system, an interactive web application to analyze CS publications with various dashboards, filters, and visualizations. The data underlying this system is the DBLP Discovery Dataset (D3), which contains metadata from 5 million CS publications. Both D3 and CS-Insights are open-access, and CS-Insights can be easily adapted to other datasets in the future. The most interesting findings of our scientometric analysis include that i) there has been a stark increase in publications, authors, and venues in the last two decades, ii) many authors only recently joined the field, iii) the most cited authors and venues focus on computer vision and pattern recognition, while the most productive prefer engineering-related topics, iv) the preference of researchers to publish in conferences over journals dwindles, v) on average, journal articles receive twice as many citations compared to conference papers, but the contrast is much smaller for the most cited conferences and journals, and vi) journals also get more citations in all other investigated fields of study, while only CS and engineering publish more in conferences than journals.
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ClueWeb22, the newest iteration of the ClueWeb line of datasets, provides 10 billion web pages affiliated with rich information. Its design was influenced by the need for a high quality, large scale web corpus to support a range of academic and industry research, for example, in information systems, retrieval-augmented AI systems, and model pretraining. Compared with earlier ClueWeb corpora, the ClueWeb22 corpus is larger, more varied, of higher-quality, and aligned with the document distributions in commercial web search. Besides raw HTML, ClueWeb22 includes rich information about the web pages provided by industry-standard document understanding systems, including the visual representation of pages rendered by a web browser, parsed HTML structure information from a neural network parser, and pre-processed cleaned document text to lower the barrier to entry. Many of these signals have been widely used in industry but are available to the research community for the first time at this scale.
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Language identification (LID) is a crucial precursor for NLP, especially for mining web data. Problematically, most of the world's 7000+ languages today are not covered by LID technologies. We address this pressing issue for Africa by introducing AfroLID, a neural LID toolkit for $517$ African languages and varieties. AfroLID exploits a multi-domain web dataset manually curated from across 14 language families utilizing five orthographic systems. When evaluated on our blind Test set, AfroLID achieves 95.89 F_1-score. We also compare AfroLID to five existing LID tools that each cover a small number of African languages, finding it to outperform them on most languages. We further show the utility of AfroLID in the wild by testing it on the acutely under-served Twitter domain. Finally, we offer a number of controlled case studies and perform a linguistically-motivated error analysis that allow us to both showcase AfroLID's powerful capabilities and limitations.
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HTR models development has become a conventional step for digital humanities projects. The performance of these models, often quite high, relies on manual transcription and numerous handwritten documents. Although the method has proven successful for Latin scripts, a similar amount of data is not yet achievable for scripts considered poorly-endowed, like Arabic scripts. In that respect, we are introducing and assessing a new modus operandi for HTR models development and fine-tuning dedicated to the Arabic Maghrib{\=i} scripts. The comparison between several state-of-the-art HTR demonstrates the relevance of a word-based neural approach specialized for Arabic, capable to achieve an error rate below 5% with only 10 pages manually transcribed. These results open new perspectives for Arabic scripts processing and more generally for poorly-endowed languages processing. This research is part of the development of RASAM dataset in partnership with the GIS MOMM and the BULAC.
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