In Federated Learning, we aim to train models across multiple computing units (users), while users can only communicate with a common central server, without exchanging their data samples. This mechanism exploits the computational power of all users and allows users to obtain a richer model as their models are trained over a larger set of data points. However, this scheme only develops a common output for all the users, and, therefore, it does not adapt the model to each user. This is an important missing feature, especially given the heterogeneity of the underlying data distribution for various users. In this paper, we study a personalized variant of the federated learning in which our goal is to find an initial shared model that current or new users can easily adapt to their local dataset by performing one or a few steps of gradient descent with respect to their own data. This approach keeps all the benefits of the federated learning architecture, and, by structure, leads to a more personalized model for each user. We show this problem can be studied within the Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML) framework. Inspired by this connection, we study a personalized variant of the well-known Federated Averaging algorithm and evaluate its performance in terms of gradient norm for non-convex loss functions. Further, we characterize how this performance is affected by the closeness of underlying distributions of user data, measured in terms of distribution distances such as Total Variation and 1-Wasserstein metric.Recently, the idea of personalization in FL and its connections with MAML has gained a lot of attention. In particular, [32] considers a formulation and algorithm similar to our paper, and elaborates
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Federated learning (FL) is a decentralized and privacy-preserving machine learning technique in which a group of clients collaborate with a server to learn a global model without sharing clients' data. One challenge associated with FL is statistical diversity among clients, which restricts the global model from delivering good performance on each client's task. To address this, we propose an algorithm for personalized FL (pFedMe) using Moreau envelopes as clients' regularized loss functions, which help decouple personalized model optimization from the global model learning in a bi-level problem stylized for personalized FL. Theoretically, we show that pFedMe's convergence rate is state-of-the-art: achieving quadratic speedup for strongly convex and sublinear speedup of order 2/3 for smooth nonconvex objectives. Experimentally, we verify that pFedMe excels at empirical performance compared with the vanilla FedAvg and Per-FedAvg, a meta-learning based personalized FL algorithm.
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最近,模型 - 不可知的元学习(MAML)已经获得了巨大的关注。然而,MAML的随机优化仍然不成熟。 MAML的现有算法利用“剧集”思想,通过对每个迭代的每个采样任务进行采样和一些数据点来更新元模型。但是,它们不一定能够以恒定的小批量大小保证收敛,或者需要在每次迭代时处理大量任务,这对于持续学习或跨设备联合学习不可行,其中仅提供少量任务每次迭代或每轮。本文通过(i)提出了与消失收敛误差的有效的基于内存的随机算法提出了基于存储的基于存储器的随机算法,这只需要采样恒定数量的任务和恒定数量的每次迭代数据样本; (ii)提出基于通信的分布式内存基于存储器的MAML算法,用于跨设备(带客户端采样)和跨筒仓(无客户采样)设置中的个性化联合学习。理论结果显着改善了MAML的优化理论,实证结果也证实了理论。
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个性化联合学习(PFL)是一种新的联邦学习(FL)方法,可解决分布式用户设备(UES)生成的数据集的异质性问题。但是,大多数现有的PFL实现都依赖于同步培训来确保良好的收敛性能,这可能会导致严重的散乱问题,在这种情况下,训练时间大量延长了最慢的UE。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种半同步PFL算法,被称为半同步个性化的FederatedAveraging(Perfeds $^2 $),而不是移动边缘网络。通过共同优化无线带宽分配和UE调度策略,它不仅减轻了Straggler问题,而且还提供了收敛的培训损失保证。我们根据每回合的参与者数量和回合数量来得出Perfeds2收敛速率的上限。在此基础上,可以使用分析解决方案解决带宽分配问题,并且可以通过贪婪算法获得UE调度策略。实验结果与同步和异步PFL算法相比,验证了Perfeds2在节省训练时间和保证训练损失的收敛方面的有效性。
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Federated learning is a distributed framework according to which a model is trained over a set of devices, while keeping data localized. This framework faces several systemsoriented challenges which include (i) communication bottleneck since a large number of devices upload their local updates to a parameter server, and (ii) scalability as the federated network consists of millions of devices. Due to these systems challenges as well as issues related to statistical heterogeneity of data and privacy concerns, designing a provably efficient federated learning method is of significant importance yet it remains challenging. In this paper, we present FedPAQ, a communication-efficient Federated Learning method with Periodic Averaging and Quantization. FedPAQ relies on three key features: (1) periodic averaging where models are updated locally at devices and only periodically averaged at the server; (2) partial device participation where only a fraction of devices participate in each round of the training; and (3) quantized messagepassing where the edge nodes quantize their updates before uploading to the parameter server. These features address the communications and scalability challenges in federated learning. We also show that FedPAQ achieves near-optimal theoretical guarantees for strongly convex and non-convex loss functions and empirically demonstrate the communication-computation tradeoff provided by our method.
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在联合学习(FL)中,通过跨设备的模型更新进行合作学习全球模型的目的倾向于通过本地信息反对个性化的目标。在这项工作中,我们通过基于多准则优化的框架以定量的方式校准了这一权衡,我们将其作为一个受约束的程序进行了:设备的目标是其本地目标,它试图最大程度地减少在满足非线性约束的同时,以使其满足非线性约束,这些目标是其本地目标。量化本地模型和全局模型之间的接近度。通过考虑该问题的拉格朗日放松,我们开发了一种算法,该算法允许每个节点通过查询到一阶梯度Oracle将其Lagrangian的本地组件最小化。然后,服务器执行Lagrange乘法器上升步骤,然后进行Lagrange乘法器加权步骤。我们称这种实例化的原始偶对方法是联合学习超出共识($ \ texttt {fedBc} $)的实例。从理论上讲,我们确定$ \ texttt {fedBc} $以与最算好状态相匹配的速率收敛到一阶固定点,直到额外的错误项,取决于由于接近性约束而产生的公差参数。总体而言,该分析是针对非凸鞍点问题的原始偶对偶的方法的新颖表征。最后,我们证明了$ \ texttt {fedBc} $平衡了整个数据集(合成,MNIST,CIFAR-10,莎士比亚)的全球和本地模型测试精度指标,从而与艺术现状达到了竞争性能。
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在本文中,我们研究了模型 - 不可知的元学习(MAML)算法的泛化特性,用于监督学习问题。我们专注于我们培训MAML模型超过$ M $任务的设置,每个都有$ n $数据点,并从两个视角表征其泛化错误:首先,我们假设测试时间的新任务是其中之一培训任务,我们表明,对于强烈凸的客观函数,预期的多余人口损失是由$ {\ mathcal {o}}(1 / mn)$的界限。其次,我们考虑MAML算法的概念任务的泛化,并表明产生的泛化误差取决于新任务的底层分布与培训过程中观察到的任务之间的总变化距离。我们的校对技术依赖于算法稳定性与算法的泛化界之间的连接。特别是,我们为元学习算法提出了一种新的稳定性定义,这使我们能够捕获每项任务的任务数量的任务数量的角色$ N $对MAML的泛化误差。
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The increasing size of data generated by smartphones and IoT devices motivated the development of Federated Learning (FL), a framework for on-device collaborative training of machine learning models. First efforts in FL focused on learning a single global model with good average performance across clients, but the global model may be arbitrarily bad for a given client, due to the inherent heterogeneity of local data distributions. Federated multi-task learning (MTL) approaches can learn personalized models by formulating an opportune penalized optimization problem. The penalization term can capture complex relations among personalized models, but eschews clear statistical assumptions about local data distributions. In this work, we propose to study federated MTL under the flexible assumption that each local data distribution is a mixture of unknown underlying distributions. This assumption encompasses most of the existing personalized FL approaches and leads to federated EM-like algorithms for both client-server and fully decentralized settings. Moreover, it provides a principled way to serve personalized models to clients not seen at training time. The algorithms' convergence is analyzed through a novel federated surrogate optimization framework, which can be of general interest. Experimental results on FL benchmarks show that our approach provides models with higher accuracy and fairness than state-of-the-art methods.
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我们提出了一种在异质环境中联合学习的沟通有效方法。在存在$ k $不同的数据分布的情况下,系统异质性反映了,每个用户仅从$ k $分布中的一个中采样数据。所提出的方法只需要在用户和服务器之间进行一次通信,从而大大降低了通信成本。此外,提出的方法通过在样本量方面实现最佳的于点错误(MSE)率,即在异质环境中提供强大的学习保证相同的数据分布,前提是,每个用户的数据点数量高于我们从系统参数方面明确表征的阈值。值得注意的是,这是可以实现的,而无需任何了解基础分布,甚至不需要任何分布数量$ k $。数值实验说明了我们的发现并强调了所提出的方法的性能。
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联邦元学习(FML)已成为应对当今边缘学习竞技场中的数据限制和异质性挑战的承诺范式。然而,其性能通常受到缓慢的收敛性和相应的低通信效率的限制。此外,由于可用的无线电频谱和物联网设备的能量容量通常不足,因此在在实际无线网络中部署FML时,控制资源分配和能量消耗是至关重要的。为了克服挑战,在本文中,我们严格地分析了每个设备对每轮全球损失减少的贡献,并使用非统一的设备选择方案开发FML算法(称为Nufm)以加速收敛。之后,我们制定了集成NuFM在多通道无线系统中的资源分配问题,共同提高收敛速率并最小化壁钟时间以及能量成本。通过逐步解构原始问题,我们设计了一个联合设备选择和资源分配策略,以解决理论保证问题。此外,我们表明Nufm的计算复杂性可以通过$ O(d ^ 2)$至$ o(d)$(使用模型维度$ d $)通过组合两个一阶近似技术来降低。广泛的仿真结果表明,与现有基线相比,所提出的方法的有效性和优越性。
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从经验上证明,在跨客户聚集之前应用多个本地更新的实践是克服联合学习(FL)中的通信瓶颈的成功方法。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种通用食谱,即FedShuffle,可以更好地利用FL中的本地更新,尤其是在异质性方面。与许多先前的作品不同,FedShuffle在每个设备的更新数量上没有任何统一性。我们的FedShuffle食谱包括四种简单的功能成分:1)数据的本地改组,2)调整本地学习率,3)更新加权,4)减少动量方差(Cutkosky and Orabona,2019年)。我们对FedShuffle进行了全面的理论分析,并表明从理论和经验上讲,我们的方法都不遭受FL方法中存在的目标功能不匹配的障碍,这些方法假设在异质FL设置中,例如FedAvg(McMahan等人,McMahan等, 2017)。此外,通过将上面的成分结合起来,FedShuffle在Fednova上改善(Wang等,2020),以前提议解决此不匹配。我们还表明,在Hessian相似性假设下,通过降低动量方差的FedShuffle可以改善非本地方法。最后,通过对合成和现实世界数据集的实验,我们说明了FedShuffle中使用的四种成分中的每种如何有助于改善FL中局部更新的使用。
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In federated optimization, heterogeneity in the clients' local datasets and computation speeds results in large variations in the number of local updates performed by each client in each communication round. Naive weighted aggregation of such models causes objective inconsistency, that is, the global model converges to a stationary point of a mismatched objective function which can be arbitrarily different from the true objective. This paper provides a general framework to analyze the convergence of federated heterogeneous optimization algorithms. It subsumes previously proposed methods such as FedAvg and FedProx and provides the first principled understanding of the solution bias and the convergence slowdown due to objective inconsistency. Using insights from this analysis, we propose Fed-Nova, a normalized averaging method that eliminates objective inconsistency while preserving fast error convergence.
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This study investigates clustered federated learning (FL), one of the formulations of FL with non-i.i.d. data, where the devices are partitioned into clusters and each cluster optimally fits its data with a localized model. We propose a novel clustered FL framework, which applies a nonconvex penalty to pairwise differences of parameters. This framework can automatically identify clusters without a priori knowledge of the number of clusters and the set of devices in each cluster. To implement the proposed framework, we develop a novel clustered FL method called FPFC. Advancing from the standard ADMM, our method is implemented in parallel, updates only a subset of devices at each communication round, and allows each participating device to perform a variable amount of work. This greatly reduces the communication cost while simultaneously preserving privacy, making it practical for FL. We also propose a new warmup strategy for hyperparameter tuning under FL settings and consider the asynchronous variant of FPFC (asyncFPFC). Theoretically, we provide convergence guarantees of FPFC for general nonconvex losses and establish the statistical convergence rate under a linear model with squared loss. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the advantages of FPFC over existing methods.
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Federated Learning is a distributed learning paradigm with two key challenges that differentiate it from traditional distributed optimization: (1) significant variability in terms of the systems characteristics on each device in the network (systems heterogeneity), and (2) non-identically distributed data across the network (statistical heterogeneity). In this work, we introduce a framework, FedProx, to tackle heterogeneity in federated networks. FedProx can be viewed as a generalization and re-parametrization of FedAvg, the current state-of-the-art method for federated learning. While this re-parameterization makes only minor modifications to the method itself, these modifications have important ramifications both in theory and in practice. Theoretically, we provide convergence guarantees for our framework when learning over data from non-identical distributions (statistical heterogeneity), and while adhering to device-level systems constraints by allowing each participating device to perform a variable amount of work (systems heterogeneity). Practically, we demonstrate that FedProx allows for more robust convergence than FedAvg across a suite of realistic federated datasets. In particular, in highly heterogeneous settings, FedProx demonstrates significantly more stable and accurate convergence behavior relative to FedAvg-improving absolute test accuracy by 22% on average.
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标准联合优化方法成功地适用于单层结构的随机问题。然而,许多当代的ML问题 - 包括对抗性鲁棒性,超参数调整和参与者 - 批判性 - 属于嵌套的双层编程,这些编程包含微型型和组成优化。在这项工作中,我们提出了\ fedblo:一种联合交替的随机梯度方法来解决一般的嵌套问题。我们在存在异质数据的情况下为\ fedblo建立了可证明的收敛速率,并引入了二聚体,最小值和组成优化的变化。\ fedblo引入了多种创新,包括联邦高级计算和降低方差,以解决内部级别的异质性。我们通过有关超参数\&超代理学习和最小值优化的实验来补充我们的理论,以证明我们方法在实践中的好处。代码可在上找到。
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