在本文中,我们提出了一种用于链接预测任务的路径感知暹罗图神经网络(PSG)的算法。首先,PSG可以捕获给定两个节点的节点和边缘特征,即k-邻晶的结构信息和节点的继电器路径信息。此外,PSG利用暹罗图神经网络来表示两个对比链接,这是一个积极的联系和负面的联系。我们在OGBL-DDI的Open Graph Benchmark(OGB)的链接属性预测数据集上评估了所提出的算法PSG。PSG在OGBL-DDI上取得了前1位的表现。实验结果验证了PSG的优势。
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在本文中,我们旨在提供有效的成对学习神经链路预测(PLNLP)框架。该框架将链路预测视为对等级问题的成对学习,包括四个主要组件,即邻域编码器,链路预测器,负采样器和目标函数组成。该框架灵活地,任何通用图形神经卷积或链路预测特定神经结构都可以作为邻域编码器。对于链路预测器,我们设计不同的评分功能,可以基于不同类型的图表来选择。在否定采样器中,我们提供了几种采样策略,这些策略是特定的问题。至于目标函数,我们建议使用有效的排名损失,这大约最大化标准排名度量AUC。我们在4个链路属性预测数据集上评估了开放图基准的4个链接属性预测数据集,包括\ texttt {ogbl-ddi},\ texttt {ogbl-collbab},\ texttt {ogbl-ppa}和\ texttt {ogbl-ciation2}。 PLNLP在\ TextTt {ogbl-ddi}上实现前1个性能,以及仅使用基本神经架构的\ texttt {ogbl-collab}和\ texttt {ogbl-ciation2}的前2个性能。该性能展示了PLNLP的有效性。
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由于多药的组合被广泛应用,因此准确的药物相互作用(DDI)的准确预测变得越来越关键。在我们的方法中,我们使用图代表药物相互作用:节点代表药物;边缘代表药物相互作用。基于我们的假设,我们将DDI的预测转换为链接预测问题,利用已知的药物节点特性和DDI类型来预测未知的DDI类型。这项工作提出了一个图形距离神经网络(GDNN),以预测药物 - 药物相互作用。首先,GDNN通过目标点方法生成节点的初始特征,完全包括图中的距离信息。其次,GDNN采用改进的消息传递框架来更好地生成每个药物节点嵌入式表达式,全面考虑节点和边缘的特征。第三,GDNN聚集了嵌入式表达式,经过MLP处理以生成最终预测的药物相互作用类型。 GDNN在OGB-DDI数据集上实现了hits@20 = 0.9037,证明GDNN可以有效地预测DDI。
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多药物(定义为使用多种药物)是一种标准治疗方法,尤其是对于严重和慢性疾病。但是,将多种药物一起使用可能会导致药物之间的相互作用。药物 - 药物相互作用(DDI)是一种与另一种药物结合时的影响发生变化时发生的活性。 DDI可能会阻塞,增加或减少药物的预期作用,或者在最坏情况下,会产生不利的副作用。虽然准时检测DDI至关重要,但由于持续时间短,并且在临床试验中识别它们是时间的,而且昂贵,并且要考虑许多可能的药物对进行测试。结果,需要计算方法来预测DDI。在本文中,我们提出了一种新型的异质图注意模型Han-DDI,以预测药物 - 药物相互作用。我们建立了具有不同生物实体的药物网络。然后,我们开发了一个异质的图形注意网络,以使用药物与其他实体的关系学习DDI。它由一个基于注意力的异质图节点编码器组成,用于获得药物节点表示和用于预测药物相互作用的解码器。此外,我们利用全面的实验来评估我们的模型并将其与最先进的模型进行比较。实验结果表明,我们提出的方法Han-DDI的表现可以显着,准确地预测DDI,即使对于新药也是如此。
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Inferring missing links or detecting spurious ones based on observed graphs, known as link prediction, is a long-standing challenge in graph data analysis. With the recent advances in deep learning, graph neural networks have been used for link prediction and have achieved state-of-the-art performance. Nevertheless, existing methods developed for this purpose are typically discriminative, computing features of local subgraphs around two neighboring nodes and predicting potential links between them from the perspective of subgraph classification. In this formalism, the selection of enclosing subgraphs and heuristic structural features for subgraph classification significantly affects the performance of the methods. To overcome this limitation, this paper proposes a novel and radically different link prediction algorithm based on the network reconstruction theory, called GraphLP. Instead of sampling positive and negative links and heuristically computing the features of their enclosing subgraphs, GraphLP utilizes the feature learning ability of deep-learning models to automatically extract the structural patterns of graphs for link prediction under the assumption that real-world graphs are not locally isolated. Moreover, GraphLP explores high-order connectivity patterns to utilize the hierarchical organizational structures of graphs for link prediction. Our experimental results on all common benchmark datasets from different applications demonstrate that the proposed method consistently outperforms other state-of-the-art methods. Unlike the discriminative neural network models used for link prediction, GraphLP is generative, which provides a new paradigm for neural-network-based link prediction.
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我们介绍了一种新颖的屏蔽图AutoEncoder(MGAE)框架,以在图形结构数据上执行有效的学习。从自我监督学习中欣识见,我们随机掩盖了大部分边缘,并在训练期间尝试重建这些缺失的边缘。 Mgae有两个核心设计。首先,我们发现掩蔽了输入图结构的高比率,例如70 \%$,产生一个非凡和有意义的自我监督任务,使下游应用程序受益。其次,我们使用图形神经网络(GNN)作为编码器,以在部分掩蔽的图表上执行消息传播。为了重建大量掩模边缘,提出了一种定制的互相关解码器。它可以捕获多粒度的锚边的头部和尾部节点之间的互相关。耦合这两种设计使MGAE能够有效且有效地培训。在多个开放数据集(Planetoid和OGB基准测试)上进行了广泛的实验,证明MGAE通常比链接预测和节点分类更好地表现优于最先进的无监督竞争对手。
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链接预测是图形上非常基本的任务。在本文中受到传统路径的方法的启发,我们提出了一种基于链路预测路径的一般和灵活的表示学习框架。具体地,我们将一对节点的表示定义为所有路径表示的广义和,每个路径表示为路径中的边缘表示的广义乘积。通过贝尔曼-Ford算法来解决最短路径问题,我们表明,所提出的路径配方可以通过广义的Bellman-Ford算法有效地解决。为了进一步提高路径制构的能力,我们提出了神经贝尔曼 - 福特网络(NBFNET),这是一种全图神经网络框架,其解决了通过广义Bellman-Ford算法中的学习运算符的路径制定。 NBFNET使用3个神经元件,即指示器,消息和聚合函数参数,即分别对应于边界条件,乘法运算符和求和运算符。 NBFNET非常一般,涵盖许多传统的基于路径的方法,并且可以应用于转导和归纳设置的同质图和多关系图(例如,知识图表)。两个均匀图表和知识图表的实验表明,所提出的NBFNET在转换和归纳设置中的大幅度优于现有方法,实现了新的最先进的结果。
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归纳链路预测(ILP)是考虑到新兴知识图(kgs)中未见实体的联系,考虑到KGS的发展性质。一个更具挑战性的场景是,新兴的kg仅由看不见的实体组成,被称为已断开新兴kgs(DEKGS)。 DEKGS的现有研究仅专注于预测封闭链接,即预测新兴KG内部的联系。到目前为止,先前的工作尚未对将进化信息从原始KG到DEKG进行进化信息。为了填补空白,我们提出了一个名为DEKG-ILP的新型模型(由以下两个组成部分组成的dekg-ilp(断开新兴知识图形的归纳链路预测)。 (1)模块CLRM(基于对比的关系特定特征特征建模)是为了提取基于全球关系的语义特征而开发的,它们在原始KGS和DEKGS之间以新颖的采样策略共享。 (2)提出了模块GSM(基于GNN的子图建模),以提取围绕KGS中每个链接的局部子图拓扑信息。在几个基准数据集上进行的广泛实验表明,与最新方法相比,DEKG-ILP具有明显的性能改进,用于封闭和桥接链路预测。源代码可在线获得。
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Learning node embeddings that capture a node's position within the broader graph structure is crucial for many prediction tasks on graphs. However, existing Graph Neural Network (GNN) architectures have limited power in capturing the position/location of a given node with respect to all other nodes of the graph. Here we propose Position-aware Graph Neural Networks (P-GNNs), a new class of GNNs for computing position-aware node embeddings. P-GNN first samples sets of anchor nodes, computes the distance of a given target node to each anchor-set, and then learns a non-linear distance-weighted aggregation scheme over the anchor-sets. This way P-GNNs can capture positions/locations of nodes with respect to the anchor nodes. P-GNNs have several advantages: they are inductive, scalable, and can incorporate node feature information. We apply P-GNNs to multiple prediction tasks including link prediction and community detection. We show that P-GNNs consistently outperform state of the art GNNs, with up to 66% improvement in terms of the ROC AUC score.Node embedding methods can be categorized into Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) approaches (Scarselli et al., 2009),
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Graph neural networks (GNNs) have received remarkable success in link prediction (GNNLP) tasks. Existing efforts first predefine the subgraph for the whole dataset and then apply GNNs to encode edge representations by leveraging the neighborhood structure induced by the fixed subgraph. The prominence of GNNLP methods significantly relies on the adhoc subgraph. Since node connectivity in real-world graphs is complex, one shared subgraph is limited for all edges. Thus, the choices of subgraphs should be personalized to different edges. However, performing personalized subgraph selection is nontrivial since the potential selection space grows exponentially to the scale of edges. Besides, the inference edges are not available during training in link prediction scenarios, so the selection process needs to be inductive. To bridge the gap, we introduce a Personalized Subgraph Selector (PS2) as a plug-and-play framework to automatically, personally, and inductively identify optimal subgraphs for different edges when performing GNNLP. PS2 is instantiated as a bi-level optimization problem that can be efficiently solved differently. Coupling GNNLP models with PS2, we suggest a brand-new angle towards GNNLP training: by first identifying the optimal subgraphs for edges; and then focusing on training the inference model by using the sampled subgraphs. Comprehensive experiments endorse the effectiveness of our proposed method across various GNNLP backbones (GCN, GraphSage, NGCF, LightGCN, and SEAL) and diverse benchmarks (Planetoid, OGB, and Recommendation datasets). Our code is publicly available at \url{https://github.com/qiaoyu-tan/PS2}
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Link prediction is a key problem for network-structured data. Link prediction heuristics use some score functions, such as common neighbors and Katz index, to measure the likelihood of links. They have obtained wide practical uses due to their simplicity, interpretability, and for some of them, scalability. However, every heuristic has a strong assumption on when two nodes are likely to link, which limits their effectiveness on networks where these assumptions fail. In this regard, a more reasonable way should be learning a suitable heuristic from a given network instead of using predefined ones. By extracting a local subgraph around each target link, we aim to learn a function mapping the subgraph patterns to link existence, thus automatically learning a "heuristic" that suits the current network. In this paper, we study this heuristic learning paradigm for link prediction. First, we develop a novel γ-decaying heuristic theory. The theory unifies a wide range of heuristics in a single framework, and proves that all these heuristics can be well approximated from local subgraphs. Our results show that local subgraphs reserve rich information related to link existence. Second, based on the γ-decaying theory, we propose a new method to learn heuristics from local subgraphs using a graph neural network (GNN). Its experimental results show unprecedented performance, working consistently well on a wide range of problems.
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Clustering is a fundamental problem in network analysis that finds closely connected groups of nodes and separates them from other nodes in the graph, while link prediction is to predict whether two nodes in a network are likely to have a link. The definition of both naturally determines that clustering must play a positive role in obtaining accurate link prediction tasks. Yet researchers have long ignored or used inappropriate ways to undermine this positive relationship. In this article, We construct a simple but efficient clustering-driven link prediction framework(ClusterLP), with the goal of directly exploiting the cluster structures to obtain connections between nodes as accurately as possible in both undirected graphs and directed graphs. Specifically, we propose that it is easier to establish links between nodes with similar representation vectors and cluster tendencies in undirected graphs, while nodes in a directed graphs can more easily point to nodes similar to their representation vectors and have greater influence in their own cluster. We customized the implementation of ClusterLP for undirected and directed graphs, respectively, and the experimental results using multiple real-world networks on the link prediction task showed that our models is highly competitive with existing baseline models. The code implementation of ClusterLP and baselines we use are available at https://github.com/ZINUX1998/ClusterLP.
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图表可以模拟实体之间的复杂交互,它在许多重要的应用程序中自然出现。这些应用程序通常可以投入到标准图形学习任务中,其中关键步骤是学习低维图表示。图形神经网络(GNN)目前是嵌入方法中最受欢迎的模型。然而,邻域聚合范例中的标准GNN患有区分\ EMPH {高阶}图形结构的有限辨别力,而不是\ EMPH {低位}结构。为了捕获高阶结构,研究人员求助于主题和开发的基于主题的GNN。然而,现有的基于主基的GNN仍然仍然遭受较少的辨别力的高阶结构。为了克服上述局限性,我们提出了一个新颖的框架,以更好地捕获高阶结构的新框架,铰接于我们所提出的主题冗余最小化操作员和注射主题组合的新颖框架。首先,MGNN生成一组节点表示W.R.T.每个主题。下一阶段是我们在图案中提出的冗余最小化,该主题在彼此相互比较并蒸馏出每个主题的特征。最后,MGNN通过组合来自不同图案的多个表示来执行节点表示的更新。特别地,为了增强鉴别的功率,MGNN利用重新注射功能来组合表示的函数w.r.t.不同的主题。我们进一步表明,我们的拟议体系结构增加了GNN的表现力,具有理论分析。我们展示了MGNN在节点分类和图形分类任务上的七个公共基准上表现出最先进的方法。
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Link prediction is a crucial problem in graph-structured data. Due to the recent success of graph neural networks (GNNs), a variety of GNN-based models were proposed to tackle the link prediction task. Specifically, GNNs leverage the message passing paradigm to obtain node representation, which relies on link connectivity. However, in a link prediction task, links in the training set are always present while ones in the testing set are not yet formed, resulting in a discrepancy of the connectivity pattern and bias of the learned representation. It leads to a problem of dataset shift which degrades the model performance. In this paper, we first identify the dataset shift problem in the link prediction task and provide theoretical analyses on how existing link prediction methods are vulnerable to it. We then propose FakeEdge, a model-agnostic technique, to address the problem by mitigating the graph topological gap between training and testing sets. Extensive experiments demonstrate the applicability and superiority of FakeEdge on multiple datasets across various domains.
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