We introduce a new family of deep neural network models. Instead of specifying a discrete sequence of hidden layers, we parameterize the derivative of the hidden state using a neural network. The output of the network is computed using a blackbox differential equation solver. These continuous-depth models have constant memory cost, adapt their evaluation strategy to each input, and can explicitly trade numerical precision for speed. We demonstrate these properties in continuous-depth residual networks and continuous-time latent variable models. We also construct continuous normalizing flows, a generative model that can train by maximum likelihood, without partitioning or ordering the data dimensions. For training, we show how to scalably backpropagate through any ODE solver, without access to its internal operations. This allows end-to-end training of ODEs within larger models.
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Normalizing flows provide a general mechanism for defining expressive probability distributions, only requiring the specification of a (usually simple) base distribution and a series of bijective transformations. There has been much recent work on normalizing flows, ranging from improving their expressive power to expanding their application. We believe the field has now matured and is in need of a unified perspective. In this review, we attempt to provide such a perspective by describing flows through the lens of probabilistic modeling and inference. We place special emphasis on the fundamental principles of flow design, and discuss foundational topics such as expressive power and computational trade-offs. We also broaden the conceptual framing of flows by relating them to more general probability transformations. Lastly, we summarize the use of flows for tasks such as generative modeling, approximate inference, and supervised learning.
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Normalizing Flows are generative models which produce tractable distributions where both sampling and density evaluation can be efficient and exact. The goal of this survey article is to give a coherent and comprehensive review of the literature around the construction and use of Normalizing Flows for distribution learning. We aim to provide context and explanation of the models, review current state-of-the-art literature, and identify open questions and promising future directions.
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Neural ordinary differential equations (neural ODEs) have emerged as a novel network architecture that bridges dynamical systems and deep learning. However, the gradient obtained with the continuous adjoint method in the vanilla neural ODE is not reverse-accurate. Other approaches suffer either from an excessive memory requirement due to deep computational graphs or from limited choices for the time integration scheme, hampering their application to large-scale complex dynamical systems. To achieve accurate gradients without compromising memory efficiency and flexibility, we present a new neural ODE framework, PNODE, based on high-level discrete adjoint algorithmic differentiation. By leveraging discrete adjoint time integrators and advanced checkpointing strategies tailored for these integrators, PNODE can provide a balance between memory and computational costs, while computing the gradients consistently and accurately. We provide an open-source implementation based on PyTorch and PETSc, one of the most commonly used portable, scalable scientific computing libraries. We demonstrate the performance through extensive numerical experiments on image classification and continuous normalizing flow problems. We show that PNODE achieves the highest memory efficiency when compared with other reverse-accurate methods. On the image classification problems, PNODE is up to two times faster than the vanilla neural ODE and up to 2.3 times faster than the best existing reverse-accurate method. We also show that PNODE enables the use of the implicit time integration methods that are needed for stiff dynamical systems.
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在科学的背景下,众所周知的格言“一张图片胜过千言万语”可能是“一个型号胜过一千个数据集”。在本手稿中,我们将Sciml软件生态系统介绍作为混合物理法律和科学模型的信息,并使用数据驱动的机器学习方法。我们描述了一个数学对象,我们表示通用微分方程(UDE),作为连接生态系统的统一框架。我们展示了各种各样的应用程序,从自动发现解决高维汉密尔顿 - Jacobi-Bellman方程的生物机制,可以通过UDE形式主义和工具进行措辞和有效地处理。我们展示了软件工具的一般性,以处理随机性,延迟和隐式约束。这使得各种SCIML应用程序变为核心训练机构的核心集,这些训练机构高度优化,稳定硬化方程,并与分布式并行性和GPU加速器兼容。
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We show that standard ResNet architectures can be made invertible, allowing the same model to be used for classification, density estimation, and generation. Typically, enforcing invertibility requires partitioning dimensions or restricting network architectures. In contrast, our approach only requires adding a simple normalization step during training, already available in standard frameworks. Invertible ResNets define a generative model which can be trained by maximum likelihood on unlabeled data. To compute likelihoods, we introduce a tractable approximation to the Jacobian log-determinant of a residual block. Our empirical evaluation shows that invertible ResNets perform competitively with both stateof-the-art image classifiers and flow-based generative models, something that has not been previously achieved with a single architecture.
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我们提出了一种新颖的二阶优化框架,用于训练新兴的深度连续时间模型,特别是神经常规方程(神经杂物杂物)。由于他们的训练已经涉及昂贵的梯度计算来通过求解向后ode,因此导出有效的二阶方法变得高度不变。然而,灵感来自最近的最佳控制(OC)对训练深网络的解释,我们表明,可以采用称为差分编程的特定连续时间oC方法,以获得同一O(1 )内存成本。我们进一步探索了二阶衍生品的低级别表示,并表明它导致借助基于Kronecker的分子化的有效的预处理更新。由此产生的方法 - 命名的snopt - 收敛于壁钟时间中的一阶基线的速度要快得多,并且改进仍然在各种应用中保持一致,例如,图像分类,生成流量和时间序列预测。我们的框架还实现了直接的架构优化,例如神经杂物的集成时间,具有二阶反馈策略,加强了OC视角作为深度学习中优化的原则性工具。我们的代码可在https://github.com/ghliu/snopt上获得。
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我们提出了一种新的“泊松流”生成模型(PFGM),该模型将高维半球上的均匀分布映射到任何数据分布中。我们将数据点解释为$ z = 0 $超平面上的电荷,在增加额外尺寸$ z $的空间中,产生了高维电场(泊松方程解决方案的梯度)。我们证明,如果这些电荷沿电场线向上流动,则它们在$ z = 0 $平面中的初始分布将变成半径$ r $半球的分布,该分布在$ r \ to \ infty $限制中变成均匀。为了学习徒的转化,我们估计了增强空间中的归一化场。对于采样,我们设计了一种由物理上有意义的附加尺寸锚定的向后ode:当$ z $达到零时,样本击中了未加重的数据歧管。在实验上,PFGM在CIFAR-10上的正常流量模型中实现了当前的最新性能,其成立分数为9.68美元,而FID得分为2.48美元。它还可以与最先进的SDE方法相同,同时提供$ 10 \ times $至$ 20 \ $ 20 \ times $ $加速图像生成任务。此外,PFGM在较弱的网络体系结构上似乎更宽容估计误差,并且对Euler方法中的步骤大小稳健。该代码可在https://github.com/newbeeer/poisson_flow上找到。
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Methods based on ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are widely used to build generative models of time-series. In addition to high computational overhead due to explicitly computing hidden states recurrence, existing ODE-based models fall short in learning sequence data with sharp transitions - common in many real-world systems - due to numerical challenges during optimization. In this work, we propose LS4, a generative model for sequences with latent variables evolving according to a state space ODE to increase modeling capacity. Inspired by recent deep state space models (S4), we achieve speedups by leveraging a convolutional representation of LS4 which bypasses the explicit evaluation of hidden states. We show that LS4 significantly outperforms previous continuous-time generative models in terms of marginal distribution, classification, and prediction scores on real-world datasets in the Monash Forecasting Repository, and is capable of modeling highly stochastic data with sharp temporal transitions. LS4 sets state-of-the-art for continuous-time latent generative models, with significant improvement of mean squared error and tighter variational lower bounds on irregularly-sampled datasets, while also being x100 faster than other baselines on long sequences.
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在许多学科中,动态系统的数据信息预测模型的开发引起了广泛的兴趣。我们提出了一个统一的框架,用于混合机械和机器学习方法,以从嘈杂和部分观察到的数据中识别动态系统。我们将纯数据驱动的学习与混合模型进行比较,这些学习结合了不完善的域知识。我们的公式与所选的机器学习模型不可知,在连续和离散的时间设置中都呈现,并且与表现出很大的内存和错误的模型误差兼容。首先,我们从学习理论的角度研究无内存线性(W.R.T.参数依赖性)模型误差,从而定义了过多的风险和概括误差。对于沿阵行的连续时间系统,我们证明,多余的风险和泛化误差都通过与T的正方形介于T的术语(指定训练数据的时间间隔)的术语界定。其次,我们研究了通过记忆建模而受益的方案,证明了两类连续时间复发性神经网络(RNN)的通用近似定理:两者都可以学习与内存有关的模型误差。此外,我们将一类RNN连接到储层计算,从而将学习依赖性错误的学习与使用随机特征在Banach空间之间进行监督学习的最新工作联系起来。给出了数值结果(Lorenz '63,Lorenz '96多尺度系统),以比较纯粹的数据驱动和混合方法,发现混合方法较少,渴望数据较少,并且更有效。最后,我们从数值上证明了如何利用数据同化来从嘈杂,部分观察到的数据中学习隐藏的动态,并说明了通过这种方法和培训此类模型来表示记忆的挑战。
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神经普通微分方程模型的动态系统,\ textit {ode}由神经网络学习。但是,ODE从根本上是不足以建模具有长期依赖性或不连续性的系统,这些系统在工程和生物系统中很常见。已经提出了更广泛的微分方程(DE)类作为补救措施,包括延迟微分方程和整数差异方程。此外,当通过分段强迫函数对硬质量和odes进行建模时,神经颂歌会遭受数值的不稳定性。在这项工作中,我们提出了\ textit {neural laplace},这是一个学习不同类别的统一框架,包括上述所有类别。我们没有在时间域中对动态进行建模,而是在拉普拉斯域中对其进行建模,在拉普拉斯域中,可以将历史依赖性和时间的不连续性表示为复杂指数的求和。为了提高学习效率,我们使用Riemann Sphere的几何立体图来诱导Laplace域中的平滑度。在实验中,神经拉普拉斯在建模和推断DES类别的轨迹方面表现出卓越的性能,包括具有复杂历史依赖性和突然变化的DES类别。
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The choice of approximate posterior distribution is one of the core problems in variational inference. Most applications of variational inference employ simple families of posterior approximations in order to allow for efficient inference, focusing on mean-field or other simple structured approximations. This restriction has a significant impact on the quality of inferences made using variational methods. We introduce a new approach for specifying flexible, arbitrarily complex and scalable approximate posterior distributions. Our approximations are distributions constructed through a normalizing flow, whereby a simple initial density is transformed into a more complex one by applying a sequence of invertible transformations until a desired level of complexity is attained. We use this view of normalizing flows to develop categories of finite and infinitesimal flows and provide a unified view of approaches for constructing rich posterior approximations. We demonstrate that the theoretical advantages of having posteriors that better match the true posterior, combined with the scalability of amortized variational approaches, provides a clear improvement in performance and applicability of variational inference.
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