最近在各种领域中采用了关于下游任务的大型预训练模型。但是,更新大型预训练模型的整个参数集是昂贵的。尽管最近提出的参数效率转移学习(PETL)技术允许在预先训练的骨干网络内更新一小部分参数(例如,仅使用2%的参数)用于新任务,但它们只能通过最多减少训练记忆要求30%。这是因为可训练参数的梯度计算仍然需要通过大型预训练的骨干模型反向传播。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了梯子侧调(LST),这是一种新的PETL技术,可将训练记忆要求减少更多。与现有的参数效率方法不同,将其他参数插入骨干网络中,我们训练梯子侧网络,梯子侧网络是一个小而独立的网络,将中间激活作为通过快速连接(梯子)从骨干网络中获得的输入作为输入,并进行预测。 LST的内存要求明显低于以前的方法,因为它不需要通过骨干网络反向传播,而是仅通过侧网和梯子连接。我们使用NLP(胶)和视觉语言(VQA,GQA,NLVR2,MSCOCO)任务上的各种模型(T5,CLIP-T5)进行评估。 LST节省了69%的内存成本来微调整个网络,而其他方法仅将其中的26%保存在相似的参数使用中(因此,更多的内存节省了2.7倍)。此外,LST在低内存状态下的适配器和洛拉的精度高。为了进一步显示这种更好的记忆效率的优势,我们还将LST应用于较大的T5型号(T5-Large,T5-3B),比完整的微调和其他PETL方法获得更好的胶水性能。我们对VL任务的实验也完全相同。
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最近,在大型文本语料库上预先培训的微调语言模型已经为Vision-and Langual(V&L)任务以及纯语言任务提供了巨大的改进。但是,微调预训练模型的整个参数集变得不切实际,因为模型大小正在快速增长。因此,在本文中,我们将基于适配器的参数高效转移学习技术引入VL-BART和VL-T5等V&L型号。我们在四个不同V&L任务的统一多任务设置中评估我们的方法:VQAV2,GQA,NLVR2和MSCOCO图像标题。通过仔细的培训和彻底的实验,我们将三种流行的基于适配器的方法(适配器,Hyperformer,Compacter)基准,抵御标准的全部微调和最近提出的及时调整方法。我们还通过分享其权重以获得跨任务的知识来增强适配器的效率和性能。我们的结果表明,使用权重共享技术(总参数的4.4%)培训适配器可以匹配微调整个模型的性能。最后,我们提出了一个全面的分析,包括适配器和任务特定提示的组合以及V&L对适配器进行培训的影响。我们的代码可用于:https://github.com/ylsung/vl_adapter。
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通过微调将大规模的预训练语言模型适应下游任务是实现NLP基准测试最先进性能的标准方法。然而,微调具有数百万或数十亿个参数的所有重量模型是对低资源设置中不稳定的采样低效,并且浪费,因为它需要为每个任务存储模型的单独副本。最近的工作已经开发了参数高效的微调方法,但这些方法仍然需要相对大量的参数或表现不足标准微调。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种特殊调整大型语言模型的方法,其在任务性能和比率参数之间具有更好的权衡的方法,而不是比上事先工作。 Compacter通过构建适配器,低级优化和参数化超复分乘法层的思想之上来实现这一目标。具体地,Compacter将特定于特定的权重矩阵插入到预估计模型的权重中,这些权重被有效地计算为共享的“慢速”权重和“快速”等级 - 每个Compacter层定义的矩阵之间的矩阵产品的总和。仅通过培训0.047%的预磨料模型的参数,Compacter会在胶水上标准微调和胜过标准微调的标准微调和低资源设置。我们的代码在〜\ url {https://github.com/rabeehk/compacter}上公开使用。
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This work introduces a new multi-task, parameter-efficient language model (LM) tuning method that learns to transfer knowledge across different tasks via a mixture of soft prompts-small prefix embedding vectors pre-trained for different tasks. Our method, called ATTEMPT (ATTEntional Mixtures of Prompt Tuning), obtains source prompts as encodings of large-scale source tasks into a small number of parameters and trains an attention module to interpolate the source prompts and a newly initialized target prompt for every instance in the target task. During training, only the target task prompt and the attention weights, which are shared between tasks in multi-task training, are updated, while the original LM and source prompts are intact. ATTEMPT is highly parameter-efficient (e.g., updates 2,300 times fewer parameters than full fine-tuning) while achieving high task performance using knowledge from high-resource tasks. Moreover, it is modular using pre-trained soft prompts, and can flexibly add or remove source prompts for effective knowledge transfer. Our experimental results across 21 diverse NLP datasets show that ATTEMPT significantly outperforms prompt tuning and outperforms or matches fully fine-tuned or other parameter-efficient tuning approaches that use over ten times more parameters. Finally, ATTEMPT outperforms previous work in few-shot learning settings.
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及时调整是以参数有效的方式对预训练的预训练语言模型的新范式。在这里,我们探讨了超级核武器的使用来产生超预价:我们提出了HyperPrompt,这是一种用于迅速基于变形金刚自我注意的任务调节的新型体系结构。超预要是通过超网络通过一代人来学习的端到端。 HyperPrompt允许网络学习特定于任务的功能地图,其中超预告是要参与的查询的任务全局记忆,同时启用了任务之间的灵活信息共享。我们表明,HyperPrompt与强大的多任务学习基线具有竞争力,其额外的任务条件参数的$ 0.14 \%$ $ \%,实现了出色的参数和计算效率。通过广泛的经验实验,我们证明,超级启示可以比强大的T5多任务学习基准和参数效率高效的适配器变体获得卓越的性能,包括及时调整和SuplyFormer ++在许多模型尺寸的自然语言理解胶水和SuperGrue的基准上。
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Fine-tuning large pre-trained models is an effective transfer mechanism in NLP. However, in the presence of many downstream tasks, fine-tuning is parameter inefficient: an entire new model is required for every task. As an alternative, we propose transfer with adapter modules. Adapter modules yield a compact and extensible model; they add only a few trainable parameters per task, and new tasks can be added without revisiting previous ones. The parameters of the original network remain fixed, yielding a high degree of parameter sharing. To demonstrate adapter's effectiveness, we transfer the recently proposed BERT Transformer model to 26 diverse text classification tasks, including the GLUE benchmark. Adapters attain near state-of-the-art performance, whilst adding only a few parameters per task. On GLUE, we attain within 0.4% of the performance of full fine-tuning, adding only 3.6% parameters per task. By contrast, fine-tuning trains 100% of the parameters per task.
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几乎没有射击的内在学习(ICL)使预训练的语言模型能够通过为输入的一部分提供少量的培训示例来执行以前的任务,而无需任何基于梯度的培训。 ICL会产生大量的计算,内存和存储成本,因为它每次进行预测时都涉及处理所有培训示例。参数有效的微调(PEFT)(例如,适配器模块,提示调谐,稀疏更新方法等)提供了替代范式,其中训练了一组少量参数以启用模型来执行新任务。在本文中,我们严格地比较了几个ICL和PEFT,并证明后者提供了更好的准确性,并大大降低了计算成本。在此过程中,我们引入了一种称为(IA)$^3 $的新PEFT方法,该方法通过学习的向量来扩展激活,从而获得更强的性能,同时仅引入相对少量的新参数。我们还提出了一个基于称为T-FEW的T0模型的简单食谱,可以将其应用于新任务,而无需特定于任务的调整或修改。我们通过将T-FEW应用于木筏基准,首次实现超人性能,并以6%的绝对性能优于最先进的方法来验证T-FEW对完全看不见的任务的有效性。我们实验中使用的所有代码均可公开使用。
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In computer vision, it has achieved great transfer learning performance via adapting large-scale pretrained vision models (e.g., vision transformers) to downstream tasks. Common approaches for model adaptation either update all model parameters or leverage linear probes. In this paper, we aim to study parameter-efficient model adaptation strategies for vision transformers on the image classification task. We formulate efficient model adaptation as a subspace training problem and perform a comprehensive benchmarking over different efficient adaptation methods. We conduct an empirical study on each efficient model adaptation method focusing on its performance alongside parameter cost. Furthermore, we propose a parameter-efficient model adaptation framework, which first selects submodules by measuring local intrinsic dimensions and then projects them into subspace for further decomposition via a novel Kronecker Adaptation (KAdaptation) method. We analyze and compare our method with a diverse set of baseline model adaptation methods (including state-of-the-art methods for pretrained language models). Our method performs the best in terms of the tradeoff between accuracy and parameter efficiency across 20 image classification datasets under the few-shot setting and 7 image classification datasets under the full-shot setting.
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在基于典型的深度神经网络训练期间,所有模型的参数都在每次迭代时更新。最近的工作表明,在训练期间只能更新模型参数的小型子集,这可以减轻存储和通信要求。在本文中,我们表明,可以在模型的参数上诱导一个固定的稀疏掩码,该屏蔽选择要在许多迭代中更新的子集。我们的方法用最大的Fisher信息构造出k $参数的掩码,作为一个简单的近似,与手头的任务最重要的近似值。在参数高效转移学习和分布式培训的实验中,我们表明我们的方法与其他方法的性能相匹配或超出稀疏更新的其他方法的性能,同时在内存使用和通信成本方面更有效。我们公开发布我们的代码,以促进我们的方法的进一步应用。
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当前的Modus Operandi在改编预训练的模型中涉及更新所有骨干参数,即,完整的微调。本文介绍了视觉及时调整(VPT),作为视觉中大规模变压器模型的全面微调的有效替代方案。VPT从最近有效地调整大型语言模型的最新进展中汲取灵感,在输入空间中仅引入了少量的可训练参数(少于模型参数),同时保持模型骨架冻结。通过对各种下游识别任务的广泛实验,我们表明VPT与其他参数有效调整协议相比获得了显着的性能增长。最重要的是,在许多情况下,VPT甚至在模型能力和培训数据量表的许多情况下都胜过全面的微调,同时降低了每任务的存储成本。
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巨大的预训练模型已成为自然语言处理(NLP)的核心,它是针对一系列下游任务进行微调的起点。然而,此范式的两个疼痛点持续:(a)随着预训练的模型的增长越大(例如,GPT-3的175b参数),即使是微调过程也可能是耗时的,并且计算昂贵; (b)默认情况下,微调模型的大小与起点相同,由于其更专业的功能,这既不明智,也不是实际的,因为许多微调模型将部署在资源受限的环境中。为了解决这些疼痛点,我们通过在重量更新和最终模型权重中利用稀疏性来提出一个用于资源和参数有效的微调的框架。我们提出的框架被称为双重稀疏性的有效调整(DSEE),旨在实现两个关键目标:(i)参数有效的微调 - 通过在预训练的权重的顶部强制实施稀疏性的低级更新; (ii)资源有效的推论 - 通过鼓励对最终微调模型的稀疏重量结构。我们通过统一的方法在预训练的语言模型中利用非结构化和结构化的稀疏模式来利用这两个方向的稀疏性。广泛的实验和深入研究,对数十个数据集进行了不同的网络骨干(即Bert,Roberta和GPT-2),始终显示出令人印象深刻的参数 - /推理效率,同时保持竞争性下游性能。例如,DSEE在达到可比性能的同时节省了约25%的推理拖失lo,在BERT上具有0.5%的可训练参数。代码可在https://github.com/vita-group/dsee中找到。
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In this work, we explore "prompt tuning," a simple yet effective mechanism for learning "soft prompts" to condition frozen language models to perform specific downstream tasks. Unlike the discrete text prompts used by GPT-3, soft prompts are learned through backpropagation and can be tuned to incorporate signals from any number of labeled examples. Our end-to-end learned approach outperforms GPT-3's few-shot learning by a large margin. More remarkably, through ablations on model size using T5, we show that prompt tuning becomes more competitive with scale: as models exceed billions of parameters, our method "closes the gap" and matches the strong performance of model tuning (where all model weights are tuned). This finding is especially relevant because large models are costly to share and serve and the ability to reuse one frozen model for multiple downstream tasks can ease this burden. Our method can be seen as a simplification of the recently proposed "prefix tuning" of Li and Liang (2021) and we provide a comparison to this and other similar approaches. Finally, we show that conditioning a frozen model with soft prompts confers benefits in robustness to domain transfer and enables efficient "prompt ensembling." * Work done as a Google AI Resident.
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作为剪辑的对比视觉语言预培训为通过使用大规模对比图像文本对提供了学习视觉表示的新范式。它显示了零击中知识转移到下游任务的令人印象深刻的性能。为了进一步增强剪辑的几次射击功能,提出的剪辑适配器提出微调轻量级残留功能适配器,并显着提高了几次拍摄分类的性能。但是,这样的过程仍然需要额外的培训和计算资源。在本文中,我们提出了\ textbf {t}下雨的cl \ textbf {ip} - \ textbf {适配器}(\ textbf {tip-adapter}),它不仅继承了剪辑的无训练优势,还可以相当地执行或甚至比剪辑适配器更好。提示 - 适配器不需要任何用于训练适配器的备份传播,而是通过从几次拍摄训练集构造的键值高速缓存模型创建权重。在这种非参数的方式中,提示适配器在没有任何训练的情况下获取良好的适配器权重,这既有效且有效。此外,可以通过微调这种适当的初始化适配器进一步提高尖端适配器的性能,仅用于具有超快速收敛速度的几个时期。我们对ImageNet和其他10个数据集进行了广泛的小型分类实验,以证明提出的提示适配器的优越性。代码将以\ URL {https://github.com/gaopengcuhk/tip-adapter}释放。
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Intermediate features of a pre-trained model have been shown informative for making accurate predictions on downstream tasks, even if the model backbone is kept frozen. The key challenge is how to utilize these intermediate features given their gigantic amount. We propose visual query tuning (VQT), a simple yet effective approach to aggregate intermediate features of Vision Transformers. Through introducing a handful of learnable ``query'' tokens to each layer, VQT leverages the inner workings of Transformers to ``summarize'' rich intermediate features of each layer, which can then be used to train the prediction heads of downstream tasks. As VQT keeps the intermediate features intact and only learns to combine them, it enjoys memory efficiency in training, compared to many other parameter-efficient fine-tuning approaches that learn to adapt features and need back-propagation through the entire backbone. This also suggests the complementary role between VQT and those approaches in transfer learning. Empirically, VQT consistently surpasses the state-of-the-art approach that utilizes intermediate features for transfer learning and outperforms full fine-tuning in many cases. Compared to parameter-efficient approaches that adapt features, VQT achieves much higher accuracy under memory constraints. Most importantly, VQT is compatible with these approaches to attain even higher accuracy, making it a simple add-on to further boost transfer learning.
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通过微调调整大型预训练模型(PTM)会施加过刺激的计算和存储负担。对参数有效调整(PET)的最新研究发现,与常规微调相比,仅优化以PTM为条件的一小部分参数才能产生PAR性能。通常,PET方法精确设计参数有效的模块(PET模块)可以应用于PTMS内部的任意细粒位置。但是,这些细粒度位置的有效性很大程度上依赖于复杂的手动指定,因此通常会产生次优的结果。与手动指定相反,我们以自动方式探索构建宠物模块。我们将自动\ textbf {s} earch \ textbf {s} parse \ textbf {s} \ textbf {p} arameter- \ textbf {e} fficbf {e} fficient \ textbf {t textbf {t} uning(s $^3 $ pet) 。基于各种PET方法的统一框架,S $^3 $ PET通过双层优化进行了可区分的PET结构搜索,并提出了移动的全局Sigmoid方法,以明确控制可训练的参数的数量。广泛的实验表明,S $^3 $ PET超过了具有较低训练参数的手册和随机结构。搜索结构可保留99 \%的微调性能,具有0.01 \%可训练的参数。此外,S $^3 $ PET的优势通过极低的训练参数预算(0.0009 \%$ \ sim $ 0.01 \%)进行扩增。搜索结构是可转移和解释的,为PET方法的未来设计提供了建议和指导。
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Adapter Tuning, which freezes the pretrained language models (PLMs) and only fine-tunes a few extra modules, becomes an appealing efficient alternative to the full model fine-tuning. Although computationally efficient, the recent Adapters often increase parameters (e.g. bottleneck dimension) for matching the performance of full model fine-tuning, which we argue goes against their original intention. In this work, we re-examine the parameter-efficiency of Adapters through the lens of network pruning (we name such plug-in concept as \texttt{SparseAdapter}) and find that SparseAdapter can achieve comparable or better performance than standard Adapters when the sparse ratio reaches up to 80\%. Based on our findings, we introduce an easy but effective setting ``\textit{Large-Sparse}'' to improve the model capacity of Adapters under the same parameter budget. Experiments on five competitive Adapters upon three advanced PLMs show that with proper sparse method (e.g. SNIP) and ratio (e.g. 40\%) SparseAdapter can consistently outperform their corresponding counterpart. Encouragingly, with the \textit{Large-Sparse} setting, we can obtain further appealing gains, even outperforming the full fine-tuning by a large margin. Our code will be released at: https://github.com/Shwai-He/SparseAdapter.
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大规模预制速度迅速成为视觉语言(VL)建模中的规范。然而,普遍的VL方法受标记数据的要求和复杂的多步预介质目标的要求受限。我们呈现Magma - 使用基于适配器的FineTuning使用额外的方式增强生成语言模型的简单方法。在冻结的情况下,我们培训一系列VL模型,从视觉和文本输入的任意组合自动生成文本。使用单一语言建模目的,预先预测完全结束于结束,与先前的方法相比,简化优化。重要的是,在培训期间,语言模型权重保持不变,允许从语言预磨练转移百科全书知识和内心的学习能力。 Magma在开放式生成任务上冻结的岩浆,实现了最先进的状态,结果在Okvqa基准和竞争结果上的一系列其他流行的VL基准测试中,同时预先训练用于培训SIMVLM的样本数量的0.2%。
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