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从文本数据中推断出具有政治收费的信息是文本和作者级别的自然语言处理(NLP)的流行研究主题。近年来,对这种研究的研究是在伯特等变形金刚的代表性的帮助下进行的。尽管取得了很大的成功,但我们可能会询问是否通过将基于转换的模型与其他知识表示形式相结合,是否可以进一步改善结果。为了阐明这个问题,本工作描述了一系列实验,以比较英语和葡萄牙语中文本的政治推断的替代模型配置。结果表明,某些文本表示形式 - 特别是,BERT预训练的语言模型与句法依赖模型的联合使用可能胜过多个实验环境的替代方案,这是进一步研究异质文本表示的潜在强大案例在这些以及可能的其他NLP任务中。
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We present the Verifee Dataset: a novel dataset of news articles with fine-grained trustworthiness annotations. We develop a detailed methodology that assesses the texts based on their parameters encompassing editorial transparency, journalist conventions, and objective reporting while penalizing manipulative techniques. We bring aboard a diverse set of researchers from social, media, and computer sciences to overcome barriers and limited framing of this interdisciplinary problem. We collect over $10,000$ unique articles from almost $60$ Czech online news sources. These are categorized into one of the $4$ classes across the credibility spectrum we propose, raging from entirely trustworthy articles all the way to the manipulative ones. We produce detailed statistics and study trends emerging throughout the set. Lastly, we fine-tune multiple popular sequence-to-sequence language models using our dataset on the trustworthiness classification task and report the best testing F-1 score of $0.52$. We open-source the dataset, annotation methodology, and annotators' instructions in full length at https://verifee.ai/research to enable easy build-up work. We believe similar methods can help prevent disinformation and educate in the realm of media literacy.
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在过去十年中,假新闻和错误信息变成了一个主要问题,影响了我们生活的不同方面,包括政治和公共卫生。灵感来自自然人类行为,我们提出了一种自动检测假新闻的方法。自然人行为是通过可靠的来源交叉检查新信息。我们使用自然语言处理(NLP)并构建机器学习(ML)模型,可自动执行与一组预定义的可靠源进行交叉检查新信息的过程。我们为Twitter实施了此功能,并构建标记假推送的模型。具体而言,对于给定的推文,我们使用其文本来查找来自可靠的新闻机构的相关新闻。然后,我们培训一个随机森林模型,检查推文的文本内容是否与可信新闻对齐。如果不是,则推文被归类为假。这种方法通常可以应用于任何类型的信息,并且不限于特定的新闻故事或信息类别。我们的实施此方法提供了70美元的$ 70 \%$准确性,这优于其他通用假新闻分类模型。这些结果为假新闻检测提供了更明智和自然的方法。
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In this work, we introduce IndicXTREME, a benchmark consisting of nine diverse tasks covering 18 languages from the Indic sub-continent belonging to four different families. Across languages and tasks, IndicXTREME contains a total of 103 evaluation sets, of which 51 are new contributions to the literature. To maintain high quality, we only use human annotators to curate or translate\footnote{for IndicXParaphrase, where an automatic translation system is used, a second human verification and correction step is done.} our datasets. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort toward creating a standard benchmark for Indic languages that aims to test the zero-shot capabilities of pretrained language models. We also release IndicCorp v2, an updated and much larger version of IndicCorp that contains 20.9 billion tokens in 24 languages. We pretrain IndicBERT v2 on IndicCorp v2 and evaluate it on IndicXTREME to show that it outperforms existing multilingual language models such as XLM-R and MuRIL.
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This article presents a dataset of 10,917 news articles with hierarchical news categories collected between January 1st 2019, and December 31st 2019. We manually labelled the articles based on a hierarchical taxonomy with 17 first-level and 109 second-level categories. This dataset can be used to train machine learning models for automatically classifying news articles by topic. This dataset can be helpful for researchers working on news structuring, classification, and predicting future events based on released news.
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在当代世界中,自动检测假新闻是一项非常重要的任务。这项研究报告了第二项共享任务,称为Urdufake@fire2021,以识别乌尔都语中的假新闻检测。共同任务的目的是激励社区提出解决这一至关重要问题的有效方法,尤其是对于乌尔都语。该任务被视为二进制分类问题,将给定的新闻文章标记为真实或假新闻文章。组织者提供了一个数据集,其中包括五个领域的新闻:(i)健康,(ii)体育,(iii)Showbiz,(iv)技术和(v)业务,分为培训和测试集。该培训集包含1300篇注释的新闻文章 - 750个真实新闻,550个假新闻,而测试集包含300篇新闻文章 - 200个真实,100个假新闻。来自7个不同国家(中国,埃及,以色列,印度,墨西哥,巴基斯坦和阿联酋)的34个团队注册参加了Urdufake@Fire2021共享任务。在这些情况下,有18个团队提交了实验结果,其中11个提交了技术报告,与2020年的Urdufake共享任务相比,这一报告要高得多,当时只有6个团队提交了技术报告。参与者提交的技术报告展示了不同的数据表示技术,从基于计数的弓形功能到单词矢量嵌入以及使用众多的机器学习算法,从传统的SVM到各种神经网络体系结构,包括伯特和罗伯塔等变形金刚。在今年的比赛中,表现最佳的系统获得了0.679的F1-MACRO得分,低于过去一年的0.907 F1-MaCro的最佳结果。诚然,尽管过去和当前几年的培训集在很大程度上重叠,但如果今年完全不同,则测试集。
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社交媒体平台上的滥用内容的增长增加对在线用户的负面影响。对女同性恋,同性恋者,跨性别或双性恋者的恐惧,不喜欢,不适或不疑虑被定义为同性恋/转铁症。同性恋/翻译语音是一种令人反感的语言,可以总结为针对LGBT +人的仇恨语音,近年来越来越受到兴趣。在线同性恋恐惧症/ Transphobobia是一个严重的社会问题,可以使网上平台与LGBT +人有毒和不受欢迎,同时还试图消除平等,多样性和包容性。我们为在线同性恋和转鸟以及专家标记的数据集提供了新的分类分类,这将允许自动识别出具有同种异体/传递内容的数据集。我们受过教育的注释器并以综合的注释规则向他们提供,因为这是一个敏感的问题,我们以前发现未受训练的众包注释者因文化和其他偏见而诊断倡导性的群体。数据集包含15,141个注释的多语言评论。本文介绍了构建数据集,数据的定性分析和注册间协议的过程。此外,我们为数据集创建基线模型。据我们所知,我们的数据集是第一个已创建的数据集。警告:本文含有明确的同性恋,转基因症,刻板印象的明确陈述,这可能对某些读者令人痛苦。
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While the NLP community is generally aware of resource disparities among languages, we lack research that quantifies the extent and types of such disparity. Prior surveys estimating the availability of resources based on the number of datasets can be misleading as dataset quality varies: many datasets are automatically induced or translated from English data. To provide a more comprehensive picture of language resources, we examine the characteristics of 156 publicly available NLP datasets. We manually annotate how they are created, including input text and label sources and tools used to build them, and what they study, tasks they address and motivations for their creation. After quantifying the qualitative NLP resource gap across languages, we discuss how to improve data collection in low-resource languages. We survey language-proficient NLP researchers and crowd workers per language, finding that their estimated availability correlates with dataset availability. Through crowdsourcing experiments, we identify strategies for collecting high-quality multilingual data on the Mechanical Turk platform. We conclude by making macro and micro-level suggestions to the NLP community and individual researchers for future multilingual data development.
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Automatic fake news detection is a challenging problem in misinformation spreading, and it has tremendous real-world political and social impacts. Past studies have proposed machine learning-based methods for detecting such fake news, focusing on different properties of the published news articles, such as linguistic characteristics of the actual content, which however have limitations due to the apparent language barriers. Departing from such efforts, we propose FNDaaS, the first automatic, content-agnostic fake news detection method, that considers new and unstudied features such as network and structural characteristics per news website. This method can be enforced as-a-Service, either at the ISP-side for easier scalability and maintenance, or user-side for better end-user privacy. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method using data crawled from existing lists of 637 fake and 1183 real news websites, and by building and testing a proof of concept system that materializes our proposal. Our analysis of data collected from these websites shows that the vast majority of fake news domains are very young and appear to have lower time periods of an IP associated with their domain than real news ones. By conducting various experiments with machine learning classifiers, we demonstrate that FNDaaS can achieve an AUC score of up to 0.967 on past sites, and up to 77-92% accuracy on newly-flagged ones.
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We present a novel corpus for French dialect identification comprising 413,522 French text samples collected from public news websites in Belgium, Canada, France and Switzerland. To ensure an accurate estimation of the dialect identification performance of models, we designed the corpus to eliminate potential biases related to topic, writing style, and publication source. More precisely, the training, validation and test splits are collected from different news websites, while searching for different keywords (topics). This leads to a French cross-domain (FreCDo) dialect identification task. We conduct experiments with four competitive baselines, a fine-tuned CamemBERT model, an XGBoost based on fine-tuned CamemBERT features, a Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifier based on fine-tuned CamemBERT features, and an SVM based on word n-grams. Aside from presenting quantitative results, we also make an analysis of the most discriminative features learned by CamemBERT. Our corpus is available at https://github.com/MihaelaGaman/FreCDo.
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News articles both shape and reflect public opinion across the political spectrum. Analyzing them for social bias can thus provide valuable insights, such as prevailing stereotypes in society and the media, which are often adopted by NLP models trained on respective data. Recent work has relied on word embedding bias measures, such as WEAT. However, several representation issues of embeddings can harm the measures' accuracy, including low-resource settings and token frequency differences. In this work, we study what kind of embedding algorithm serves best to accurately measure types of social bias known to exist in US online news articles. To cover the whole spectrum of political bias in the US, we collect 500k articles and review psychology literature with respect to expected social bias. We then quantify social bias using WEAT along with embedding algorithms that account for the aforementioned issues. We compare how models trained with the algorithms on news articles represent the expected social bias. Our results suggest that the standard way to quantify bias does not align well with knowledge from psychology. While the proposed algorithms reduce the~gap, they still do not fully match the literature.
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