We propose a learning algorithm for fair classification that achieves both group fairness (the proportion of members in a protected group receiving positive classification is identical to the proportion in the population as a whole), and individual fairness (similar individuals should be treated similarly). We formulate fairness as an optimization problem of finding a good representation of the data with two competing goals: to encode the data as well as possible, while simultaneously obfuscating any information about membership in the protected group. We show positive results of our algorithm relative to other known techniques, on three datasets. Moreover, we demonstrate several advantages to our approach. First, our intermediate representation can be used for other classification tasks (i.e., transfer learning is possible); secondly, we take a step toward learning a distance metric which can find important dimensions of the data for classification.
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We study fairness in classification, where individuals are classified, e.g., admitted to a university, and the goal is to prevent discrimination against individuals based on their membership in some group, while maintaining utility for the classifier (the university). The main conceptual contribution of this paper is a framework for fair classification comprising (1) a (hypothetical) task-specific metric for determining the degree to which individuals are similar with respect to the classification task at hand; (2) an algorithm for maximizing utility subject to the fairness constraint, that similar individuals are treated similarly. We also present an adaptation of our approach to achieve the complementary goal of "fair affirmative action," which guarantees statistical parity (i.e., the demographics of the set of individuals receiving any classification are the same as the demographics of the underlying population), while treating similar individuals as similarly as possible. Finally, we discuss the relationship of fairness to privacy: when fairness implies privacy, and how tools developed in the context of differential privacy may be applied to fairness.
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What does it mean for an algorithm to be biased? In U.S. law, unintentional bias is encoded via disparate impact, which occurs when a selection process has widely different outcomes for different groups, even as it appears to be neutral. This legal determination hinges on a definition of a protected class (ethnicity, gender) and an explicit description of the process.When computers are involved, determining disparate impact (and hence bias) is harder. It might not be possible to disclose the process. In addition, even if the process is open, it might be hard to elucidate in a legal setting how the algorithm makes its decisions. Instead of requiring access to the process, we propose making inferences based on the data it uses.We present four contributions. First, we link disparate impact to a measure of classification accuracy that while known, has received relatively little attention. Second, we propose a test for disparate impact based on how well the protected class can be predicted from the other attributes. Third, we describe methods by which data might be made unbiased. Finally, we present empirical evidence supporting the effectiveness of our test for disparate impact and our approach for both masking bias and preserving relevant information in the data. Interestingly, our approach resembles some actual selection practices that have recently received legal scrutiny.
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为了减轻模型中不希望的偏差的影响,几种方法建议预先处理输入数据集,以通过防止敏感属性的推断来减少歧视风险。不幸的是,这些预处理方法中的大多数导致一代新分布与原始分布有很大不同,因此通常导致不切实际的数据。作为副作用,这种新的数据分布意味着需要重新训练现有模型才能做出准确的预测。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种新颖的预处理方法,我们将根据保护组的分布转换为所选目标一个,并具有附加的隐私约束,其目的是防止敏感敏感的推断属性。更确切地说,我们利用Wasserstein Gan和Attgan框架的最新作品来实现数据点的最佳运输以及强制保护属性推断的歧视器。我们提出的方法可以保留数据的可解释性,并且可以在不定义敏感组的情况下使用。此外,我们的方法可以专门建模现有的最新方法,从而提出对这些方法的统一观点。最后,关于真实和合成数据集的一些实验表明,我们的方法能够隐藏敏感属性,同时限制数据的变形并改善了后续数据分析任务的公平性。
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Non-discrimination is a recognized objective in algorithmic decision making. In this paper, we introduce a novel probabilistic formulation of data pre-processing for reducing discrimination. We propose a convex optimization for learning a data transformation with three goals: controlling discrimination, limiting distortion in individual data samples, and preserving utility. We characterize the impact of limited sample size in accomplishing this objective. Two instances of the proposed optimization are applied to datasets, including one on real-world criminal recidivism. Results show that discrimination can be greatly reduced at a small cost in classification accuracy.
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机器学习(ML)在渲染影响社会各个群体的决策中起着越来越重要的作用。 ML模型为刑事司法的决定,银行业中的信贷延长以及公司的招聘做法提供了信息。这提出了模型公平性的要求,这表明自动化的决策对于受保护特征(例如,性别,种族或年龄)通常是公平的,这些特征通常在数据中代表性不足。我们假设这个代表性不足的问题是数据学习不平衡问题的必然性。此类不平衡通常反映在两个类别和受保护的功能中。例如,一个班级(那些获得信用的班级)对于另一个班级(未获得信用的人)可能会过分代表,而特定组(女性)(女性)的代表性可能与另一组(男性)有关。相对于受保护组的算法公平性的关键要素是同时减少了基础培训数据中的类和受保护的群体失衡,这促进了模型准确性和公平性的提高。我们通过展示这些领域中的关键概念如何重叠和相互补充,讨论弥合失衡学习和群体公平的重要性;并提出了一种新颖的过采样算法,即公平的过采样,该算法既解决偏斜的类别分布和受保护的特征。我们的方法:(i)可以用作标准ML算法的有效预处理算法,以共同解决不平衡和群体权益; (ii)可以与公平感知的学习算法结合使用,以提高其对不同水平不平衡水平的稳健性。此外,我们迈出了一步,将公平和不平衡学习之间的差距与新的公平实用程序之间的差距弥合,从而将平衡的准确性与公平性结合在一起。
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Algorithmic fairness is becoming increasingly important in data mining and machine learning. Among others, a foundational notation is group fairness. The vast majority of the existing works on group fairness, with a few exceptions, primarily focus on debiasing with respect to a single sensitive attribute, despite the fact that the co-existence of multiple sensitive attributes (e.g., gender, race, marital status, etc.) in the real-world is commonplace. As such, methods that can ensure a fair learning outcome with respect to all sensitive attributes of concern simultaneously need to be developed. In this paper, we study the problem of information-theoretic intersectional fairness (InfoFair), where statistical parity, a representative group fairness measure, is guaranteed among demographic groups formed by multiple sensitive attributes of interest. We formulate it as a mutual information minimization problem and propose a generic end-to-end algorithmic framework to solve it. The key idea is to leverage a variational representation of mutual information, which considers the variational distribution between learning outcomes and sensitive attributes, as well as the density ratio between the variational and the original distributions. Our proposed framework is generalizable to many different settings, including other statistical notions of fairness, and could handle any type of learning task equipped with a gradient-based optimizer. Empirical evaluations in the fair classification task on three real-world datasets demonstrate that our proposed framework can effectively debias the classification results with minimal impact to the classification accuracy.
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Algorithmic decision making systems are ubiquitous across a wide variety of online as well as offline services. These systems rely on complex learning methods and vast amounts of data to optimize the service functionality, satisfaction of the end user and profitability. However, there is a growing concern that these automated decisions can lead, even in the absence of intent, to a lack of fairness, i.e., their outcomes can disproportionately hurt (or, benefit) particular groups of people sharing one or more sensitive attributes (e.g., race, sex). In this paper, we introduce a flexible mechanism to design fair classifiers by leveraging a novel intuitive measure of decision boundary (un)fairness. We instantiate this mechanism with two well-known classifiers, logistic regression and support vector machines, and show on real-world data that our mechanism allows for a fine-grained control on the degree of fairness, often at a small cost in terms of accuracy. A Python implementation of our mechanism is available at fate-computing.mpi-sws.org
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We propose a criterion for discrimination against a specified sensitive attribute in supervised learning, where the goal is to predict some target based on available features. Assuming data about the predictor, target, and membership in the protected group are available, we show how to optimally adjust any learned predictor so as to remove discrimination according to our definition. Our framework also improves incentives by shifting the cost of poor classification from disadvantaged groups to the decision maker, who can respond by improving the classification accuracy.In line with other studies, our notion is oblivious: it depends only on the joint statistics of the predictor, the target and the protected attribute, but not on interpretation of individual features. We study the inherent limits of defining and identifying biases based on such oblivious measures, outlining what can and cannot be inferred from different oblivious tests.We illustrate our notion using a case study of FICO credit scores.
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With the spread of data mining technologies and the accumulation of social data, such technologies and data are being used for determinations that seriously affect individuals' lives. For example, credit scoring is frequently determined based on the records of past credit data together with statistical prediction techniques. Needless to say, such determinations must be nondiscriminatory and fair in sensitive features, such as race, gender, religion, and so on. Several researchers have recently begun to attempt the development of analysis techniques that are aware of social fairness or discrimination. They have shown that simply avoiding the use of sensitive features is insufficient for eliminating biases in determinations, due to the indirect influence of sensitive information. In this paper, we first discuss three causes of unfairness in machine learning. We then propose a regularization approach that is applicable to any prediction algorithm with probabilistic discriminative models. We further apply this approach to logistic regression and empirically show its effectiveness and efficiency.
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在高赌注域中的机器学习工具的实际应用通常被调节为公平,因此预测目标应该满足相对于受保护属性的奇偶校验的一些定量概念。然而,公平性和准确性之间的确切权衡并不完全清楚,即使是对分类问题的基本范式也是如此。在本文中,我们通过在任何公平分类器的群体误差之和中提供较低的界限,在分类设置中表征统计奇偶校验和准确性之间的固有权衡。我们不可能的定理可以被解释为公平的某种不确定性原则:如果基本率不同,那么符合统计奇偶校验的任何公平分类器都必须在至少一个组中产生很大的错误。我们进一步扩展了这一结果,以便在学习公平陈述的角度下给出任何(大约)公平分类者的联合误差的下限。为了表明我们的下限是紧张的,假设Oracle访问贝叶斯(潜在不公平)分类器,我们还构造了一种返回一个随机分类器的算法,这是最佳和公平的。有趣的是,当受保护的属性可以采用超过两个值时,这个下限的扩展不承认分析解决方案。然而,在这种情况下,我们表明,通过解决线性程序,我们可以通过解决我们作为电视 - 重心问题的术语,电视距离的重心问题来有效地计算下限。在上面,我们证明,如果集团明智的贝叶斯最佳分类器是关闭的,那么学习公平的表示导致公平的替代概念,称为准确性奇偶校验,这使得错误率在组之间关闭。最后,我们还在现实世界数据集上进行实验,以确认我们的理论发现。
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