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我们为对密集物体网(DON)的稳健训练(DON)提出了一个框架,重点是多对象机器人操纵方案。 DON是一种获取密集的,视图的对象描述符的流行方法,可用于机器人操纵中的多种下游任务,例如,姿势估算,控制状态表示控制等。在唱歌对象上,在实例特定的多对象应用程序上的结果有限。此外,训练需要复杂的数据收集管道,包括每个对象的3D重建和掩盖注释。在本文中,我们通过简化的数据收集和培训制度进一步提高了DON的功效,从而始终如一地产生更高的精度,并能够对数据要求较少的关键点进行强有力的跟踪。特别是,我们专注于使用多对象数据而不是奇异的对象进行培训,并结合精心挑选的增强方案。我们还针对原始PixelWise配方提出了一种替代损失公式,该配方提供了更好的结果,并且对超参数较少敏感。最后,我们在现实世界的机器人抓握任务上展示了我们提出的框架的鲁棒性和准确性。
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当代掌握检测方法采用深度学习,实现传感器和物体模型不确定性的鲁棒性。这两个主导的方法设计了掌握质量评分或基于锚的掌握识别网络。本文通过将其视为图像空间中的关键点检测来掌握掌握检测的不同方法。深网络检测每个掌握候选者作为一对关键点,可转换为掌握代表= {x,y,w,{\ theta}} t,而不是转角点的三态或四重奏。通过将关键点分组成对来降低检测难度提高性能。为了促进捕获关键点之间的依赖关系,将非本地模块结合到网络设计中。基于离散和连续定向预测的最终过滤策略消除了错误的对应关系,并进一步提高了掌握检测性能。此处提出的方法GKNET在康奈尔和伸缩的提花数据集上的精度和速度之间实现了良好的平衡(在41.67和23.26 fps的96.9%和98.39%)之间。操纵器上的后续实验使用4种类型的抓取实验来评估GKNet,反映不同滋扰的速度:静态抓握,动态抓握,在各种相机角度抓住,夹住。 GKNet优于静态和动态掌握实验中的参考基线,同时表现出变化的相机观点和中度杂波的稳健性。结果证实了掌握关键点是深度掌握网络的有效输出表示的假设,为预期的滋扰因素提供鲁棒性。
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我们呈现神经描述符字段(NDFS),对象表示,其通过类别级别描述符在对象和目标(例如用于悬挂的机器人夹具或用于悬挂的机架)之间进行编码和相对姿势。我们使用此表示进行对象操作,在这里,在给定任务演示时,我们要在同一类别中对新对象实例重复相同的任务。我们建议通过搜索(通过优化)来实现这一目标,为演示中观察到的描述符匹配的姿势。 NDFS通过不依赖于专家标记的关键点的3D自动编码任务,方便地以自我监督的方式培训。此外,NDFS是SE(3) - 保证在所有可能的3D对象翻译和旋转中推广的性能。我们展示了在仿真和真正的机器人上的少数(5-10)示范中的操纵任务的学习。我们的性能遍历两个对象实例和6-DOF对象姿势,并且显着优于最近依赖于2D描述符的基线。项目网站:https://yilundu.github.io/ndf/。
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As the basis for prehensile manipulation, it is vital to enable robots to grasp as robustly as humans. In daily manipulation, our grasping system is prompt, accurate, flexible and continuous across spatial and temporal domains. Few existing methods cover all these properties for robot grasping. In this paper, we propose a new methodology for grasp perception to enable robots these abilities. Specifically, we develop a dense supervision strategy with real perception and analytic labels in the spatial-temporal domain. Additional awareness of objects' center-of-mass is incorporated into the learning process to help improve grasping stability. Utilization of grasp correspondence across observations enables dynamic grasp tracking. Our model, AnyGrasp, can generate accurate, full-DoF, dense and temporally-smooth grasp poses efficiently, and works robustly against large depth sensing noise. Embedded with AnyGrasp, we achieve a 93.3% success rate when clearing bins with over 300 unseen objects, which is comparable with human subjects under controlled conditions. Over 900 MPPH is reported on a single-arm system. For dynamic grasping, we demonstrate catching swimming robot fish in the water.
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我们提出了一种称为DPODV2(密集姿势对象检测器)的三个阶段6 DOF对象检测方法,该方法依赖于致密的对应关系。我们将2D对象检测器与密集的对应关系网络和多视图姿势细化方法相结合,以估计完整的6 DOF姿势。与通常仅限于单眼RGB图像的其他深度学习方法不同,我们提出了一个统一的深度学习网络,允许使用不同的成像方式(RGB或DEPTH)。此外,我们提出了一种基于可区分渲染的新型姿势改进方法。主要概念是在多个视图中比较预测并渲染对应关系,以获得与所有视图中预测的对应关系一致的姿势。我们提出的方法对受控设置中的不同数据方式和培训数据类型进行了严格的评估。主要结论是,RGB在对应性估计中表现出色,而如果有良好的3D-3D对应关系,则深度有助于姿势精度。自然,他们的组合可以实现总体最佳性能。我们进行广泛的评估和消融研究,以分析和验证几个具有挑战性的数据集的结果。 DPODV2在所有这些方面都取得了出色的成果,同时仍然保持快速和可扩展性,独立于使用的数据模式和培训数据的类型
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6多机器人抓钩是一个持久但未解决的问题。最近的方法利用强3D网络从深度传感器中提取几何抓握表示形式,表明对公共物体的准确性卓越,但对光度化挑战性物体(例如,透明或反射材料中的物体)进行不满意。瓶颈在于这些物体的表面由于光吸收或折射而无法反射准确的深度。在本文中,与利用不准确的深度数据相反,我们提出了第一个称为MonograspNet的只有RGB的6-DOF握把管道,该管道使用稳定的2D特征同时处理任意对象抓握,并克服由光学上具有挑战性挑战的对象引起的问题。 MonograspNet利用关键点热图和正常地图来恢复由我们的新型表示形式表示的6-DOF抓握姿势,该表示的2D键盘具有相应的深度,握把方向,抓握宽度和角度。在真实场景中进行的广泛实验表明,我们的方法可以通过在抓住光学方面挑战的对象方面抓住大量对象并超过基于深度的竞争者的竞争成果。为了进一步刺激机器人的操纵研究,我们还注释并开源一个多视图和多场景现实世界抓地数据集,其中包含120个具有20m精确握把标签的混合光度复杂性对象。
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视觉感知任务通常需要大量的标记数据,包括3D姿势和图像空间分割掩码。创建此类培训数据集的过程可能很难或耗时,可以扩展到一般使用的功效。考虑对刚性对象的姿势估计的任务。在大型公共数据集中接受培训时,基于神经网络的深层方法表现出良好的性能。但是,将这些网络调整为其他新颖对象,或针对不同环境的现有模型进行微调,需要大量的时间投资才能产生新标记的实例。为此,我们提出了ProgressLabeller作为一种方法,以更有效地以可扩展的方式从彩色图像序列中生成大量的6D姿势训练数据。 ProgressLabeller还旨在支持透明或半透明的对象,以深度密集重建的先前方法将失败。我们通过快速创建一个超过1M样品的数据集来证明ProgressLabeller的有效性,我们将其微调一个最先进的姿势估计网络,以显着提高下游机器人的抓地力。 ProgressLabeller是https://github.com/huijiezh/progresslabeller的开放源代码。
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Estimating 6D poses of objects from images is an important problem in various applications such as robot manipulation and virtual reality. While direct regression of images to object poses has limited accuracy, matching rendered images of an object against the input image can produce accurate results. In this work, we propose a novel deep neural network for 6D pose matching named DeepIM. Given an initial pose estimation, our network is able to iteratively refine the pose by matching the rendered image against the observed image. The network is trained to predict a relative pose transformation using a disentangled representation of 3D location and 3D orientation and an iterative training process. Experiments on two commonly used benchmarks for 6D pose estimation demonstrate that DeepIM achieves large improvements over stateof-the-art methods. We furthermore show that DeepIM is able to match previously unseen objects.
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Being able to grasp objects is a fundamental component of most robotic manipulation systems. In this paper, we present a new approach to simultaneously reconstruct a mesh and a dense grasp quality map of an object from a depth image. At the core of our approach is a novel camera-centric object representation called the "object shell" which is composed of an observed "entry image" and a predicted "exit image". We present an image-to-image residual ConvNet architecture in which the object shell and a grasp-quality map are predicted as separate output channels. The main advantage of the shell representation and the corresponding neural network architecture, ShellGrasp-Net, is that the input-output pixel correspondences in the shell representation are explicitly represented in the architecture. We show that this coupling yields superior generalization capabilities for object reconstruction and accurate grasp quality estimation implicitly considering the object geometry. Our approach yields an efficient dense grasp quality map and an object geometry estimate in a single forward pass. Both of these outputs can be used in a wide range of robotic manipulation applications. With rigorous experimental validation, both in simulation and on a real setup, we show that our shell-based method can be used to generate precise grasps and the associated grasp quality with over 90% accuracy. Diverse grasps computed on shell reconstructions allow the robot to select and execute grasps in cluttered scenes with more than 93% success rate.
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A hallmark of the deep learning era for computer vision is the successful use of large-scale labeled datasets to train feature representations for tasks ranging from object recognition and semantic segmentation to optical flow estimation and novel view synthesis of 3D scenes. In this work, we aim to learn dense discriminative object representations for low-shot category recognition without requiring any category labels. To this end, we propose Deep Object Patch Encodings (DOPE), which can be trained from multiple views of object instances without any category or semantic object part labels. To train DOPE, we assume access to sparse depths, foreground masks and known cameras, to obtain pixel-level correspondences between views of an object, and use this to formulate a self-supervised learning task to learn discriminative object patches. We find that DOPE can directly be used for low-shot classification of novel categories using local-part matching, and is competitive with and outperforms supervised and self-supervised learning baselines. Code and data available at https://github.com/rehg-lab/dope_selfsup.
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The accurate detection and grasping of transparent objects are challenging but of significance to robots. Here, a visual-tactile fusion framework for transparent object grasping under complex backgrounds and variant light conditions is proposed, including the grasping position detection, tactile calibration, and visual-tactile fusion based classification. First, a multi-scene synthetic grasping dataset generation method with a Gaussian distribution based data annotation is proposed. Besides, a novel grasping network named TGCNN is proposed for grasping position detection, showing good results in both synthetic and real scenes. In tactile calibration, inspired by human grasping, a fully convolutional network based tactile feature extraction method and a central location based adaptive grasping strategy are designed, improving the success rate by 36.7% compared to direct grasping. Furthermore, a visual-tactile fusion method is proposed for transparent objects classification, which improves the classification accuracy by 34%. The proposed framework synergizes the advantages of vision and touch, and greatly improves the grasping efficiency of transparent objects.
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We introduce MegaPose, a method to estimate the 6D pose of novel objects, that is, objects unseen during training. At inference time, the method only assumes knowledge of (i) a region of interest displaying the object in the image and (ii) a CAD model of the observed object. The contributions of this work are threefold. First, we present a 6D pose refiner based on a render&compare strategy which can be applied to novel objects. The shape and coordinate system of the novel object are provided as inputs to the network by rendering multiple synthetic views of the object's CAD model. Second, we introduce a novel approach for coarse pose estimation which leverages a network trained to classify whether the pose error between a synthetic rendering and an observed image of the same object can be corrected by the refiner. Third, we introduce a large-scale synthetic dataset of photorealistic images of thousands of objects with diverse visual and shape properties and show that this diversity is crucial to obtain good generalization performance on novel objects. We train our approach on this large synthetic dataset and apply it without retraining to hundreds of novel objects in real images from several pose estimation benchmarks. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on the ModelNet and YCB-Video datasets. An extensive evaluation on the 7 core datasets of the BOP challenge demonstrates that our approach achieves performance competitive with existing approaches that require access to the target objects during training. Code, dataset and trained models are available on the project page: https://megapose6d.github.io/.
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对图像分类任务的对比学习成功的鼓励,我们为3D手姿势估计的结构化回归任务提出了一种新的自我监督方法。对比学习利用未标记的数据来通过损失制定来使用未标记的数据,以鼓励学习的特征表示在任何图像转换下都是不变的。对于3D手姿势估计,它也希望具有不变性地与诸如颜色抖动的外观变换。但是,该任务需要在仿射和转换之类的转换下的标准性。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种对比的对比目标,并在3D手姿势估计的背景下展示其有效性。我们通过实验研究了不变性和对比的对比目标的影响,并表明学习的等待特征导致3D手姿势估计的任务的更好表示。此外,我们显示具有足够深度的标准Evenet,在额外的未标记数据上培训,在弗雷手中获得高达14.5%的提高,因此在没有任何任务的专用架构的情况下实现最先进的性能。 https://ait.ethz.ch/projects/2021/peclr/使用代码和模型
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We describe a learning-based approach to handeye coordination for robotic grasping from monocular images. To learn hand-eye coordination for grasping, we trained a large convolutional neural network to predict the probability that task-space motion of the gripper will result in successful grasps, using only monocular camera images and independently of camera calibration or the current robot pose. This requires the network to observe the spatial relationship between the gripper and objects in the scene, thus learning hand-eye coordination. We then use this network to servo the gripper in real time to achieve successful grasps. To train our network, we collected over 800,000 grasp attempts over the course of two months, using between 6 and 14 robotic manipulators at any given time, with differences in camera placement and hardware. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that our method achieves effective real-time control, can successfully grasp novel objects, and corrects mistakes by continuous servoing.
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