目标变量的日志和平方根变换通常用于预测模型中,以预测未来的销售。这些转换通常会导致更好的性能模型。但是,他们还引入了系统的负面偏见(遗产不足)。在本文中,我们证明了这种偏见的存在,深入研究其根本原因,并引入了两种方法以纠正偏见。我们得出的结论是,提出的偏差校正方法提高了模型性能(最多可提高50%),并为将偏置校正纳入建模工作流程而提高。我们还尝试了“ Tweedie”成本功能家族,这些功能通过直接建模销售来规避转换偏见问题。我们得出的结论是,Tweedie回归在建模销售时迄今为止提供了最佳性能,使其成为使用变换的目标变量的强大替代方案。
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Time Series Forecasting has been an active area of research due to its many applications ranging from network usage prediction, resource allocation, anomaly detection, and predictive maintenance. Numerous publications published in the last five years have proposed diverse sets of objective loss functions to address cases such as biased data, long-term forecasting, multicollinear features, etc. In this paper, we have summarized 14 well-known regression loss functions commonly used for time series forecasting and listed out the circumstances where their application can aid in faster and better model convergence. We have also demonstrated how certain categories of loss functions perform well across all data sets and can be considered as a baseline objective function in circumstances where the distribution of the data is unknown. Our code is available at GitHub: https://github.com/aryan-jadon/Regression-Loss-Functions-in-Time-Series-Forecasting-Tensorflow.
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We consider the problem of dynamic pricing of a product in the presence of feature-dependent price sensitivity. Developing practical algorithms that can estimate price elasticities robustly, especially when information about no purchases (losses) is not available, to drive such automated pricing systems is a challenge faced by many industries. Based on the Poisson semi-parametric approach, we construct a flexible yet interpretable demand model where the price related part is parametric while the remaining (nuisance) part of the model is non-parametric and can be modeled via sophisticated machine learning (ML) techniques. The estimation of price-sensitivity parameters of this model via direct one-stage regression techniques may lead to biased estimates due to regularization. To address this concern, we propose a two-stage estimation methodology which makes the estimation of the price-sensitivity parameters robust to biases in the estimators of the nuisance parameters of the model. In the first-stage we construct estimators of observed purchases and prices given the feature vector using sophisticated ML estimators such as deep neural networks. Utilizing the estimators from the first-stage, in the second-stage we leverage a Bayesian dynamic generalized linear model to estimate the price-sensitivity parameters. We test the performance of the proposed estimation schemes on simulated and real sales transaction data from the Airline industry. Our numerical studies demonstrate that our proposed two-stage approach reduces the estimation error in price-sensitivity parameters from 25\% to 4\% in realistic simulation settings. The two-stage estimation techniques proposed in this work allows practitioners to leverage modern ML techniques to robustly estimate price-sensitivities while still maintaining interpretability and allowing ease of validation of its various constituent parts.
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本文介绍了一个集成预测方法,通过减少特征和模型选择假设来显示M4Competitiation数据集的强劲结果,称为甜甜圈(不利用人为假设)。我们的假设减少,主要由自动生成的功能和更多样化的集合模型组成,显着优于Montero-Manso等人的统计特征的集合方法FForma。 (2020)。此外,我们用长短期内存网络(LSTM)AutoEncoder调查特征提取,并发现此类特征包含传统统计特征方法未捕获的重要信息。合奏加权模型使用LSTM功能和统计功能准确地结合模型。特征重要性和交互的分析表明,单独的统计数据的LSTM特征略有优势。聚类分析表明,不同的基本LSTM功能与大多数统计特征不同。我们还发现,通过使用新模型增强合奏来增加加权模型的解决方案空间是加权模型学习使用的东西,解释了准确性的一部分。最后,我们为集合的最佳组合和选择提供了正式的前后事实分析,通过M4数据集的线性优化量化差异。我们还包括一个简短的证据,模型组合优于模型选择,后者。
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Platelet products are both expensive and have very short shelf lives. As usage rates for platelets are highly variable, the effective management of platelet demand and supply is very important yet challenging. The primary goal of this paper is to present an efficient forecasting model for platelet demand at Canadian Blood Services (CBS). To accomplish this goal, four different demand forecasting methods, ARIMA (Auto Regressive Moving Average), Prophet, lasso regression (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) and LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) networks are utilized and evaluated. We use a large clinical dataset for a centralized blood distribution centre for four hospitals in Hamilton, Ontario, spanning from 2010 to 2018 and consisting of daily platelet transfusions along with information such as the product specifications, the recipients' characteristics, and the recipients' laboratory test results. This study is the first to utilize different methods from statistical time series models to data-driven regression and a machine learning technique for platelet transfusion using clinical predictors and with different amounts of data. We find that the multivariate approaches have the highest accuracy in general, however, if sufficient data are available, a simpler time series approach such as ARIMA appears to be sufficient. We also comment on the approach to choose clinical indicators (inputs) for the multivariate models.
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PV power forecasting models are predominantly based on machine learning algorithms which do not provide any insight into or explanation about their predictions (black boxes). Therefore, their direct implementation in environments where transparency is required, and the trust associated with their predictions may be questioned. To this end, we propose a two stage probabilistic forecasting framework able to generate highly accurate, reliable, and sharp forecasts yet offering full transparency on both the point forecasts and the prediction intervals (PIs). In the first stage, we exploit natural gradient boosting (NGBoost) for yielding probabilistic forecasts, while in the second stage, we calculate the Shapley additive explanation (SHAP) values in order to fully comprehend why a prediction was made. To highlight the performance and the applicability of the proposed framework, real data from two PV parks located in Southern Germany are employed. Comparative results with two state-of-the-art algorithms, namely Gaussian process and lower upper bound estimation, manifest a significant increase in the point forecast accuracy and in the overall probabilistic performance. Most importantly, a detailed analysis of the model's complex nonlinear relationships and interaction effects between the various features is presented. This allows interpreting the model, identifying some learned physical properties, explaining individual predictions, reducing the computational requirements for the training without jeopardizing the model accuracy, detecting possible bugs, and gaining trust in the model. Finally, we conclude that the model was able to develop complex nonlinear relationships which follow known physical properties as well as human logic and intuition.
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气溶胶颗粒通过吸收和散射辐射并影响云特性在气候系统中起重要作用。它们也是气候建模的最大不确定性来源之一。由于计算限制,许多气候模型不包括足够详细的气溶胶。为了表示关键过程,必须考虑气雾微物理特性和过程。这是在使用M7 Microphysics的Echam-Ham全球气候气溶胶模型中完成的,但是高计算成本使得以更精细的分辨率或更长的时间运行非常昂贵。我们的目标是使用机器学习以足够的准确性模仿微物理学模型,并通过在推理时间快速降低计算成本。原始M7模型用于生成输入输出对的数据以训练其上的神经网络。我们能够学习变量的平均$ r^2 $得分为$ 77.1 \%$ $。我们进一步探讨了用物理知识为神经网络提供信息和限制的方法,以减少群众侵犯并实施质量积极性。与原始型号相比,在GPU上,我们达到了高达64倍的加速。
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In many engineering optimization problems, the number of function evaluations is severely limited by time or cost. These problems pose a special challenge to the field of global optimization, since existing methods often require more function evaluations than can be comfortably afforded. One way to address this challenge is to fit response surfaces to data collected by evaluating the objective and constraint functions at a few points. These surfaces can then be used for visualization, tradeoff analysis, and optimization. In this paper, we introduce the reader to a response surface methodology that is especially good at modeling the nonlinear, multimodal functions that often occur in engineering. We then show how these approximating functions can be used to construct an efficient global optimization algorithm with a credible stopping rule. The key to using response surfaces for global optimization lies in balancing the need to exploit the approximating surface (by sampling where it is minimized) with the need to improve the approximation (by sampling where prediction error may be high). Striking this balance requires solving certain auxiliary problems which have previously been considered intractable, but we show how these computational obstacles can be overcome.
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In time series forecasting, decomposition-based algorithms break aggregate data into meaningful components and are therefore appreciated for their particular advantages in interpretability. Recent algorithms often combine machine learning (hereafter ML) methodology with decomposition to improve prediction accuracy. However, incorporating ML is generally considered to sacrifice interpretability inevitably. In addition, existing hybrid algorithms usually rely on theoretical models with statistical assumptions and focus only on the accuracy of aggregate predictions, and thus suffer from accuracy problems, especially in component estimates. In response to the above issues, this research explores the possibility of improving accuracy without losing interpretability in time series forecasting. We first quantitatively define interpretability for data-driven forecasts and systematically review the existing forecasting algorithms from the perspective of interpretability. Accordingly, we propose the W-R algorithm, a hybrid algorithm that combines decomposition and ML from a novel perspective. Specifically, the W-R algorithm replaces the standard additive combination function with a weighted variant and uses ML to modify the estimates of all components simultaneously. We mathematically analyze the theoretical basis of the algorithm and validate its performance through extensive numerical experiments. In general, the W-R algorithm outperforms all decomposition-based and ML benchmarks. Based on P50_QL, the algorithm relatively improves by 8.76% in accuracy on the practical sales forecasts of JD.com and 77.99% on a public dataset of electricity loads. This research offers an innovative perspective to combine the statistical and ML algorithms, and JD.com has implemented the W-R algorithm to make accurate sales predictions and guide its marketing activities.
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Function estimation/approximation is viewed from the perspective of numerical optimization in function space, rather than parameter space. A connection is made between stagewise additive expansions and steepestdescent minimization. A general gradient descent "boosting" paradigm is developed for additive expansions based on any fitting criterion. Specific algorithms are presented for least-squares, least absolute deviation, and Huber-M loss functions for regression, and multiclass logistic likelihood for classification. Special enhancements are derived for the particular case where the individual additive components are regression trees, and tools for interpreting such "TreeBoost" models are presented. Gradient boosting of regression trees produces competitive, highly robust, interpretable procedures for both regression and classification, especially appropriate for mining less than clean data. Connections between this approach and the boosting methods of Freund and Shapire and Friedman, Hastie and Tibshirani are discussed.
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我们向Facebook先知推出了一位继任者,为可解释,可扩展和用户友好的预测框架制定了一个行业标准。随着时间序列数据的扩散,可说明的预测仍然是企业和运营决策的具有挑战性的任务。需要混合解决方案来弥合可解释的古典方法与可扩展深层学习模型之间的差距。我们将先知视为这样一个解决方案的前兆。然而,先知缺乏本地背景,这对于预测近期未来至关重要,并且由于其斯坦坦后代而挑战。 NeultProphet是一种基于Pytorch的混合预测框架,并用标准的深度学习方法培训,开发人员可以轻松扩展框架。本地上下文使用自动回归和协变量模块引入,可以配置为经典线性回归或作为神经网络。否则,NeultProphet保留了先知的设计理念,提供了相同的基本模型组件。我们的结果表明,NeultProcrophet在一组生成的时间序列上产生了相当或优质的质量的可解释的预测组件。 NeultProphet在各种各样的现实数据集合中占先知。对于中期预测,NeultProclecrophet将预测精度提高55%至92%。
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Statistical learning is the process of estimating an unknown probabilistic input-output relationship of a system using a limited number of observations. A statistical learning machine (SLM) is the algorithm, function, model, or rule, that learns such a process; and machine learning (ML) is the conventional name of this field. ML and its applications are ubiquitous in the modern world. Systems such as Automatic target recognition (ATR) in military applications, computer aided diagnosis (CAD) in medical imaging, DNA microarrays in genomics, optical character recognition (OCR), speech recognition (SR), spam email filtering, stock market prediction, etc., are few examples and applications for ML; diverse fields but one theory. In particular, ML has gained a lot of attention in the field of cyberphysical security, especially in the last decade. It is of great importance to this field to design detection algorithms that have the capability of learning from security data to be able to hunt threats, achieve better monitoring, master the complexity of the threat intelligence feeds, and achieve timely remediation of security incidents. The field of ML can be decomposed into two basic subfields: \textit{construction} and \textit{assessment}. We mean by \textit{construction} designing or inventing an appropriate algorithm that learns from the input data and achieves a good performance according to some optimality criterion. We mean by \textit{assessment} attributing some performance measures to the constructed ML algorithm, along with their estimators, to objectively assess this algorithm. \textit{Construction} and \textit{assessment} of a ML algorithm require familiarity with different other fields: probability, statistics, matrix theory, optimization, algorithms, and programming, among others.f
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