In time series forecasting, decomposition-based algorithms break aggregate data into meaningful components and are therefore appreciated for their particular advantages in interpretability. Recent algorithms often combine machine learning (hereafter ML) methodology with decomposition to improve prediction accuracy. However, incorporating ML is generally considered to sacrifice interpretability inevitably. In addition, existing hybrid algorithms usually rely on theoretical models with statistical assumptions and focus only on the accuracy of aggregate predictions, and thus suffer from accuracy problems, especially in component estimates. In response to the above issues, this research explores the possibility of improving accuracy without losing interpretability in time series forecasting. We first quantitatively define interpretability for data-driven forecasts and systematically review the existing forecasting algorithms from the perspective of interpretability. Accordingly, we propose the W-R algorithm, a hybrid algorithm that combines decomposition and ML from a novel perspective. Specifically, the W-R algorithm replaces the standard additive combination function with a weighted variant and uses ML to modify the estimates of all components simultaneously. We mathematically analyze the theoretical basis of the algorithm and validate its performance through extensive numerical experiments. In general, the W-R algorithm outperforms all decomposition-based and ML benchmarks. Based on P50_QL, the algorithm relatively improves by 8.76% in accuracy on the practical sales forecasts of and 77.99% on a public dataset of electricity loads. This research offers an innovative perspective to combine the statistical and ML algorithms, and has implemented the W-R algorithm to make accurate sales predictions and guide its marketing activities.
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我们向Facebook先知推出了一位继任者,为可解释,可扩展和用户友好的预测框架制定了一个行业标准。随着时间序列数据的扩散,可说明的预测仍然是企业和运营决策的具有挑战性的任务。需要混合解决方案来弥合可解释的古典方法与可扩展深层学习模型之间的差距。我们将先知视为这样一个解决方案的前兆。然而,先知缺乏本地背景,这对于预测近期未来至关重要,并且由于其斯坦坦后代而挑战。 NeultProphet是一种基于Pytorch的混合预测框架,并用标准的深度学习方法培训,开发人员可以轻松扩展框架。本地上下文使用自动回归和协变量模块引入,可以配置为经典线性回归或作为神经网络。否则,NeultProphet保留了先知的设计理念,提供了相同的基本模型组件。我们的结果表明,NeultProcrophet在一组生成的时间序列上产生了相当或优质的质量的可解释的预测组件。 NeultProphet在各种各样的现实数据集合中占先知。对于中期预测,NeultProclecrophet将预测精度提高55%至92%。
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传染病仍然是全世界人类疾病和死亡的主要因素之一,其中许多疾病引起了流行的感染波。特定药物和预防疫苗防止大多数流行病的不可用,这使情况变得更糟。这些迫使公共卫生官员,卫生保健提供者和政策制定者依靠由流行病的可靠预测产生的预警系统。对流行病的准确预测可以帮助利益相关者调整对手的对策,例如疫苗接种运动,人员安排和资源分配,以减少手头的情况,这可以转化为减少疾病影响的影响。不幸的是,大多数过去的流行病(例如,登革热,疟疾,肝炎,流感和最新的Covid-19)表现出非线性和非平稳性特征,这是由于它们基于季节性依赖性变化以及这些流行病的性质的扩散波动而引起的。 。我们使用基于最大的重叠离散小波变换(MODWT)自动回归神经网络分析了各种流行时期时间序列数据集,并将其称为EWNET。 MODWT技术有效地表征了流行时间序列中的非平稳行为和季节性依赖性,并在拟议的集合小波网络框架中改善了自回旋神经网络的预测方案。从非线性时间序列的角度来看,我们探讨了所提出的EWNET模型的渐近平稳性,以显示相关的马尔可夫链的渐近行为。我们还理论上还研究了学习稳定性的效果以及在拟议的EWNET模型中选择隐藏的神经元的选择。从实际的角度来看,我们将我们提出的EWNET框架与以前用于流行病预测的几种统计,机器学习和深度学习模型进行了比较。
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本文介绍了一个集成预测方法,通过减少特征和模型选择假设来显示M4Competitiation数据集的强劲结果,称为甜甜圈(不利用人为假设)。我们的假设减少,主要由自动生成的功能和更多样化的集合模型组成,显着优于Montero-Manso等人的统计特征的集合方法FForma。 (2020)。此外,我们用长短期内存网络(LSTM)AutoEncoder调查特征提取,并发现此类特征包含传统统计特征方法未捕获的重要信息。合奏加权模型使用LSTM功能和统计功能准确地结合模型。特征重要性和交互的分析表明,单独的统计数据的LSTM特征略有优势。聚类分析表明,不同的基本LSTM功能与大多数统计特征不同。我们还发现,通过使用新模型增强合奏来增加加权模型的解决方案空间是加权模型学习使用的东西,解释了准确性的一部分。最后,我们为集合的最佳组合和选择提供了正式的前后事实分析,通过M4数据集的线性优化量化差异。我们还包括一个简短的证据,模型组合优于模型选择,后者。
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预测时间序列数据代表了数据科学和知识发现研究的新兴领域,其广泛应用程序从股票价格和能源需求预测到早期预测流行病。在过去的五十年中,已经提出了许多统计和机器学习方法,对高质量和可靠预测的需求。但是,在现实生活中的预测问题中,存在基于上述范式之一的模型是可取的。因此,需要混合解决方案来弥合经典预测方法与现代神经网络模型之间的差距。在这种情况下,我们介绍了一个概率自回归神经网络(PARNN)模型,该模型可以处理各种复杂的时间序列数据(例如,非线性,非季节性,远程依赖性和非平稳性)。拟议的PARNN模型是通过建立综合运动平均值和自回归神经网络的融合来构建的,以保持个人的解释性,可伸缩性和``白色盒子样''的预测行为。通过考虑相关的马尔可夫链的渐近行为,获得了渐近平稳性和几何形状的足够条件。与先进的深度学习工具不同,基于预测间隔的PARNN模型的不确定性量化。在计算实验期间,Parnn在各种各样的现实世界数据集中,超过了标准统计,机器学习和深度学习模型(例如,变形金刚,Nbeats,Deepar等),来自宏观经济学,旅游,能源,流行病学和其他人的真实数据集集合 - 期,中期和长期预测。与最先进的预报相比,与最佳方法相比,与最佳方法进行了多重比较,以展示该提案的优越性。
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大量的数据和创新算法使数据驱动的建模成为现代行业的流行技术。在各种数据驱动方法中,潜在变量模型(LVM)及其对应物占主要份额,并在许多工业建模领域中起着至关重要的作用。 LVM通常可以分为基于统计学习的经典LVM和基于神经网络的深层LVM(DLVM)。我们首先讨论经典LVM的定义,理论和应用,该定义和应用既是综合教程,又是对经典LVM的简短申请调查。然后,我们对当前主流DLVM进行了彻底的介绍,重点是其理论和模型体系结构,此后不久就提供了有关DLVM的工业应用的详细调查。上述两种类型的LVM具有明显的优势和缺点。具体而言,经典的LVM具有简洁的原理和良好的解释性,但是它们的模型能力无法解决复杂的任务。基于神经网络的DLVM具有足够的模型能力,可以在复杂的场景中实现令人满意的性能,但它以模型的解释性和效率为例。旨在结合美德并减轻这两种类型的LVM的缺点,并探索非神经网络的举止以建立深层模型,我们提出了一个新颖的概念,称为“轻量级Deep LVM(LDLVM)”。在提出了这个新想法之后,该文章首先阐述了LDLVM的动机和内涵,然后提供了两个新颖的LDLVM,并详尽地描述了其原理,建筑和优点。最后,讨论了前景和机会,包括重要的开放问题和可能的研究方向。
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Platelet products are both expensive and have very short shelf lives. As usage rates for platelets are highly variable, the effective management of platelet demand and supply is very important yet challenging. The primary goal of this paper is to present an efficient forecasting model for platelet demand at Canadian Blood Services (CBS). To accomplish this goal, four different demand forecasting methods, ARIMA (Auto Regressive Moving Average), Prophet, lasso regression (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) and LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) networks are utilized and evaluated. We use a large clinical dataset for a centralized blood distribution centre for four hospitals in Hamilton, Ontario, spanning from 2010 to 2018 and consisting of daily platelet transfusions along with information such as the product specifications, the recipients' characteristics, and the recipients' laboratory test results. This study is the first to utilize different methods from statistical time series models to data-driven regression and a machine learning technique for platelet transfusion using clinical predictors and with different amounts of data. We find that the multivariate approaches have the highest accuracy in general, however, if sufficient data are available, a simpler time series approach such as ARIMA appears to be sufficient. We also comment on the approach to choose clinical indicators (inputs) for the multivariate models.
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Algorithms that involve both forecasting and optimization are at the core of solutions to many difficult real-world problems, such as in supply chains (inventory optimization), traffic, and in the transition towards carbon-free energy generation in battery/load/production scheduling in sustainable energy systems. Typically, in these scenarios we want to solve an optimization problem that depends on unknown future values, which therefore need to be forecast. As both forecasting and optimization are difficult problems in their own right, relatively few research has been done in this area. This paper presents the findings of the ``IEEE-CIS Technical Challenge on Predict+Optimize for Renewable Energy Scheduling," held in 2021. We present a comparison and evaluation of the seven highest-ranked solutions in the competition, to provide researchers with a benchmark problem and to establish the state of the art for this benchmark, with the aim to foster and facilitate research in this area. The competition used data from the Monash Microgrid, as well as weather data and energy market data. It then focused on two main challenges: forecasting renewable energy production and demand, and obtaining an optimal schedule for the activities (lectures) and on-site batteries that lead to the lowest cost of energy. The most accurate forecasts were obtained by gradient-boosted tree and random forest models, and optimization was mostly performed using mixed integer linear and quadratic programming. The winning method predicted different scenarios and optimized over all scenarios jointly using a sample average approximation method.
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与单变量预测方法相比,在一组多个时间序列中培训的全球预测模型(GFM)在许多预测竞赛和现实世界应用方面表现出优越的结果。 ETS和Arima等统计预测模型的普及的一个方面是它们相对简单和可解释性(就相关的滞后,趋势,季节性等),而GFM通常缺乏可解释性,特别是对特定时间序列。这减少了基于预测的决策时对利益相关者的信任和信心,而不是能够理解预测。为了减轻这个问题,在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新颖的本地模型 - 不可知论解释方法来解释GFM的预测。我们培训更简单的单变量代理模型,这些模型被认为是通过自动启动或直截了当地作为时间序列的一步的全局黑匣子模型预测所获得的邻域内的邻域内的样本的可解释(例如,ETS)。需要解释哪些。之后,我们评估了对全球模型在定性和定量方面的预测的解释,例如准确性,保真度,稳定性和可理性,并且能够展示我们方法的好处。
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We consider the problem of dynamic pricing of a product in the presence of feature-dependent price sensitivity. Developing practical algorithms that can estimate price elasticities robustly, especially when information about no purchases (losses) is not available, to drive such automated pricing systems is a challenge faced by many industries. Based on the Poisson semi-parametric approach, we construct a flexible yet interpretable demand model where the price related part is parametric while the remaining (nuisance) part of the model is non-parametric and can be modeled via sophisticated machine learning (ML) techniques. The estimation of price-sensitivity parameters of this model via direct one-stage regression techniques may lead to biased estimates due to regularization. To address this concern, we propose a two-stage estimation methodology which makes the estimation of the price-sensitivity parameters robust to biases in the estimators of the nuisance parameters of the model. In the first-stage we construct estimators of observed purchases and prices given the feature vector using sophisticated ML estimators such as deep neural networks. Utilizing the estimators from the first-stage, in the second-stage we leverage a Bayesian dynamic generalized linear model to estimate the price-sensitivity parameters. We test the performance of the proposed estimation schemes on simulated and real sales transaction data from the Airline industry. Our numerical studies demonstrate that our proposed two-stage approach reduces the estimation error in price-sensitivity parameters from 25\% to 4\% in realistic simulation settings. The two-stage estimation techniques proposed in this work allows practitioners to leverage modern ML techniques to robustly estimate price-sensitivities while still maintaining interpretability and allowing ease of validation of its various constituent parts.
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Dengue fever is a virulent disease spreading over 100 tropical and subtropical countries in Africa, the Americas, and Asia. This arboviral disease affects around 400 million people globally, severely distressing the healthcare systems. The unavailability of a specific drug and ready-to-use vaccine makes the situation worse. Hence, policymakers must rely on early warning systems to control intervention-related decisions. Forecasts routinely provide critical information for dangerous epidemic events. However, the available forecasting models (e.g., weather-driven mechanistic, statistical time series, and machine learning models) lack a clear understanding of different components to improve prediction accuracy and often provide unstable and unreliable forecasts. This study proposes an ensemble wavelet neural network with exogenous factor(s) (XEWNet) model that can produce reliable estimates for dengue outbreak prediction for three geographical regions, namely San Juan, Iquitos, and Ahmedabad. The proposed XEWNet model is flexible and can easily incorporate exogenous climate variable(s) confirmed by statistical causality tests in its scalable framework. The proposed model is an integrated approach that uses wavelet transformation into an ensemble neural network framework that helps in generating more reliable long-term forecasts. The proposed XEWNet allows complex non-linear relationships between the dengue incidence cases and rainfall; however, mathematically interpretable, fast in execution, and easily comprehensible. The proposal's competitiveness is measured using computational experiments based on various statistical metrics and several statistical comparison tests. In comparison with statistical, machine learning, and deep learning methods, our proposed XEWNet performs better in 75% of the cases for short-term and long-term forecasting of dengue incidence.
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在时间序列预测的各种软计算方法中,模糊认知地图(FCM)已经显示出显着的结果作为模拟和分析复杂系统动态的工具。 FCM具有与经常性神经网络的相似之处,可以被分类为神经模糊方法。换句话说,FCMS是模糊逻辑,神经网络和专家系统方面的混合,它作为模拟和研究复杂系统的动态行为的强大工具。最有趣的特征是知识解释性,动态特征和学习能力。本调查纸的目标主要是在文献中提出的最相关和最近的基于FCCM的时间序列预测模型概述。此外,本文认为介绍FCM模型和学习方法的基础。此外,该调查提供了一些旨在提高FCM的能力的一些想法,以便在处理非稳定性数据和可扩展性问题等现实实验中涵盖一些挑战。此外,具有快速学习算法的FCMS是该领域的主要问题之一。
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In this paper, we propose a new short-term load forecasting (STLF) model based on contextually enhanced hybrid and hierarchical architecture combining exponential smoothing (ES) and a recurrent neural network (RNN). The model is composed of two simultaneously trained tracks: the context track and the main track. The context track introduces additional information to the main track. It is extracted from representative series and dynamically modulated to adjust to the individual series forecasted by the main track. The RNN architecture consists of multiple recurrent layers stacked with hierarchical dilations and equipped with recently proposed attentive dilated recurrent cells. These cells enable the model to capture short-term, long-term and seasonal dependencies across time series as well as to weight dynamically the input information. The model produces both point forecasts and predictive intervals. The experimental part of the work performed on 35 forecasting problems shows that the proposed model outperforms in terms of accuracy its predecessor as well as standard statistical models and state-of-the-art machine learning models.
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Classifying forecasting methods as being either of a "machine learning" or "statistical" nature has become commonplace in parts of the forecasting literature and community, as exemplified by the M4 competition and the conclusion drawn by the organizers. We argue that this distinction does not stem from fundamental differences in the methods assigned to either class. Instead, this distinction is probably of a tribal nature, which limits the insights into the appropriateness and effectiveness of different forecasting methods. We provide alternative characteristics of forecasting methods which, in our view, allow to draw meaningful conclusions. Further, we discuss areas of forecasting which could benefit most from cross-pollination between the ML and the statistics communities.
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