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Good models require good training data. For overparameterized deep models, the causal relationship between training data and model predictions is increasingly opaque and poorly understood. Influence analysis partially demystifies training's underlying interactions by quantifying the amount each training instance alters the final model. Measuring the training data's influence exactly can be provably hard in the worst case; this has led to the development and use of influence estimators, which only approximate the true influence. This paper provides the first comprehensive survey of training data influence analysis and estimation. We begin by formalizing the various, and in places orthogonal, definitions of training data influence. We then organize state-of-the-art influence analysis methods into a taxonomy; we describe each of these methods in detail and compare their underlying assumptions, asymptotic complexities, and overall strengths and weaknesses. Finally, we propose future research directions to make influence analysis more useful in practice as well as more theoretically and empirically sound. A curated, up-to-date list of resources related to influence analysis is available at https://github.com/ZaydH/influence_analysis_papers.
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从外界培训的机器学习模型可能会被数据中毒攻击损坏,将恶意指向到模型的培训集中。对这些攻击的常见防御是数据消毒:在培训模型之前首先过滤出异常培训点。在本文中,我们开发了三次攻击,可以绕过广泛的常见数据消毒防御,包括基于最近邻居,训练损失和奇异值分解的异常探测器。通过增加3%的中毒数据,我们的攻击成功地将Enron垃圾邮件检测数据集的测试错误从3%增加到24%,并且IMDB情绪分类数据集从12%到29%。相比之下,没有明确占据这些数据消毒防御的现有攻击被他们击败。我们的攻击基于两个想法:(i)我们协调我们的攻击将中毒点彼此放置在彼此附近,(ii)我们将每个攻击制定为受限制的优化问题,限制旨在确保中毒点逃避检测。随着这种优化涉及解决昂贵的Bilevel问题,我们的三个攻击对应于基于影响功能的近似近似这个问题的方式; minimax二元性;和karush-kuhn-tucker(kkt)条件。我们的结果强调了对数据中毒攻击产生更强大的防御的必要性。
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Adaptive attacks have (rightfully) become the de facto standard for evaluating defenses to adversarial examples. We find, however, that typical adaptive evaluations are incomplete. We demonstrate that thirteen defenses recently published at ICLR, ICML and NeurIPS-and which illustrate a diverse set of defense strategies-can be circumvented despite attempting to perform evaluations using adaptive attacks. While prior evaluation papers focused mainly on the end result-showing that a defense was ineffective-this paper focuses on laying out the methodology and the approach necessary to perform an adaptive attack. Some of our attack strategies are generalizable, but no single strategy would have been sufficient for all defenses. This underlines our key message that adaptive attacks cannot be automated and always require careful and appropriate tuning to a given defense. We hope that these analyses will serve as guidance on how to properly perform adaptive attacks against defenses to adversarial examples, and thus will allow the community to make further progress in building more robust models.
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We introduce camouflaged data poisoning attacks, a new attack vector that arises in the context of machine unlearning and other settings when model retraining may be induced. An adversary first adds a few carefully crafted points to the training dataset such that the impact on the model's predictions is minimal. The adversary subsequently triggers a request to remove a subset of the introduced points at which point the attack is unleashed and the model's predictions are negatively affected. In particular, we consider clean-label targeted attacks (in which the goal is to cause the model to misclassify a specific test point) on datasets including CIFAR-10, Imagenette, and Imagewoof. This attack is realized by constructing camouflage datapoints that mask the effect of a poisoned dataset.
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Vertical federated learning (VFL) is an emerging paradigm that enables collaborators to build machine learning models together in a distributed fashion. In general, these parties have a group of users in common but own different features. Existing VFL frameworks use cryptographic techniques to provide data privacy and security guarantees, leading to a line of works studying computing efficiency and fast implementation. However, the security of VFL's model remains underexplored.
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We conduct a systematic study of backdoor vulnerabilities in normally trained Deep Learning models. They are as dangerous as backdoors injected by data poisoning because both can be equally exploited. We leverage 20 different types of injected backdoor attacks in the literature as the guidance and study their correspondences in normally trained models, which we call natural backdoor vulnerabilities. We find that natural backdoors are widely existing, with most injected backdoor attacks having natural correspondences. We categorize these natural backdoors and propose a general detection framework. It finds 315 natural backdoors in the 56 normally trained models downloaded from the Internet, covering all the different categories, while existing scanners designed for injected backdoors can at most detect 65 backdoors. We also study the root causes and defense of natural backdoors.
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深度神经网络(DNNS)在训练过程中容易受到后门攻击的影响。该模型以这种方式损坏正常起作用,但是当输入中的某些模式触发时,会产生预定义的目标标签。现有防御通常依赖于通用后门设置的假设,其中有毒样品共享相同的均匀扳机。但是,最近的高级后门攻击表明,这种假设在动态后门中不再有效,在动态后门中,触发者因输入而异,从而击败了现有的防御。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新颖的技术BEATRIX(通过革兰氏矩阵检测)。 BEATRIX利用革兰氏矩阵不仅捕获特征相关性,还可以捕获表示形式的适当高阶信息。通过从正常样本的激活模式中学习类条件统计,BEATRIX可以通过捕获激活模式中的异常来识别中毒样品。为了进一步提高识别目标标签的性能,BEATRIX利用基于内核的测试,而无需对表示分布进行任何先前的假设。我们通过与最先进的防御技术进行了广泛的评估和比较来证明我们的方法的有效性。实验结果表明,我们的方法在检测动态后门时达到了91.1%的F1得分,而最新技术只能达到36.9%。
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Dataset distillation has emerged as a prominent technique to improve data efficiency when training machine learning models. It encapsulates the knowledge from a large dataset into a smaller synthetic dataset. A model trained on this smaller distilled dataset can attain comparable performance to a model trained on the original training dataset. However, the existing dataset distillation techniques mainly aim at achieving the best trade-off between resource usage efficiency and model utility. The security risks stemming from them have not been explored. This study performs the first backdoor attack against the models trained on the data distilled by dataset distillation models in the image domain. Concretely, we inject triggers into the synthetic data during the distillation procedure rather than during the model training stage, where all previous attacks are performed. We propose two types of backdoor attacks, namely NAIVEATTACK and DOORPING. NAIVEATTACK simply adds triggers to the raw data at the initial distillation phase, while DOORPING iteratively updates the triggers during the entire distillation procedure. We conduct extensive evaluations on multiple datasets, architectures, and dataset distillation techniques. Empirical evaluation shows that NAIVEATTACK achieves decent attack success rate (ASR) scores in some cases, while DOORPING reaches higher ASR scores (close to 1.0) in all cases. Furthermore, we conduct a comprehensive ablation study to analyze the factors that may affect the attack performance. Finally, we evaluate multiple defense mechanisms against our backdoor attacks and show that our attacks can practically circumvent these defense mechanisms.
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我们开发了一种新的原则性算法,用于估计培训数据点对深度学习模型的行为的贡献,例如它做出的特定预测。我们的算法估计了AME,该数量量衡量了将数据点添加到训练数据子集中的预期(平均)边际效应,并从给定的分布中采样。当从均匀分布中采样子集时,AME将还原为众所周知的Shapley值。我们的方法受因果推断和随机实验的启发:我们采样了训练数据的不同子集以训练多个子模型,并评估每个子模型的行为。然后,我们使用套索回归来基于子集组成共同估计每个数据点的AME。在稀疏假设($ k \ ll n $数据点具有较大的AME)下,我们的估计器仅需要$ O(k \ log n)$随机的子模型培训,从而改善了最佳先前的Shapley值估算器。
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Data poisoning is an attack on machine learning models wherein the attacker adds examples to the training set to manipulate the behavior of the model at test time. This paper explores poisoning attacks on neural nets. The proposed attacks use "clean-labels"; they don't require the attacker to have any control over the labeling of training data. They are also targeted; they control the behavior of the classifier on a specific test instance without degrading overall classifier performance. For example, an attacker could add a seemingly innocuous image (that is properly labeled) to a training set for a face recognition engine, and control the identity of a chosen person at test time. Because the attacker does not need to control the labeling function, poisons could be entered into the training set simply by leaving them on the web and waiting for them to be scraped by a data collection bot. We present an optimization-based method for crafting poisons, and show that just one single poison image can control classifier behavior when transfer learning is used. For full end-to-end training, we present a "watermarking" strategy that makes poisoning reliable using multiple (≈ 50) poisoned training instances. We demonstrate our method by generating poisoned frog images from the CIFAR dataset and using them to manipulate image classifiers.
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A recent trojan attack on deep neural network (DNN) models is one insidious variant of data poisoning attacks. Trojan attacks exploit an effective backdoor created in a DNN model by leveraging the difficulty in interpretability of the learned model to misclassify any inputs signed with the attacker's chosen trojan trigger. Since the trojan trigger is a secret guarded and exploited by the attacker, detecting such trojan inputs is a challenge, especially at run-time when models are in active operation. This work builds STRong Intentional Perturbation (STRIP) based run-time trojan attack detection system and focuses on vision system. We intentionally perturb the incoming input, for instance by superimposing various image patterns, and observe the randomness of predicted classes for perturbed inputs from a given deployed model-malicious or benign. A low entropy in predicted classes violates the input-dependence property of a benign model and implies the presence of a malicious input-a characteristic of a trojaned input. The high efficacy of our method is validated through case studies on three popular and contrasting datasets: MNIST, CIFAR10 and GTSRB. We achieve an overall false acceptance rate (FAR) of less than 1%, given a preset false rejection rate (FRR) of 1%, for different types of triggers. Using CIFAR10 and GTSRB, we have empirically achieved result of 0% for both FRR and FAR. We have also evaluated STRIP robustness against a number of trojan attack variants and adaptive attacks.
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