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Large-scale cross-modal pre-training paradigms have recently shown ubiquitous success on a wide range of downstream tasks, e.g., zero-shot classification, retrieval and image captioning. However, their successes highly rely on the scale and quality of web-crawled data that naturally contain incomplete and noisy information (e.g., wrong or irrelevant content). Existing works either design manual rules to clean data or generate pseudo-targets as auxiliary signals for reducing noise impact, which do not explicitly tackle both the incorrect and incomplete challenges simultaneously. In this paper, to automatically mitigate the impact of noise by solely mining over existing data, we propose a principled Noise-robust Language-Image Pre-training framework (NLIP) to stabilize pre-training via two schemes: noise-harmonization and noise-completion. First, in noise-harmonization scheme, NLIP estimates the noise probability of each pair according to the memorization effect of cross-modal transformers, then adopts noise-adaptive regularization to harmonize the cross-modal alignments with varying degrees. Second, in noise-completion scheme, to enrich the missing object information of text, NLIP injects a concept-conditioned cross-modal decoder to obtain semantic-consistent synthetic captions to complete noisy ones, which uses the retrieved visual concepts (i.e., objects' names) for the corresponding image to guide captioning generation. By collaboratively optimizing noise-harmonization and noise-completion schemes, our NLIP can alleviate the common noise effects during image-text pre-training in a more efficient way. Extensive experiments show the significant performance improvements of our NLIP using only 26M data over existing pre-trained models (e.g., CLIP, FILIP and BLIP) on 12 zero-shot classification datasets, MSCOCO image captioning and zero-shot image-text retrieval tasks.
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Vision-Language Pre-Training (VLP) has shown promising capabilities to align image and text pairs, facilitating a broad variety of cross-modal learning tasks. However, we observe that VLP models often lack the visual grounding/localization capability which is critical for many downstream tasks such as visual reasoning. In this work, we propose a novel Position-guided Text Prompt (PTP) paradigm to enhance the visual grounding ability of cross-modal models trained with VLP. Specifically, in the VLP phase, PTP divides the image into $N\times N$ blocks, and identifies the objects in each block through the widely used object detector in VLP. It then reformulates the visual grounding task into a fill-in-the-blank problem given a PTP by encouraging the model to predict the objects in the given blocks or regress the blocks of a given object, e.g. filling `P" or ``O" in aPTP ``The block P has a O". This mechanism improves the visual grounding capability of VLP models and thus helps them better handle various downstream tasks. By introducing PTP into several state-of-the-art VLP frameworks, we observe consistently significant improvements across representative cross-modal learning model architectures and several benchmarks, e.g. zero-shot Flickr30K Retrieval (+4.8 in average recall@1) for ViLT \cite{vilt} baseline, and COCO Captioning (+5.3 in CIDEr) for SOTA BLIP \cite{blip} baseline. Moreover, PTP achieves comparable results with object-detector based methods, and much faster inference speed since PTP discards its object detector for inference while the later cannot. Our code and pre-trained weight will be released at \url{https://github.com/sail-sg/ptp}.
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最近,通过引入大规模的数据集和强大的变压器网络,视频预培训表明尤其是检索的巨大成功。然而,现有的视频语言变压器模型没有明确细粒度的语义对齐。在这项工作中,我们呈现了对象感知的变换器,以对象为中心的方法,该对象方法扩展了视频语言变压器来合并对象表示。关键的想法是利用边界框和对象标签来指导培训过程。我们在四个广泛使用的基准测试中评估了我们的三个标准子任务的模型。我们还提供了深入的分析和详细消融关于所提出的方法。我们在考虑的所有任务和数据集中表现出清晰的性能,展示将对象表示的模型中的型号集成到视频架构中。代码将以\ URL {https://github.com/fingerrec/oa -transformer}释放。
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Pre-trained representations are becoming crucial for many NLP and perception tasks. While representation learning in NLP has transitioned to training on raw text without human annotations, visual and vision-language representations still rely heavily on curated training datasets that are expensive or require expert knowledge. For vision applications, representations are mostly learned using datasets with explicit class labels such as Ima-geNet or OpenImages. For vision-language, popular datasets like Conceptual Captions, MSCOCO, or CLIP all involve a non-trivial data collection (and cleaning) process. This costly curation process limits the size of datasets and hence hinders the scaling of trained models. In this paper, we leverage a noisy dataset of over one billion image alt-text pairs, obtained without expensive filtering or post-processing steps in the Conceptual Captions dataset. A simple dual-encoder architecture learns to align visual and language representations of the image and text pairs using a contrastive loss. We show that the scale of our corpus can make up for its noise and leads to state-of-the-art representations even with such a simple learning scheme. Our visual representation achieves strong performance when transferred to classification tasks such as ImageNet and VTAB. The aligned visual and language representations enables zero-shot image classification and also set new state-of-the-art results on Flickr30K and MSCOCO image-text retrieval benchmarks, even when compared with more sophisticated crossattention models. The representations also enable cross-modality search with complex text and text + image queries.
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使用自然语言作为培训视觉识别模型的监督持有巨大的承诺。最近的作品表明,如果在大型训练数据集中的图像和标题之间的对齐形式使用此类监督,则结果对齐模型在零拍摄分类中表现出色,如下游任务2。在本文中,我们专注于挑逗语言监督的哪些部分对于训练零拍摄图像分类模型至关重要。通过广泛和仔细的实验​​,我们表明:1)可以将简单的单词(弓)标题用作数据集中大多数图像标题的替代品。令人惊讶的是,我们观察到这种方法在与单词平衡结合时提高了零拍分类性能。 2)使用船首净化模型,我们可以通过在没有标题的图像上生成伪弓标题来获得更多培训数据。使用真实和伪弓形标题培训的模型达到了更强的零射性能。在ImageNet-1K零拍评估中,我们只使用3M图像标题对的最佳模型,使用15M图像标题对培训的剪辑模型(31.5%VS 31.3%)进行剪辑。
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Learning fine-grained interplay between vision and language allows to a more accurate understanding for VisionLanguage tasks. However, it remains challenging to extract key image regions according to the texts for semantic alignments. Most existing works are either limited by textagnostic and redundant regions obtained with the frozen detectors, or failing to scale further due to its heavy reliance on scarce grounding (gold) data to pre-train detectors. To solve these problems, we propose Self-Locator Aided Network (SLAN) for cross-modal understanding tasks without any extra gold data. SLAN consists of a region filter and a region adaptor to localize regions of interest conditioned on different texts. By aggregating cross-modal information, the region filter selects key regions and the region adaptor updates their coordinates with text guidance. With detailed region-word alignments, SLAN can be easily generalized to many downstream tasks. It achieves fairly competitive results on five cross-modal understanding tasks (e.g., 85.7% and 69.2% on COCO image-to-text and text-to-image retrieval, surpassing previous SOTA methods). SLAN also demonstrates strong zero-shot and fine-tuned transferability to two localization tasks.
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自动视觉解对我们多样化和开放的世界需要计算机视觉模型,以概括为特定任务的最小定制,类似于人类视力。计算机视觉基础型号培训,培训多样化,大型数据集,可以适应各种下游任务,对该任务来解决现实世界计算机视觉应用而言至关重要。虽然现有的视觉基础模型如剪辑,对齐和吴道2.0主要集中在映射图像和文本表示到跨模型共享表示,我们介绍了一台新的计算机视觉基础模型,佛罗伦萨,扩大粗糙的表示(现场)到精细(对象),从静态(图像)到动态(视频),以及从RGB到多个模态(标题,深度)。通过从Web级图像文本数据中纳入通用视觉语言表示,我们的佛罗伦萨模型可以很容易地适应各种计算机视觉任务,例如分类,检索,对象检测,VQA,图像标题,视频检索和动作识别。此外,佛罗伦萨在许多类型的转移学习中表现出出色的表现:全面采样的微调,线性探测,几次射击传输和用于新颖图像和物体的零拍摄传输。所有这些属性对于我们的视觉基础模型至关重要,以提供通用视觉任务。佛罗伦萨实现了新的最先进的导致44个代表性基准,例如Imagenet-1K零射击分类,最高1精度为83.74,最高5个精度为97.18,62.4地图上的Coco微调, 80.36在VQA上,动力学-600上的87.8。
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使用图像文本对的对比语言图像预测(剪辑)在零拍摄和传输学习设置中的图像分类中取得了令人印象深刻的结果。但是,我们表明,直接应用此类模型以识别对象检测的图像区域导致由于域移位导致的性能差:剪辑训练以与文本描述的整体匹配,而不捕获图像之间的细粒度对齐地区和文本跨度。为了缓解此问题,我们提出了一种称为RegionClip的新方法,可显着扩展剪辑以学习区域级视觉表示,从而在图像区域和文本概念之间实现细粒度对齐。我们的方法利用剪辑模型将图像区域与模板标题匹配,然后预先列出我们的模型以对准要素空间中的这些区域文本对。将预磨料模型转移到开放词汇对象检测任务时,我们的方法显着优于3.8 AP50和2.2 AP的最新技术,分别用于COCO和LVIS数据集的新型类别。更多,学习区域表示支持对象检测的零拍摄推断,显示了对COCO和LVIS数据集的有希望的结果。我们的代码可在https://github.com/microsoft/regionclip上获得。
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Large-scale vision and language representation learning has shown promising improvements on various vision-language tasks. Most existing methods employ a transformer-based multimodal encoder to jointly model visual tokens (region-based image features) and word tokens. Because the visual tokens and word tokens are unaligned, it is challenging for the multimodal encoder to learn image-text interactions. In this paper, we introduce a contrastive loss to ALign the image and text representations BEfore Fusing (ALBEF) them through cross-modal attention, which enables more grounded vision and language representation learning. Unlike most existing methods, our method does not require bounding box annotations nor high-resolution images. To improve learning from noisy web data, we propose momentum distillation, a self-training method which learns from pseudo-targets produced by a momentum model. We provide a theoretical analysis of ALBEF from a mutual information maximization perspective, showing that different training tasks can be interpreted as different ways to generate views for an image-text pair. ALBEF achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple downstream visionlanguage tasks. On image-text retrieval, ALBEF outperforms methods that are pre-trained on orders of magnitude larger datasets. On VQA and NLVR 2 , ALBEF achieves absolute improvements of 2.37% and 3.84% compared to the state-ofthe-art, while enjoying faster inference speed. Code and models are available at https://github.com/salesforce/ALBEF.
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在低标签制度中,解决图像的多标签识别(MLR)是许多现实世界应用的一项艰巨任务。最近的工作学会了文本和视觉空间之间的一致性,以补偿图像标签不足,但由于可用的MLR注释量有限,因此失去了准确性。在这项工作中,我们利用数百万辅助图像文本对预测的文本和视觉特征的牢固对齐,并提出双背景优化(dualCoop)作为部分标签MLR和零发射MLR的统一框架。 DualCoop用类名来编码正面和负面的上下文,作为语言输入的一部分(即提示)。由于DualCoop仅在验证的视觉语言框架上引入了非常轻松的开销,因此它可以迅速适应具有有限的注释甚至看不见的类别的多标签识别任务。对两个挑战性低标签设置的标准多标签识别基准测试的实验证明了我们方法比最新方法的优势。
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远见和语言预测已成为解决多模式下游任务的普遍方法。当前的趋势是朝着更大的模型和预处理数据集迈进。从长远来看,这一计算头急促似乎是不合理的,而是朝着可持续的解决方案迈进,事实上,排除了资源有限的学术实验室。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个称为VICHA的新框架,该框架有效利用输入数据以通过以下方式提高学习,以: ,(c)利用图像级注释,称为视觉概念,使用现有基础模型(例如剪辑)获得,以提高图像编码器的性能。尽管对数据的预估计少了四倍,但我们的VICHA策略在下游任务(例如图像文本检索,VQA,视觉推理,视觉上和视觉接地)上的其他方法优于其他方法。该代码将在此处公开提供:https://github.com/mshukor/vicha
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视频和语言预培训表明对各种下游任务有望改善。最先前的方法捕获与基于变换器的多模式编码器的跨模型交互,不完全解决单向视频和文本特征之间的错位。此外,学习细粒度的视觉语言对准通常需要离上的对象检测器来提供对象信息,这是由检测器有限的词汇和昂贵的计算成本的瓶颈。我们建议对齐和提示:一种高效有效的视频和语言预训练框架,具有更好的跨模型对齐。首先,我们介绍了一个视频文本对比(VTC)丢失,以对准实例级别的单峰视频文本功能,从而缓解跨模型交互的建模。然后,我们提出了一种新的视觉接地预训练任务,提示实体建模(PEM),旨在学习细粒度的区域实体对齐。为实现这一目标,我们首先介绍一个实体发射模块,该模块用VTC培训,以产生与实体名称实例化的视频裁剪和文本提示之间的相似性。 PEM任务然后询问模型以预测随机选择的视频作物的实体伪标签(I.E〜归一化相似度分数)。由此产生的预先训练的模型在文本 - 视频检索和VideoQ上实现了最先进的性能,通过大幅度的边距表现优于现有的工作。我们的代码和预先训练的型号将被释放。
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Prompt tuning has been employed as an efficient way to adapt large vision-language pre-trained models (e.g. CLIP) to various downstream tasks in data-limited or label-limited settings. Nonetheless, visual data (e.g., images) is by default prerequisite for learning prompts in existing methods. In this work, we advocate that the effectiveness of image-text contrastive learning in aligning the two modalities (for training CLIP) further makes it feasible to treat texts as images for prompt tuning and introduce TaI prompting. In contrast to the visual data, text descriptions are easy to collect, and their class labels can be directly derived. Particularly, we apply TaI prompting to multi-label image recognition, where sentences in the wild serve as alternatives to images for prompt tuning. Moreover, with TaI, double-grained prompt tuning (TaI-DPT) is further presented to extract both coarse-grained and fine-grained embeddings for enhancing the multi-label recognition performance. Experimental results show that our proposed TaI-DPT outperforms zero-shot CLIP by a large margin on multiple benchmarks, e.g., MS-COCO, VOC2007, and NUS-WIDE, while it can be combined with existing methods of prompting from images to improve recognition performance further. Code is released at https://github.com/guozix/TaI-DPT.
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视觉语言预训练(VLP)模型在各种下游任务上表现出色。他们的成功在很大程度上取决于预训练的跨模式数据集的规模。但是,中文中缺乏大规模数据集和基准阻碍了中国VLP模型和更广泛的多语言应用程序的发展。在这项工作中,我们发布了一个名为Wukong的大型中国跨模式数据集,其中包含从网络收集的1亿个中文图像文本对。 Wukong旨在基准基准不同的多模式预训练方法,以促进VLP研究和社区发展。此外,我们发布了一组模型,预先训练了各种图像编码器(vit-b/vit-l/swint),还将高级预训练技术应用于VLP,例如锁定图像文本调整,相对于代币的相似性学习和减少互动。还提供了广泛的实验和不同下游任务的基准测试,包括新的最大人验证的图像文本测试数据集。实验表明,Wukong可以作为不同的跨模式学习方法的有前途的中国预培训数据集和基准。对于10个数据集上的零摄像图像分类任务,$ Wukong_ {vit-l} $达到的平均准确度为73.03%。对于图像文本检索任务,它在AIC-ICC上的平均召回率为71.6%,比Wenlan 2.0高12.9%。此外,我们的Wukong模型在下游任务上进行了基准测试,例如多个数据集上的其他变体,例如Flickr8k-CN,Flickr-30K-CN,Coco-CN,Coco-CN等。更多信息可以参考:https://wukong-dataset.github.io/wukong-dataset/。
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