人类交流越来越多地与AI产生的语言混合。在聊天,电子邮件和社交媒体中,AI系统会产生智能答复,自动完成和翻译。 AI生成的语言通常不被认为是人类语言的姿势,引起了人们对新型欺骗和操纵形式的担忧。在这里,我们研究了人类如何辨别AI产生的最个人化和结果形式之一 - 一种自我表现。在六个实验中,参与者(n = 4,650)试图识别由最先进的语言模型产生的自我表现。在专业,款待和浪漫的环境中,我们发现人类无法识别AI生成的自我表现。将定性分析与语言特征工程相结合,我们发现人类对语言的人类判断受到直观但有缺陷的启发式方法的困扰,例如将第一人称代词,真实的单词或家庭主题与人类相关联。我们表明,这些启发式方法使人类对产生的语言的判断可预测和可操纵,从而使AI系统能够产生比人类更具人类的语言。我们通过讨论解决方案(例如AI的重音或合理使用政策)来结束,以减少产生语言的欺骗潜力,从而限制人类直觉的颠覆。
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我们提出了一项探索性定性研究,以了解作家如何与下一页建议相互作用。尽管对建议系统对写作的影响进行了一些定量研究,但几乎没有定性的工作来理解作家如何与建议系统互动及其如何影响他们的写作过程 - 特别是针对非本地但英国作家的。我们进行了一项研究,要求业余作家分别写两部电影评论,一本没有建议。我们发现作家以各种复杂的方式与下一页建议互动 - 作家能够抽象建议的多个部分并将其纳入他们的写作中 - 即使他们不同意整个建议。建议系统对写作过程也有各种影响 - 以独特的方式为写作过程的不同方面做出了影响。我们提出了一种用于与GPT-2写作的作家 - 探索互动模型,用于电影评论写作任务,然后是该模型可用于未来研究的方式,并概述了研究和设计的机会。
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Deepfakes are computationally-created entities that falsely represent reality. They can take image, video, and audio modalities, and pose a threat to many areas of systems and societies, comprising a topic of interest to various aspects of cybersecurity and cybersafety. In 2020 a workshop consulting AI experts from academia, policing, government, the private sector, and state security agencies ranked deepfakes as the most serious AI threat. These experts noted that since fake material can propagate through many uncontrolled routes, changes in citizen behaviour may be the only effective defence. This study aims to assess human ability to identify image deepfakes of human faces (StyleGAN2:FFHQ) from nondeepfake images (FFHQ), and to assess the effectiveness of simple interventions intended to improve detection accuracy. Using an online survey, 280 participants were randomly allocated to one of four groups: a control group, and 3 assistance interventions. Each participant was shown a sequence of 20 images randomly selected from a pool of 50 deepfake and 50 real images of human faces. Participants were asked if each image was AI-generated or not, to report their confidence, and to describe the reasoning behind each response. Overall detection accuracy was only just above chance and none of the interventions significantly improved this. Participants' confidence in their answers was high and unrelated to accuracy. Assessing the results on a per-image basis reveals participants consistently found certain images harder to label correctly, but reported similarly high confidence regardless of the image. Thus, although participant accuracy was 62% overall, this accuracy across images ranged quite evenly between 85% and 30%, with an accuracy of below 50% for one in every five images. We interpret the findings as suggesting that there is a need for an urgent call to action to address this threat.
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Intelligent agents have great potential as facilitators of group conversation among older adults. However, little is known about how to design agents for this purpose and user group, especially in terms of agent embodiment. To this end, we conducted a mixed methods study of older adults' reactions to voice and body in a group conversation facilitation agent. Two agent forms with the same underlying artificial intelligence (AI) and voice system were compared: a humanoid robot and a voice assistant. One preliminary study (total n=24) and one experimental study comparing voice and body morphologies (n=36) were conducted with older adults and an experienced human facilitator. Findings revealed that the artificiality of the agent, regardless of its form, was beneficial for the socially uncomfortable task of conversation facilitation. Even so, talkative personality types had a poorer experience with the "bodied" robot version. Design implications and supplementary reactions, especially to agent voice, are also discussed.
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在公共危机时期,寻求信息对于人们的自我保健和福祉至关重要。广泛的研究调查了经验理解和技术解决方案,以促进受影响地区的家庭公民寻求信息。但是,建立有限的知识是为了支持需要在其东道国发生危机的国际移民。当前的论文对居住在日本和美国(n = 14)的两名中国移民(n = 14)进行了访谈研究。参与者反思了他们在共同大流行期间寻求经验的信息。反思补充了两周的自我追踪,参与者保持了相关信息寻求实践的记录。我们的数据表明,参与者经常绕开语言绕道,或访问普通话资源以获取有关其东道国疫情爆发的信息。他们还进行了战略性利用普通话信息,以进行选择性阅读,交叉检查以及对日语或英语的共同信息的上下文化解释。尽管这种做法增强了参与者对共同相关信息收集和感官的有效性,但他们有时会通过有时认识的方式使人们处于不利地位。此外,参与者缺乏对审查以移民为导向的信息的认识或偏爱,尽管该信息可用,这些信息是由东道国公共当局发布的。在这些发现的基础上,我们讨论了改善国际移民在非本地语言和文化环境中寻求共同相关信息的解决方案。我们主张包容性危机基础设施,这些基础设施将吸引以当地语言流利程度,信息素养和利用公共服务的经验的不同水平的人们。
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As language models (LMs) scale, they develop many novel behaviors, good and bad, exacerbating the need to evaluate how they behave. Prior work creates evaluations with crowdwork (which is time-consuming and expensive) or existing data sources (which are not always available). Here, we automatically generate evaluations with LMs. We explore approaches with varying amounts of human effort, from instructing LMs to write yes/no questions to making complex Winogender schemas with multiple stages of LM-based generation and filtering. Crowdworkers rate the examples as highly relevant and agree with 90-100% of labels, sometimes more so than corresponding human-written datasets. We generate 154 datasets and discover new cases of inverse scaling where LMs get worse with size. Larger LMs repeat back a dialog user's preferred answer ("sycophancy") and express greater desire to pursue concerning goals like resource acquisition and goal preservation. We also find some of the first examples of inverse scaling in RL from Human Feedback (RLHF), where more RLHF makes LMs worse. For example, RLHF makes LMs express stronger political views (on gun rights and immigration) and a greater desire to avoid shut down. Overall, LM-written evaluations are high-quality and let us quickly discover many novel LM behaviors.
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Incivility remains a major challenge for online discussion platforms, to such an extent that even conversations between well-intentioned users can often derail into uncivil behavior. Traditionally, platforms have relied on moderators to -- with or without algorithmic assistance -- take corrective actions such as removing comments or banning users. In this work we propose a complementary paradigm that directly empowers users by proactively enhancing their awareness about existing tension in the conversation they are engaging in and actively guides them as they are drafting their replies to avoid further escalation. As a proof of concept for this paradigm, we design an algorithmic tool that provides such proactive information directly to users, and conduct a user study in a popular discussion platform. Through a mixed methods approach combining surveys with a randomized controlled experiment, we uncover qualitative and quantitative insights regarding how the participants utilize and react to this information. Most participants report finding this proactive paradigm valuable, noting that it helps them to identify tension that they may have otherwise missed and prompts them to further reflect on their own replies and to revise them. These effects are corroborated by a comparison of how the participants draft their reply when our tool warns them that their conversation is at risk of derailing into uncivil behavior versus in a control condition where the tool is disabled. These preliminary findings highlight the potential of this user-centered paradigm and point to concrete directions for future implementations.
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最近十年表明,人们对机器人作为福祉教练的兴趣越来越大。但是,尚未提出针对机器人设计作为促进心理健康的教练的凝聚力和全面的准则。本文详细介绍了基于基于扎根理论方法的定性荟萃分析的设计和道德建议,该方法是通过三项以用户为中心的涉及机器人福祉教练的三个不同的以用户为中心进行的,即:(1)与参与性设计研究一起进行的。 11名参与者由两位潜在用户组成,他们与人类教练一起参加了简短的专注于解决方案的实践研究,以及不同学科的教练,(2)半结构化的个人访谈数据,这些数据来自20名参加积极心理学干预研究的参与者借助机器人福祉教练胡椒,(3)与3名积极心理学研究的参与者以及2名相关的福祉教练进行了一项参与式设计研究。在进行主题分析和定性荟萃分析之后,我们将收集到收敛性和不同主题的数据整理在一起,并从这些结果中提炼了一套设计准则和道德考虑。我们的发现可以在设计机器人心理福祉教练时考虑到关键方面的关键方面。
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This study introduces and examines the potential of an AI system to generate health awareness messages. The topic of folic acid, a vitamin that is critical during pregnancy, served as a test case. Using prompt engineering, we generated messages that could be used to raise awareness and compared them to retweeted human-generated messages via computational and human evaluation methods. The system was easy to use and prolific, and computational analyses revealed that the AI-generated messages were on par with human-generated ones in terms of sentiment, reading ease, and semantic content. Also, the human evaluation study showed that AI-generated messages ranked higher in message quality and clarity. We discuss the theoretical, practical, and ethical implications of these results.
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Digital platforms, including online forums and helplines, have emerged as avenues of support for caregivers suffering from postpartum mental health distress. Understanding support seekers' experiences as shared on these platforms could provide crucial insight into caregivers' needs during this vulnerable time. In the current work, we provide a descriptive analysis of the concerns, psychological states, and motivations shared by healthy and distressed postpartum support seekers on two digital platforms, a one-on-one digital helpline and a publicly available online forum. Using a combination of human annotations, dictionary models and unsupervised techniques, we find stark differences between the experiences of distressed and healthy mothers. Distressed mothers described interpersonal problems and a lack of support, with 8.60% - 14.56% reporting severe symptoms including suicidal ideation. In contrast, the majority of healthy mothers described childcare issues, such as questions about breastfeeding or sleeping, and reported no severe mental health concerns. Across the two digital platforms, we found that distressed mothers shared similar content. However, the patterns of speech and affect shared by distressed mothers differed between the helpline vs. the online forum, suggesting the design of these platforms may shape meaningful measures of their support-seeking experiences. Our results provide new insight into the experiences of caregivers suffering from postpartum mental health distress. We conclude by discussing methodological considerations for understanding content shared by support seekers and design considerations for the next generation of support tools for postpartum parents.
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We demonstrate that scaling up language models greatly improves task-agnostic, few-shot performance, sometimes even becoming competitive with prior state-ofthe-art fine-tuning approaches. Specifically, we train GPT-3, an autoregressive language model with 175 billion parameters, 10x more than any previous nonsparse language model, and test its performance in the few-shot setting. For all tasks, GPT-3 is applied without any gradient updates or fine-tuning, with tasks and few-shot demonstrations specified purely via text interaction with the model. GPT-3 achieves strong performance on many NLP datasets, including translation, question-answering, and cloze tasks. We also identify some datasets where GPT-3's few-shot learning still struggles, as well as some datasets where GPT-3 faces methodological issues related to training on large web corpora.
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