间歇时间序列的分层预测是研究和实证研究中的挑战。庞大的研究侧重于提高每个层次结构的准确性,尤其是底部层次的间歇时间序列。然后,在每个层次结构上调和预测,以进一步提高整体性能。在本文中,我们提出了一种与分层对准方法的预测,该方法将底部水平预测视为可变的柔和预测,以确保在层次结构的上层上的预测精度。我们采用纯深度学习预测方法的N- BEATS对高层的连续时间序列和广泛使用的基于树的算法LightGBM为底层间歇时间序列。具有对准方法的分层预测是自下而上方法的简单且有效的变体,其占难以观察到底部水平的偏差。它允许在较低级别的次优预测保留更高的整体性能。该研究在本实证研究中由第一作者在M5预测准确性竞争期间开发,排名第二。该方法也是良好的商业战略规划有益。
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当时间序列具有自然组结构时,出现分层预测问题,并且需要在多个聚集水平和对组中分类的预测。在这些问题中,通常希望满足给定层次结构中的聚合约束,称为文献中的分层一致性。在生产准确的预测的同时保持层次连贯可能是一个具有挑战性的问题,特别是在概率预测的情况下。我们提出了一种能够对等级序列准确和相干的概率预测的新方法。我们称之为Deep Poisson混合网络(DPMN)。它依赖于神经网络的组合和用于分层多变量时间序列结构的关节分布的统计模型。通过施工,模型可确保分层一致性,并为预测分布的聚集和分解提供简单的规则。我们进行广泛的实证评估,将DPMN与其他最先进的方法进行比较,该方法在多个公共数据集上产生分层相干的概率预测。与现有的相干概率模型相比,我们在澳大利亚国内旅游数据的总体连续排名概率评分(CRP)的总体连续排名概率评分(CRP)的相对改善,24.2位于青年杂货店销售数据集中,6.9%在旧金山湾区公路交通数据集。
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Generalizability of time series forecasting models depends on the quality of model selection. Temporal cross validation (TCV) is a standard technique to perform model selection in forecasting tasks. TCV sequentially partitions the training time series into train and validation windows, and performs hyperparameter optmization (HPO) of the forecast model to select the model with the best validation performance. Model selection with TCV often leads to poor test performance when the test data distribution differs from that of the validation data. We propose a novel model selection method, H-Pro that exploits the data hierarchy often associated with a time series dataset. Generally, the aggregated data at the higher levels of the hierarchy show better predictability and more consistency compared to the bottom-level data which is more sparse and (sometimes) intermittent. H-Pro performs the HPO of the lowest-level student model based on the test proxy forecasts obtained from a set of teacher models at higher levels in the hierarchy. The consistency of the teachers' proxy forecasts help select better student models at the lowest-level. We perform extensive empirical studies on multiple datasets to validate the efficacy of the proposed method. H-Pro along with off-the-shelf forecasting models outperform existing state-of-the-art forecasting methods including the winning models of the M5 point-forecasting competition.
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本文介绍了一个集成预测方法,通过减少特征和模型选择假设来显示M4Competitiation数据集的强劲结果,称为甜甜圈(不利用人为假设)。我们的假设减少,主要由自动生成的功能和更多样化的集合模型组成,显着优于Montero-Manso等人的统计特征的集合方法FForma。 (2020)。此外,我们用长短期内存网络(LSTM)AutoEncoder调查特征提取,并发现此类特征包含传统统计特征方法未捕获的重要信息。合奏加权模型使用LSTM功能和统计功能准确地结合模型。特征重要性和交互的分析表明,单独的统计数据的LSTM特征略有优势。聚类分析表明,不同的基本LSTM功能与大多数统计特征不同。我们还发现,通过使用新模型增强合奏来增加加权模型的解决方案空间是加权模型学习使用的东西,解释了准确性的一部分。最后,我们为集合的最佳组合和选择提供了正式的前后事实分析,通过M4数据集的线性优化量化差异。我们还包括一个简短的证据,模型组合优于模型选择,后者。
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我们介绍了称为\ texttt {mecats}的异构专家框架的混合,其同时预测通过聚合层次结构相关的一组时间序列的值。不同类型的预测模型可以作为个别专家使用,以便可以根据相应时间序列的性质来定制每个模型的形式。 \ TextTt {Mecats}在培训阶段期间了解分层关系,以帮助概括在被建模的所有时间序列中更好地提高,并且还减轻了由于层次结构施加的约束而产生的一致性问题。我们进一步在点预测的顶部构建多个分位数估计值。由此产生的概率预测几乎是连贯的,无分布的,并且独立于预测模型的选择。我们对两点和概率预测进行了全面的评估,并制定了序列数据中存在变化点的情况的扩展。通常,我们的方法是强大的,适用于具有不同特性的数据集,对大规模预测管道具有高度可配置和高效的。
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The cyber-physical convergence is opening up new business opportunities for industrial operators. The need for deep integration of the cyber and the physical worlds establishes a rich business agenda towards consolidating new system and network engineering approaches. This revolution would not be possible without the rich and heterogeneous sources of data, as well as the ability of their intelligent exploitation, mainly due to the fact that data will serve as a fundamental resource to promote Industry 4.0. One of the most fruitful research and practice areas emerging from this data-rich, cyber-physical, smart factory environment is the data-driven process monitoring field, which applies machine learning methodologies to enable predictive maintenance applications. In this paper, we examine popular time series forecasting techniques as well as supervised machine learning algorithms in the applied context of Industry 4.0, by transforming and preprocessing the historical industrial dataset of a packing machine's operational state recordings (real data coming from the production line of a manufacturing plant from the food and beverage domain). In our methodology, we use only a single signal concerning the machine's operational status to make our predictions, without considering other operational variables or fault and warning signals, hence its characterization as ``agnostic''. In this respect, the results demonstrate that the adopted methods achieve a quite promising performance on three targeted use cases.
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我们在在线环境中研究了非线性预测,并引入了混合模型,该模型通过端到端体系结构有效地减轻了对手工设计的功能的需求和传统非线性预测/回归方法的手动模型选择问题。特别是,我们使用递归结构从顺序信号中提取特征,同时保留状态信息,即历史记录和增强决策树以产生最终输出。该连接是以端到端方式的,我们使用随机梯度下降共同优化整个体系结构,我们还为此提供了向后的通过更新方程。特别是,我们采用了一个经常性的神经网络(LSTM)来从顺序数据中提取自适应特征,并提取梯度增强机械(Soft GBDT),以进行有效的监督回归。我们的框架是通用的,因此可以使用其他深度学习体系结构进行特征提取(例如RNN和GRU)和机器学习算法进行决策,只要它们是可区分的。我们证明了算法对合成数据的学习行为以及各种现实生活数据集对常规方法的显着性能改进。此外,我们公开分享提出的方法的源代码,以促进进一步的研究。
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In this paper, we propose a new short-term load forecasting (STLF) model based on contextually enhanced hybrid and hierarchical architecture combining exponential smoothing (ES) and a recurrent neural network (RNN). The model is composed of two simultaneously trained tracks: the context track and the main track. The context track introduces additional information to the main track. It is extracted from representative series and dynamically modulated to adjust to the individual series forecasted by the main track. The RNN architecture consists of multiple recurrent layers stacked with hierarchical dilations and equipped with recently proposed attentive dilated recurrent cells. These cells enable the model to capture short-term, long-term and seasonal dependencies across time series as well as to weight dynamically the input information. The model produces both point forecasts and predictive intervals. The experimental part of the work performed on 35 forecasting problems shows that the proposed model outperforms in terms of accuracy its predecessor as well as standard statistical models and state-of-the-art machine learning models.
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Algorithms that involve both forecasting and optimization are at the core of solutions to many difficult real-world problems, such as in supply chains (inventory optimization), traffic, and in the transition towards carbon-free energy generation in battery/load/production scheduling in sustainable energy systems. Typically, in these scenarios we want to solve an optimization problem that depends on unknown future values, which therefore need to be forecast. As both forecasting and optimization are difficult problems in their own right, relatively few research has been done in this area. This paper presents the findings of the ``IEEE-CIS Technical Challenge on Predict+Optimize for Renewable Energy Scheduling," held in 2021. We present a comparison and evaluation of the seven highest-ranked solutions in the competition, to provide researchers with a benchmark problem and to establish the state of the art for this benchmark, with the aim to foster and facilitate research in this area. The competition used data from the Monash Microgrid, as well as weather data and energy market data. It then focused on two main challenges: forecasting renewable energy production and demand, and obtaining an optimal schedule for the activities (lectures) and on-site batteries that lead to the lowest cost of energy. The most accurate forecasts were obtained by gradient-boosted tree and random forest models, and optimization was mostly performed using mixed integer linear and quadratic programming. The winning method predicted different scenarios and optimized over all scenarios jointly using a sample average approximation method.
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已经显示混合方法以在预测任务中以纯粹的统计和纯粹的深度学习方法优于预测,并定量与这些预测(预测间隔)的相关不确定性。一个示例是指数平滑复发性神经网络(ES-RNN),统计预测模型和经常性神经网络变体之间的混合。 ES-RNN在Makridakis-4预测竞争中实现了9.4 \%的绝对错误。这种改进和类似的混合模型的表现主要是仅在单变量数据集上展示。将混合预测方法应用于多变量数据的困难包括($ i $)的高参数调整所涉及的高计算成本,用于与数据中固有的自动关联相关的模型(II $)挑战,以及( $ iii $)在可能难以捕获的协变量之间的复杂依赖(交叉相关)。本文介绍了多变量指数平滑的长短短期记忆(MES-LSTM),对ES-RNN的广义多元扩展,克服了这些挑战。 MES-LSTM利用了矢量化实现。我们在2019年(Covid-19)发病率数据集的几种聚集冠状病毒病中测试MES-LSTM,并发现我们的混合方法在预测准确性和预测间隔建设下对纯统计和深度学习方法进行了一致的,显着改善。
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传染病仍然是全世界人类疾病和死亡的主要因素之一,其中许多疾病引起了流行的感染波。特定药物和预防疫苗防止大多数流行病的不可用,这使情况变得更糟。这些迫使公共卫生官员,卫生保健提供者和政策制定者依靠由流行病的可靠预测产生的预警系统。对流行病的准确预测可以帮助利益相关者调整对手的对策,例如疫苗接种运动,人员安排和资源分配,以减少手头的情况,这可以转化为减少疾病影响的影响。不幸的是,大多数过去的流行病(例如,登革热,疟疾,肝炎,流感和最新的Covid-19)表现出非线性和非平稳性特征,这是由于它们基于季节性依赖性变化以及这些流行病的性质的扩散波动而引起的。 。我们使用基于最大的重叠离散小波变换(MODWT)自动回归神经网络分析了各种流行时期时间序列数据集,并将其称为EWNET。 MODWT技术有效地表征了流行时间序列中的非平稳行为和季节性依赖性,并在拟议的集合小波网络框架中改善了自回旋神经网络的预测方案。从非线性时间序列的角度来看,我们探讨了所提出的EWNET模型的渐近平稳性,以显示相关的马尔可夫链的渐近行为。我们还理论上还研究了学习稳定性的效果以及在拟议的EWNET模型中选择隐藏的神经元的选择。从实际的角度来看,我们将我们提出的EWNET框架与以前用于流行病预测的几种统计,机器学习和深度学习模型进行了比较。
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我们基准了一个简单学习模型的亚季节预测工具包,该工具包优于操作实践和最先进的机器学习和深度学习方法。这些模型,由Mouatadid等人引入。 (2022),包括(a)气候++,这是气候学的一种适应性替代品,对于降水而言,准确性9%,比美国运营气候预测系统(CFSV2)高9%,熟练250%; (b)CFSV2 ++,一种学习的CFSV2校正,可将温度和降水精度提高7-8%,技能提高50-275%; (c)持久性++是一种增强的持久性模型,将CFSV2预测与滞后测量相结合,以将温度和降水精度提高6-9%,技能提高40-130%。在整个美国,气候++,CFSV2 ++和持久性++工具包始终优于标准气象基准,最先进的机器和深度学习方法,以及欧洲中等范围的天气预报集合中心。
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Multivariate time series forecasting with hierarchical structure is pervasive in real-world applications, demanding not only predicting each level of the hierarchy, but also reconciling all forecasts to ensure coherency, i.e., the forecasts should satisfy the hierarchical aggregation constraints. Moreover, the disparities of statistical characteristics between levels can be huge, worsened by non-Gaussian distributions and non-linear correlations. To this extent, we propose a novel end-to-end hierarchical time series forecasting model, based on conditioned normalizing flow-based autoregressive transformer reconciliation, to represent complex data distribution while simultaneously reconciling the forecasts to ensure coherency. Unlike other state-of-the-art methods, we achieve the forecasting and reconciliation simultaneously without requiring any explicit post-processing step. In addition, by harnessing the power of deep model, we do not rely on any assumption such as unbiased estimates or Gaussian distribution. Our evaluation experiments are conducted on four real-world hierarchical datasets from different industrial domains (three public ones and a dataset from the application servers of Alipay's data center) and the preliminary results demonstrate efficacy of our proposed method.
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Wind power forecasting helps with the planning for the power systems by contributing to having a higher level of certainty in decision-making. Due to the randomness inherent to meteorological events (e.g., wind speeds), making highly accurate long-term predictions for wind power can be extremely difficult. One approach to remedy this challenge is to utilize weather information from multiple points across a geographical grid to obtain a holistic view of the wind patterns, along with temporal information from the previous power outputs of the wind farms. Our proposed CNN-RNN architecture combines convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to extract spatial and temporal information from multi-dimensional input data to make day-ahead predictions. In this regard, our method incorporates an ultra-wide learning view, combining data from multiple numerical weather prediction models, wind farms, and geographical locations. Additionally, we experiment with global forecasting approaches to understand the impact of training the same model over the datasets obtained from multiple different wind farms, and we employ a method where spatial information extracted from convolutional layers is passed to a tree ensemble (e.g., Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LGBM)) instead of fully connected layers. The results show that our proposed CNN-RNN architecture outperforms other models such as LGBM, Extra Tree regressor and linear regression when trained globally, but fails to replicate such performance when trained individually on each farm. We also observe that passing the spatial information from CNN to LGBM improves its performance, providing further evidence of CNN's spatial feature extraction capabilities.
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