This paper deals with the problem of statistical and system heterogeneity in a cross-silo Federated Learning (FL) framework where there exist a limited number of Consumer Internet of Things (CIoT) devices in a smart building. We propose a novel Graph Signal Processing (GSP)-inspired aggregation rule based on graph filtering dubbed ``G-Fedfilt''. The proposed aggregator enables a structured flow of information based on the graph's topology. This behavior allows capturing the interconnection of CIoT devices and training domain-specific models. The embedded graph filter is equipped with a tunable parameter which enables a continuous trade-off between domain-agnostic and domain-specific FL. In the case of domain-agnostic, it forces G-Fedfilt to act similar to the conventional Federated Averaging (FedAvg) aggregation rule. The proposed G-Fedfilt also enables an intrinsic smooth clustering based on the graph connectivity without explicitly specified which further boosts the personalization of the models in the framework. In addition, the proposed scheme enjoys a communication-efficient time-scheduling to alleviate the system heterogeneity. This is accomplished by adaptively adjusting the amount of training data samples and sparsity of the models' gradients to reduce communication desynchronization and latency. Simulation results show that the proposed G-Fedfilt achieves up to $3.99\% $ better classification accuracy than the conventional FedAvg when concerning model personalization on the statistically heterogeneous local datasets, while it is capable of yielding up to $2.41\%$ higher accuracy than FedAvg in the case of testing the generalization of the models.
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In recent years, mobile devices are equipped with increasingly advanced sensing and computing capabilities. Coupled with advancements in Deep Learning (DL), this opens up countless possibilities for meaningful applications, e.g., for medical purposes and in vehicular networks. Traditional cloudbased Machine Learning (ML) approaches require the data to be centralized in a cloud server or data center. However, this results in critical issues related to unacceptable latency and communication inefficiency. To this end, Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) has been proposed to bring intelligence closer to the edge, where data is produced. However, conventional enabling technologies for ML at mobile edge networks still require personal data to be shared with external parties, e.g., edge servers. Recently, in light of increasingly stringent data privacy legislations and growing privacy concerns, the concept of Federated Learning (FL) has been introduced. In FL, end devices use their local data to train an ML model required by the server. The end devices then send the model updates rather than raw data to the server for aggregation. FL can serve as an enabling technology in mobile edge networks since it enables the collaborative training of an ML model and also enables DL for mobile edge network optimization. However, in a large-scale and complex mobile edge network, heterogeneous devices with varying constraints are involved. This raises challenges of communication costs, resource allocation, and privacy and security in the implementation of FL at scale. In this survey, we begin with an introduction to the background and fundamentals of FL. Then, we highlight the aforementioned challenges of FL implementation and review existing solutions. Furthermore, we present the applications of FL for mobile edge network optimization. Finally, we discuss the important challenges and future research directions in FL.
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有限的通信资源,例如带宽和能源以及设备之间的数据异质性是联合学习的两个主要瓶颈(FL)。为了应对这些挑战,我们首先使用部分模型聚合(PMA)设计了一个新颖的FL框架,该框架仅汇总负责特征提取的神经网络的下层,而与复杂模式识别相对应的上层仍保留在个性化设备上。提出的PMA-FL能够解决数据异质性并减少无线通道中的传输信息。然后,我们在非convex损耗函数设置下获得了框架的收敛结合。借助此界限,我们定义了一个新的目标函数,名为“计划数据样本量”,以将原始的不明智优化问题转移到可用于设备调度,带宽分配,计算和通信时间分配的可拖动问题中。我们的分析表明,当PMA-FL的沟通和计算部分具有相同的功率时,可以实现最佳时段。我们还开发了一种二级方法来解决最佳带宽分配策略,并使用SET扩展算法来解决最佳设备调度。与最先进的基准测试相比,提议的PMA-FL在两个典型的异质数据集(即Minist和CIFAR-10)上提高了2.72%和11.6%的精度。此外,提出的联合动态设备调度和资源优化方法的精度比考虑的基准略高,但它们提供了令人满意的能量和时间缩短:MNIST的29%能量或20%的时间缩短; CIFAR-10的能量和25%的能量或12.5%的时间缩短。
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联合学习(FL)可以对机器学习模型进行分布式培训,同时将个人数据保存在用户设备上。尽管我们目睹了FL在移动传感领域的越来越多的应用,例如人类活动识别(HAR),但在多设备环境(MDE)的背景下,尚未对FL进行研究,其中每个用户都拥有多个数据生产设备。随着移动设备和可穿戴设备的扩散,MDE在Ubicomp设置中越来越受欢迎,因此需要对其中的FL进行研究。 MDE中的FL的特征是在客户和设备异质性的存在中并不复杂,并不是独立的,并且在客户端之间并非独立分布(非IID)。此外,确保在MDE中有效利用佛罗里达州客户的系统资源仍然是一个重要的挑战。在本文中,我们提出了以用户为中心的FL培训方法来应对MDE中的统计和系统异质性,并在设备之间引起推理性能的一致性。火焰功能(i)以用户为中心的FL培训,利用同一用户的设备之间的时间对齐; (ii)准确性和效率感知设备的选择; (iii)对设备的个性化模型。我们还提出了具有现实的能量流量和网络带宽配置文件的FL评估测试,以及一种基于类的新型数据分配方案,以将现有HAR数据集扩展到联合设置。我们在三个多设备HAR数据集上的实验结果表明,火焰的表现优于各种基准,F1得分高4.3-25.8%,能源效率提高1.02-2.86倍,并高达2.06倍的收敛速度,以通过FL的公平分布来获得目标准确性工作量。
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使用人工智能(AI)赋予无线网络中数据量的前所未有的数据量激增,为提供无处不在的数据驱动智能服务而开辟了新的视野。通过集中收集数据集和培训模型来实现传统的云彩中心学习(ML)基础的服务。然而,这种传统的训练技术包括两个挑战:(i)由于数据通信增加而导致的高通信和能源成本,(ii)通过允许不受信任的各方利用这些信息来威胁数据隐私。最近,鉴于这些限制,一种新兴的新兴技术,包括联合学习(FL),以使ML带到无线网络的边缘。通过以分布式方式培训全局模型,可以通过FL Server策划的全局模型来提取数据孤岛的好处。 FL利用分散的数据集和参与客户的计算资源,在不影响数据隐私的情况下开发广义ML模型。在本文中,我们介绍了对FL的基本面和能够实现技术的全面调查。此外,提出了一个广泛的研究,详细说明了无线网络中的流体的各种应用,并突出了他们的挑战和局限性。进一步探索了FL的疗效,其新兴的前瞻性超出了第五代(B5G)和第六代(6G)通信系统。本调查的目的是在关键的无线技术中概述了流动的技术,这些技术将作为建立对该主题的坚定了解的基础。最后,我们向未来的研究方向提供前进的道路。
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Federated learning (FL) on deep neural networks facilitates new applications at the edge, especially for wearable and Internet-of-Thing devices. Such devices capture a large and diverse amount of data, but they have memory, compute, power, and connectivity constraints which hinder their participation in FL. We propose Centaur, a multitier FL framework, enabling ultra-constrained devices to efficiently participate in FL on large neural nets. Centaur combines two major ideas: (i) a data selection scheme to choose a portion of samples that accelerates the learning, and (ii) a partition-based training algorithm that integrates both constrained and powerful devices owned by the same user. Evaluations, on four benchmark neural nets and three datasets, show that Centaur gains ~10% higher accuracy than local training on constrained devices with ~58% energy saving on average. Our experimental results also demonstrate the superior efficiency of Centaur when dealing with imbalanced data, client participation heterogeneity, and various network connection probabilities.
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联邦元学习(FML)已成为应对当今边缘学习竞技场中的数据限制和异质性挑战的承诺范式。然而,其性能通常受到缓慢的收敛性和相应的低通信效率的限制。此外,由于可用的无线电频谱和物联网设备的能量容量通常不足,因此在在实际无线网络中部署FML时,控制资源分配和能量消耗是至关重要的。为了克服挑战,在本文中,我们严格地分析了每个设备对每轮全球损失减少的贡献,并使用非统一的设备选择方案开发FML算法(称为Nufm)以加速收敛。之后,我们制定了集成NuFM在多通道无线系统中的资源分配问题,共同提高收敛速率并最小化壁钟时间以及能量成本。通过逐步解构原始问题,我们设计了一个联合设备选择和资源分配策略,以解决理论保证问题。此外,我们表明Nufm的计算复杂性可以通过$ O(d ^ 2)$至$ o(d)$(使用模型维度$ d $)通过组合两个一阶近似技术来降低。广泛的仿真结果表明,与现有基线相比,所提出的方法的有效性和优越性。
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联合学习(FL)作为边缘设备的有希望的技术,以协作学习共享预测模型,同时保持其训练数据,从而解耦了从需要存储云中的数据的机器学习的能力。然而,在规模和系统异质性方面,FL难以现实地实现。虽然有许多用于模拟FL算法的研究框架,但它们不支持在异构边缘设备上进行可扩展的流程。在本文中,我们呈现花 - 一种全面的FL框架,通过提供新的设施来执行大规模的FL实验并考虑丰富的异构流程来区分现有平台。我们的实验表明花卉可以仅使用一对高端GPU在客户尺寸下进行FL实验。然后,研究人员可以将实验无缝地迁移到真实设备中以检查设计空间的其他部分。我们认为花卉为社区提供了一个批判性的新工具,用于研究和发展。
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Federated Learning (FL) has become a key choice for distributed machine learning. Initially focused on centralized aggregation, recent works in FL have emphasized greater decentralization to adapt to the highly heterogeneous network edge. Among these, Hierarchical, Device-to-Device and Gossip Federated Learning (HFL, D2DFL \& GFL respectively) can be considered as foundational FL algorithms employing fundamental aggregation strategies. A number of FL algorithms were subsequently proposed employing multiple fundamental aggregation schemes jointly. Existing research, however, subjects the FL algorithms to varied conditions and gauges the performance of these algorithms mainly against Federated Averaging (FedAvg) only. This work consolidates the FL landscape and offers an objective analysis of the major FL algorithms through a comprehensive cross-evaluation for a wide range of operating conditions. In addition to the three foundational FL algorithms, this work also analyzes six derived algorithms. To enable a uniform assessment, a multi-FL framework named FLAGS: Federated Learning AlGorithms Simulation has been developed for rapid configuration of multiple FL algorithms. Our experiments indicate that fully decentralized FL algorithms achieve comparable accuracy under multiple operating conditions, including asynchronous aggregation and the presence of stragglers. Furthermore, decentralized FL can also operate in noisy environments and with a comparably higher local update rate. However, the impact of extremely skewed data distributions on decentralized FL is much more adverse than on centralized variants. The results indicate that it may not be necessary to restrict the devices to a single FL algorithm; rather, multi-FL nodes may operate with greater efficiency.
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The space-air-ground integrated network (SAGIN), one of the key technologies for next-generation mobile communication systems, can facilitate data transmission for users all over the world, especially in some remote areas where vast amounts of informative data are collected by Internet of remote things (IoRT) devices to support various data-driven artificial intelligence (AI) services. However, training AI models centrally with the assistance of SAGIN faces the challenges of highly constrained network topology, inefficient data transmission, and privacy issues. To tackle these challenges, we first propose a novel topology-aware federated learning framework for the SAGIN, namely Olive Branch Learning (OBL). Specifically, the IoRT devices in the ground layer leverage their private data to perform model training locally, while the air nodes in the air layer and the ring-structured low earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellation in the space layer are in charge of model aggregation (synchronization) at different scales.To further enhance communication efficiency and inference performance of OBL, an efficient Communication and Non-IID-aware Air node-Satellite Assignment (CNASA) algorithm is designed by taking the data class distribution of the air nodes as well as their geographic locations into account. Furthermore, we extend our OBL framework and CNASA algorithm to adapt to more complex multi-orbit satellite networks. We analyze the convergence of our OBL framework and conclude that the CNASA algorithm contributes to the fast convergence of the global model. Extensive experiments based on realistic datasets corroborate the superior performance of our algorithm over the benchmark policies.
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Federated learning (FL) is a collaborative machine learning framework that requires different clients (e.g., Internet of Things devices) to participate in the machine learning model training process by training and uploading their local models to an FL server in each global iteration. Upon receiving the local models from all the clients, the FL server generates a global model by aggregating the received local models. This traditional FL process may suffer from the straggler problem in heterogeneous client settings, where the FL server has to wait for slow clients to upload their local models in each global iteration, thus increasing the overall training time. One of the solutions is to set up a deadline and only the clients that can upload their local models before the deadline would be selected in the FL process. This solution may lead to a slow convergence rate and global model overfitting issues due to the limited client selection. In this paper, we propose the Latency awarE Semi-synchronous client Selection and mOdel aggregation for federated learNing (LESSON) method that allows all the clients to participate in the whole FL process but with different frequencies. That is, faster clients would be scheduled to upload their models more frequently than slow clients, thus resolving the straggler problem and accelerating the convergence speed, while avoiding model overfitting. Also, LESSON is capable of adjusting the tradeoff between the model accuracy and convergence rate by varying the deadline. Extensive simulations have been conducted to compare the performance of LESSON with the other two baseline methods, i.e., FedAvg and FedCS. The simulation results demonstrate that LESSON achieves faster convergence speed than FedAvg and FedCS, and higher model accuracy than FedCS.
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在联合学习(FL)设置中,许多设备有助于培训通用模型。我们提出了一种选择提供更新的设备,以实现改进的概括,快速收敛和更好的设备级别性能。我们制定了最低 - 最大优化问题,并将其分解为原始偶的设置,在该设置中,双重性差距用于量化设备级的性能。我们的策略通过\ emph {exploitation}的随机设备选择,通过简化的设备贡献来结合数据新鲜度。这在概括和个性化方面都改善了受过训练的模型的性能。在开发阶段,应用了修改的截短蒙特卡洛(TMC)方法,以估计设备的贡献并降低开销的通信。实验结果表明,所提出的方法具有竞争性能,对基线方案的沟通开销和竞争性个性化绩效较低。
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