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Machine learning methods have been used to accelerate the molecule optimization process. However, efficient search for optimized molecules satisfying several properties with scarce labeled data remains a challenge for machine learning molecule optimization. In this study, we propose MOMO, a multi-objective molecule optimization framework to address the challenge by combining learning of chemical knowledge with Pareto-based multi-objective evolutionary search. To learn chemistry, it employs a self-supervised codec to construct an implicit chemical space and acquire the continues representation of molecules. To explore the established chemical space, MOMO uses multi-objective evolution to comprehensively and efficiently search for similar molecules with multiple desirable properties. We demonstrate the high performance of MOMO on four multi-objective property and similarity optimization tasks, and illustrate the search capability of MOMO through case studies. Remarkably, our approach significantly outperforms previous approaches in optimizing three objectives simultaneously. The results show the optimization capability of MOMO, suggesting to improve the success rate of lead molecule optimization.
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Structure-based drug design (SBDD) aims to discover drug candidates by finding molecules (ligands) that bind tightly to a disease-related protein (targets), which is the primary approach to computer-aided drug discovery. Recently, applying deep generative models for three-dimensional (3D) molecular design conditioned on protein pockets to solve SBDD has attracted much attention, but their formulation as probabilistic modeling often leads to unsatisfactory optimization performance. On the other hand, traditional combinatorial optimization methods such as genetic algorithms (GA) have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in various molecular optimization tasks. However, they do not utilize protein target structure to inform design steps but rely on a random-walk-like exploration, which leads to unstable performance and no knowledge transfer between different tasks despite the similar binding physics. To achieve a more stable and efficient SBDD, we propose Reinforced Genetic Algorithm (RGA) that uses neural models to prioritize the profitable design steps and suppress random-walk behavior. The neural models take the 3D structure of the targets and ligands as inputs and are pre-trained using native complex structures to utilize the knowledge of the shared binding physics from different targets and then fine-tuned during optimization. We conduct thorough empirical studies on optimizing binding affinity to various disease targets and show that RGA outperforms the baselines in terms of docking scores and is more robust to random initializations. The ablation study also indicates that the training on different targets helps improve performance by leveraging the shared underlying physics of the binding processes. The code is available at https://github.com/futianfan/reinforced-genetic-algorithm.
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In this work, we propose MEDICO, a Multi-viEw Deep generative model for molecule generation, structural optimization, and the SARS-CoV-2 Inhibitor disCOvery. To the best of our knowledge, MEDICO is the first-of-this-kind graph generative model that can generate molecular graphs similar to the structure of targeted molecules, with a multi-view representation learning framework to sufficiently and adaptively learn comprehensive structural semantics from targeted molecular topology and geometry. We show that our MEDICO significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in generating valid, unique, and novel molecules under benchmarking comparisons. In particular, we showcase the multi-view deep learning model enables us to generate not only the molecules structurally similar to the targeted molecules but also the molecules with desired chemical properties, demonstrating the strong capability of our model in exploring the chemical space deeply. Moreover, case study results on targeted molecule generation for the SARS-CoV-2 main protease (Mpro) show that by integrating molecule docking into our model as chemical priori, we successfully generate new small molecules with desired drug-like properties for the Mpro, potentially accelerating the de novo design of Covid-19 drugs. Further, we apply MEDICO to the structural optimization of three well-known Mpro inhibitors (N3, 11a, and GC376) and achieve ~88% improvement in their binding affinity to Mpro, demonstrating the application value of our model for the development of therapeutics for SARS-CoV-2 infection.
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与靶蛋白具有高结合亲和力的药物样分子的产生仍然是药物发现中的一项困难和资源密集型任务。现有的方法主要采用强化学习,马尔可夫采样或以高斯过程为指导的深层生成模型,在生成具有高结合亲和力的分子时,通过基于计算量的物理学方法计算出的高结合亲和力。我们提出了对分子(豪华轿车)的潜在构成主义,它通过类似于Inceptionism的技术显着加速了分子的产生。豪华轿车采用序列的两个神经网络采用变异自动编码器生成的潜在空间和性质预测,从而使基于梯度的分子特性更快地基于梯度的反相比。综合实验表明,豪华轿车在基准任务上具有竞争力,并且在产生具有高结合亲和力的类似药物的化合物的新任务上,其最先进的技术表现出了最先进的技术,可针对两个蛋白质靶标达到纳摩尔范围。我们通过对绝对结合能的基于更准确的基于分子动力学的计算来证实这些基于对接的结果,并表明我们生成的类似药物的化合物之一的预测$ k_d $(结合亲和力的量度)为$ 6 \ cdot 10^ {-14} $ m针对人类雌激素受体,远远超出了典型的早期药物候选物和大多数FDA批准的药物的亲和力。代码可从https://github.com/rose-stl-lab/limo获得。
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在药物发现中,分子优化是在所需药物性质方面将药物候选改变为更好的阶梯。随着近期人工智能的进展,传统上的体外过程越来越促进了Silico方法。我们以硅方法提出了一种创新的,以通过深生成模型制定分子并制定问题,以便产生优化的分子图。我们的生成模型遵循基于片段的药物设计的关键思想,并通过修改其小碎片来优化分子。我们的模型了解如何识别待优化的碎片以及如何通过学习具有良好和不良性质的分子的差异来修改此类碎片。在优化新分子时,我们的模型将学习信号应用于在片段的预测位置解码优化的片段。我们还将多个这样的模型构造成管道,使得管道中的每个模型能够优化一个片段,因此整个流水线能够在需要时改变多个分子片段。我们将我们的模型与基准数据集的其他最先进的方法进行比较,并证明我们的方法在中等分子相似度约束下具有超过80%的性质改善,在高分子相似度约束下具有超过80%的财产改善。 。
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We report a method to convert discrete representations of molecules to and from a multidimensional continuous representation. This model allows us to generate new molecules for efficient exploration and optimization through open-ended spaces of chemical compounds.
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Artificial intelligence (AI) in the form of deep learning bears promise for drug discovery and chemical biology, $\textit{e.g.}$, to predict protein structure and molecular bioactivity, plan organic synthesis, and design molecules $\textit{de novo}$. While most of the deep learning efforts in drug discovery have focused on ligand-based approaches, structure-based drug discovery has the potential to tackle unsolved challenges, such as affinity prediction for unexplored protein targets, binding-mechanism elucidation, and the rationalization of related chemical kinetic properties. Advances in deep learning methodologies and the availability of accurate predictions for protein tertiary structure advocate for a $\textit{renaissance}$ in structure-based approaches for drug discovery guided by AI. This review summarizes the most prominent algorithmic concepts in structure-based deep learning for drug discovery, and forecasts opportunities, applications, and challenges ahead.
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虽然最近在许多科学领域都变得无处不在,但对其评估的关注较少。对于分子生成模型,最先进的是孤立或与其输入有关的输出。但是,它们的生物学和功能特性(例如配体 - 靶标相互作用)尚未得到解决。在这项研究中,提出了一种新型的生物学启发的基准,用于评估分子生成模型。具体而言,设计了三个不同的参考数据集,并引入了与药物发现过程直接相关的一组指标。特别是我们提出了一个娱乐指标,将药物目标亲和力预测和分子对接应用作为评估生成产量的互补技术。虽然所有三个指标均在测试的生成模型中均表现出一致的结果,但对药物目标亲和力结合和分子对接分数进行了更详细的比较,表明单峰预测器可能会导致关于目标结合在分子水平和多模式方法的错误结论,而多模式的方法是错误的结论。因此优选。该框架的关键优点是,它通过明确关注配体 - 靶标相互作用,将先前的物理化学域知识纳入基准测试过程,从而创建了一种高效的工具,不仅用于评估分子生成型输出,而且还用于丰富富含分子生成的输出。一般而言,药物发现过程。
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促性腺营养蛋白释放激素受体(GNRH1R)是治疗子宫疾病的有前途的治疗靶标。迄今为止,在临床研究中可以使用几个GNRH1R拮抗剂,而不满足多个财产约束。为了填补这一空白,我们旨在开发一个基于学习的框架,以促进有效,有效地发现具有理想特性的新的口服小型分子药物靶向GNRH1R。在目前的工作中,首先通过充分利用已知活性化合物和靶蛋白的结构的信息,首先提出了配体和结构组合模型,即LS-Molgen,首先提出了分子生成的方法,该信息通过其出色的性能证明了这一点。比分别基于配体或结构方法。然后,进行了A中的计算机筛选,包括活性预测,ADMET评估,分子对接和FEP计算,其中约30,000个生成的新型分子被缩小到8,以进行实验合成和验证。体外和体内实验表明,其中三个表现出有效的抑制活性(化合物5 IC50 = 0.856 nm,化合物6 IC50 = 0.901 nm,化合物7 IC50 = 2.54 nm对GNRH1R,并且化合物5在基本PK属性中表现良好例如半衰期,口服生物利用度和PPB等。我们认为,提议的配体和结构组合结合的分子生成模型和整个计算机辅助工作流程可能会扩展到从头开始的类似任务或铅优化的类似任务。
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There is increasing adoption of artificial intelligence in drug discovery. However, existing works use machine learning to mainly utilize the chemical structures of molecules yet ignore the vast textual knowledge available in chemistry. Incorporating textual knowledge enables us to realize new drug design objectives, adapt to text-based instructions, and predict complex biological activities. We present a multi-modal molecule structure-text model, MoleculeSTM, by jointly learning molecule's chemical structures and textual descriptions via a contrastive learning strategy. To train MoleculeSTM, we construct the largest multi-modal dataset to date, namely PubChemSTM, with over 280K chemical structure-text pairs. To demonstrate the effectiveness and utility of MoleculeSTM, we design two challenging zero-shot tasks based on text instructions, including structure-text retrieval and molecule editing. MoleculeSTM possesses two main properties: open vocabulary and compositionality via natural language. In experiments, MoleculeSTM obtains the state-of-the-art generalization ability to novel biochemical concepts across various benchmarks.
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预计个性化医学预计最大化预期的药物效应并通过基于其遗传谱治疗患者最小化副作用。因此,重要的是基于疾病的遗传谱产生药物,特别是在抗癌药物发现中。然而,这是具有挑战性的,因为巨大的化学空间和癌症特性的变化需要巨大的时间资源来寻找适当的分子。因此,考虑遗传型材的高效和快速的搜索方法是抗癌药物的Novo分子设计所必需的。在这里,我们提出了一种更快的分子生成模型,具有遗传算法和树搜索癌症样本(FeStergts)。 FERSTERGTS以遗传算法和具有三个深神经网络的蒙特卡罗树搜索构建:监督学习,自培训和价值网络,并且它基于癌症样品的遗传谱产生抗癌分子。与其他方法相比,FERSTERGTS产生癌症样品特异性分子,癌症药物在有限数量的采样中所需的一般化学性质。我们预计Fastergts促成了抗癌药物。
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In molecular research, simulation \& design of molecules are key areas with significant implications for drug development, material science, and other fields. Current classical computational power falls inadequate to simulate any more than small molecules, let alone protein chains on hundreds of peptide. Therefore these experiment are done physically in wet-lab, but it takes a lot of time \& not possible to examine every molecule due to the size of the search area, tens of billions of dollars are spent every year in these research experiments. Molecule simulation \& design has lately advanced significantly by machine learning models, A fresh perspective on the issue of chemical synthesis is provided by deep generative models for graph-structured data. By optimising differentiable models that produce molecular graphs directly, it is feasible to avoid costly search techniques in the discrete and huge space of chemical structures. But these models also suffer from computational limitations when dimensions become huge and consume huge amount of resources. Quantum Generative machine learning in recent years have shown some empirical results promising significant advantages over classical counterparts.
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基于结构的药物设计涉及发现具有对蛋白质袋的结构和化学互补性的配体分子。深度生成方法表明了在提出从划痕(De-Novo设计)的新型分子中的承诺,避免了化学空间的详尽虚拟筛选。大多数生成的de-novo模型未能包含详细的配体 - 蛋白质相互作用和3D袋结构。我们提出了一种新的监督模型,在离散的分子空间中与3D姿势共同产生分子图。分子在口袋内部构建原子原子,由来自晶体数据的结构信息引导。我们使用对接基准进行评估我们的模型,并发现引导生成将预测的结合亲和力提高了8%,并在基线上通过10%的药物相似分数提高了预测的结合亲和力。此外,我们的模型提出了具有超过一些已知配体的结合分数的分子,这可能在未来的湿式实验室研究中有用。
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