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We introduce an architecture for processing signals supported on hypergraphs via graph neural networks (GNNs), which we call a Hyper-graph Expansion Neural Network (HENN), and provide the first bounds on the stability and transferability error of a hypergraph signal processing model. To do so, we provide a framework for bounding the stability and transferability error of GNNs across arbitrary graphs via spectral similarity. By bounding the difference between two graph shift operators (GSOs) in the positive semi-definite sense via their eigenvalue spectrum, we show that this error depends only on the properties of the GNN and the magnitude of spectral similarity of the GSOs. Moreover, we show that existing transferability results that assume the graphs are small perturbations of one another, or that the graphs are random and drawn from the same distribution or sampled from the same graphon can be recovered using our approach. Thus, both GNNs and our HENNs (trained using normalized Laplacians as graph shift operators) will be increasingly stable and transferable as the graphs become larger. Experimental results illustrate the importance of considering multiple graph representations in HENN, and show its superior performance when transferability is desired.
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We consider learning approximate Nash equilibria for discrete-time mean-field games with nonlinear stochastic state dynamics subject to both average and discounted costs. To this end, we introduce a mean-field equilibrium (MFE) operator, whose fixed point is a mean-field equilibrium (i.e. equilibrium in the infinite population limit). We first prove that this operator is a contraction, and propose a learning algorithm to compute an approximate mean-field equilibrium by approximating the MFE operator with a random one. Moreover, using the contraction property of the MFE operator, we establish the error analysis of the proposed learning algorithm. We then show that the learned mean-field equilibrium constitutes an approximate Nash equilibrium for finite-agent games.
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在稀疏制度中,我们迈出了概括随机块模型理论的第一步,该模型将离散的社区结构被基本几何形状取代。我们考虑在均匀度量空间上的几何随机图,其中要连接两个顶点的概率是距离的任意函数。我们提供了足够的条件,在稀疏制度中,可以回收位置(最多是空间的同构)。此外,我们根据苔藓和佩雷斯(Mossel and Peres)定义了信息流模型的几何对应物,在该模型中,人们认为在球面上考虑了分支随机行走,目标是根据基于树叶。我们给出了一些足够的条件,可以在此模型中提供渗透和不变信息。
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储层计算系统是使用驱动的动力系统构建的,在该系统中,外部输入可以改变系统的发展状态。这些范例用于信息处理,机器学习和计算。在此框架中需要解决的一个基本问题是输入与系统状态之间的统计关系。本文提供的条件可以保证驱动系统的渐近措施的存在和唯一性,并表明当输入和输出过程的集合赋予了Wasserstein距离时,它们对输入过程的依赖性是连续的。这些发展中的主要工具是将这些不变的度量表征为在这种情况下出现并在论文中进行了大量研究的自然定义的FOIA算子的固定点。这些固定点是通过在驱动系统中施加新引入的随机状态合同性来获得的,该系统在示例中很容易验证。可以通过非国家缩减的系统来满足随机状态的合同性,这通常是为了保证储层计算中的回声状态属性的需求。结果,即使不存在Echo State属性,也可能会得到满足。
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在基于图形的应用程序中,一个常见的任务是查明(指示或无向)图中最重要或最重要的“中央”顶点,或根据图形的重要性对图表进行排名。为此,文献中已经提出了许多所谓的中心度度量,以评估图中哪些顶点是最重要的。里弗罗斯(Riveros)和萨拉斯(Salas)在ICDT 2020论文中提出了基于以下直觉原理的中心度度量:图中顶点的重要性是相对于``相关''连接的子读数的数量,称为子图基序,称为子图基序,周围。我们将上述原理得出的措施称为子图基措施。人们令人信服地认为,亚图主题措施非常适合图形数据库应用程序。尽管ICDT论文研究了子图案措施所享有的几种有利的特性,但它们的绝对表现力仍然很大程度上没有探索。这项工作的目的是精确表征子图主题措施家族的绝对表现力。
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Graph Neural Networks (graph NNs) are a promising deep learning approach for analyzing graph-structured data. However, it is known that they do not improve (or sometimes worsen) their predictive performance as we pile up many layers and add non-lineality. To tackle this problem, we investigate the expressive power of graph NNs via their asymptotic behaviors as the layer size tends to infinity. Our strategy is to generalize the forward propagation of a Graph Convolutional Network (GCN), which is a popular graph NN variant, as a specific dynamical system. In the case of a GCN, we show that when its weights satisfy the conditions determined by the spectra of the (augmented) normalized Laplacian, its output exponentially approaches the set of signals that carry information of the connected components and node degrees only for distinguishing nodes. Our theory enables us to relate the expressive power of GCNs with the topological information of the underlying graphs inherent in the graph spectra. To demonstrate this, we characterize the asymptotic behavior of GCNs on the Erdős -Rényi graph. We show that when the Erdős -Rényi graph is sufficiently dense and large, a broad range of GCNs on it suffers from the "information loss" in the limit of infinite layers with high probability. Based on the theory, we provide a principled guideline for weight normalization of graph NNs. We experimentally confirm that the proposed weight scaling enhances the predictive performance of GCNs in real data 1 .
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We consider stochastic gradient descents on the space of large symmetric matrices of suitable functions that are invariant under permuting the rows and columns using the same permutation. We establish deterministic limits of these random curves as the dimensions of the matrices go to infinity while the entries remain bounded. Under a "small noise" assumption the limit is shown to be the gradient flow of functions on graphons whose existence was established in arXiv:2111.09459. We also consider limits of stochastic gradient descents with added properly scaled reflected Brownian noise. The limiting curve of graphons is characterized by a family of stochastic differential equations with reflections and can be thought of as an extension of the classical McKean-Vlasov limit for interacting diffusions. The proofs introduce a family of infinite-dimensional exchangeable arrays of reflected diffusions and a novel notion of propagation of chaos for large matrices of interacting diffusions.
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We introduce and analyze NetOTC, a procedure for the comparison and soft alignment of weighted networks. Given two networks and a cost function relating their vertices, NetOTC finds an appropriate coupling of their associated random walks having minimum expected cost. The minimizing cost provides a numerical measure of the difference between the networks, while the optimal transport plan itself provides interpretable, probabilistic alignments of the vertices and edges of the two networks. The cost function employed can be based, for example, on vertex degrees, externally defined features, or Euclidean embeddings. Coupling of the full random walks, rather than their stationary distributions, ensures that NetOTC captures local and global information about the given networks. NetOTC applies to networks of different size and structure, and does not the require specification of free parameters. NetOTC respects edges, in the sense that vertex pairs in the given networks are aligned with positive probability only if they are adjacent in the given networks. We investigate a number of theoretical properties of NetOTC that support its use, including metric properties of the minimizing cost and its connection with short- and long-run average cost. In addition, we introduce a new notion of factor for weighted networks, and establish a close connection between factors and NetOTC. Complementing the theory, we present simulations and numerical experiments showing that NetOTC is competitive with, and sometimes superior to, other optimal transport-based network comparison methods in the literature. In particular, NetOTC shows promise in identifying isomorphic networks using a local (degree-based) cost function.
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我们考虑了一个通用的非线性模型,其中信号是未知(可能增加的,可能增加的特征数量)的有限混合物,该特征是由由真实非线性参数参数化的连续字典发出的。在连续或离散设置中使用高斯(可能相关)噪声观察信号。我们提出了一种网格优化方法,即一种不使用参数空间上任何离散化方案的方法来估计特征的非线性参数和混合物的线性参数。我们使用有关离网方法的几何形状的最新结果,在真实的基础非线性参数上给出最小的分离,以便可以构建插值证书函数。还使用尾部界限,用于高斯过程的上流,我们将预测误差限制为高概率。假设可以构建证书函数,我们的预测误差绑定到日志 - 因线性回归模型中LASSO预测器所达到的速率类似。我们还建立了收敛速率,以高概率量化线性和非线性参数的估计质量。
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