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This paper presents a self-supervised framework for training interest point detectors and descriptors suitable for a large number of multiple-view geometry problems in computer vision. As opposed to patch-based neural networks, our fully-convolutional model operates on full-sized images and jointly computes pixel-level interest point locations and associated descriptors in one forward pass. We introduce Homographic Adaptation, a multi-scale, multihomography approach for boosting interest point detection repeatability and performing cross-domain adaptation (e.g., synthetic-to-real). Our model, when trained on the MS-COCO generic image dataset using Homographic Adaptation, is able to repeatedly detect a much richer set of interest points than the initial pre-adapted deep model and any other traditional corner detector. The final system gives rise to state-of-the-art homography estimation results on HPatches when compared to LIFT, SIFT and ORB.
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Local feature detection is a key ingredient of many image processing and computer vision applications, such as visual odometry and localization. Most existing algorithms focus on feature detection from a sharp image. They would thus have degraded performance once the image is blurred, which could happen easily under low-lighting conditions. To address this issue, we propose a simple yet both efficient and effective keypoint detection method that is able to accurately localize the salient keypoints in a blurred image. Our method takes advantages of a novel multi-layer perceptron (MLP) based architecture that significantly improve the detection repeatability for a blurred image. The network is also light-weight and able to run in real-time, which enables its deployment for time-constrained applications. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our detector is able to improve the detection repeatability with blurred images, while keeping comparable performance as existing state-of-the-art detectors for sharp images.
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This paper introduces SuperGlue, a neural network that matches two sets of local features by jointly finding correspondences and rejecting non-matchable points. Assignments are estimated by solving a differentiable optimal transport problem, whose costs are predicted by a graph neural network. We introduce a flexible context aggregation mechanism based on attention, enabling SuperGlue to reason about the underlying 3D scene and feature assignments jointly. Compared to traditional, hand-designed heuristics, our technique learns priors over geometric transformations and regularities of the 3D world through end-to-end training from image pairs. SuperGlue outperforms other learned approaches and achieves state-of-the-art results on the task of pose estimation in challenging real-world indoor and outdoor environments. The proposed method performs matching in real-time on a modern GPU and can be readily integrated into modern SfM or SLAM systems. The code and trained weights are publicly available at github.com/magicleap/SuperGluePretrainedNetwork.
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In this paper, we propose an end-to-end framework that jointly learns keypoint detection, descriptor representation and cross-frame matching for the task of image-based 3D localization. Prior art has tackled each of these components individually, purportedly aiming to alleviate difficulties in effectively train a holistic network. We design a self-supervised image warping correspondence loss for both feature detection and matching, a weakly-supervised epipolar constraints loss on relative camera pose learning, and a directional matching scheme that detects key-point features in a source image and performs coarse-to-fine correspondence search on the target image. We leverage this framework to enforce cycle consistency in our matching module. In addition, we propose a new loss to robustly handle both definite inlier/outlier matches and less-certain matches. The integration of these learning mechanisms enables end-to-end training of a single network performing all three localization components. Bench-marking our approach on public data-sets, exemplifies how such an end-to-end framework is able to yield more accurate localization that out-performs both traditional methods as well as state-of-the-art weakly supervised methods.
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我们提出了一种新颖的端到端方法,用于在事件流中进行关键点检测和跟踪,该方法比以前的方法提供了更好的精度和更长的关键点轨道。两项贡献共同努力使这成为可能。首先,我们提出了一个简单的过程来生成稳定的关键点标签,我们用来训练复发架构。该培训数据导致检测随着时间的推移非常一致。此外,我们观察到以前的按键检测方法在一段时间内集成事件的表示形式(例如时间表面)。由于需要这种集成,因此我们声称最好预测时间段的关键点的轨迹,而不是单个位置,如先前的方法中所做的那样。我们以一系列热图的形式预测这些轨迹在整合时间段。这可以改善关键点本地化。我们的体系结构也可以保持非常简单,从而导致非常快的推理时间。我们在HVGA ATIS角数据集以及“事件相机数据集和模拟器”数据集上演示了我们的方法,并将其显示为“关键点”轨道的三倍,几乎是最好的先前最佳先前最佳先前的轨道轨迹。 - 艺术方法。我们认为我们的方法可以推广到其他基于事件的相机问题,并发布我们的源代码以鼓励其他作者探索它。
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对应匹配是计算机视觉和机器人技术应用中的一个基本问题。最近使用神经网络解决对应匹配问题最近正在上升。旋转等级和比例等级性在对应匹配应用中都至关重要。经典的对应匹配方法旨在承受缩放和旋转转换。但是,使用卷积神经网络(CNN)提取的功能仅在一定程度上是翻译等值的。最近,研究人员一直在努力改善基于群体理论的CNN的旋转均衡性。 SIM(2)是2D平面中的相似性转换组。本文介绍了专门用于评估SIM(2) - 等级对应算法的专门数据集。我们比较了16个最先进(SOTA)对应匹配方法的性能。实验结果表明,在各种SIM(2)转换条件下,组模棱两可算法对于对应匹配的重要性。由于基于CNN的对应匹配方法达到的子像素精度不令人满意,因此该特定领域需要在未来的工作中获得更多关注。我们的数据集可公开可用:mias.group/sim2e。
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Sparse local feature extraction is usually believed to be of important significance in typical vision tasks such as simultaneous localization and mapping, image matching and 3D reconstruction. At present, it still has some deficiencies needing further improvement, mainly including the discrimination power of extracted local descriptors, the localization accuracy of detected keypoints, and the efficiency of local feature learning. This paper focuses on promoting the currently popular sparse local feature learning with camera pose supervision. Therefore, it pertinently proposes a Shared Coupling-bridge scheme with four light-weight yet effective improvements for weakly-supervised local feature (SCFeat) learning. It mainly contains: i) the \emph{Feature-Fusion-ResUNet Backbone} (F2R-Backbone) for local descriptors learning, ii) a shared coupling-bridge normalization to improve the decoupling training of description network and detection network, iii) an improved detection network with peakiness measurement to detect keypoints and iv) the fundamental matrix error as a reward factor to further optimize feature detection training. Extensive experiments prove that our SCFeat improvement is effective. It could often obtain a state-of-the-art performance on classic image matching and visual localization. In terms of 3D reconstruction, it could still achieve competitive results. For sharing and communication, our source codes are available at https://github.com/sunjiayuanro/SCFeat.git.
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本文介绍了一种用于水下车辆机械手系统(UVMS)的新型视野映射方法,具有特定强调自然海底环境中的鲁棒映射。水下场景映射的先前方法通常会离线处理数据,而实时运行的现有水下SLAM方法通常会集中在本地化上而不是映射。我们的方法使用GPU加速SIFT功能在图形优化框架中构建一个特征映射。地图刻度由车辆安装的立体声相机的特征约束,我们通过将机械手系统的动态定位能力从手腕安装的Fisheye摄像机融合到地图中,以将其延伸到车辆安装摄像机的有限视点之外。我们的混合SLAM方法是在Costa rican Continental Shelf级别的自然深海环境中采用UVMS收集的挑战性图像序列,我们还在浅礁调查数据集中评估立体声的立体声。这些数据集的结果证明了我们的系统的高准确性,适合于在不同的自然海底环境中运营。
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In this paper, we present a novel scale-and rotation-invariant interest point detector and descriptor, coined SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features). It approximates or even outperforms previously proposed schemes with respect to repeatability, distinctiveness, and robustness, yet can be computed and compared much faster.This is achieved by relying on integral images for image convolutions; by building on the strengths of the leading existing detectors and descriptors (in casu, using a Hessian matrix-based measure for the detector, and a distribution-based descriptor); and by simplifying these methods to the essential. This leads to a combination of novel detection, description, and matching steps. The paper presents experimental results on a standard evaluation set, as well as on imagery obtained in the context of a real-life object recognition application. Both show SURF's strong performance.
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摄像机是自动化驱动系统中的主要传感器。它们提供高信息密度,并对检测为人类视野提供的道路基础设施线索最优。环绕式摄像机系统通常包括具有190 {\ DEG} +视野的四个鱼眼相机,覆盖在车辆周围的整个360 {\ DEG}集中在近场传感上。它们是低速,高精度和近距离传感应用的主要传感器,如自动停车,交通堵塞援助和低速应急制动。在这项工作中,我们提供了对这种视觉系统的详细调查,在可以分解为四个模块化组件的架构中,设置调查即可识别,重建,重建和重组。我们共同称之为4R架构。我们讨论每个组件如何完成特定方面,并提供一个位置论证,即它们可以协同组织以形成用于低速自动化的完整感知系统。我们通过呈现来自以前的作品的结果,并通过向此类系统提出架构提案来支持此参数。定性结果在视频中呈现在HTTPS://youtu.be/ae8bcof7777uy中。
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