在医学图像中,准确,自动和完整的肺气道中的肺气道在分析胸部CT体积(例如肺癌检测,慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)和支气管镜辅助手术导航)中起着重要作用。但是,由于气道的复杂树状结构,此任务仍然是挑战。在这份技术报告中,我们使用两阶段的完全卷积网络(FCN)自动从多站点进行胸腔CT扫描中的肺气道。具体而言,我们首先采用带有U形网络架构的3D FCN以粗分辨率分割肺气道,以加速医学图像分析管道。然后,另一个3D FCN进行了训练,可以以精细的分辨率分段肺气道。在2022 MICCAI多站点多域气道树建模(ATM)挑战中,对报告的方法进行了300例公共培训集和50个案例的独立私人验证集评估。最终的骰子相似性系数(DSC)为0.914 $ \ pm $ 0.040,假负错误(FNE)为0.079 $ \ pm $ 0.042,误差(FPE)为0.090 $ \ pm $ \ pm $ 0.066独立私人验证集。
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为了促进医学图像分割技术的开发,提供了用于多功能医疗图像分割的大型腹部多器官数据集Amos,并通过使用数据集来构成AMOS 2022挑战。在本报告中,我们介绍了AMOS 2022挑战的解决方案。我们采用具有深远视觉的剩余U-NET作为我们的基本模型。实验结果表明,对于仅CT任务和CT/MRI任务,骰子相似系数和归一化表面骰子的平均得分分别为0.8504和0.8476。
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由于缺乏明显的特征,严重的阶级失衡以及大小本身,找到小病变非常具有挑战性。改善小病变细分的一种方法是减少感兴趣的区域,并以更高的灵敏度进行检查,而不是为整个区域执行它。通常将其作为器官和病变的顺序或关节分割实现,这需要对器官分割进行额外的监督。取而代之的是,我们建议以无其他标记成本的强度分布来有效地分开病变位于背景的区域。它被整合到网络培训中,作为一项辅助任务。我们将提出的方法应用于CT扫描中小肠癌小肿瘤的分割。我们观察到所有指标的改进(33.5%$ \ rightarrow $ 38.2%,41.3%$ \ rightarrow $ 47.8%,30.0%$ \ rightarrow $ \ rightarrow $ 35.9%的全球,每个案例和每个肿瘤骰子得分相比)。对于基线方法,这证明了我们想法的有效性。我们的方法可以是将目标的强度分布信息显式合并到网络培训中的一种选择。
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在这项工作中,我们介绍了我们提出的方法,该方法是使用SWIN UNETR和基于U-NET的深神经网络体系结构从CT扫描中分割肺动脉的方法。六个型号,基于SWIN UNETR的三个型号以及基于3D U-NET的三个模型,使用加权平均值来制作最终的分割掩码。我们的团队通过这种方法获得了84.36%的多级骰子得分。我们的工作代码可在以下链接上提供:https://github.com/akansh12/parse2022。这项工作是Miccai Parse 2022挑战的一部分。
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自动化的腹部多器官分割是计算机辅助诊断腹部器官相关疾病的至关重要但具有挑战性的任务。尽管许多深度学习模型在许多医学图像分割任务中取得了显着的成功,但由于腹部器官的不同大小以及它们之间的含糊界限,腹部器官的准确分割仍然具有挑战性。在本文中,我们提出了一个边界感知网络(BA-NET),以分段CT扫描和MRI扫描进行腹部器官。该模型包含共享编码器,边界解码器和分割解码器。两个解码器都采用了多尺度的深度监督策略,这可以减轻可变器官尺寸引起的问题。边界解码器在每个量表上产生的边界概率图被用作提高分割特征图的注意。我们评估了腹部多器官细分(AMOS)挑战数据集的BA-NET,并获得了CT扫描的多器官分割的平均骰子分数为89.29 $ \%$,平均骰子得分为71.92 $ \%$ \%$ \% MRI扫描。结果表明,在两个分割任务上,BA-NET优于NNUNET。
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Automatic segmentation of kidney and kidney tumour in Computed Tomography (CT) images is essential, as it uses less time as compared to the current gold standard of manual segmentation. However, many hospitals are still reliant on manual study and segmentation of CT images by medical practitioners because of its higher accuracy. Thus, this study focuses on the development of an approach for automatic kidney and kidney tumour segmentation in contrast-enhanced CT images. A method based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) was proposed, where a 3D U-Net segmentation model was developed and trained to delineate the kidney and kidney tumour from CT scans. Each CT image was pre-processed before inputting to the CNN, and the effect of down-sampled and patch-wise input images on the model performance was analysed. The proposed method was evaluated on the publicly available 2021 Kidney and Kidney Tumour Segmentation Challenge (KiTS21) dataset. The method with the best performing model recorded an average training Dice score of 0.6129, with the kidney and kidney tumour Dice scores of 0.7923 and 0.4344, respectively. For testing, the model obtained a kidney Dice score of 0.8034, and a kidney tumour Dice score of 0.4713, with an average Dice score of 0.6374.
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这是Parse2022 Challenge最终结果中第9位的技术报告。我们通过使用基于3D CNN网络的两阶段方法来解决肺动脉的分割问题。粗模型用于定位ROI,并使用精细模型来完善分割结果。此外,为了提高细分性能,我们采用了多视图和多窗口级方法,同时我们采用了微调策略来减轻不一致的标签影响。
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For more clinical applications of deep learning models for medical image segmentation, high demands on labeled data and computational resources must be addressed. This study proposes a coarse-to-fine framework with two teacher models and a student model that combines knowledge distillation and cross teaching, a consistency regularization based on pseudo-labels, for efficient semi-supervised learning. The proposed method is demonstrated on the abdominal multi-organ segmentation task in CT images under the MICCAI FLARE 2022 challenge, with mean Dice scores of 0.8429 and 0.8520 in the validation and test sets, respectively.
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腹部器官分割具有许多重要的临床应用,例如器官定量,手术计划和疾病诊断。但是,从CT扫描中手动注释器官是耗时且劳动密集型的。半监督的学习表明,通过从大量未标记的图像和有限的标签样本中学习来减轻这一挑战的潜力。在这项工作中,我们遵循自我训练策略,并使用CNN和Transformer使用混合体系结构(PHTRAN),以生成精确的伪标签。之后,我们将标签数据一起介绍给具有轻量级PHTRAN的两阶段分割框架,以提高模型的性能和概括能力,同时保持效率。 Flare2022验证集的实验表明,我们的方法可实现出色的分割性能以及快速和低资源模型的推断。平均DSC和HSD分别为0.8956和0.9316。在我们的开发环境下,平均推理时间为18.62 s,平均最大GPU存储器为1995.04 MB,GPU内存时间曲线下的面积和CPU利用时间曲线下的平均面积为23196.84和319.67。
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我们提出了一种新型的深度学习方法,以分类19.Covid-19患者的肺CTS。具体而言,我们将扫描分为健康的肺组织,非肺部区域,以及两个不同但视觉上相似的病理性肺组织,即地面玻璃透明度和巩固。这是通过独特的端到端层次网络架构和整体学习来实现的,这有助于分割并为细分不确定性提供衡量标准。提出的框架为三个Covid-19数据集实现了竞争成果和出色的概括能力。我们的方法在COVID-19 CT图像细分的公共Kaggle竞赛中排名第二。此外,分割不确定性区域显示与两种不同放射科医生的手动注释之间的分歧相对应。最后,在比较患者的COVID-19严重程度评分(基于临床指标)和分割的肺病理时,显示了我们的私人数据集的初步有希望的对应结果。代码和数据可在我们的存储库中找到:https://github.com/talbenha/covid-seg
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大型策划数据集是必要的,但是注释医学图像是一个耗时,费力且昂贵的过程。因此,最近的监督方法着重于利用大量未标记的数据。但是,这样做是一项具有挑战性的任务。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种新的3D Cross伪监督(3D-CPS)方法,这是一种基于NNU-NET的半监督网络体系结构,采用交叉伪监督方法。我们设计了一种新的基于NNU-NET的预处理方法,并在推理阶段采用强制间距设置策略来加快推理时间。此外,我们将半监督的损耗重量设置为与每个时期的线性扩展,以防止在早期训练过程中模型从低质量的伪标签中。我们提出的方法在MICCAI Flare2022验证集(20例)上,平均骰子相似系数(DSC)为0.881,平均归一化表面距离(NSD)为0.913。
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本文提出了COVID-19患者肺部肺部感染和正常区域的自动分割方法。从2019年12月起,2019年新型冠状病毒疾病(Covid-19)遍布世界,对我们的经济活动和日常生活产生重大影响。为了诊断大量感染的患者,需要计算机诊断辅助。胸部CT对于诊断病毒性肺炎,包括Covid-19是有效的。 Covid-19的诊断辅助需要从计算机的CT卷的肺部条件的定量分析方法。本文用Covid-19分割完全卷积网络(FCN)提出了来自CT卷中的CT卷中肺部感染和正常区域的自动分割方法。在诊断包括Covid-19的肺部疾病中,肺部正常和感染区域的条件分析很重要。我们的方法识别CT卷中的肺正态和感染区。对于具有各种形状和尺寸的细分感染区域,我们引入了密集的汇集连接并扩张了我们的FCN中的互联网。我们将该方法应用于Covid-19案例的CT卷。从轻度到Covid-19的严重病例,所提出的方法在肺部正确分段正常和感染区域。正常和感染区域的骰子评分分别为0.911和0.753。
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Segmentation of lung tissue in computed tomography (CT) images is a precursor to most pulmonary image analysis applications. Semantic segmentation methods using deep learning have exhibited top-tier performance in recent years. This paper presents a fully automatic method for identifying the lungs in three-dimensional (3D) pulmonary CT images, which we call it Lung-Net. We conjectured that a significant deeper network with inceptionV3 units can achieve a better feature representation of lung CT images without increasing the model complexity in terms of the number of trainable parameters. The method has three main advantages. First, a U-Net architecture with InceptionV3 blocks is developed to resolve the problem of performance degradation and parameter overload. Then, using information from consecutive slices, a new data structure is created to increase generalization potential, allowing more discriminating features to be extracted by making data representation as efficient as possible. Finally, the robustness of the proposed segmentation framework was quantitatively assessed using one public database to train and test the model (LUNA16) and two public databases (ISBI VESSEL12 challenge and CRPF dataset) only for testing the model; each database consists of 700, 23, and 40 CT images, respectively, that were acquired with a different scanner and protocol. Based on the experimental results, the proposed method achieved competitive results over the existing techniques with Dice coefficient of 99.7, 99.1, and 98.8 for LUNA16, VESSEL12, and CRPF datasets, respectively. For segmenting lung tissue in CT images, the proposed model is efficient in terms of time and parameters and outperforms other state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, this model is publicly accessible via a graphical user interface.
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胸部计算机断层扫描的气道分割在肺部疾病诊断中起着至关重要的作用。与手动分割相比,基于U-NET体系结构的计算机辅助气道分割更有效,更准确。在本文中,我们采用了由骰子损失功能训练的U $^2 $ -NET,以基于ATM'22提供的299次培训CT扫描,对多站点CT扫描的气道树进行建模。从训练中将派生的显着性概率图应用于验证数据以提取相应的气道树。该观察结果表明,大多数分割的气道树从准确性和连通性的角度表现出色。将诸如非航空区域标签和去除之类的改进应用于某些获得的气道树模型,以显示二进制结果的最大组成部分。
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多模式性荧光脱氧葡萄糖(FDG)正电子发射断层扫描 /计算机断层扫描(PET / CT)已常规用于评估常见癌症,例如肺癌,淋巴瘤和黑色素瘤。这主要归因于以下事实:PET/CT结合了对PET肿瘤检测的高灵敏度和CT的解剖学信息。在PET/CT图像评估中,自动肿瘤分割是重要的一步,近年来,基于深度学习的方法已成为最新方法。不幸的是,现有的方法倾向于过度细分肿瘤区域,并包括正常摄取器官,炎症和其他感染等区域。在这项研究中,我们引入了一个假阳性还原网络以克服这一限制。我们首先引入了一个自制的预训练的全球分割模块,以使用自我监督的预训练的编码器粗糙地描绘候选肿瘤区域。然后,通过局部细化模块去除假阳性来完善候选肿瘤区域。我们对MICCAI 2022自动病变分割的实验在全身FDG-PET/CT(AUTOPET)挑战数据集中表明,我们的方法在初步测试数据中获得了0.9324的骰子得分,并在排行榜上排名第一。我们的方法在最终测试数据的前7位方法中也排名,最终排名将在2022 MICCAI AUTOPET研讨会期间宣布。我们的代码可在以下网址提供:https://github.com/yigepeng/autopet_false_posisity_reduction。
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This paper presents our solution for the 2nd COVID-19 Severity Detection Competition. This task aims to distinguish the Mild, Moderate, Severe, and Critical grades in COVID-19 chest CT images. In our approach, we devise a novel infection-aware 3D Contrastive Mixup Classification network for severity grading. Specifcally, we train two segmentation networks to first extract the lung region and then the inner lesion region. The lesion segmentation mask serves as complementary information for the original CT slices. To relieve the issue of imbalanced data distribution, we further improve the advanced Contrastive Mixup Classification network by weighted cross-entropy loss. On the COVID-19 severity detection leaderboard, our approach won the first place with a Macro F1 Score of 51.76%. It significantly outperforms the baseline method by over 11.46%.
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人类注释是不完美的,尤其是在初级实践者生产的时候。多专家共识通常被认为是黄金标准,而这种注释协议太昂贵了,无法在许多现实世界中实施。在这项研究中,我们提出了一种完善人类注释的方法,称为神经注释细化(接近)。它基于可学习的隐式函数,该函数将潜在向量解码为表示形状。通过将外观整合为隐式函数的输入,可以固定注释人工制品的外观可见。我们的方法在肾上腺分析的应用中得到了证明。我们首先表明,可以在公共肾上腺细分数据集上修复扭曲的金标准。此外,我们开发了一个新的肾上腺分析(ALAN)数据集,其中拟议的附近,每个病例都由专家分配的肾上腺及其诊断标签(正常与异常)组成。我们表明,经过近距离修复的形状训练的型号比原始的肾上腺更好地诊断肾上腺。 Alan数据集将是开源的,具有1,594个用于肾上腺诊断的形状,它是医学形状分析的新基准。代码和数据集可在https://github.com/m3dv/near上找到。
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Accurate airway extraction from computed tomography (CT) images is a critical step for planning navigation bronchoscopy and quantitative assessment of airway-related chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The existing methods are challenging to sufficiently segment the airway, especially the high-generation airway, with the constraint of the limited label and cannot meet the clinical use in COPD. We propose a novel two-stage 3D contextual transformer-based U-Net for airway segmentation using CT images. The method consists of two stages, performing initial and refined airway segmentation. The two-stage model shares the same subnetwork with different airway masks as input. Contextual transformer block is performed both in the encoder and decoder path of the subnetwork to finish high-quality airway segmentation effectively. In the first stage, the total airway mask and CT images are provided to the subnetwork, and the intrapulmonary airway mask and corresponding CT scans to the subnetwork in the second stage. Then the predictions of the two-stage method are merged as the final prediction. Extensive experiments were performed on in-house and multiple public datasets. Quantitative and qualitative analysis demonstrate that our proposed method extracted much more branches and lengths of the tree while accomplishing state-of-the-art airway segmentation performance. The code is available at https://github.com/zhaozsq/airway_segmentation.
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