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大型语言模型(LLM)从人类的指示中解开了任务计划的新功能。但是,事先尝试将LLMS应用于现实世界的机器人任务受到周围场景中缺乏接地的限制。在本文中,我们开发了NLMAP,这是一个开放式摄影和可查询场景表示,以解决此问题。 NLMAP是一个框架,可以将上下文信息收集到LLM计划者中,从而在生成上下文条件条件计划之前,可以在场景中查看和查询可用的对象。 NLMAP首先使用视觉语言模型(VLM)建立自然语言可查询场景表示。基于LLM的对象建议模块解析指令并提出涉及的对象,以查询场景表示以获取对象可用性和位置。然后,LLM规划师计划提供有关场景的此类信息。 NLMAP允许机器人在没有固定的对象列表或可执行选项的情况下操作,从而使真实的机器人操作无法通过以前的方法实现。项目网站:https://nlmap-saycan.github.io
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感知,规划,估算和控制的当代方法允许机器人在不确定,非结构化环境中的远程代理中稳健运行。此进度现在创造了机器人不仅在隔离,而且在我们的复杂环境中运行的机器人。意识到这个机会需要一种高效且灵活的媒介,人类可以与协作机器人沟通。自然语言提供了一种这样的媒体,通过对自然语言理解的统计方法的重大进展,现在能够解释各种自由形式命令。然而,大多数当代方法需要机器人环境的详细,现有的空间语义地图,这些环境模拟了话语可能引用的可能引用的空间。因此,当机器人部署在新的,先前未知或部分观察到的环境中时,这些方法发生故障,特别是当环境的心理模型在人类运营商和机器人之间不同时。本文提供了一种新的学习框架的全面描述,允许现场和服务机器人解释并正确执行先验未知,非结构化环境中的自然语言指令。对于我们的方法而不是我们的语言作为“传感器” - 在话语中隐含的“传感器” - 推断的空间,拓扑和语义信息,然后利用这些信息来学习在潜在环境模型上的分布。我们将此分布纳入概率,语言接地模型中,并在机器人的动作空间的象征性表示中推断出分布。我们使用模仿学习来确定对环境和行为分布的原因的信仰空间政策。我们通过各种导航和移动操纵实验评估我们的框架。
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我们介绍了泰德(Tidee),这是一种体现的代理,它根据学识渊博的常识对象和房间安排先验来整理一个无序场景。泰德(Tidee)探索家庭环境,检测到其自然位置的对象,渗透到它们的合理对象上下文,在当前场景中定位此类上下文,并重新定位对象。常识先验在三个模块中编码:i)检测到现象对象的视觉声音检测器,ii)对象和空间关系的关联神经图记忆,提出了对象重新定位的合理语义插座和表面,以及iii)引导代理商探索的可视搜索网络,以有效地将利益定位在当前场景中以重新定位对象。我们测试了在AI2THOR模拟环境中整理混乱的场景的潮汐。 Tidee直接从像素和原始深度输入中执行任务,而没有事先观察到同一房间,仅依靠从单独的一组培训房屋中学到的先验。人类对由此产生的房间进行重组的评估表明,泰德(Tidee)的表现优于该模型的消融版本,这些版本不使用一个或多个常识性先验。在相关的房间重新安排基准测试中,该基准使代理可以在重新排列前查看目标状态,我们的模型的简化版本大大胜过了最佳的方法,可以通过大幅度的差距。代码和数据可在项目网站上获得:https://tidee-agent.github.io/。
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Recent progress in pretraining language models on large textual corpora led to a surge of improvements for downstream NLP tasks. Whilst learning linguistic knowledge, these models may also be storing relational knowledge present in the training data, and may be able to answer queries structured as "fillin-the-blank" cloze statements. Language models have many advantages over structured knowledge bases: they require no schema engineering, allow practitioners to query about an open class of relations, are easy to extend to more data, and require no human supervision to train. We present an in-depth analysis of the relational knowledge already present (without fine-tuning) in a wide range of state-of-theart pretrained language models. We find that (i) without fine-tuning, BERT contains relational knowledge competitive with traditional NLP methods that have some access to oracle knowledge, (ii) BERT also does remarkably well on open-domain question answering against a supervised baseline, and (iii) certain types of factual knowledge are learned much more readily than others by standard language model pretraining approaches. The surprisingly strong ability of these models to recall factual knowledge without any fine-tuning demonstrates their potential as unsupervised open-domain QA systems. The code to reproduce our analysis is available at https: //github.com/facebookresearch/LAMA.
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People constantly use language to learn about the world. Computational linguists have capitalized on this fact to build large language models (LLMs) that acquire co-occurrence-based knowledge from language corpora. LLMs achieve impressive performance on many tasks, but the robustness of their world knowledge has been questioned. Here, we ask: do LLMs acquire generalized knowledge about real-world events? Using curated sets of minimal sentence pairs (n=1215), we tested whether LLMs are more likely to generate plausible event descriptions compared to their implausible counterparts. We found that LLMs systematically distinguish possible and impossible events (The teacher bought the laptop vs. The laptop bought the teacher) but fall short of human performance when distinguishing likely and unlikely events (The nanny tutored the boy vs. The boy tutored the nanny). In follow-up analyses, we show that (i) LLM scores are driven by both plausibility and surface-level sentence features, (ii) LLMs generalize well across syntactic sentence variants (active vs passive) but less well across semantic sentence variants (synonymous sentences), (iii) some, but not all LLM deviations from ground-truth labels align with crowdsourced human judgments, and (iv) explicit event plausibility information emerges in middle LLM layers and remains high thereafter. Overall, our analyses reveal a gap in LLMs' event knowledge, highlighting their limitations as generalized knowledge bases. We conclude by speculating that the differential performance on impossible vs. unlikely events is not a temporary setback but an inherent property of LLMs, reflecting a fundamental difference between linguistic knowledge and world knowledge in intelligent systems.
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We present a retrospective on the state of Embodied AI research. Our analysis focuses on 13 challenges presented at the Embodied AI Workshop at CVPR. These challenges are grouped into three themes: (1) visual navigation, (2) rearrangement, and (3) embodied vision-and-language. We discuss the dominant datasets within each theme, evaluation metrics for the challenges, and the performance of state-of-the-art models. We highlight commonalities between top approaches to the challenges and identify potential future directions for Embodied AI research.
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Language models have recently achieved strong performance across a wide range of NLP benchmarks. However, unlike benchmarks, real world tasks are often poorly specified, and agents must deduce the user's intended behavior from a combination of context, instructions, and examples. We investigate how both humans and models behave in the face of such task ambiguity by proposing AmbiBench, a new benchmark of six ambiguously-specified classification tasks. We evaluate humans and models on AmbiBench by seeing how well they identify the intended task using 1) instructions with varying degrees of ambiguity, and 2) different numbers of labeled examples. We find that the combination of model scaling (to 175B parameters) and training with human feedback data enables models to approach or exceed the accuracy of human participants across tasks, but that either one alone is not sufficient. In addition, we show how to dramatically improve the accuracy of language models trained without large-scale human feedback training by finetuning on a small number of ambiguous in-context examples, providing a promising direction for teaching models to generalize well in the face of ambiguity.
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A long-running goal of the clinical NLP community is the extraction of important variables trapped in clinical notes. However, roadblocks have included dataset shift from the general domain and a lack of public clinical corpora and annotations. In this work, we show that large language models, such as InstructGPT, perform well at zero- and few-shot information extraction from clinical text despite not being trained specifically for the clinical domain. Whereas text classification and generation performance have already been studied extensively in such models, here we additionally demonstrate how to leverage them to tackle a diverse set of NLP tasks which require more structured outputs, including span identification, token-level sequence classification, and relation extraction. Further, due to the dearth of available data to evaluate these systems, we introduce new datasets for benchmarking few-shot clinical information extraction based on a manual re-annotation of the CASI dataset for new tasks. On the clinical extraction tasks we studied, the GPT-3 systems significantly outperform existing zero- and few-shot baselines.
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反向工程师受益于二进制中的标识符(例如函数名称)的存在,但通常将其删除以释放。训练机器学习模型自动预测功能名称是有希望的,但从根本上讲很难:与自然语言中的单词不同,大多数函数名称仅出现一次。在本文中,我们通过引入极端功能标签(XFL)来解决此问题,这是一种极端的多标签学习方法,可为二进制功能选择适当的标签。 XFL将函数名称分为代币,将每个功能视为具有自然语言标记文本的问题的信息标签。我们将二进制代码的语义与通过dexter进行标签,这是一种新颖的函数,将基于静态分析的特征与来自呼叫图的本地上下文和整个二进制的全局上下文相结合。我们证明,XFL/Dexter在Debian Project的10,047个二进制数据集上的功能标签上优于最新技术,获得了83.5%的精度。我们还研究了XFL与文献中的替代二进制嵌入的组合,并表明Dexter始终为这项任务做得最好。结果,我们证明了二进制函数标记可以通过多标签学习有效地措辞,并且二进制函数嵌入得益于包括明确的语义特征。
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Despite progress in perceptual tasks such as image classification, computers still perform poorly on cognitive tasks such as image description and question answering. Cognition is core to tasks that involve not just recognizing, but reasoning about our visual world. However, models used to tackle the rich content in images for cognitive tasks are still being trained using the same datasets designed for perceptual tasks. To achieve success at cognitive tasks, models need to understand the interactions and relationships between objects in
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Intelligently extracting and linking complex scientific information from unstructured text is a challenging endeavor particularly for those inexperienced with natural language processing. Here, we present a simple sequence-to-sequence approach to joint named entity recognition and relation extraction for complex hierarchical information in scientific text. The approach leverages a pre-trained large language model (LLM), GPT-3, that is fine-tuned on approximately 500 pairs of prompts (inputs) and completions (outputs). Information is extracted either from single sentences or across sentences in abstracts/passages, and the output can be returned as simple English sentences or a more structured format, such as a list of JSON objects. We demonstrate that LLMs trained in this way are capable of accurately extracting useful records of complex scientific knowledge for three representative tasks in materials chemistry: linking dopants with their host materials, cataloging metal-organic frameworks, and general chemistry/phase/morphology/application information extraction. This approach represents a simple, accessible, and highly-flexible route to obtaining large databases of structured knowledge extracted from unstructured text. An online demo is available at http://www.matscholar.com/info-extraction.
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