Web应用程序防火墙(WAF)如今扮演着不可或缺的角色,以保护Web应用程序免受SQL注入,XML注入和PHP注射等各种恶意注射攻击的影响。但是,鉴于注射攻击的复杂性不断发展,调整WAF的复杂性越来越复杂,确保WAF没有注射脆弱性是一项挑战,这样它将阻止所有恶意注射攻击而不会错误地影响合法信息。因此,自动测试WAF是及时且必不可少的任务。在本文中,我们提出了Danuoyi,这是一种自动注射测试工具,同时生成了对WAF上多种注射攻击的测试输入。我们的基本思想来自自然语言处理域中的跨语性翻译。特别是,不同类型的注射攻击的测试输入在句法上是不同的,但在语义上可能是相似的。因此,跨多种编程语言共享语义知识可以刺激更复杂的测试输入的产生,并发现WAF的注入脆弱性,原本很难找到。为此,在Danuoyi中,我们使用多任务学习来训练多个注射翻译模型,该学习将任何一对注射攻击之间的测试输入转换。然后,该模型由新型的多任务进化算法使用,以共同进化测试输入,以通过每一代人的共享交配池和特定于域的突变算子促进不同类型的注射攻击。我们对三个现实世界中的开源WAF和六种注射攻击进行了实验,结果表明,Danuoyi的生成高达3.8倍和5.78倍的有效测试输入(即,绕过基础WAF)比其最新的测试输入更大。 ART单项任务以及基于语法的注射结构。
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Many real-world problems are usually computationally costly and the objective functions evolve over time. Data-driven, a.k.a. surrogate-assisted, evolutionary optimization has been recognized as an effective approach for tackling expensive black-box optimization problems in a static environment whereas it has rarely been studied under dynamic environments. This paper proposes a simple but effective transfer learning framework to empower data-driven evolutionary optimization to solve dynamic optimization problems. Specifically, it applies a hierarchical multi-output Gaussian process to capture the correlation between data collected from different time steps with a linearly increased number of hyperparameters. Furthermore, an adaptive source task selection along with a bespoke warm staring initialization mechanisms are proposed to better leverage the knowledge extracted from previous optimization exercises. By doing so, the data-driven evolutionary optimization can jump start the optimization in the new environment with a strictly limited computational budget. Experiments on synthetic benchmark test problems and a real-world case study demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm against nine state-of-the-art peer algorithms.
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几年的研究表明,在理论和实践中,机器学习系统容易受到对抗的例子。到目前为止,这种攻击主要有针对性的视觉模型,利用人类和机器感知之间的差距。虽然基于文本的模型也被对抗例子遭到攻击,但这种攻击努力保持语义意义和无法区分。在本文中,我们探讨了大类的对抗示例,可用于在黑盒设置中攻击基于文本的模型,而不会对输入进行任何人类可知的视觉修改。我们使用对人眼不可察觉的编码特异性扰动来操纵从神经计算机翻译管道到网络搜索引擎的各种自然语言处理(NLP)系统的输出。我们发现,通过单一的难以察觉的编码注射 - 代表一个无形的字符,同型角色,重新排序或删除 - 攻击者可以显着降低易受伤害的模型的性能,并且三次注射大多数型号可以在功能上打破。除了由Facebook,IBM和HuggingFace发布的开源模型之外,我们攻击目前部署的商业系统这一新颖的一系列攻击对许多语言处理系统提供了重大威胁:攻击者可以以目标方式影响系统而没有任何关于底层模型的假设。我们得出结论,基于文本的NLP系统需要仔细的输入消毒,就像传统应用程序一样,并且考虑到这样的系统现在正在迅速地部署,需要建筑师和运营商的紧急注意。
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开源代码被认为是现代软件开发中的常见实践。但是,重复使用其他代码使坏演员可以访问广泛的开发商社区,因此依靠它的产品。这些攻击被归类为供应链攻击。近年来,越来越多的供应链攻击在软件开发过程中利用开源的供水,转移下载和安装程序,无论是自动或手册。多年来,已经发明了许多用于检测脆弱包装的方法。但是,在软件包中检测恶意代码并不常见。这些检测方法可以广泛地分为使用(动态)并且不使用(静态)代码执行的分析。在这里,我们使用变压器(MSDT)算法介绍了恶意源代码检测。 MSDT是一种基于深度学习方法的新型静态分析,该方法检测到现实世界中的代码注入案例到源代码软件包。在这项研究中,我们使用了具有超过600,000个不同功能的MSDT和一个数据集来嵌入各种功能,并将群集算法应用于生成的向量,从而通过检测异常值来检测恶意功能。我们通过进行广泛的实验来评估MSDT的性能,并证明我们的算法能够检测到具有precision@k值最高为0.909的恶意代码的功能。
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Although query-based systems (QBS) have become one of the main solutions to share data anonymously, building QBSes that robustly protect the privacy of individuals contributing to the dataset is a hard problem. Theoretical solutions relying on differential privacy guarantees are difficult to implement correctly with reasonable accuracy, while ad-hoc solutions might contain unknown vulnerabilities. Evaluating the privacy provided by QBSes must thus be done by evaluating the accuracy of a wide range of privacy attacks. However, existing attacks require time and expertise to develop, need to be manually tailored to the specific systems attacked, and are limited in scope. In this paper, we develop QuerySnout (QS), the first method to automatically discover vulnerabilities in QBSes. QS takes as input a target record and the QBS as a black box, analyzes its behavior on one or more datasets, and outputs a multiset of queries together with a rule to combine answers to them in order to reveal the sensitive attribute of the target record. QS uses evolutionary search techniques based on a novel mutation operator to find a multiset of queries susceptible to lead to an attack, and a machine learning classifier to infer the sensitive attribute from answers to the queries selected. We showcase the versatility of QS by applying it to two attack scenarios, three real-world datasets, and a variety of protection mechanisms. We show the attacks found by QS to consistently equate or outperform, sometimes by a large margin, the best attacks from the literature. We finally show how QS can be extended to QBSes that require a budget, and apply QS to a simple QBS based on the Laplace mechanism. Taken together, our results show how powerful and accurate attacks against QBSes can already be found by an automated system, allowing for highly complex QBSes to be automatically tested "at the pressing of a button".
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人类开发人员可以使用网络安全缺陷生产代码。可以新兴'智能'代码完成工具有助于修复这些缺点吗?在这项工作中,我们研究了对零拍摄漏洞修复的代码(如Openai的Codex和AI21的侏罗纪J-1)使用大型语言模型(如Openai的Codex和AI21的J-1)。我们调查设计方面的挑战,提示将Coax LLMS进入生成不安全代码的修复版本。由于许多方法来短语和句法 - 具有自然语言,这很困难。通过对四个商业,黑盒子,“现成的”典型的模型进行大规模研究,以及局部训练的模型,在合成,手工制作和现实世界的安全错误场景的混合中,我们的实验表明,LLMS可以共同修复100%的综合生成和手工制作的情景,以及58%的脆弱性,在真实的开源项目中的历史错误中选择。
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Recent studies show that, despite being effective on numerous tasks, text processing algorithms may be vulnerable to deliberate attacks. However, the question of whether such weaknesses can directly lead to security threats is still under-explored. To bridge this gap, we conducted vulnerability tests on Text-to-SQL, a technique that builds natural language interfaces for databases. Empirically, we showed that the Text-to-SQL modules of two commercial black boxes (Baidu-UNIT and Codex-powered Ai2sql) can be manipulated to produce malicious code, potentially leading to data breaches and Denial of Service. This is the first demonstration of the danger of NLP models being exploited as attack vectors in the wild. Moreover, experiments involving four open-source frameworks verified that simple backdoor attacks can achieve a 100% success rate on Text-to-SQL systems with almost no prediction performance impact. By reporting these findings and suggesting practical defences, we call for immediate attention from the NLP community to the identification and remediation of software security issues.
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在设计基于AI的系统中,有蓬勃发展的兴趣,以帮助人类设计计算系统,包括自动生成计算机代码的工具。这些最值得注意的是,以第一个自我描述的“Ai对程序员”,GitHub Copilot,一种在开源GitHub代码上培训的语言模型。但是,代码通常包含错误 - 因此,鉴于Copilot处理的大量未曝避代码,肯定是语言模型将从可利用的错误代码中学到。这提出了对Copilot代码捐助的安全的担忧。在这项工作中,我们系统地调查了可能导致Github CopIlot推荐不安全代码的普遍存在和条件。为了执行此分析,我们提示CopIlot在与高风险CWE相关的方案中生成代码(例如,从吉利的“前25名”列表中的方案)。我们探索了三个不同代码生成轴上的Copilot的表现 - 检查它如何表现为特定的弱点多样性,提示的多样性以及域的多样性。总共生产89个不同的Copilot方案,以完成,生产1,689个计划。其中,我们发现大约40%的脆弱。
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软件配置调整对于优化给定的性能目标(例如,最小化延迟)至关重要。然而,由于软件的本质上复杂的配置景观和昂贵的测量,成功存在相当轻微的成功,特别是在防止搜索被困在本地Optima中。为了解决这个问题,在本文中,我们采取了不同的视角。除了专注于改进优化器,而不是专注于优化模型的水平,并提出了一种META多象化(MMO)模型,其考虑辅助性能目标(例如,除了延迟之外的吞吐率)。是什么让这个型号独特的是我们没有优化辅助性能目标,而是使用它来类似地进行,而不同的配置较差的不同(即,彼此Nondominize的Pareto),从而防止搜索被困在本地Optima中。重要的是,通过一种新的常规化方法,我们展示了如何有效地使用MMO模型而不担心其重量 - 可能影响其有效性的唯一但高度敏感的参数。来自11个现实世界软件系统/环境的22例实验证实,我们的MMO模型具有新的归一化的MMO模型在82%的情况下比其最先进的单一目标对应物更好,同时实现高达2.09倍的加速。对于67%的病例,新的归一化也使MMO模型能够在使用我们之前的FSE工作中使用的正常化时优于实例,以便在预先调整的最佳重量下,节省了大量资源找到一个很好的重量。我们还表明,具有新标准化的MMO模型可以整合闪存,最近的基于模型的调音工具,在68%的情况下,一般的加速1.22倍。
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在本文中,我们解决了深入学习的软件漏洞自动修复问题。数据驱动漏洞修复的主要问题是已知确认漏洞的少数现有数据集仅由几千例组成。然而,培训深度学习模型通常需要数十万例的例子。在这项工作中,我们利用了错误修复任务和漏洞修复任务的直觉相关,并且可以传输来自错误修复的知识可以传输到修复漏洞。在机器学习界中,这种技术称为转移学习。在本文中,我们提出了一种修复名为Vreepair的安全漏洞的方法,该方法是基于转移学习。 vreepair首先在大型错误修复语料库上培训,然后在漏洞修复数据集上调整,这是一个较小的数量级。在我们的实验中,我们表明,仅在错误修复语料库上培训的模型可能已经修复了一些漏洞。然后,我们证明转移学习改善了修复易受攻击的C功能的能力。我们还表明,转移学习模型比具有去噪任务训练的模型更好,并在漏洞固定任务上进行微调。总而言之,本文表明,与在小型数据集上的学习相比,转移学习适用于修复C中的安全漏洞。
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Many natural language related applications involve text generation, created by humans or machines. While in many of those applications machines support humans, yet in few others, (e.g. adversarial machine learning, social bots and trolls) machines try to impersonate humans. In this scope, we proposed and evaluated several mutation-based text generation approaches. Unlike machine-based generated text, mutation-based generated text needs human text samples as inputs. We showed examples of mutation operators but this work can be extended in many aspects such as proposing new text-based mutation operators based on the nature of the application.
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Code completion aims to help improve developers' productivity by suggesting the next code tokens from a given context. Various approaches have been proposed to incorporate abstract syntax tree (AST) information for model training, ensuring that code completion is aware of the syntax of the programming languages. However, existing syntax-aware code completion approaches are not on-the-fly, as we found that for every two-thirds of characters that developers type, AST fails to be extracted because it requires the syntactically correct source code, limiting its practicality in real-world scenarios. On the other hand, existing on-the-fly code completion does not consider syntactic information yet. In this paper, we propose PyCoder to leverage token types, a kind of lightweight syntactic information, which is readily available and aligns with the natural order of source code. Our PyCoder is trained in a multi-task training manner so that by learning the supporting task of predicting token types during the training phase, the models achieve better performance on predicting tokens and lines of code without the need for token types in the inference phase. Comprehensive experiments show that PyCoder achieves the first rank on the CodeXGLUE leaderboard with an accuracy of 77.12% for the token-level predictions, which is 0.43%-24.25% more accurate than baselines. In addition, PyCoder achieves an exact match of 43.37% for the line-level predictions, which is 3.63%-84.73% more accurate than baselines. These results lead us to conclude that token type information (an alternative to syntactic information) that is rarely used in the past can greatly improve the performance of code completion approaches, without requiring the syntactically correct source code like AST-based approaches do. Our PyCoder is publicly available on HuggingFace.
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我们介绍了一种新型的格式转换加密,其中密文的格式隐含在机器学习的生成模型中。在这个原始的周围,我们构建了一个用于大型公共互联网平台(例如Twitter)上的秘密消息传递的系统。宽松地,我们的系统构成了经过身份验证的加密方案,一种方法是将随机密文钻头编码为生成模型的种子索引令牌分布的样品中的样品。通过修复部署方案,我们被迫考虑系统级和算法解决方案,以应对真正的挑战 - 例如接收者端解析的歧义,以及实际的代币发行的低信息携带能力〜-先前的工作。我们将GPT-2用作生成模型,以便我们的系统加密将明文Bitsring转换为适合发布公共平台的自然语言封面。我们考虑了对互联网平台内容的全面视图的对手,其目标是表面使用我们的系统进行秘密消息传递的帖子。我们进行了一套实验,以提供安全性证据,并探索运营效率和可检测性之间的权衡。
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The International Workshop on Reading Music Systems (WoRMS) is a workshop that tries to connect researchers who develop systems for reading music, such as in the field of Optical Music Recognition, with other researchers and practitioners that could benefit from such systems, like librarians or musicologists. The relevant topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to: Music reading systems; Optical music recognition; Datasets and performance evaluation; Image processing on music scores; Writer identification; Authoring, editing, storing and presentation systems for music scores; Multi-modal systems; Novel input-methods for music to produce written music; Web-based Music Information Retrieval services; Applications and projects; Use-cases related to written music. These are the proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems, held in Alicante on the 23rd of July 2021.
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