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In this paper we present a new way of predicting the performance of a reinforcement learning policy given historical data that may have been generated by a different policy. The ability to evaluate a policy from historical data is important for applications where the deployment of a bad policy can be dangerous or costly. We show empirically that our algorithm produces estimates that often have orders of magnitude lower mean squared error than existing methods-it makes more efficient use of the available data. Our new estimator is based on two advances: an extension of the doubly robust estimator (Jiang & Li, 2015), and a new way to mix between model based estimates and importance sampling based estimates.
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面对顺序决策问题时,能够预测如果使用新策略进行决策会发生什么会发生什么。这些预测通常必须基于在一些先前使用的决策规则下收集的数据。许多以前的方法使得这种违规(或反事实)估计的性能测量值的预期值称为返回。在本文中,我们采取了迈向普遍违规估算机(UNO)的第一步 - 为返回分配的任何参数提供截止政策估计和高信任界限。我们使用UNO来估计和同时限制均值,方差,量级/中位数,分位式范围,CVAR和返回的整个累积分布。最后,我们还在各种环境中讨论了UNO的适用性,包括完全可观察,部分可观察的(即,与未观察到的混乱),马尔可夫,非马尔可瓦尔,静止,平稳的非稳定性和离散分布转移。
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最近的工作突出了因果关系在设计公平决策算法中的作用。但是,尚不清楚现有的公平因果概念如何相互关系,或者将这些定义作为设计原则的后果是什么。在这里,我们首先将算法公平性的流行因果定义组装成两个广泛的家庭:(1)那些限制决策对反事实差异的影响的家庭; (2)那些限制了法律保护特征(如种族和性别)对决策的影响。然后,我们在分析和经验上表明,两个定义的家庭\ emph {几乎总是总是} - 从一种理论意义上讲 - 导致帕累托占主导地位的决策政策,这意味着每个利益相关者都有一个偏爱的替代性,不受限制的政策从大型自然级别中绘制。例如,在大学录取决定的情况下,每位利益相关者都不支持任何对学术准备和多样性的中立或积极偏好的利益相关者,将不利于因果公平定义的政策。的确,在因果公平的明显定义下,我们证明了由此产生的政策要求承认所有具有相同概率的学生,无论学术资格或小组成员身份如何。我们的结果突出了正式的局限性和因果公平的常见数学观念的潜在不利后果。
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A recent explosion of research focuses on developing methods and tools for building fair predictive models. However, most of this work relies on the assumption that the training and testing data are representative of the target population on which the model will be deployed. However, real-world training data often suffer from selection bias and are not representative of the target population for many reasons, including the cost and feasibility of collecting and labeling data, historical discrimination, and individual biases. In this paper, we introduce a new framework for certifying and ensuring the fairness of predictive models trained on biased data. We take inspiration from query answering over incomplete and inconsistent databases to present and formalize the problem of consistent range approximation (CRA) of answers to queries about aggregate information for the target population. We aim to leverage background knowledge about the data collection process, biased data, and limited or no auxiliary data sources to compute a range of answers for aggregate queries over the target population that are consistent with available information. We then develop methods that use CRA of such aggregate queries to build predictive models that are certifiably fair on the target population even when no external information about that population is available during training. We evaluate our methods on real data and demonstrate improvements over state of the art. Significantly, we show that enforcing fairness using our methods can lead to predictive models that are not only fair, but more accurate on the target population.
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我们在禁用的对手存在下研究公平分类,允许获得$ \ eta $,选择培训样本的任意$ \ eta $ -flaction,并任意扰乱受保护的属性。由于战略误报,恶意演员或归责的错误,受保护属性可能不正确的设定。和现有的方法,使随机或独立假设对错误可能不满足其在这种对抗环境中的保证。我们的主要贡献是在这种对抗的环境中学习公平分类器的优化框架,这些普遍存在的准确性和公平性提供了可证明的保证。我们的框架适用于多个和非二进制保护属性,专为大类线性分数公平度量设计,并且还可以处理除了受保护的属性之外的扰动。我们证明了我们框架的近密性,对自然假设类别的保证:没有算法可以具有明显更好的准确性,并且任何具有更好公平性的算法必须具有较低的准确性。凭经验,我们评估了我们对统计率的统计税务统计税率为一个对手的统计税率产生的分类机。
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许多选择过程,例如寻找有资格参加医学试验的患者或在搜索引擎中检索管道的供应,其中包括多个阶段,初始筛查阶段将资源集中在候选名单上最有前途的候选人。在本文中,我们研究了保证筛选分类器可以提供的内容,而不是手动构造还是训练。我们发现当前的解决方案不享受无分配的理论保证 - 我们表明,通常,即使对于完美校准的分类器,也总是存在特定的候选人库,其候选名单是次优的。然后,我们开发了一种无分布的筛选算法(称为校准子集选择(CSS)),给定任何分类器和一定数量的校准数据,发现近乎最佳的候选者候选人,这些候选者包含预期的预期数量的合格候选者。此外,我们表明,在特定组中多次校准给定分类器的CSS变体可以创建具有可证明多样性保证的候选名单。关于美国人口普查调查数据的实验验证了我们的理论结果,并表明我们算法提供的候选名单优于几个竞争基线提供的列表。
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机器学习中的歧视通常沿多个维度(又称保护属性)出现;因此,希望确保\ emph {交叉公平} - 即,没有任何子组受到歧视。众所周知,确保\ emph {边际公平}对于每个维度而言,独立不够。但是,由于亚组的指数数量,直接测量数据交叉公平性是不可能的。在本文中,我们的主要目标是通过统计分析详细了解边际和交叉公平之间的关系。我们首先确定一组足够的条件,在这些条件下可以获得确切的关系。然后,在一般情况下,我们证明了相交公平性的高概率的界限(通过边际公平和其他有意义的统计量很容易计算)。除了它们的描述价值之外,我们还可以利用这些理论界限来得出一种启发式,从而通过以相关的方式选择了我们描述相交子组的保护属性来改善交叉公平的近似和边界。最后,我们测试了实际和合成数据集的近似值和界限的性能。
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在高赌注域中的机器学习工具的实际应用通常被调节为公平,因此预测目标应该满足相对于受保护属性的奇偶校验的一些定量概念。然而,公平性和准确性之间的确切权衡并不完全清楚,即使是对分类问题的基本范式也是如此。在本文中,我们通过在任何公平分类器的群体误差之和中提供较低的界限,在分类设置中表征统计奇偶校验和准确性之间的固有权衡。我们不可能的定理可以被解释为公平的某种不确定性原则:如果基本率不同,那么符合统计奇偶校验的任何公平分类器都必须在至少一个组中产生很大的错误。我们进一步扩展了这一结果,以便在学习公平陈述的角度下给出任何(大约)公平分类者的联合误差的下限。为了表明我们的下限是紧张的,假设Oracle访问贝叶斯(潜在不公平)分类器,我们还构造了一种返回一个随机分类器的算法,这是最佳和公平的。有趣的是,当受保护的属性可以采用超过两个值时,这个下限的扩展不承认分析解决方案。然而,在这种情况下,我们表明,通过解决线性程序,我们可以通过解决我们作为电视 - 重心问题的术语,电视距离的重心问题来有效地计算下限。在上面,我们证明,如果集团明智的贝叶斯最佳分类器是关闭的,那么学习公平的表示导致公平的替代概念,称为准确性奇偶校验,这使得错误率在组之间关闭。最后,我们还在现实世界数据集上进行实验,以确认我们的理论发现。
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The most prevalent notions of fairness in machine learning are statistical definitions: they fix a small collection of high-level, pre-defined groups (such as race or gender), and then ask for approximate parity of some statistic of the classifier (like positive classification rate or false positive rate) across these groups. Constraints of this form are susceptible to (intentional or inadvertent) fairness gerrymandering, in which a classifier appears to be fair on each individual group, but badly violates the fairness constraint on one or more structured subgroups defined over the protected attributes (such as certain combinations of protected attribute values). We propose instead to demand statistical notions of fairness across exponentially (or infinitely) many subgroups, defined by a structured class of functions over the protected attributes. This interpolates between statistical definitions of fairness, and recently proposed individual notions of fairness, but it raises several computational challenges. It is no longer clear how to even check or audit a fixed classifier to see if it satisfies such a strong definition of fairness. We prove that the computational problem of auditing subgroup fairness for both equality of false positive rates and statistical parity is equivalent to the problem of weak agnostic learning -which means it is computationally hard in the worst case, even for simple structured subclasses. However, it also suggests that common heuristics for learning can be applied to successfully solve the auditing problem in practice.We then derive two algorithms that provably converge to the best fair distribution over classifiers in a given class, given access to oracles which can optimally solve the agnostic learning problem. The algorithms are based on a formulation of subgroup fairness as a two-player zero-sum game between a Learner (the primal player) and an Auditor (the dual player). Both algorithms compute an equilibrium of this game. We obtain our first algorithm by simulating play of the game by having Learner play an instance of the no-regret Follow the Perturbed Leader algorithm, and having Auditor play best response. This algorithm provably converges to an approximate Nash equilibrium (and thus to an approximately optimal subgroup-fair distribution over classifiers) in a polynomial number of steps. We obtain our second algorithm by simulating play of the game by having both players play Fictitious Play, which enjoys only provably asymptotic convergence, but has the merit of simplicity and faster per-step computation. We implement the Fictitious Play version using linear regression as a heuristic oracle, and show that we can effectively both audit and learn fair classifiers on real datasets.
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The fair-ranking problem, which asks to rank a given set of items to maximize utility subject to group fairness constraints, has received attention in the fairness, information retrieval, and machine learning literature. Recent works, however, observe that errors in socially-salient (including protected) attributes of items can significantly undermine fairness guarantees of existing fair-ranking algorithms and raise the problem of mitigating the effect of such errors. We study the fair-ranking problem under a model where socially-salient attributes of items are randomly and independently perturbed. We present a fair-ranking framework that incorporates group fairness requirements along with probabilistic information about perturbations in socially-salient attributes. We provide provable guarantees on the fairness and utility attainable by our framework and show that it is information-theoretically impossible to significantly beat these guarantees. Our framework works for multiple non-disjoint attributes and a general class of fairness constraints that includes proportional and equal representation. Empirically, we observe that, compared to baselines, our algorithm outputs rankings with higher fairness, and has a similar or better fairness-utility trade-off compared to baselines.
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Statistical risk assessments inform consequential decisions such as pretrial release in criminal justice, and loan approvals in consumer finance. Such risk assessments make counterfactual predictions, predicting the likelihood of an outcome under a proposed decision (e.g., what would happen if we approved this loan?). A central challenge, however, is that there may have been unmeasured confounders that jointly affected past decisions and outcomes in the historical data. This paper proposes a tractable mean outcome sensitivity model that bounds the extent to which unmeasured confounders could affect outcomes on average. The mean outcome sensitivity model partially identifies the conditional likelihood of the outcome under the proposed decision, popular predictive performance metrics (e.g., accuracy, calibration, TPR, FPR), and commonly-used predictive disparities. We derive their sharp identified sets, and we then solve three tasks that are essential to deploying statistical risk assessments in high-stakes settings. First, we propose a doubly-robust learning procedure for the bounds on the conditional likelihood of the outcome under the proposed decision. Second, we translate our estimated bounds on the conditional likelihood of the outcome under the proposed decision into a robust, plug-in decision-making policy. Third, we develop doubly-robust estimators of the bounds on the predictive performance of an existing risk assessment.
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这项研究研究了在美国国税局(IRS)为税收审计选择的系统中,算法公平性问题。尽管算法公平的领域主要围绕着像个人一样对待的概念发展,但我们却探索了垂直平等的概念 - 适当地考虑到个人之间的相关差异 - 这在许多公共政策环境中都是公平性的核心组成部分。应用于美国个人所得税体系的设计,垂直权益与不同收入水平的纳税人之间的税收和执法负担的公平分配有关。通过与财政部和国税局的独特合作,我们使用匿名个人纳税人微型数据,风险选择的审计以及2010 - 14年度的随机审计来研究税务管理的垂直平等。特别是,我们评估了现代机器学习方法选择审核的使用如何影响垂直权益。首先,我们展示了更灵活的机器学习(分类)方法(而不是简单的模型)如何将审计负担从高收入纳税人转移到中等收入纳税人。其次,我们表明,尽管现有的算法公平技术可以减轻跨收入的某些差异,但它们可能会造成巨大的绩效成本。第三,我们表明,是否将低报告的风险视为分类或回归问题的选择是高度的。从分类转变为回归模型,以预测不足的审计转变会大大向高收入个人转移,同时增加收入。最后,我们探讨了差异审计成本在塑造审计分配中的作用。我们表明,对回报的狭窄关注会破坏垂直权益。我们的结果对整个公共部门的算法工具的设计具有影响。
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