该论文提出了一个计划者,以使用质心动力学和人形机器人的完整运动学来产生步行轨迹。机器人与行走表面之间的相互作用是通过新条件明确建模的,即\ emph {动态互补性约束}。该方法不需要预定义的接触序列,并自动生成脚步。我们通过一组任务来表征机器人控制目标,并通过解决最佳控制问题来解决它。我们表明,可以通过指定最小的参考集,例如恒定所需的质量速度中心和地面上的参考点来自动实现行走运动。此外,我们分析了接触模型选择如何影响计算时间。我们通过为人形机器人ICUB生成和测试步行轨迹来验证该方法。
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在腿的运动中重新规划对于追踪所需的用户速度,在适应地形并拒绝外部干扰的同时至关重要。在这项工作中,我们提出并测试了实验中的实时非线性模型预测控制(NMPC),用于腿部机器人,以实现各种地形上的动态运动。我们引入了一种基于移动性的标准来定义NMPC成本,增强了二次机器人的运动,同时最大化腿部移动性并提高对地形特征的适应。我们的NMPC基于实时迭代方案,使我们能够以25美元的价格重新计划在线,\ Mathrm {Hz} $ 2 $ 2 $ 2美元的预测地平线。我们使用在质量框架中心中定义的单个刚体动态模型,以提高计算效率。在仿真中,测试NMPC以横穿一组不同尺寸的托盘,走进V形烟囱,并在崎岖的地形上招揽。在真实实验中,我们展示了我们的NMPC与移动功能的有效性,使IIT为87美元\,\ Mathrm {kg} $四分之一的机器人HIQ,以实现平坦地形上的全方位步行,横穿静态托盘,并适应在散步期间重新定位托盘。
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在这封信中,我们提出了一种多功能的层次离线计划算法,以及用于敏捷四足球运动的在线控制管道。我们的离线规划师在优化降低阶模型和全身轨迹优化的质心动力学之间进行交替,以实现动力学共识。我们使用等椭圆形参数化的新型动量惰性质地优化能够通过``惯性塑造''来产生高度的杂技运动。我们的全身优化方法可显着改善基于标准DDP的方法的质量从质心层中利用反馈。对于在线控制,我们通过完整的质心动力学的线性转换开发了一种新颖的凸模型预测控制方案。我们的控制器可以在单个优化中有效地对接触力和关节加速度有效地优化,从而实现更直接的加速度,从而实现更直接的优化与现有四倍体MPC控制器相比,跟踪动量丰富的动作。我们在四个不同的动态操作中证明了我们的轨迹计划者的能力和通用性。然后,我们在MIT MINI Cheetah平台上展示了​​一个硬件实验,以证明整个计划的性能和整个计划的性能和性能扭曲的控制管道跳动。
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Controller design for bipedal walking on dynamic rigid surfaces (DRSes), which are rigid surfaces moving in the inertial frame (e.g., ships and airplanes), remains largely uninvestigated. This paper introduces a hierarchical control approach that achieves stable underactuated bipedal robot walking on a horizontally oscillating DRS. The highest layer of our approach is a real-time motion planner that generates desired global behaviors (i.e., the center of mass trajectories and footstep locations) by stabilizing a reduced-order robot model. One key novelty of this layer is the derivation of the reduced-order model by analytically extending the angular momentum based linear inverted pendulum (ALIP) model from stationary to horizontally moving surfaces. The other novelty is the development of a discrete-time foot-placement controller that exponentially stabilizes the hybrid, linear, time-varying ALIP model. The middle layer of the proposed approach is a walking pattern generator that translates the desired global behaviors into the robot's full-body reference trajectories for all directly actuated degrees of freedom. The lowest layer is an input-output linearizing controller that exponentially tracks those full-body reference trajectories based on the full-order, hybrid, nonlinear robot dynamics. Simulations of planar underactuated bipedal walking on a swaying DRS confirm that the proposed framework ensures the walking stability under different DRS motions and gait types.
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本文提出了一个模型预测控制(MPC)框架,以实现MIT类人体上的动态步态。除了适应脚步位置和在线时机外,该建议的方法还可以理解高度,接触扳手,躯干旋转,运动学限制和谈判不均匀的地形。具体而言,线性MPC(LMPC)通过与当前的脚步位置进行线性线性线性线性来优化所需的脚步位置。低级任务空间控制器跟踪从LMPC的预测状态和控制轨迹,以利用全身动力学。最后,采用自适应步态频率方案来修改步进频率并增强步行控制器的鲁棒性。 LMPC和任务空间控制都可以作为二次程序(QP)有效地求解,因此适用于实时应用程序。模拟研究中,MIT类人动物遍历波场并从冲动性干扰中恢复为拟议方法恢复。
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Autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicles are deployed for a variety tasks including surveillance and monitoring. Perching and staring allow the vehicle to monitor targets without flying, saving battery power and increasing the overall mission time without the need to frequently replace batteries. This paper addresses the Active Visual Perching (AVP) control problem to autonomously perch on inclined surfaces up to $90^\circ$. Our approach generates dynamically feasible trajectories to navigate and perch on a desired target location, while taking into account actuator and Field of View (FoV) constraints. By replanning in mid-flight, we take advantage of more accurate target localization increasing the perching maneuver's robustness to target localization or control errors. We leverage the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions to identify the compatibility between planning objectives and the visual sensing constraint during the planned maneuver. Furthermore, we experimentally identify the corresponding boundary conditions that maximizes the spatio-temporal target visibility during the perching maneuver. The proposed approach works on-board in real-time with significant computational constraints relying exclusively on cameras and an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). Experimental results validate the proposed approach and shows the higher success rate as well as increased target interception precision and accuracy with respect to a one-shot planning approach, while still retaining aggressive capabilities with flight envelopes that include large excursions from the hover position on inclined surfaces up to 90$^\circ$, angular speeds up to 750~deg/s, and accelerations up to 10~m/s$^2$.
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The increasing interest in autonomous robots with a high number of degrees of freedom for industrial applications and service robotics demands control algorithms to handle multiple tasks as well as hard constraints efficiently. This paper presents a general framework in which both kinematic (velocity- or acceleration-based) and dynamic (torque-based) control of redundant robots are handled in a unified fashion. The framework allows for the specification of redundancy resolution problems featuring a hierarchy of arbitrary (equality and inequality) constraints, arbitrary weighting of the control effort in the cost function and an additional input used to optimize possibly remaining redundancy. To solve such problems, a generalization of the Saturation in the Null Space (SNS) algorithm is introduced, which extends the original method according to the features required by our general control framework. Variants of the developed algorithm are presented, which ensure both efficient computation and optimality of the solution. Experiments on a KUKA LBRiiwa robotic arm, as well as simulations with a highly redundant mobile manipulator are reported.
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本文为两足机器人提供了一个步态控制器,鉴于局部斜率和摩擦锥信息,可以在各个地形上行走高度敏捷。没有这些考虑,不合时宜的影响会导致机器人绊倒,而在姿势脚下的切向反作用力不足会导致滑倒。我们通过以新颖的方式将基于角动量线性倒置的摆(ALIP)和模型预测控制(MPC)脚放置计划者组合来解决这些挑战,该模型由虚拟约束方法执行。该过程始于从Cassie 3D Bipedal机器人的完整动力学中抽象,该机器人的质量动力学中心的精确低维表示,通过角动量参数化。在分段平面地形假设和消除机器人质量中心的角动量的术语中,有关接触点的质心动力学变为线性,并具有四个尺寸。重要的是,我们在MPC公式中以均匀间隔的间隔内包含步骤的动力学,以便可以从逐步到步进机器人的演变上进行现实的工作空间约束。低维MPC控制器的输出通过虚拟约束方法直接在高维Cassie机器人上实现。在实验中,我们验证了机器人控制策略在各种表面上具有不同倾斜和质地的性能。
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The ability to generate dynamic walking in real-time for bipedal robots with input constraints and underactuation has the potential to enable locomotion in dynamic, complex and unstructured environments. Yet, the high-dimensional nature of bipedal robots has limited the use of full-order rigid body dynamics to gaits which are synthesized offline and then tracked online. In this work we develop an online nonlinear model predictive control approach that leverages the full-order dynamics to realize diverse walking behaviors. Additionally, this approach can be coupled with gaits synthesized offline via a desired reference to enable a shorter prediction horizon and rapid online re-planning, bridging the gap between online reactive control and offline gait planning. We demonstrate the proposed method, both with and without an offline gait, on the planar robot AMBER-3M in simulation and on hardware.
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This paper presents a state-of-the-art optimal controller for quadruped locomotion. The robot dynamics is represented using a single rigid body (SRB) model. A linear time-varying model predictive controller (LTV MPC) is proposed by using linearization schemes. Simulation results show that the LTV MPC can execute various gaits, such as trot and crawl, and is capable of tracking desired reference trajectories even under unknown external disturbances. The LTV MPC is implemented as a quadratic program using qpOASES through the CasADi interface at 50 Hz. The proposed MPC can reach up to 1 m/s top speed with an acceleration of 0.5 m/s2 executing a trot gait. The implementation is available at https:// github.com/AndrewZheng-1011/Quad_ConvexMPC
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Force modulation of robotic manipulators has been extensively studied for several decades. However, it is not yet commonly used in safety-critical applications due to a lack of accurate interaction contact modeling and weak performance guarantees - a large proportion of them concerning the modulation of interaction forces. This study presents a high-level framework for simultaneous trajectory optimization and force control of the interaction between a manipulator and soft environments, which is prone to external disturbances. Sliding friction and normal contact force are taken into account. The dynamics of the soft contact model and the manipulator are simultaneously incorporated in a trajectory optimizer to generate desired motion and force profiles. A constrained optimization framework based on Alternative Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) has been employed to efficiently generate real-time optimal control inputs and high-dimensional state trajectories in a Model Predictive Control fashion. Experimental validation of the model performance is conducted on a soft substrate with known material properties using a Cartesian space force control mode. Results show a comparison of ground truth and real-time model-based contact force and motion tracking for multiple Cartesian motions in the valid range of the friction model. It is shown that a contact model-based motion planner can compensate for frictional forces and motion disturbances and improve the overall motion and force tracking accuracy. The proposed high-level planner has the potential to facilitate the automation of medical tasks involving the manipulation of compliant, delicate, and deformable tissues.
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具有单个刚体模型的凸模型预测控制(MPC)在真实的腿部机器人上表现出强烈的性能。但是,凸MPC受其假设的限制,例如旋转角度和预定义的步态,从而限制了潜在溶液的丰富性。我们删除了这些假设,并使用单个刚体模型解决了完整的混合企业非凸编程。我们首先离线收集预处理问题的数据集,然后学习问题解决方案图以快速解决MPC的优化。如果可以找到温暖的启动,则可以接近全球最优性解决离线问题。通过根据初始条件产生各种步态和行为来测试所提出的控制器。硬件测试根据传感器反馈演示了在线步态生成和适应性超过50 Hz。
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