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Approximating radiance fields with volumetric grids is one of promising directions for improving NeRF, represented by methods like Plenoxels and DVGO, which achieve super-fast training convergence and real-time rendering. However, these methods typically require a tremendous storage overhead, costing up to hundreds of megabytes of disk space and runtime memory for a single scene. We address this issue in this paper by introducing a simple yet effective framework, called vector quantized radiance fields (VQRF), for compressing these volume-grid-based radiance fields. We first present a robust and adaptive metric for estimating redundancy in grid models and performing voxel pruning by better exploring intermediate outputs of volumetric rendering. A trainable vector quantization is further proposed to improve the compactness of grid models. In combination with an efficient joint tuning strategy and post-processing, our method can achieve a compression ratio of 100$\times$ by reducing the overall model size to 1 MB with negligible loss on visual quality. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed framework is capable of achieving unrivaled performance and well generalization across multiple methods with distinct volumetric structures, facilitating the wide use of volumetric radiance fields methods in real-world applications. Code Available at \url{https://github.com/AlgoHunt/VQRF}
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b) MVS-NeRF no fine-tuning c) MVS-NeRF 6 min fine-tuning d) NeRF 5.1h optimization a) Source views SSIM:0.766 SSIM: 0.923 SSIM:0.924 * Equal contribution Research done when Anpei Chen was in a remote internship with UCSD.generalizable radiance field reconstruction. Moreover, if dense images are captured, our estimated radiance field representation can be easily fine-tuned; this leads to fast per-scene reconstruction with higher rendering quality and substantially less optimization time than NeRF.
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Neural radiance fields (NeRF) have demonstrated the potential of coordinate-based neural representation (neural fields or implicit neural representation) in neural rendering. However, using a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) to represent a 3D scene or object requires enormous computational resources and time. There have been recent studies on how to reduce these computational inefficiencies by using additional data structures, such as grids or trees. Despite the promising performance, the explicit data structure necessitates a substantial amount of memory. In this work, we present a method to reduce the size without compromising the advantages of having additional data structures. In detail, we propose using the wavelet transform on grid-based neural fields. Grid-based neural fields are for fast convergence, and the wavelet transform, whose efficiency has been demonstrated in high-performance standard codecs, is to improve the parameter efficiency of grids. Furthermore, in order to achieve a higher sparsity of grid coefficients while maintaining reconstruction quality, we present a novel trainable masking approach. Experimental results demonstrate that non-spatial grid coefficients, such as wavelet coefficients, are capable of attaining a higher level of sparsity than spatial grid coefficients, resulting in a more compact representation. With our proposed mask and compression pipeline, we achieved state-of-the-art performance within a memory budget of 2 MB. Our code is available at https://github.com/daniel03c1/masked_wavelet_nerf.
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我们探索了基于神经光场表示的几种新颖观点合成的新策略。给定目标摄像头姿势,隐式神经网络将每个射线映射到其目标像素的颜色。该网络的条件是根据来自显式3D特征量的粗量渲染产生的本地射线特征。该卷是由使用3D Convnet的输入图像构建的。我们的方法在基于最先进的神经辐射场竞争方面,在合成和真实MVS数据上实现了竞争性能,同时提供了100倍的渲染速度。
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We present TensoRF, a novel approach to model and reconstruct radiance fields. Unlike NeRF that purely uses MLPs, we model the radiance field of a scene as a 4D tensor, which represents a 3D voxel grid with per-voxel multi-channel features. Our central idea is to factorize the 4D scene tensor into multiple compact low-rank tensor components. We demonstrate that applying traditional CP decomposition -- that factorizes tensors into rank-one components with compact vectors -- in our framework leads to improvements over vanilla NeRF. To further boost performance, we introduce a novel vector-matrix (VM) decomposition that relaxes the low-rank constraints for two modes of a tensor and factorizes tensors into compact vector and matrix factors. Beyond superior rendering quality, our models with CP and VM decompositions lead to a significantly lower memory footprint in comparison to previous and concurrent works that directly optimize per-voxel features. Experimentally, we demonstrate that TensoRF with CP decomposition achieves fast reconstruction (<30 min) with better rendering quality and even a smaller model size (<4 MB) compared to NeRF. Moreover, TensoRF with VM decomposition further boosts rendering quality and outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods, while reducing the reconstruction time (<10 min) and retaining a compact model size (<75 MB).
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神经辐射场(NERF)在代表3D场景和合成新颖视图中示出了很大的潜力,但是在推理阶段的NERF的计算开销仍然很重。为了减轻负担,我们进入了NERF的粗细分,分层采样过程,并指出粗阶段可以被我们命名神经样本场的轻量级模块代替。所提出的示例场地图光线进入样本分布,可以将其转换为点坐标并进料到radiance字段以进行体积渲染。整体框架被命名为Neusample。我们在现实合成360 $ ^ {\ circ} $和真正的前瞻性,两个流行的3D场景集上进行实验,并表明Neusample在享受更快推理速度时比NERF实现更好的渲染质量。Neusample进一步压缩,以提出的样品场提取方法朝向质量和速度之间的更好的权衡。
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神经辐射场(NERF)最近在新型视图合成中取得了令人印象深刻的结果。但是,以前的NERF作品主要关注以对象为中心的方案。在这项工作中,我们提出了360ROAM,这是一种新颖的场景级NERF系统,可以实时合成大型室内场景的图像并支持VR漫游。我们的系统首先从多个输入$ 360^\ circ $图像构建全向神经辐射场360NERF。然后,我们逐步估算一个3D概率的占用图,该概率占用图代表了空间密度形式的场景几何形状。跳过空的空间和上采样占据的体素本质上可以使我们通过以几何学意识的方式使用360NERF加速量渲染。此外,我们使用自适应划分和扭曲策略来减少和调整辐射场,以进一步改进。从占用地图中提取的场景的平面图可以为射线采样提供指导,并促进现实的漫游体验。为了显示我们系统的功效,我们在各种场景中收集了$ 360^\ Circ $图像数据集并进行广泛的实验。基线之间的定量和定性比较说明了我们在复杂室内场景的新型视图合成中的主要表现。
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我们呈现高动态范围神经辐射字段(HDR-NERF),以从一组低动态范围(LDR)视图的HDR辐射率字段与不同的曝光。使用HDR-NERF,我们能够在不同的曝光下生成新的HDR视图和新型LDR视图。我们方法的关键是模拟物理成像过程,该过程决定了场景点的辐射与具有两个隐式功能的LDR图像中的像素值转换为:RADIACE字段和音调映射器。辐射场对场景辐射(值在0到+末端之间的值变化),其通过提供相应的射线源和光线方向来输出光线的密度和辐射。 TONE MAPPER模拟映射过程,即在相机传感器上击中的光线变为像素值。通过将辐射和相应的曝光时间送入音调映射器来预测光线的颜色。我们使用经典的卷渲染技术将输出辐射,颜色和密度投影为HDR和LDR图像,同时只使用输入的LDR图像作为监控。我们收集了一个新的前瞻性的HDR数据集,以评估所提出的方法。综合性和现实世界场景的实验结果验证了我们的方法不仅可以准确控制合成视图的曝光,还可以用高动态范围呈现视图。
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我们提出了Panohdr-nerf,这是一种新颖的管道,可随意捕获大型室内场景的合理的全HDR辐射场,而无需精心设计或复杂的捕获协议。首先,用户通过在场景中自由挥舞现成的摄像头来捕获场景的低动态范围(LDR)全向视频。然后,LDR2HDR网络将捕获的LDR帧提升到HDR,随后用于训练定制的NERF ++模型。由此产生的Panohdr-NERF管道可以从场景的任何位置估算完整的HDR全景。通过在一个新的测试数据集上进行各种真实场景的实验,并在训练过程中未见的位置捕获了地面真相HDR辐射,我们表明PanoHDR-NERF可以预测任何场景点的合理辐射。我们还表明,PanoHDR-NERF产生的HDR图像可以合成正确的照明效果,从而可以使用正确点亮的合成对象来增强室内场景。
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本文提出了一种用等值的全向图像重建神经辐射场的方法。带有辐射场的隐式神经场景表示可以在有限的空间区域内连续重建场景的3D形状。但是,培训商用PC硬件的完全隐式表示需要大量时间和计算资源(15 $ \ sim $ 20小时每场景20小时)。因此,我们提出了一种显着加速此过程的方法(每个场景20 $ \ sim $ 40分钟)。我们采用特征体素,而不是使用辐射场重建的光线的完全隐式表示,而是在张量中包含密度和颜色特征的特征体素。考虑全向等值输入和相机布局,我们使用球形素化来表示表示而不是立方表示。我们的体素化方法可以平衡内部场景和外部场景的重建质量。此外,我们在颜色特征上采用了与轴对准的位置编码方法,以提高总图像质量。我们的方法可以在随机摄像头姿势上实现满足合成数据集的经验性能。此外,我们使用包含复杂几何形状并实现最先进性能的真实场景测试我们的方法。我们的代码和完整数据集将与纸质出版物同时发布。
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NeRF synthesizes novel views of a scene with unprecedented quality by fitting a neural radiance field to RGB images. However, NeRF requires querying a deep Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) millions of times, leading to slow rendering times, even on modern GPUs. In this paper, we demonstrate that real-time rendering is possible by utilizing thousands of tiny MLPs instead of one single large MLP. In our setting, each individual MLP only needs to represent parts of the scene, thus smaller and faster-to-evaluate MLPs can be used. By combining this divide-and-conquer strategy with further optimizations, rendering is accelerated by three orders of magnitude compared to the original NeRF model without incurring high storage costs. Further, using teacher-student distillation for training, we show that this speed-up can be achieved without sacrificing visual quality.
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关于神经辐射场(NERF)的最新研究爆炸表明,具有神经网络的复杂场面具有令人鼓舞的潜力。 NERF的一个主要缺点是它的推理时间:渲染单像素需要数百次查询NERF网络。为了解决它,现有的努力主要试图减少所需的采样点的数量。但是,迭代采样的问题仍然存在。另一方面,神经光场(NELF)在新型视图合成中对NERF提出了更直接的表示 - 像素的渲染相当于一个单一的正向通行,而无需射线建设。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个深层残留的MLP网络(88层),以有效地学习光场。我们展示了成功学习这种深度NELF网络的关键,就是拥有足够的数据,我们通过数据蒸馏从预训练的NERF模型中转移知识。在合成和现实世界场景上进行的广泛实验表明,我们方法比其他对应算法的优点。在合成场景中,我们实现了26-35倍的拖鞋(每个摄像头射线)和28-31倍的运行时加速,同时提供了比NERF的呈现质量(1.4-2.8 dB的平均PSNR改善),而无需任何定制的并行性要求。
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我们提出了一种从一个或几种视图中重建人头的纹理3D网眼的方法。由于如此少的重建​​缺乏约束,因此需要先验知识,这很难强加于传统的3D重建算法。在这项工作中,我们依靠最近引入的3D表示$ \ unicode {x2013} $ neural隐式函数$ \ unicode {x2013} $,它基于神经网络,允许自然地从数据中学习有关人类头的先验,并且直接转换为纹理网格。也就是说,我们扩展了Neus(一种最新的神经隐式函数公式),以同时代表类的多个对象(在我们的情况下)。潜在的神经网架构旨在学习这些物体之间的共同点,并概括地看不见。我们的模型仅在一百个智能手机视频上进行培训,不需要任何扫描的3D数据。之后,该模型可以以良好的效果以几种镜头或一次性模式适合新颖的头。
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Due to the diverse sparsity, high dimensionality, and large temporal variation of dynamic point clouds, it remains a challenge to design an efficient point cloud compression method. We propose to code the geometry of a given point cloud by learning a neural volumetric field. Instead of representing the entire point cloud using a single overfit network, we divide the entire space into small cubes and represent each non-empty cube by a neural network and an input latent code. The network is shared among all the cubes in a single frame or multiple frames, to exploit the spatial and temporal redundancy. The neural field representation of the point cloud includes the network parameters and all the latent codes, which are generated by using back-propagation over the network parameters and its input. By considering the entropy of the network parameters and the latent codes as well as the distortion between the original and reconstructed cubes in the loss function, we derive a rate-distortion (R-D) optimal representation. Experimental results show that the proposed coding scheme achieves superior R-D performances compared to the octree-based G-PCC, especially when applied to multiple frames of a point cloud video. The code is available at https://github.com/huzi96/NVFPCC/.
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