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There has been a recent resurgence in the area of explainable artificial intelligence as researchers and practitioners seek to make their algorithms more understandable. Much of this research is focused on explicitly explaining decisions or actions to a human observer, and it should not be controversial to say that looking at how humans explain to each other can serve as a useful starting point for explanation in artificial intelligence. However, it is fair to say that most work in explainable artificial intelligence uses only the researchers' intuition of what constitutes a 'good' explanation. There exists vast and valuable bodies of research in philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science of how people define, generate, select, evaluate, and present explanations, which argues that people employ certain cognitive biases and social expectations towards the explanation process. This paper argues that the field of explainable artificial intelligence should build on this existing research, and reviews relevant papers from philosophy, cognitive psychology/science, and social psychology, which study these topics. It draws out some important findings, and discusses ways that these can be infused with work on explainable artificial intelligence.
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可解释的人工智能和可解释的机器学习是重要性越来越重要的研究领域。然而,潜在的概念仍然难以捉摸,并且缺乏普遍商定的定义。虽然社会科学最近的灵感已经重新分为人类受助人的需求和期望的工作,但该领域仍然错过了具体的概念化。通过审查人类解释性的哲学和社会基础,我们采取措施来解决这一挑战,然后我们转化为技术领域。特别是,我们仔细审查了算法黑匣子的概念,并通过解释过程确定的理解频谱并扩展了背景知识。这种方法允许我们将可解释性(逻辑)推理定义为在某些背景知识下解释的透明洞察(进入黑匣子)的解释 - 这是一个从事在Admoleis中理解的过程。然后,我们采用这种概念化来重新审视透明度和预测权力之间的争议权差异,以及对安特 - 人穴和后宫后解释者的影响,以及可解释性发挥的公平和问责制。我们还讨论机器学习工作流程的组件,可能需要可解释性,从以人为本的可解释性建立一系列思想,重点介绍声明,对比陈述和解释过程。我们的讨论调整并补充目前的研究,以帮助更好地导航开放问题 - 而不是试图解决任何个人问题 - 从而为实现的地面讨论和解释的人工智能和可解释的机器学习的未来进展奠定了坚实的基础。我们结束了我们的研究结果,重新审视了实现所需的算法透明度水平所需的人以人为本的解释过程。
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The need for AI systems to provide explanations for their behaviour is now widely recognised as key to their adoption. In this paper, we examine the problem of trustworthy AI and explore what delivering this means in practice, with a focus on healthcare applications. Work in this area typically treats trustworthy AI as a problem of Human-Computer Interaction involving the individual user and an AI system. However, we argue here that this overlooks the important part played by organisational accountability in how people reason about and trust AI in socio-technical settings. To illustrate the importance of organisational accountability, we present findings from ethnographic studies of breast cancer screening and cancer treatment planning in multidisciplinary team meetings to show how participants made themselves accountable both to each other and to the organisations of which they are members. We use these findings to enrich existing understandings of the requirements for trustworthy AI and to outline some candidate solutions to the problems of making AI accountable both to individual users and organisationally. We conclude by outlining the implications of this for future work on the development of trustworthy AI, including ways in which our proposed solutions may be re-used in different application settings.
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The optimal liability framework for AI systems remains an unsolved problem across the globe. In a much-anticipated move, the European Commission advanced two proposals outlining the European approach to AI liability in September 2022: a novel AI Liability Directive and a revision of the Product Liability Directive. They constitute the final, and much-anticipated, cornerstone of AI regulation in the EU. Crucially, the liability proposals and the EU AI Act are inherently intertwined: the latter does not contain any individual rights of affected persons, and the former lack specific, substantive rules on AI development and deployment. Taken together, these acts may well trigger a Brussels effect in AI regulation, with significant consequences for the US and other countries. This paper makes three novel contributions. First, it examines in detail the Commission proposals and shows that, while making steps in the right direction, they ultimately represent a half-hearted approach: if enacted as foreseen, AI liability in the EU will primarily rest on disclosure of evidence mechanisms and a set of narrowly defined presumptions concerning fault, defectiveness and causality. Hence, second, the article suggests amendments, which are collected in an Annex at the end of the paper. Third, based on an analysis of the key risks AI poses, the final part of the paper maps out a road for the future of AI liability and regulation, in the EU and beyond. This includes: a comprehensive framework for AI liability; provisions to support innovation; an extension to non-discrimination/algorithmic fairness, as well as explainable AI; and sustainability. I propose to jump-start sustainable AI regulation via sustainability impact assessments in the AI Act and sustainable design defects in the liability regime. In this way, the law may help spur not only fair AI and XAI, but potentially also sustainable AI (SAI).
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The notion of uncertainty is of major importance in machine learning and constitutes a key element of machine learning methodology. In line with the statistical tradition, uncertainty has long been perceived as almost synonymous with standard probability and probabilistic predictions. Yet, due to the steadily increasing relevance of machine learning for practical applications and related issues such as safety requirements, new problems and challenges have recently been identified by machine learning scholars, and these problems may call for new methodological developments. In particular, this includes the importance of distinguishing between (at least) two different types of uncertainty, often referred to as aleatoric and epistemic. In this paper, we provide an introduction to the topic of uncertainty in machine learning as well as an overview of attempts so far at handling uncertainty in general and formalizing this distinction in particular.
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Recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI) has renewed interest in building systems that learn and think like people. Many advances have come from using deep neural networks trained end-to-end in tasks such as object recognition, video games, and board games, achieving performance that equals or even beats humans in some respects. Despite their biological inspiration and performance achievements, these systems differ from human intelligence in crucial ways. We review progress in cognitive science suggesting that truly human-like learning and thinking machines will have to reach beyond current engineering trends in both what they learn, and how they learn it. Specifically, we argue that these machines should (a) build causal models of the world that support explanation and understanding, rather than merely solving pattern recognition problems; (b) ground learning in intuitive theories of physics and psychology, to support and enrich the knowledge that is learned; and (c) harness compositionality and learning-to-learn to rapidly acquire and generalize knowledge to new tasks and situations. We suggest concrete challenges and promising routes towards these goals that can combine the strengths of recent neural network advances with more structured cognitive models.
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Black box machine learning models are currently being used for high stakes decision-making throughout society, causing problems throughout healthcare, criminal justice, and in other domains. People have hoped that creating methods for explaining these black box models will alleviate some of these problems, but trying to explain black box models, rather than creating models that are interpretable in the first place, is likely to perpetuate bad practices and can potentially cause catastrophic harm to society. There is a way forward -it is to design models that are inherently interpretable. This manuscript clarifies the chasm between explaining black boxes and using inherently interpretable models, outlines several key reasons why explainable black boxes should be avoided in high-stakes decisions, identifies challenges to interpretable machine learning, and provides several example applications where interpretable models could potentially replace black box models in criminal justice, healthcare, and computer vision. IntroductionThere has been an increasing trend in healthcare and criminal justice to leverage machine learning (ML) for high-stakes prediction applications that deeply impact human lives. Many of the ML models are black boxes that do not explain their predictions in a way that humans can understand. The lack of transparency and accountability of predictive models can have (and has already had) severe consequences; there have been cases of people incorrectly denied parole [1], poor bail decisions leading to the release of dangerous criminals, ML-based pollution models stating that highly polluted air was safe to breathe [2], and generally poor use of limited valuable resources in criminal justice, medicine, energy reliability, finance, and in other domains [3].Rather than trying to create models that are inherently interpretable, there has been a recent explosion of work on "Explainable ML," where a second (posthoc) model is created to explain the first black box model. This is problematic. Explanations are often not reliable, and can be misleading, as we discuss below. If we instead use models that are inherently interpretable, they provide their own explanations, which are faithful to what the model actually computes.In what follows, we discuss the problems with Explainable ML, followed by the challenges in Interpretable ML. This document is mainly relevant to high-stakes decision making and troubleshooting models, which are the main two reasons one might require an interpretable or explainable model. Interpretability is a domain-specific notion [4,5,6,7], so there cannot be an all-purpose definition. Usually, however, an interpretable machine learning model is constrained in model form so that it is either useful to someone, or obeys structural knowledge of the domain, such as monotonicity [e.g., 8], causality, structural (generative) constraints, additivity [9], or physical constraints that come from domain knowledge. Interpretable mo
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研究人员对科学发现多年来,研究人员已经实施了观察 - 假设 - 预测 - 实验循环的研究范式。然而,随着MEGA级和毫米科学研究的数据爆炸,有时候很难手动分析数据并提出新的假设来推动科学发现的周期。在本文中,我们介绍了一个可解释的AI辅助范式的科学发现。关键是使用可解释的AI(XAI)来帮助推导数据或模型解释和科学发现。我们展示了如何计算和数据密集型方法 - 以及实验和理论方法 - 可以无缝融合为科学研究。为了展示AI辅助科学发现过程,并为我们历史上一些最伟大的思想付出了尊重,我们展示了Kepler的行星运动和牛顿定律的普遍引力的定律可以通过基于Tycho的(可解释)的AI重新发现Brahe的天文观测数据,其作品在16-17世纪领先科学革命。这项工作还强调了可解释的AI(与黑匣子AI)在科学发现中的重要性,以帮助人类防止或更好地为未来可能发生的技术奇点做好准备。
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最近的Davies等(2021)的纸张描述了深度学习(DL)技术如何用于找到导致两个原始数学结果的合理假设:一个在结理论中,一个在代表理论中。我认为DL技术对数学的意义和新颖性在审查的论文中显着夸大,并且在流行科学出版社的一些账户中被疯狂地夸大了。在结理论结果中,DL的作用很小,并且传统的统计分析可能已经足够了。在代表理论结果中,DL的作用要大得多;然而,几十年来,它与实验数学的实际情况中的实物不同。此外,目前尚不清楚DL的独特特征,使其有用的是在此处将应用于各种数学问题。最后,我争辩说,这里的DL“指导人类直觉”是无益的和误导; DL主要是什么,是要将许多可能的猜想标记为虚假和其他一些可能值得研究的其他人。当然,表示理论结果代表了DL对数学研究的原始和有趣的应用,但其重要意义是不确定的。
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Neural-symbolic computing (NeSy), which pursues the integration of the symbolic and statistical paradigms of cognition, has been an active research area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for many years. As NeSy shows promise of reconciling the advantages of reasoning and interpretability of symbolic representation and robust learning in neural networks, it may serve as a catalyst for the next generation of AI. In the present paper, we provide a systematic overview of the important and recent developments of research on NeSy AI. Firstly, we introduce study history of this area, covering early work and foundations. We further discuss background concepts and identify key driving factors behind the development of NeSy. Afterward, we categorize recent landmark approaches along several main characteristics that underline this research paradigm, including neural-symbolic integration, knowledge representation, knowledge embedding, and functionality. Then, we briefly discuss the successful application of modern NeSy approaches in several domains. Finally, we identify the open problems together with potential future research directions. This survey is expected to help new researchers enter this rapidly-developing field and accelerate progress towards data-and knowledge-driven AI.
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