This work shows how to leverage causal inference to understand the behavior of complex learning systems interacting with their environment and predict the consequences of changes to the system. Such predictions allow both humans and algorithms to select the changes that would have improved the system performance. This work is illustrated by experiments on the ad placement system associated with the Bing search engine.
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This review presents empirical researchers with recent advances in causal inference, and stresses the paradigmatic shifts that must be undertaken in moving from traditional statistical analysis to causal analysis of multivariate data. Special emphasis is placed on the assumptions that underly all causal inferences, the languages used in formulating those assumptions, the conditional nature of all causal and counterfactual claims, and the methods that have been developed for the assessment of such claims. These advances are illustrated using a general theory of causation based on the Structural Causal Model (SCM) described in Pearl (2000a), which subsumes and unifies other approaches to causation, and provides a coherent mathematical foundation for the analysis of causes and counterfactuals. In particular, the paper surveys the development of mathematical tools for inferring (from a combination of data and assumptions) answers to three types of causal queries: (1) queries about the effects of potential interventions, (also called "causal effects" or "policy evaluation") (2) queries about probabilities of counterfactuals, (including assessment of "regret," "attribution" or "causes of effects") and (3) queries about direct and indirect effects (also known as "mediation"). Finally, the paper defines the formal and conceptual relationships between the structural and potential-outcome frameworks and presents tools for a symbiotic analysis that uses the strong features of both.
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我们探索了一个新的强盗实验模型,其中潜在的非组织序列会影响武器的性能。上下文 - 统一算法可能会混淆,而那些执行正确的推理面部信息延迟的算法。我们的主要见解是,我们称之为Deconfounst Thompson采样的算法在适应性和健壮性之间取得了微妙的平衡。它的适应性在易于固定实例中带来了最佳效率,但是在硬性非平稳性方面显示出令人惊讶的弹性,这会导致其他自适应算法失败。
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Adequately assigning credit to actions for future outcomes based on their contributions is a long-standing open challenge in Reinforcement Learning. The assumptions of the most commonly used credit assignment method are disadvantageous in tasks where the effects of decisions are not immediately evident. Furthermore, this method can only evaluate actions that have been selected by the agent, making it highly inefficient. Still, no alternative methods have been widely adopted in the field. Hindsight Credit Assignment is a promising, but still unexplored candidate, which aims to solve the problems of both long-term and counterfactual credit assignment. In this thesis, we empirically investigate Hindsight Credit Assignment to identify its main benefits, and key points to improve. Then, we apply it to factored state representations, and in particular to state representations based on the causal structure of the environment. In this setting, we propose a variant of Hindsight Credit Assignment that effectively exploits a given causal structure. We show that our modification greatly decreases the workload of Hindsight Credit Assignment, making it more efficient and enabling it to outperform the baseline credit assignment method on various tasks. This opens the way to other methods based on given or learned causal structures.
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基于AI和机器学习的决策系统已在各种现实世界中都使用,包括医疗保健,执法,教育和金融。不再是牵强的,即设想一个未来,自治系统将推动整个业务决策,并且更广泛地支持大规模决策基础设施以解决社会最具挑战性的问题。当人类做出决定时,不公平和歧视的问题普遍存在,并且当使用几乎没有透明度,问责制和公平性的机器做出决定时(或可能会放大)。在本文中,我们介绍了\ textit {Causal公平分析}的框架,目的是填补此差距,即理解,建模,并可能解决决策设置中的公平性问题。我们方法的主要见解是将观察到数据中存在的差异的量化与基本且通常是未观察到的因果机制收集的因果机制的收集,这些机制首先会产生差异,挑战我们称之为因果公平的基本问题分析(FPCFA)。为了解决FPCFA,我们研究了分解差异和公平性的经验度量的问题,将这种变化归因于结构机制和人群的不同单位。我们的努力最终达到了公平地图,这是组织和解释文献中不同标准之间关系的首次系统尝试。最后,我们研究了进行因果公平分析并提出一本公平食谱的最低因果假设,该假设使数据科学家能够评估不同影响和不同治疗的存在。
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数据科学任务可以被视为了解数据的感觉或测试关于它的假设。从数据推断的结论可以极大地指导我们做出信息做出决定。大数据使我们能够与机器学习结合执行无数的预测任务,例如鉴定患有某种疾病的高风险患者并采取可预防措施。然而,医疗保健从业者不仅仅是仅仅预测的内容 - 它们也对输入特征和临床结果之间的原因关系感兴趣。了解这些关系将有助于医生治疗患者并有效降低风险。通常通过随机对照试验鉴定因果关系。当科学家和研究人员转向观察研究并试图吸引推论时,这种试验通常是不可行的。然而,观察性研究也可能受到选择和/或混淆偏差的影响,这可能导致错误的因果结论。在本章中,我们将尝试突出传统机器学习和统计方法中可能出现的一些缺点,以分析观察数据,特别是在医疗保健数据分析域中。我们将讨论因果化推理和方法,以发现医疗领域的观测研究原因。此外,我们将展示因果推断在解决某些普通机器学习问题等中的应用,例如缺少数据和模型可运输性。最后,我们将讨论将加强学习与因果关系相结合的可能性,作为反击偏见的一种方式。
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Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is a recently proposed search method that combines the precision of tree search with the generality of random sampling. It has received considerable interest due to its spectacular success in the difficult problem of computer Go, but has also proved beneficial in a range of other domains. This paper is a survey of the literature to date, intended to provide a snapshot of the state of the art after the first five years of MCTS research. We outline the core algorithm's derivation, impart some structure on the many variations and enhancements that have been proposed, and summarise the results from the key game and non-game domains to which MCTS methods have been applied. A number of open research questions indicate that the field is ripe for future work.
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这项正在进行的工作旨在为统计学习提供统一的介绍,从诸如GMM和HMM等经典模型到现代神经网络(如VAE和扩散模型)缓慢地构建。如今,有许多互联网资源可以孤立地解释这一点或新的机器学习算法,但是它们并没有(也不能在如此简短的空间中)将这些算法彼此连接起来,或者与统计模型的经典文献相连现代算法出现了。同样明显缺乏的是一个单一的符号系统,尽管对那些已经熟悉材料的人(如这些帖子的作者)不满意,但对新手的入境造成了重大障碍。同样,我的目的是将各种模型(尽可能)吸收到一个用于推理和学习的框架上,表明(以及为什么)如何以最小的变化将一个模型更改为另一个模型(其中一些是新颖的,另一些是文献中的)。某些背景当然是必要的。我以为读者熟悉基本的多变量计算,概率和统计以及线性代数。这本书的目标当然不是​​完整性,而是从基本知识到过去十年中极强大的新模型的直线路径或多或少。然后,目标是补充而不是替换,诸如Bishop的\ emph {模式识别和机器学习}之类的综合文本,该文本现在已经15岁了。
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The widely used 'Counterfactual' definition of Causal Effects was derived for unbiasedness and accuracy - and not generalizability. We propose a simple definition for the External Validity (EV) of Interventions and Counterfactuals. The definition leads to EV statistics for individual counterfactuals, and to non-parametric effect estimators for sets of counterfactuals (i.e., for samples). We use this new definition to discuss several issues that have baffled the original counterfactual formulation: out-of-sample validity, reliance on independence assumptions or estimation, concurrent estimation of multiple effects and full-models, bias-variance tradeoffs, statistical power, omitted variables, and connections to current predictive and explaining techniques. Methodologically, the definition also allows us to replace the parametric, and generally ill-posed, estimation problems that followed the counterfactual definition by combinatorial enumeration problems in non-experimental samples. We use this framework to generalize popular supervised, explaining, and causal-effect estimators, improving their performance across three dimensions (External Validity, Unconfoundness and Accuracy) and enabling their use in non-i.i.d. samples. We demonstrate gains over the state-of-the-art in out-of-sample prediction, intervention effect prediction and causal effect estimation tasks. The COVID19 pandemic highlighted the need for learning solutions to provide general predictions in small samples - many times with missing variables. We also demonstrate applications in this pressing problem.
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象征性的AI社区越来越多地试图在神经符号结构中接受机器学习,但由于文化障碍,仍在挣扎。为了打破障碍,这份相当有思想的个人备忘录试图解释和纠正统计,机器学习和深入学习的惯例,从局外人的角度进行深入学习。它提供了一个分步协议,用于设计一个机器学习系统,该系统满足符号AI社区认真对待所必需的最低理论保证,即,它讨论“在哪些条件下,我们可以停止担心和接受统计机器学习。 “一些亮点:大多数教科书都是为计划专门研究STAT/ML/DL的人编写的,应该接受术语。该备忘录适用于经验丰富的象征研究人员,他们听到了很多嗡嗡声,但仍然不确定和持怀疑态度。有关STAT/ML/DL的信息目前太分散或嘈杂而无法投资。此备忘录优先考虑紧凑性,并特别注意与象征性范式相互共鸣的概念。我希望这份备忘录能节省时间。它优先考虑一般数学建模,并且不讨论任何特定的函数近似器,例如神经网络(NNS),SVMS,决策树等。它可以对校正开放。将此备忘录视为与博客文章相似的内容,采用有关Arxiv的论文的形式。
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Counterfactual reasoning from logged data has become increasingly important for many applications such as web advertising or healthcare. In this paper, we address the problem of learning stochastic policies with continuous actions from the viewpoint of counterfactual risk minimization (CRM). While the CRM framework is appealing and well studied for discrete actions, the continuous action case raises new challenges about modelization, optimization, and~offline model selection with real data which turns out to be particularly challenging. Our paper contributes to these three aspects of the CRM estimation pipeline. First, we introduce a modelling strategy based on a joint kernel embedding of contexts and actions, which overcomes the shortcomings of previous discretization approaches. Second, we empirically show that the optimization aspect of counterfactual learning is important, and we demonstrate the benefits of proximal point algorithms and differentiable estimators. Finally, we propose an evaluation protocol for offline policies in real-world logged systems, which is challenging since policies cannot be replayed on test data, and we release a new large-scale dataset along with multiple synthetic, yet realistic, evaluation setups.
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