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在测试时间适应(TTA)中,给定在某些源数据上培训的模型,目标是使其适应从不同分布的测试实例更好地预测。至关重要的是,TTA假设从目标分布到Finetune源模型,无法访问源数据或甚至从目标分布到任何其他标记/未标记的样本。在这项工作中,我们考虑TTA在更务实的设置中,我们称为SITA(单图像测试时间适应)。这里,在制作每个预测时,该模型只能访问给定的\ emph {单}测试实例,而不是实例的\ emph {批次}。通常在文献中被考虑。这是由逼真的情况激励,其中在按需时尚中需要推断,可能不会被延迟到“批量 - iFY”传入请求或者在没有范围的边缘设备(如移动电话中)发生推断批处理。 SITA的整个适应过程应在推理时间发生时非常快。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种新颖的AUGBN,用于仅需要转发传播的SITA设置。该方法可以为分类和分段任务的单个测试实例调整任何特征训练模型。 AUGBN估计仅使用具有标签保存的转换的一个前进通过的给定测试图像的看不见的测试分布的正常化统计。由于AUGBN不涉及任何反向传播,与其他最近的方法相比,它显着更快。据我们所知,这是仅使用单个测试图像解决此硬调整问题的第一个工作。尽管非常简单,但我们的框架能够在我们广泛的实验和消融研究中对目标实例上应用源模型来实现显着的性能增益。
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We demonstrate that self-learning techniques like entropy minimization and pseudo-labeling are simple and effective at improving performance of a deployed computer vision model under systematic domain shifts. We conduct a wide range of large-scale experiments and show consistent improvements irrespective of the model architecture, the pre-training technique or the type of distribution shift. At the same time, self-learning is simple to use in practice because it does not require knowledge or access to the original training data or scheme, is robust to hyperparameter choices, is straight-forward to implement and requires only a few adaptation epochs. This makes self-learning techniques highly attractive for any practitioner who applies machine learning algorithms in the real world. We present state-of-the-art adaptation results on CIFAR10-C (8.5% error), ImageNet-C (22.0% mCE), ImageNet-R (17.4% error) and ImageNet-A (14.8% error), theoretically study the dynamics of self-supervised adaptation methods and propose a new classification dataset (ImageNet-D) which is challenging even with adaptation.
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Test-time adaptation is the problem of adapting a source pre-trained model using test inputs from a target domain without access to source domain data. Most of the existing approaches address the setting in which the target domain is stationary. Moreover, these approaches are prone to making erroneous predictions with unreliable uncertainty estimates when distribution shifts occur. Hence, test-time adaptation in the face of non-stationary target domain shift becomes a problem of significant interest. To address these issues, we propose a principled approach, PETAL (Probabilistic lifElong Test-time Adaptation with seLf-training prior), which looks into this problem from a probabilistic perspective using a partly data-dependent prior. A student-teacher framework, where the teacher model is an exponential moving average of the student model naturally emerges from this probabilistic perspective. In addition, the knowledge from the posterior distribution obtained for the source task acts as a regularizer. To handle catastrophic forgetting in the long term, we also propose a data-driven model parameter resetting mechanism based on the Fisher information matrix (FIM). Moreover, improvements in experimental results suggest that FIM based data-driven parameter restoration contributes to reducing the error accumulation and maintaining the knowledge of recent domain by restoring only the irrelevant parameters. In terms of predictive error rate as well as uncertainty based metrics such as Brier score and negative log-likelihood, our method achieves better results than the current state-of-the-art for online lifelong test time adaptation across various benchmarks, such as CIFAR-10C, CIFAR-100C, ImageNetC, and ImageNet3DCC datasets.
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In this paper, we propose Test-Time Training, a general approach for improving the performance of predictive models when training and test data come from different distributions. We turn a single unlabeled test sample into a self-supervised learning problem, on which we update the model parameters before making a prediction. This also extends naturally to data in an online stream. Our simple approach leads to improvements on diverse image classification benchmarks aimed at evaluating robustness to distribution shifts.
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不变性于广泛的图像损坏,例如翘曲,噪声或颜色移位,是在计算机视觉中建立强大模型的一个重要方面。最近,已经提出了几种新的数据增强,从而显着提高了Imagenet-C的性能,这是这种腐败的基准。但是,对数据增强和测试时间损坏之间的关系仍然缺乏基本的理解。为此,我们开发了图像变换的一个特征空间,然后在增强和损坏之间使用该空间中的新措施,称为最小示例距离,以演示相似性和性能之间的强相关性。然后,当测试时间损坏被对来自Imagenet-C中的测试时间损坏被采样时,我们调查最近的数据增强并观察腐败鲁棒性的重大退化。我们的结果表明,通过对感知同类增强的培训来提高测试错误,数据增强可能不会超出现有的基准。我们希望我们的结果和工具将允许更强大的进展,以提高对图像损坏的稳健性。我们在https://github.com/facebookresearch/augmentation - 窗子提供代码。
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对共同腐败的稳健性的文献表明对逆势培训是否可以提高这种环境的性能,没有达成共识。 First, we show that, when used with an appropriately selected perturbation radius, $\ell_p$ adversarial training can serve as a strong baseline against common corruptions improving both accuracy and calibration.然后,我们解释了为什么对抗性训练比具有简单高斯噪声的数据增强更好地表现,这被观察到是对共同腐败的有意义的基线。与此相关,我们确定了高斯增强过度适用于用于培训的特定标准偏差的$ \ sigma $ -oviting现象,这对培训具有显着不利影响的普通腐败精度。我们讨论如何缓解这一问题,然后如何通过学习的感知图像贴片相似度引入对抗性训练的有效放松来进一步增强$ \ ell_p $普发的培训。通过对CiFar-10和Imagenet-100的实验,我们表明我们的方法不仅改善了$ \ ell_p $普发的培训基线,而且还有累积的收益与Augmix,Deepaulment,Ant和Sin等数据增强方法,导致普通腐败的最先进的表现。我们的实验代码在HTTPS://github.com/tml-epfl/adv-training - 窗子上公开使用。
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Deep neural networks achieve high prediction accuracy when the train and test distributions coincide. In practice though, various types of corruptions occur which deviate from this setup and cause severe performance degradations. Few methods have been proposed to address generalization in the presence of unforeseen domain shifts. In particular, digital noise corruptions arise commonly in practice during the image acquisition stage and present a significant challenge for current robustness approaches. In this paper, we propose a diverse Gaussian noise consistency regularization method for improving robustness of image classifiers under a variety of noise corruptions while still maintaining high clean accuracy. We derive bounds to motivate and understand the behavior of our Gaussian noise consistency regularization using a local loss landscape analysis. We show that this simple approach improves robustness against various unforeseen noise corruptions by 4.2-18.4% over adversarial training and other strong diverse data augmentation baselines across several benchmarks. Furthermore, when combined with state-of-the-art diverse data augmentation techniques, experiments against state-of-the-art show our method further improves robustness accuracy by 3.7% and uncertainty calibration by 5.5% for all common corruptions on several image classification benchmarks.
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为了在单一源领域的概括中取得成功,最大化合成域的多样性已成为最有效的策略之一。最近的许多成功都来自预先指定模型在培训期间暴露于多样性类型的方法,因此它最终可以很好地概括为新领域。但是,基于na \“基于多样性的增强也不能因为它们无法对大型域移动建模,或者因为预先指定的变换的跨度不能涵盖域概括中通常发生的转移类型。解决这个问题,我们提出了一个新颖的框架,该框架使用神经网络使用对抗学习的转换(ALT)来建模可欺骗分类器的合理但硬的图像转换。该网络是为每个批次的随机初始初始初始初始初始初始化的,并培训了固定数量的步骤。为了最大化分类错误。此外,我们在分类器对干净和转化的图像的预测之间实现一致性。通过广泛的经验分析,我们发现这种对抗性转换的新形式同时实现了多样性和硬度的目标,并超越了所有现有技术,以实现竞争性的所有技术单源域概括的基准。我们还显示了T HAT ALT可以自然地与现有的多样性模块合作,从而产生高度独特的源域,导致最先进的性能。
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Vision Transformer(VIT)在图像处理中变得越来越流行。具体而言,我们研究了测试时间适应(TTA)对VIT的有效性,VIT是一种已经出现的技术,可以自行纠正其在测试时间期间的预测。首先,我们在VIT-B16和VIT-L16上基准了各种测试时间适应方法。结果表明,使用适当的损耗函数时,TTA对VIT有效,并且先前的投入(明智地选择调制参数)是不需要的。基于观察结果,我们提出了一种称为类条件特征对齐(CFA)的新的测试时间适应方法,该方法将类别条件分布的差异和在线源中隐藏表示的整个分布差异最小化,在线中的整个分布差异方式。图像分类任务(CIFAR-10-C,CIFAR-100-C和Imagenet-C)和域适应性(Digits DataSet和Imagenet-Sketch)的实验表明,CFA稳定地超过了各种数据集中的现有基础。我们还通过在RESNET,MLP混合和几种VIT变体(Vit-augreg,Deit和Beit)上实验来验证CFA是模型不可知论。使用BEIT主链,CFA在Imagenet-C上达到了19.8%的TOP-1错误率,表现优于现有的测试时间适应基线44.0%。这是不需要改变训练阶段的TTA方法中的最新结果。
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我们考虑了OOD概括的问题,其目标是训练在与训练分布不同的测试分布上表现良好的模型。已知深度学习模型在这种转变上是脆弱的,即使对于略有不同的测试分布,也可能遭受大量精度下降。我们提出了一种基于直觉的新方法 - 愚蠢的方法,即大量丰富特征的对抗性结合应提供鲁棒性。我们的方法仔细提炼了一位强大的老师的知识,该知识使用标准培训学习了几个判别特征,同时使用对抗性培训将其结合在一起。对标准的对抗训练程序进行了修改,以产生可以更好地指导学生的教师。我们评估DAFT在域床框架中的标准基准测试中,并证明DAFT比当前最新的OOD泛化方法取得了重大改进。 DAFT始终超过表现良好的ERM和蒸馏基线高达6%,对于较小的网络而言,其增长率更高。
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We are concerned with a worst-case scenario in model generalization, in the sense that a model aims to perform well on many unseen domains while there is only one single domain available for training. We propose a new method named adversarial domain augmentation to solve this Outof-Distribution (OOD) generalization problem. The key idea is to leverage adversarial training to create "fictitious" yet "challenging" populations, from which a model can learn to generalize with theoretical guarantees. To facilitate fast and desirable domain augmentation, we cast the model training in a meta-learning scheme and use a Wasserstein Auto-Encoder (WAE) to relax the widely used worst-case constraint. Detailed theoretical analysis is provided to testify our formulation, while extensive experiments on multiple benchmark datasets indicate its superior performance in tackling single domain generalization.
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Modern deep neural networks can achieve high accuracy when the training distribution and test distribution are identically distributed, but this assumption is frequently violated in practice. When the train and test distributions are mismatched, accuracy can plummet. Currently there are few techniques that improve robustness to unforeseen data shifts encountered during deployment. In this work, we propose a technique to improve the robustness and uncertainty estimates of image classifiers. We propose AUGMIX, a data processing technique that is simple to implement, adds limited computational overhead, and helps models withstand unforeseen corruptions. AUGMIX significantly improves robustness and uncertainty measures on challenging image classification benchmarks, closing the gap between previous methods and the best possible performance in some cases by more than half.
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现代神经网络Excel在图像分类中,但它们仍然容易受到常见图像损坏,如模糊,斑点噪音或雾。最近的方法关注这个问题,例如Augmix和Deepaulment,引入了在预期运行的防御,以期望图像损坏分布。相比之下,$ \ ell_p $ -norm界限扰动的文献侧重于针对最坏情况损坏的防御。在这项工作中,我们通过提出防范内人来调和两种方法,这是一种优化图像到图像模型的参数来产生对外损坏的增强图像的技术。我们理论上激发了我们的方法,并为其理想化版本的一致性以及大纲领提供了足够的条件。我们的分类机器在预期对CiFar-10-C进行的常见图像腐败基准上提高了最先进的,并改善了CIFAR-10和ImageNet上的$ \ ell_p $ -norm有界扰动的最坏情况性能。
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数据增强是一种提高深神经网络(DNN)的鲁棒性的简单而有效的方法。多样性和硬度是数据增强的两个互补维度,以实现稳健性。例如,Augmix探讨了各种增强套的随机组成,以增强更广泛的覆盖,而对抗性培训产生过态度硬质样品以发现弱点。通过此激励,我们提出了一个数据增强框架,被称为奥古曼克,统一多样性和硬度的两个方面。 Augmax首先将多个增强运算符进行随机样本,然后学习所选操作员的对抗性混合物。作为更强大的数据增强形式,奥格梅纳队导致了一个明显的增强输入分布,使模型培训更具挑战性。为了解决这个问题,我们进一步设计了一个解散的归一化模块,称为Dubin(双批次和实例规范化),其解除了奥古曼克斯出现的实例 - 明智的特征异质性。实验表明,Augmax-Dubin将显着改善分配的鲁棒性,优于现有技术,在CiFar10-C,CiFar100-C,微小Imagenet-C和Imagenet-C上以3.03%,3.49%,1.82%和0.71%。可提供代码和预磨料模型:https://github.com/vita-group/augmax。
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