This paper considers continual learning of large-scale pretrained neural machine translation model without accessing the previous training data or introducing model separation. We argue that the widely used regularization-based methods, which perform multi-objective learning with an auxiliary loss, suffer from the misestimate problem and cannot always achieve a good balance between the previous and new tasks. To solve the problem, we propose a two-stage training method based on the local features of the real loss. We first search low forgetting risk regions, where the model can retain the performance on the previous task as the parameters are updated, to avoid the catastrophic forgetting problem. Then we can continually train the model within this region only with the new training data to fit the new task. Specifically, we propose two methods to search the low forgetting risk regions, which are based on the curvature of loss and the impacts of the parameters on the model output, respectively. We conduct experiments on domain adaptation and more challenging language adaptation tasks, and the experimental results show that our method can achieve significant improvements compared with several strong baselines.
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以前的工作主要侧重于改善NLU任务的交叉传输,具有多语言预用编码器(MPE),或提高与伯特的监督机器翻译的性能。然而,探索了,MPE是否可以有助于促进NMT模型的交叉传递性。在本文中,我们专注于NMT中的零射频转移任务。在此任务中,NMT模型培训,只有一个语言对的并行数据集和搁置架MPE,然后它直接测试在零拍语言对上。我们为此任务提出了Sixt,一个简单而有效的模型。 SIXT利用了两阶段培训计划利用MPE,并进一步改进了解离编码器和容量增强的解码器。使用此方法,SIMPT显着优于MBart,这是一个用于NMT的预磨削的多语言编码器解码器模型,平均改善了14个源语言的零拍摄的任何英语测试集上的7.1 BLEU。此外,培训计算成本和培训数据较少,我们的模型在15个任何英语测试组上实现了比Criss和M2M-100,两个强大的多语言NMT基线更好的性能。
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我们介绍了双图:一种简单但有效的训练策略,以提高神经机器翻译(NMT)性能。它由两个程序组成:双向预处理和单向填充。这两个过程均使用SIMCUT,这是一种简单的正则化方法,迫使原始句子对的输出分布之间的一致性。在不利用额外的数据集通过反翻译或集成大规模预认证的模型的情况下,BI-Simcut可以在五个翻译基准(数据尺寸从160K到20.20万)中实现强大的翻译性能:EN-的BLEU得分为31.16,EN-> DE和38.37的BLEU得分为38.37 de-> en在IWSLT14数据集上,en-> de的30.78和35.15在WMT14数据集上进行DE-> en,而WMT17数据集中的ZH-> EN为27.17。 Simcut不是一种新方法,而是简化和适用于NMT的cutoff(Shen等,2020)的版本,可以将其视为基于扰动的方法。鉴于Simcut和Bi-Simcut的普遍性和简单性,我们认为它们可以作为未来NMT研究的强大基准。
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GPT-2和BERT展示了在各种自然语言处理任务上使用预训练的语言模型(LMS)的有效性。但是,在应用于资源丰富的任务时,LM微调通常会遭受灾难性的遗忘。在这项工作中,我们引入了一个协同的培训框架(CTNMT),该框架是将预训练的LMS集成到神经机器翻译(NMT)的关键。我们提出的CTNMT包括三种技术:a)渐近蒸馏,以确保NMT模型可以保留先前的预训练知识; b)动态的开关门,以避免灾难性忘记预训练的知识; c)根据计划的政策调整学习步伐的策略。我们在机器翻译中的实验表明,WMT14英语 - 德语对的CTNMT获得了最高3个BLEU得分,甚至超过了先前的最先进的预培训辅助NMT NMT的NMT。尽管对于大型WMT14英语法国任务,有400万句话,但我们的基本模型仍然可以显着改善最先进的变压器大型模型,超过1个BLEU得分。代码和模型可以从下载。
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Multilingual machine translation suffers from negative interference across languages. A common solution is to relax parameter sharing with language-specific modules like adapters. However, adapters of related languages are unable to transfer information, and their total number of parameters becomes prohibitively expensive as the number of languages grows. In this work, we overcome these drawbacks using hyper-adapters -- hyper-networks that generate adapters from language and layer embeddings. While past work had poor results when scaling hyper-networks, we propose a rescaling fix that significantly improves convergence and enables training larger hyper-networks. We find that hyper-adapters are more parameter efficient than regular adapters, reaching the same performance with up to 12 times less parameters. When using the same number of parameters and FLOPS, our approach consistently outperforms regular adapters. Also, hyper-adapters converge faster than alternative approaches and scale better than regular dense networks. Our analysis shows that hyper-adapters learn to encode language relatedness, enabling positive transfer across languages.
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Although continually extending an existing NMT model to new domains or languages has attracted intensive interest in recent years, the equally valuable problem of continually improving a given NMT model in its domain by leveraging knowledge from an unlimited number of existing NMT models is not explored yet. To facilitate the study, we propose a formal definition for the problem named knowledge accumulation for NMT (KA-NMT) with corresponding datasets and evaluation metrics and develop a novel method for KA-NMT. We investigate a novel knowledge detection algorithm to identify beneficial knowledge from existing models at token level, and propose to learn from beneficial knowledge and learn against other knowledge simultaneously to improve learning efficiency. To alleviate catastrophic forgetting, we further propose to transfer knowledge from previous to current version of the given model. Extensive experiments show that our proposed method significantly and consistently outperforms representative baselines under homogeneous, heterogeneous, and malicious model settings for different language pairs.
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We propose a simple solution to use a single Neural Machine Translation (NMT) model to translate between multiple languages. Our solution requires no changes to the model architecture from a standard NMT system but instead introduces an artificial token at the beginning of the input sentence to specify the required target language. The rest of the model, which includes an encoder, decoder and attention module, remains unchanged and is shared across all languages. Using a shared wordpiece vocabulary, our approach enables Multilingual NMT using a single model without any increase in parameters, which is significantly simpler than previous proposals for Multilingual NMT. On the WMT'14 benchmarks, a single multilingual model achieves comparable performance for English→French and surpasses state-of-the-art results for English→German. Similarly, a single multilingual model surpasses state-of-the-art results for French→English and German→English on WMT'14 and WMT'15 benchmarks, respectively. On production corpora, multilingual models of up to twelve language pairs allow for better translation of many individual pairs. In addition to improving the translation quality of language pairs that the model was trained with, our models can also learn to perform implicit bridging between language pairs never seen explicitly during training, showing that transfer learning and zero-shot translation is possible for neural translation. Finally, we show analyses that hints at a universal interlingua representation in our models and show some interesting examples when mixing languages.
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A common scenario of Multilingual Neural Machine Translation (MNMT) is that each translation task arrives in a sequential manner, and the training data of previous tasks is unavailable. In this scenario, the current methods suffer heavily from catastrophic forgetting (CF). To alleviate the CF, we investigate knowledge distillation based life-long learning methods. Specifically, in one-tomany scenario, we propose a multilingual distillation method to make the new model (student) jointly learn multilingual output from old model (teacher) and new task. In many-to one scenario, we find that direct distillation faces the extreme partial distillation problem, and we propose two different methods to address it: pseudo input distillation and reverse teacher distillation. The experimental results on twelve translation tasks show that the proposed methods can better consolidate the previous knowledge and sharply alleviate the CF.
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在所有人类语言对之间实现通用翻译是机器翻译的圣杯(MT)研究。虽然最近在大量的多语言MT中的进展是达到这一目标的一步,但它变得明显,即简单地通过在更加平行数据上训练扩展多语言MT系统是不可编译的,因为用于低资源和非英语的标记数据的可用性 - 姓氏对禁止有限。为此,我们展示了一种务实的方法,可以使用监督和自我监督目标的混合来构建涵盖数百种语言的多语种MT模型,具体取决于不同语言对的数据可用性。我们展示这两种训练范例之间的协同作用使模型能够在零资源设置中产生高质量的翻译,甚至超过监控的用于中资和中资和中资质。我们开展广泛的实验,了解多语言监督,域错配和平行和单机数据量的效果,以了解我们自我监督的多语言模型的质量。为了展示方法的可扩展性,我们培训具有200多种语言的模型,并在几个先前研究的语言上展示了对零资源翻译的高性能。我们希望我们的调查结果将成为踏脚石,以便为下一千种语言进行翻译。
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我们提出了一种两阶段的培训方法,用于开发单个NMT模型,以翻译英语和英语的看不见的语言。对于第一阶段,我们将编码器模型初始化以鉴定XLM-R和Roberta的权重,然后对25种语言的平行数据进行多种语言微调。我们发现该模型可以推广到对看不见的语言的零击翻译。在第二阶段,我们利用这种概括能力从单语数据集生成合成的并行数据,然后用连续的反向翻译训练。最终模型扩展到了英语到许多方向,同时保持了多到英语的性能。我们称我们的方法为ecxtra(以英语为中心的跨语言(x)转移)。我们的方法依次利用辅助并行数据和单语言数据,并且在概念上很简单,仅在两个阶段都使用标准的跨熵目标。最终的ECXTRA模型对8种低资源语言的无监督NMT进行了评估,该语言为英语至哈萨克语(22.3> 10.4 bleu)以及其他15个翻译方向的竞争性能而获得了新的最先进。
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本文提出了一种简单而有效的方法,可以改善两种情况下的直接(x-to-y)翻译:零射击和直接数据时。我们将编码器和解码器的输入令牌修改为包括源和目标语言的信号。我们在从头开始训练或使用拟议的设置对验证模型进行填充时显示出绩效增长。在实验中,根据检查点选择标准,我们的方法在内部数据集上显示了近10.0个BLEU点的增益。在WMT评估活动中,从英语性能提高了4.17和2.87 BLEU点,在零射击设置和直接数据可用于培训时。而X-to-y在零射基线上提高了1.29 BLEU,而在多到许多基线上提高了0.44。在低资源设置中,我们在X-TO-Y域数据上进行填充时会看到1.5〜1.7点的改善。
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多语言语言模型(\ mllms),如mbert,xlm,xlm-r,\ textit {etc。}已成为一种可行的选择,使预先估计到大量语言的力量。鉴于他们的成功在零射击转移学习中,在(i)建立更大的\ mllms〜覆盖了大量语言(ii)创建覆盖更广泛的任务和语言来评估的详尽工作基准mllms〜(iii)分析单音零点,零拍摄交叉和双语任务(iv)对Monolingual的性能,了解\ mllms〜(v)增强(通常)学习的通用语言模式(如果有的话)有限的容量\ mllms〜以提高他们在已见甚至看不见语言的表现。在这项调查中,我们审查了现有的文学,涵盖了上述与\ MLLMS有关的广泛研究领域。根据我们的调查,我们建议您有一些未来的研究方向。
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Multilingual machine translation models can benefit from synergy between different language pairs, but also suffer from interference. While there is a growing number of sophisticated methods that aim to eliminate interference, our understanding of interference as a phenomenon is still limited. This work identifies the main factors that contribute to interference in multilingual machine translation. Through systematic experimentation, we find that interference (or synergy) are primarily determined by model size, data size, and the proportion of each language pair within the total dataset. We observe that substantial interference occurs mainly when the model is very small with respect to the available training data, and that using standard transformer configurations with less than one billion parameters largely alleviates interference and promotes synergy. Moreover, we show that tuning the sampling temperature to control the proportion of each language pair in the data is key to balancing the amount of interference between low and high resource language pairs effectively, and can lead to superior performance overall.
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如何根据新出现的情况有效地调整神经电机翻译(NMT)模型而不会再培训?尽管神经机翻译成功,但更新部署的型号在线仍然是一个挑战。现有的非参数方法从数据库中检索类似的示例以指导翻译过程是有希望的,但容易被检索到的示例过度。在这项工作中,我们建议使用示例检索(Kster)进行内核平滑的翻译,这是一种在线调整神经计算机翻译模型的有效方法。域适应和多域机平移数据集的实验表明,即使没有昂贵的再培训,Kster也能够通过最佳现有在线适应方法实现1.1至1.5 BLEU分数的提高。代码和培训的型号在发布。
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多语种模型是参数效率,特别是通过利用Crosslingual Transcer来改善低资源语言。尽管最近有巨大的多语言翻译预先推出了越来越多的模型和数据,但如何有效地培养多语言模型并未得到很好的理解。在本文中,我们表明,多语言训练中的常见情况,语言之间的数据不平衡,高资源和低资源语言之间的优化张力,其中发现的多语言解决方案通常是低资源的次优。我们展示了普通培训方法,upsamples低资源无法鲁布利地优化人口损失,其中风险耗材或过度为低资源的风险。绘制最近关于损失景观几何学的发现及其对泛化的影响,提出了一个原则性的优化算法,曲率意识的任务缩放(CAT),其自适应地从不同任务中重新加强了对低曲率的多语言训练的元的梯度。邻居对所有语言均匀低损失。我们在共同基准(TED,WMT和OPUS-100)上进行了实验,具有不同程度的数据不平衡。猫有效地改善了多语言优化,结果表明,在低资源($ + 0.8 $至+ 2.2 $ BLEU)上展示了一致的收益,而不会伤害高资源。此外,猫对过度分数计量和大量批量训练具有强大的稳健性,这使得这是一种充满希望的大量多语言模型,真正提高低资源语言。
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