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Machine learning can impact people with legal or ethical consequences when it is used to automate decisions in areas such as insurance, lending, hiring, and predictive policing. In many of these scenarios, previous decisions have been made that are unfairly biased against certain subpopulations, for example those of a particular race, gender, or sexual orientation. Since this past data may be biased, machine learning predictors must account for this to avoid perpetuating or creating discriminatory practices. In this paper, we develop a framework for modeling fairness using tools from causal inference. Our definition of counterfactual fairness captures the intuition that a decision is fair towards an individual if it is the same in (a) the actual world and (b) a counterfactual world where the individual belonged to a different demographic group. We demonstrate our framework on a real-world problem of fair prediction of success in law school. * Equal contribution. This work was done while JL was a Research Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute. 2 https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2016/05/04/big-risks-big-opportunities-intersection-big-dataand-civil-rights 31st Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2017),
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基于AI和机器学习的决策系统已在各种现实世界中都使用,包括医疗保健,执法,教育和金融。不再是牵强的,即设想一个未来,自治系统将推动整个业务决策,并且更广泛地支持大规模决策基础设施以解决社会最具挑战性的问题。当人类做出决定时,不公平和歧视的问题普遍存在,并且当使用几乎没有透明度,问责制和公平性的机器做出决定时(或可能会放大)。在本文中,我们介绍了\ textit {Causal公平分析}的框架,目的是填补此差距,即理解,建模,并可能解决决策设置中的公平性问题。我们方法的主要见解是将观察到数据中存在的差异的量化与基本且通常是未观察到的因果机制收集的因果机制的收集,这些机制首先会产生差异,挑战我们称之为因果公平的基本问题分析(FPCFA)。为了解决FPCFA,我们研究了分解差异和公平性的经验度量的问题,将这种变化归因于结构机制和人群的不同单位。我们的努力最终达到了公平地图,这是组织和解释文献中不同标准之间关系的首次系统尝试。最后,我们研究了进行因果公平分析并提出一本公平食谱的最低因果假设,该假设使数据科学家能够评估不同影响和不同治疗的存在。
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Estimating treatment effects from observational data is a central problem in causal inference. Methods to solve this problem exploit inductive biases and heuristics from causal inference to design multi-head neural network architectures and regularizers. In this work, we propose to use neurosymbolic program synthesis, a data-efficient, and interpretable technique, to solve the treatment effect estimation problem. We theoretically show that neurosymbolic programming can solve the treatment effect estimation problem. By designing a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for treatment effect estimation problem based on the inductive biases used in literature, we argue that neurosymbolic programming is a better alternative to treatment effect estimation than traditional methods. Our empirical study reveals that our method, which implicitly encodes inductive biases in a DSL, achieves better performance on benchmark datasets than the state-of-the-art methods.
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This review presents empirical researchers with recent advances in causal inference, and stresses the paradigmatic shifts that must be undertaken in moving from traditional statistical analysis to causal analysis of multivariate data. Special emphasis is placed on the assumptions that underly all causal inferences, the languages used in formulating those assumptions, the conditional nature of all causal and counterfactual claims, and the methods that have been developed for the assessment of such claims. These advances are illustrated using a general theory of causation based on the Structural Causal Model (SCM) described in Pearl (2000a), which subsumes and unifies other approaches to causation, and provides a coherent mathematical foundation for the analysis of causes and counterfactuals. In particular, the paper surveys the development of mathematical tools for inferring (from a combination of data and assumptions) answers to three types of causal queries: (1) queries about the effects of potential interventions, (also called "causal effects" or "policy evaluation") (2) queries about probabilities of counterfactuals, (including assessment of "regret," "attribution" or "causes of effects") and (3) queries about direct and indirect effects (also known as "mediation"). Finally, the paper defines the formal and conceptual relationships between the structural and potential-outcome frameworks and presents tools for a symbiotic analysis that uses the strong features of both.
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关于人们的预测,例如他们预期的教育成就或信用风险,可以表现出色,并塑造他们旨在预测的结果。了解这些预测对最终结果的因果影响对于预测未来预测模型的含义并选择要部署哪些模型至关重要。但是,该因果估计任务带来了独特的挑战:模型预测通常是输入特征的确定性功能,并且与结果高度相关,这可能使预测的因果效应不可能从协变量的直接效应中解散。我们通过因果可识别性的角度研究了这个问题,尽管该问题完全普遍,但我们突出了三种自然情况,在这些情况下,可以从观察数据中确定预测对结果的因果影响:基于预测或基于预测的决策中的随机化。 ,在数据收集过程中部署的预测模型和离散预测输出的过度参数化。我们从经验上表明,在适当的可识别性条件下,从预测中预测的监督学习的标准变体可以找到特征,预测和结果之间的可转移功能关系,从而得出有关新部署的预测模型的结论。我们的积极结果从根本上依赖于在数据收集期间记录的模型预测,从而提出了重新思考标准数据收集实践的重要性,以使进步能够更好地理解社会成果和表现性反馈循环。
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因果推断对于跨业务参与,医疗和政策制定等领域的数据驱动决策至关重要。然而,关于因果发现的研究已经与推理方法分开发展,从而阻止了两个领域方法的直接组合。在这项工作中,我们开发了深层端到端因果推理(DECI),这是一种基于流动的非线性添加噪声模型,该模型具有观察数据,并且可以执行因果发现和推理,包括有条件的平均治疗效果(CATE) )估计。我们提供了理论上的保证,即DECI可以根据标准因果发现假设恢复地面真实因果图。受应用影响的激励,我们将该模型扩展到具有缺失值的异质,混合型数据,从而允许连续和离散的治疗决策。我们的结果表明,与因果发现的相关基线相比,DECI的竞争性能和(c)在合成数据集和因果机器学习基准测试基准的一千多个实验中,跨数据类型和缺失水平进行了估计。
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A machine learning model, under the influence of observed or unobserved confounders in the training data, can learn spurious correlations and fail to generalize when deployed. For image classifiers, augmenting a training dataset using counterfactual examples has been empirically shown to break spurious correlations. However, the counterfactual generation task itself becomes more difficult as the level of confounding increases. Existing methods for counterfactual generation under confounding consider a fixed set of interventions (e.g., texture, rotation) and are not flexible enough to capture diverse data-generating processes. Given a causal generative process, we formally characterize the adverse effects of confounding on any downstream tasks and show that the correlation between generative factors (attributes) can be used to quantitatively measure confounding between generative factors. To minimize such correlation, we propose a counterfactual generation method that learns to modify the value of any attribute in an image and generate new images given a set of observed attributes, even when the dataset is highly confounded. These counterfactual images are then used to regularize the downstream classifier such that the learned representations are the same across various generative factors conditioned on the class label. Our method is computationally efficient, simple to implement, and works well for any number of generative factors and confounding variables. Our experimental results on both synthetic (MNIST variants) and real-world (CelebA) datasets show the usefulness of our approach.
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考虑基于AI和ML的决策对这些新兴技术的安全和可接受的使用的决策的社会和道德后果至关重要。公平,特别是保证ML决定不会导致对个人或少数群体的歧视。使用因果关系,可以更好地实现和衡量可靠的公平/歧视,从而更好地实现了敏感属性(例如性别,种族,宗教等)之间的因果关系,仅仅是仅仅是关联,例如性别,种族,宗教等(例如,雇用工作,贷款授予等) )。然而,对因果关系解决公平性的最大障碍是因果模型的不可用(通常表示为因果图)。文献中现有的因果关系方法并不能解决此问题,并假设可获得因果模型。在本文中,我们没有做出这样的假设,并且我们回顾了从可观察数据中发现因果关系的主要算法。这项研究的重点是因果发现及其对公平性的影响。特别是,我们展示了不同的因果发现方法如何导致不同的因果模型,最重要的是,即使因果模型之间的轻微差异如何对公平/歧视结论产生重大影响。通过使用合成和标准公平基准数据集的经验分析来巩固这些结果。这项研究的主要目标是强调因果关系使用因果关系适当解决公平性的因果发现步骤的重要性。
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会员推理(MI)攻击突出了当前神经网络随机培训方法中的隐私弱点。然而,它为什么出现。它们仅是不完美概括的自然结果吗?在培训期间,我们应该解决哪些根本原因以减轻这些攻击?为了回答此类问题,我们提出了第一种解释MI攻击及其基于原则性因果推理的概括的方法。我们提供因果图,以定量地解释以$ 6 $攻击变体获得的观察到的MI攻击性能。我们驳斥了几种先前的非量化假设,这些假设过于简化或过度估计潜在原因的影响,从而未能捕获几个因素之间的复杂相互作用。我们的因果模型还通过共同的因果因素显示了概括和MI攻击之间的新联系。我们的因果模型具有很高的预测能力($ 0.90 $),即它们的分析预测与经常看不见的实验中的观察结果相匹配,这使得通过它们的分析成为务实的替代方案。
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改变特定特征但不是其他特性的输入扰动的反事实示例 - 已经显示用于评估机器学习模型的偏差,例如,对特定的人口组。然而,由于图像的各种特征上的底层的因果结构,生成用于图像的反事实示例是非琐碎的。为了有意义,生成的扰动需要满足因果模型所暗示的约束。我们通过在前瞻性学习推断(ALI)的改进变型中结合结构因果模型(SCM)来提出一种方法,该方法是根据图像的属性之间的因果关系生成反事实。基于所生成的反事实,我们展示了如何解释预先训练的机器学习分类器,评估其偏置,并使用反事实程序缓解偏差。在Morpho-Mnist DataSet上,我们的方法会在质量上产生与基于SCM的Factficuls(DeepScm)的质量相当的反功能,而在更复杂的Celeba DataSet上,我们的方法优于DeepScm在产生高质量的有效反应性时。此外,生成的反事件难以从人类评估实验中的重建图像中无法区分,并且随后使用它们来评估在Celeba数据上培训的标准分类器的公平性。我们表明分类器是偏见的w.r.t.皮肤和头发颜色,以及反事实规则化如何消除这些偏差。
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Causal inference is the process of using assumptions, study designs, and estimation strategies to draw conclusions about the causal relationships between variables based on data. This allows researchers to better understand the underlying mechanisms at work in complex systems and make more informed decisions. In many settings, we may not fully observe all the confounders that affect both the treatment and outcome variables, complicating the estimation of causal effects. To address this problem, a growing literature in both causal inference and machine learning proposes to use Instrumental Variables (IV). This paper serves as the first effort to systematically and comprehensively introduce and discuss the IV methods and their applications in both causal inference and machine learning. First, we provide the formal definition of IVs and discuss the identification problem of IV regression methods under different assumptions. Second, we categorize the existing work on IV methods into three streams according to the focus on the proposed methods, including two-stage least squares with IVs, control function with IVs, and evaluation of IVs. For each stream, we present both the classical causal inference methods, and recent developments in the machine learning literature. Then, we introduce a variety of applications of IV methods in real-world scenarios and provide a summary of the available datasets and algorithms. Finally, we summarize the literature, discuss the open problems and suggest promising future research directions for IV methods and their applications. We also develop a toolkit of IVs methods reviewed in this survey at https://github.com/causal-machine-learning-lab/mliv.
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数据科学任务可以被视为了解数据的感觉或测试关于它的假设。从数据推断的结论可以极大地指导我们做出信息做出决定。大数据使我们能够与机器学习结合执行无数的预测任务,例如鉴定患有某种疾病的高风险患者并采取可预防措施。然而,医疗保健从业者不仅仅是仅仅预测的内容 - 它们也对输入特征和临床结果之间的原因关系感兴趣。了解这些关系将有助于医生治疗患者并有效降低风险。通常通过随机对照试验鉴定因果关系。当科学家和研究人员转向观察研究并试图吸引推论时,这种试验通常是不可行的。然而,观察性研究也可能受到选择和/或混淆偏差的影响,这可能导致错误的因果结论。在本章中,我们将尝试突出传统机器学习和统计方法中可能出现的一些缺点,以分析观察数据,特别是在医疗保健数据分析域中。我们将讨论因果化推理和方法,以发现医疗领域的观测研究原因。此外,我们将展示因果推断在解决某些普通机器学习问题等中的应用,例如缺少数据和模型可运输性。最后,我们将讨论将加强学习与因果关系相结合的可能性,作为反击偏见的一种方式。
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Distributional shift is one of the major obstacles when transferring machine learning prediction systems from the lab to the real world. To tackle this problem, we assume that variation across training domains is representative of the variation we might encounter at test time, but also that shifts at test time may be more extreme in magnitude. In particular, we show that reducing differences in risk across training domains can reduce a model's sensitivity to a wide range of extreme distributional shifts, including the challenging setting where the input contains both causal and anticausal elements. We motivate this approach, Risk Extrapolation (REx), as a form of robust optimization over a perturbation set of extrapolated domains (MM-REx), and propose a penalty on the variance of training risks (V-REx) as a simpler variant. We prove that variants of REx can recover the causal mechanisms of the targets, while also providing some robustness to changes in the input distribution ("covariate shift"). By tradingoff robustness to causally induced distributional shifts and covariate shift, REx is able to outperform alternative methods such as Invariant Risk Minimization in situations where these types of shift co-occur.
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