Machine learning can impact people with legal or ethical consequences when it is used to automate decisions in areas such as insurance, lending, hiring, and predictive policing. In many of these scenarios, previous decisions have been made that are unfairly biased against certain subpopulations, for example those of a particular race, gender, or sexual orientation. Since this past data may be biased, machine learning predictors must account for this to avoid perpetuating or creating discriminatory practices. In this paper, we develop a framework for modeling fairness using tools from causal inference. Our definition of counterfactual fairness captures the intuition that a decision is fair towards an individual if it is the same in (a) the actual world and (b) a counterfactual world where the individual belonged to a different demographic group. We demonstrate our framework on a real-world problem of fair prediction of success in law school. * Equal contribution. This work was done while JL was a Research Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute. 2 31st Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2017),
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基于AI和机器学习的决策系统已在各种现实世界中都使用,包括医疗保健,执法,教育和金融。不再是牵强的,即设想一个未来,自治系统将推动整个业务决策,并且更广泛地支持大规模决策基础设施以解决社会最具挑战性的问题。当人类做出决定时,不公平和歧视的问题普遍存在,并且当使用几乎没有透明度,问责制和公平性的机器做出决定时(或可能会放大)。在本文中,我们介绍了\ textit {Causal公平分析}的框架,目的是填补此差距,即理解,建模,并可能解决决策设置中的公平性问题。我们方法的主要见解是将观察到数据中存在的差异的量化与基本且通常是未观察到的因果机制收集的因果机制的收集,这些机制首先会产生差异,挑战我们称之为因果公平的基本问题分析(FPCFA)。为了解决FPCFA,我们研究了分解差异和公平性的经验度量的问题,将这种变化归因于结构机制和人群的不同单位。我们的努力最终达到了公平地图,这是组织和解释文献中不同标准之间关系的首次系统尝试。最后,我们研究了进行因果公平分析并提出一本公平食谱的最低因果假设,该假设使数据科学家能够评估不同影响和不同治疗的存在。
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因果推理在人类如何理解世界并在日常生活中做出决策中具有必不可少的作用。虽然20美元的$ Century Science是因为使因果的主张过于强大且无法实现,但第21美元的$ Century是由因果关系的数学化和引入非确定性原因概念的因果关系的重返标志的。 \ cite {illari2011look}。除了其流行病学,政治和社会科学方面的常见用例外,因果关系对于在法律和日常意义上评估自动决定的公平性至关重要。我们提供了为什么因果关系对于公平评估特别重要的论点和例子。特别是,我们指出了非因果预测的社会影响以及依赖因果主张的法律反歧视过程。最后,我们讨论了在实际情况以及可能的解决方案中应用因果关系的挑战和局限性。
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A significant body of research in the data sciences considers unfair discrimination against social categories such as race or gender that could occur or be amplified as a result of algorithmic decisions. Simultaneously, real-world disparities continue to exist, even before algorithmic decisions are made. In this work, we draw on insights from the social sciences brought into the realm of causal modeling and constrained optimization, and develop a novel algorithmic framework for tackling pre-existing real-world disparities. The purpose of our framework, which we call the "impact remediation framework," is to measure real-world disparities and discover the optimal intervention policies that could help improve equity or access to opportunity for those who are underserved with respect to an outcome of interest. We develop a disaggregated approach to tackling pre-existing disparities that relaxes the typical set of assumptions required for the use of social categories in structural causal models. Our approach flexibly incorporates counterfactuals and is compatible with various ontological assumptions about the nature of social categories. We demonstrate impact remediation with a hypothetical case study and compare our disaggregated approach to an existing state-of-the-art approach, comparing its structure and resulting policy recommendations. In contrast to most work on optimal policy learning, we explore disparity reduction itself as an objective, explicitly focusing the power of algorithms on reducing inequality.
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This review presents empirical researchers with recent advances in causal inference, and stresses the paradigmatic shifts that must be undertaken in moving from traditional statistical analysis to causal analysis of multivariate data. Special emphasis is placed on the assumptions that underly all causal inferences, the languages used in formulating those assumptions, the conditional nature of all causal and counterfactual claims, and the methods that have been developed for the assessment of such claims. These advances are illustrated using a general theory of causation based on the Structural Causal Model (SCM) described in Pearl (2000a), which subsumes and unifies other approaches to causation, and provides a coherent mathematical foundation for the analysis of causes and counterfactuals. In particular, the paper surveys the development of mathematical tools for inferring (from a combination of data and assumptions) answers to three types of causal queries: (1) queries about the effects of potential interventions, (also called "causal effects" or "policy evaluation") (2) queries about probabilities of counterfactuals, (including assessment of "regret," "attribution" or "causes of effects") and (3) queries about direct and indirect effects (also known as "mediation"). Finally, the paper defines the formal and conceptual relationships between the structural and potential-outcome frameworks and presents tools for a symbiotic analysis that uses the strong features of both.
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公平的机器学习旨在避免基于\ textit {敏感属性}(例如性别和种族)对个人或子人群的治疗。公平机器学习中的那些方法是基于因果推理确定的歧视和偏见的。尽管基于因果关系的公平学习吸引了越来越多的关注,但当前的方法假设真正的因果图是完全已知的。本文提出了一种一般方法,以实现反事实公平的概念时,当真实的因果图未知。为了能够选择导致反事实公平性的功能,我们得出了条件和算法,以识别\ textit上变量之间的祖先关系{部分定向的无循环图(pdag)},具体来说,可以从一类可学到的dag中学到。观察数据与域知识相结合。有趣的是,我们发现可以实现反事实公平,就好像真正的因果图是完全知道的一样,当提供了特定的背景知识时:敏感属性在因果图中没有祖先。模拟和实际数据集的结果证明了我们方法的有效性。
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We propose a criterion for discrimination against a specified sensitive attribute in supervised learning, where the goal is to predict some target based on available features. Assuming data about the predictor, target, and membership in the protected group are available, we show how to optimally adjust any learned predictor so as to remove discrimination according to our definition. Our framework also improves incentives by shifting the cost of poor classification from disadvantaged groups to the decision maker, who can respond by improving the classification accuracy.In line with other studies, our notion is oblivious: it depends only on the joint statistics of the predictor, the target and the protected attribute, but not on interpretation of individual features. We study the inherent limits of defining and identifying biases based on such oblivious measures, outlining what can and cannot be inferred from different oblivious tests.We illustrate our notion using a case study of FICO credit scores.
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最近的工作突出了因果关系在设计公平决策算法中的作用。但是,尚不清楚现有的公平因果概念如何相互关系,或者将这些定义作为设计原则的后果是什么。在这里,我们首先将算法公平性的流行因果定义组装成两个广泛的家庭:(1)那些限制决策对反事实差异的影响的家庭; (2)那些限制了法律保护特征(如种族和性别)对决策的影响。然后,我们在分析和经验上表明,两个定义的家庭\ emph {几乎总是总是} - 从一种理论意义上讲 - 导致帕累托占主导地位的决策政策,这意味着每个利益相关者都有一个偏爱的替代性,不受限制的政策从大型自然级别中绘制。例如,在大学录取决定的情况下,每位利益相关者都不支持任何对学术准备和多样性的中立或积极偏好的利益相关者,将不利于因果公平定义的政策。的确,在因果公平的明显定义下,我们证明了由此产生的政策要求承认所有具有相同概率的学生,无论学术资格或小组成员身份如何。我们的结果突出了正式的局限性和因果公平的常见数学观念的潜在不利后果。
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A recent explosion of research focuses on developing methods and tools for building fair predictive models. However, most of this work relies on the assumption that the training and testing data are representative of the target population on which the model will be deployed. However, real-world training data often suffer from selection bias and are not representative of the target population for many reasons, including the cost and feasibility of collecting and labeling data, historical discrimination, and individual biases. In this paper, we introduce a new framework for certifying and ensuring the fairness of predictive models trained on biased data. We take inspiration from query answering over incomplete and inconsistent databases to present and formalize the problem of consistent range approximation (CRA) of answers to queries about aggregate information for the target population. We aim to leverage background knowledge about the data collection process, biased data, and limited or no auxiliary data sources to compute a range of answers for aggregate queries over the target population that are consistent with available information. We then develop methods that use CRA of such aggregate queries to build predictive models that are certifiably fair on the target population even when no external information about that population is available during training. We evaluate our methods on real data and demonstrate improvements over state of the art. Significantly, we show that enforcing fairness using our methods can lead to predictive models that are not only fair, but more accurate on the target population.
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机器学习模型被批评反映了培训数据中的不公平偏见。我们通过直接引入公平的学习算法来解决这一目标,而不是通过介绍公平的学习算法来解决公平的合成数据,使任何下游学习者都是公平的。从不公平数据生成公平的合成数据 - 同时对潜在的数据生成过程(DGP)留下真实 - 是非微不足道的。在本文中,我们引入了Decaf:用于表格数据的GaN的公平合成数据发生器。通过Decaf,我们将DGP显式作为发电机的输入层中的结构因果模型嵌入,允许在其因果父母上重建每个变量。此过程启用推理时间扩大,其中可以策略性地删除偏置边缘以满足用户定义的公平要求。 Decaf框架是多功能的,与几个公平的定义兼容。在我们的实验中,我们表明Decaf成功地消除了不希望的偏见和 - 与现有方法相比 - 能够产生高质量的合成数据。此外,我们为发电机的收敛和下游模型的公平提供理论担保。
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