准实验研究设计,如回归不连续性和中断的时间序列,允许在缺乏随机对照试验的情况下进行因果推断,以额外的假设。在本文中,我们为使用贝叶斯模型比较和高斯进程回归提供了一种基于不连续性的设计的框架,我们将其称为“贝叶斯非参数不连续性设计”,或短路。 BNDD在这种设计的大多数实现中解决了两个主要的缺点:由于隐式调节对所谓的效果而言,由于依赖过于简单的回归模型,模型误操作。通过适当的高斯过程协方差函数,我们的方法可以检测任何订单的不连续性,以及频谱特征。我们展示了BNDD在模拟中的使用情况,并应用了框架,以确定历史悠久的政治立场的效果,涉嫌历史幻影边境在荷兰对荷兰投票行为的影响,以及昆达里尼瑜伽冥想对心率。
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Causal inference is the process of using assumptions, study designs, and estimation strategies to draw conclusions about the causal relationships between variables based on data. This allows researchers to better understand the underlying mechanisms at work in complex systems and make more informed decisions. In many settings, we may not fully observe all the confounders that affect both the treatment and outcome variables, complicating the estimation of causal effects. To address this problem, a growing literature in both causal inference and machine learning proposes to use Instrumental Variables (IV). This paper serves as the first effort to systematically and comprehensively introduce and discuss the IV methods and their applications in both causal inference and machine learning. First, we provide the formal definition of IVs and discuss the identification problem of IV regression methods under different assumptions. Second, we categorize the existing work on IV methods into three streams according to the focus on the proposed methods, including two-stage least squares with IVs, control function with IVs, and evaluation of IVs. For each stream, we present both the classical causal inference methods, and recent developments in the machine learning literature. Then, we introduce a variety of applications of IV methods in real-world scenarios and provide a summary of the available datasets and algorithms. Finally, we summarize the literature, discuss the open problems and suggest promising future research directions for IV methods and their applications. We also develop a toolkit of IVs methods reviewed in this survey at https://github.com/causal-machine-learning-lab/mliv.
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The viral load of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 varies on logarithmic scales and possibly with age. Controversial claims have been made in the literature regarding whether the viral load distribution actually depends on the age of the patients. Such a dependence would have implications for the COVID-19 spreading mechanism, the age-dependent immune system reaction, and thus for policymaking. We hereby develop a method to analyze viral-load distribution data as a function of the patients' age within a flexible, non-parametric, hierarchical, Bayesian, and causal model. The causal nature of the developed reconstruction additionally allows to test for bias in the data. This could be due to, e.g., bias in patient-testing and data collection or systematic errors in the measurement of the viral load. We perform these tests by calculating the Bayesian evidence for each implied possible causal direction. The possibility of testing for bias in data collection and identifying causal directions can be very useful in other contexts as well. For this reason we make our model freely available. When applied to publicly available age and SARS-CoV-2 viral load data, we find a statistically significant increase in the viral load with age, but only for one of the two analyzed datasets. If we consider this dataset, and based on the current understanding of viral load's impact on patients' infectivity, we expect a non-negligible difference in the infectivity of different age groups. This difference is nonetheless too small to justify considering any age group as noninfectious.
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This review presents empirical researchers with recent advances in causal inference, and stresses the paradigmatic shifts that must be undertaken in moving from traditional statistical analysis to causal analysis of multivariate data. Special emphasis is placed on the assumptions that underly all causal inferences, the languages used in formulating those assumptions, the conditional nature of all causal and counterfactual claims, and the methods that have been developed for the assessment of such claims. These advances are illustrated using a general theory of causation based on the Structural Causal Model (SCM) described in Pearl (2000a), which subsumes and unifies other approaches to causation, and provides a coherent mathematical foundation for the analysis of causes and counterfactuals. In particular, the paper surveys the development of mathematical tools for inferring (from a combination of data and assumptions) answers to three types of causal queries: (1) queries about the effects of potential interventions, (also called "causal effects" or "policy evaluation") (2) queries about probabilities of counterfactuals, (including assessment of "regret," "attribution" or "causes of effects") and (3) queries about direct and indirect effects (also known as "mediation"). Finally, the paper defines the formal and conceptual relationships between the structural and potential-outcome frameworks and presents tools for a symbiotic analysis that uses the strong features of both.
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We propose a new method to estimate causal effects from nonexperimental data. Each pair of sample units is first associated with a stochastic 'treatment' - differences in factors between units - and an effect - a resultant outcome difference. It is then proposed that all such pairs can be combined to provide more accurate estimates of causal effects in observational data, provided a statistical model connecting combinatorial properties of treatments to the accuracy and unbiasedness of their effects. The article introduces one such model and a Bayesian approach to combine the $O(n^2)$ pairwise observations typically available in nonexperimnetal data. This also leads to an interpretation of nonexperimental datasets as incomplete, or noisy, versions of ideal factorial experimental designs. This approach to causal effect estimation has several advantages: (1) it expands the number of observations, converting thousands of individuals into millions of observational treatments; (2) starting with treatments closest to the experimental ideal, it identifies noncausal variables that can be ignored in the future, making estimation easier in each subsequent iteration while departing minimally from experiment-like conditions; (3) it recovers individual causal effects in heterogeneous populations. We evaluate the method in simulations and the National Supported Work (NSW) program, an intensively studied program whose effects are known from randomized field experiments. We demonstrate that the proposed approach recovers causal effects in common NSW samples, as well as in arbitrary subpopulations and an order-of-magnitude larger supersample with the entire national program data, outperforming Statistical, Econometrics and Machine Learning estimators in all cases...
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为了进一步开发异构治疗效果的统计推理问题,本文在Breiman(2001)随机林树(RFT)和Wager等人的情况下建立了使用古典的优秀统计属性来参数化非参数问题的(2018)因果树。oLs和基于协变量分数的局部线性间隔的划分,同时保留随机林树木,具有可构造的置信区间和渐近常数特性的优势[athey和Imbens(2016),efron(2014),赌第等(2014年)\ citep {wagert2014Asymptotic},我们根据固定规则提出了一个决策树,根据固定规则与本地样本的多项式估计相结合,我们称之为临时局部线性因果树(QLPRT)和林(QLPRF)。
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传统的因果推理方法利用观察性研究数据来估计潜在治疗的观察到的差异和未观察到的结果,称为条件平均治疗效果(CATE)。然而,凯特就对应于仅第一刻的比较,因此可能不足以反映治疗效果的全部情况。作为替代方案,估计全部潜在结果分布可以提供更多的见解。但是,估计治疗效果的现有方法潜在的结果分布通常对这些分布施加限制性或简单的假设。在这里,我们提出了合作因果网络(CCN),这是一种新颖的方法,它通过学习全部潜在结果分布而超出了CATE的估计。通过CCN框架估算结果分布不需要对基础数据生成过程的限制性假设。此外,CCN促进了每种可能处理的效用的估计,并允许通过效用函数进行特定的特定变异。 CCN不仅将结果估计扩展到传统的风险差异之外,而且还可以通过定义灵活的比较来实现更全面的决策过程。根据因果文献中通常做出的假设,我们表明CCN学习了渐近捕获真正潜在结果分布的分布。此外,我们提出了一种调整方法,该方法在经验上可以有效地减轻观察数据中治疗组之间的样本失衡。最后,我们评估了CCN在多个合成和半合成实验中的性能。我们证明,与现有的贝叶斯和深层生成方法相比,CCN学会了改进的分布估计值,以及对各种效用功能的改进决策。
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本文介绍了一种创新的贝叶斯机器学习算法,在不完美的顺应性存在下绘制可解释的对异质因果效应的推断(例如,在不规则的分配机制下)。我们通过蒙特卡罗模拟显示,据提出的贝叶斯因果森林具有乐器变量(BCF-IV)方法优于在控制各方误差率的同时发现和估算异质因果效果时量身定制的其他机器学习技术(或 - 在叶子水平时,不那么严格地 - 为假发现率)。 BCF-IV揭示了乐器可变场景中因果效应的异质性,而且,又为政策制定者提供了有针对性政策的相关工具。其实证应用评估了额外资金对学生表演的影响。结果表明,BCF-IV可用于增强学校资助对学生绩效的有效性。
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科学家经常使用观察时间序列数据来研究从气候变化到民间冲突再到大脑活动的复杂自然过程。但是对这些数据的回归分析通常假定简单的动态。深度学习的最新进展使从语音理解到核物理学再到竞争性游戏的复杂过程模型的表现实现了令人震惊的改进。但是深度学习通常不用于科学分析。在这里,我们通过证明可以使用深度学习,不仅可以模仿,而且可以分析复杂的过程,在保留可解释性的同时提供灵活的功能近似。我们的方法 - 连续时间反向逆转回归神经网络(CDRNN) - 放宽标准简化的假设(例如,线性,平稳性和同质性)对于许多自然系统来说是不可信的,并且可能会严重影响数据的解释。我们评估CDRNNS对人类语言处理,这是一个具有复杂连续动态的领域。我们证明了行为和神经影像数据中预测可能性的显着改善,我们表明CDRNN可以在探索性分析中灵活发现新型模式,在确认分析中对可能的混杂性提供强有力的控制,并打开否则就可以使用这些问题来进行研究,这些问题否则就可以使用这些问题来进行研究,而这些问题否则就可以使用这些问题进行研究,而这些问题否则就可以使用这些问题进行研究。观察数据。
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决策者需要在采用新的治疗政策之前预测结果的发展,该政策定义了何时以及如何连续地影响结果的治疗序列。通常,预测介入的未来结果轨迹的算法将未来治疗的固定顺序作为输入。这要么忽略了未来治疗对结果之前的结果的依赖性,要么隐含地假设已知治疗政策,因此排除了该政策未知或需要反事实分析的情况。为了应对这些局限性,我们开发了一种用于治疗和结果的联合模型,该模型允许估计处理策略和顺序治疗(OUT COMECTION数据)的影响。它可以回答有关治疗政策干预措施的介入和反事实查询,因为我们使用有关血糖进展的现实数据显示,并在此基础上进行了模拟研究。
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Learning curves provide insight into the dependence of a learner's generalization performance on the training set size. This important tool can be used for model selection, to predict the effect of more training data, and to reduce the computational complexity of model training and hyperparameter tuning. This review recounts the origins of the term, provides a formal definition of the learning curve, and briefly covers basics such as its estimation. Our main contribution is a comprehensive overview of the literature regarding the shape of learning curves. We discuss empirical and theoretical evidence that supports well-behaved curves that often have the shape of a power law or an exponential. We consider the learning curves of Gaussian processes, the complex shapes they can display, and the factors influencing them. We draw specific attention to examples of learning curves that are ill-behaved, showing worse learning performance with more training data. To wrap up, we point out various open problems that warrant deeper empirical and theoretical investigation. All in all, our review underscores that learning curves are surprisingly diverse and no universal model can be identified.
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