我们考虑贝叶斯逆问题,其中假设未知状态是具有不连续结构的函数先验。介绍了基于具有重型重量的神经网络输出的一类现有分布,其具有关于这种网络的无限宽度限制的现有结果。理论上,即使网络宽度是有限的,我们也显示来自这种前导者的样本具有所需的不连续性,使得它们适合于边缘保留反转。在数值上,我们考虑在一个和二维空间域上定义的解卷积问题,以说明这些前景的有效性;地图估计,尺寸 - 鲁棒MCMC采样和基于集合的近似值用于探测后部分布。点估计的准确性显示出超过从非重尾前沿获得的那些,并且显示不确定性估计以提供更有用的定性信息。
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本文介绍了一个新的神经网络,在$ \ mathbb r ^ d $的真实值函数之前,通过施工更容易和便宜地缩放到域维数$ d $与通常的karhunen-lo \`eve相比功能空间之前。新的先前是高斯神经网络,其中每个重量和偏差都有一个独立的高斯的先前,但是差异的关键差异是,差异在网络的宽度下减小,使得所得到的函数几乎肯定地定义了很多无限宽度网络的极限。我们表明,在推断未知功能的贝叶斯治疗中,使用希尔伯特Space Markov链蒙特卡罗(MCMC)方法,诱导的后续功能均可用于蒙特卡罗采样。这种类型的MCMC很受欢迎,例如,在贝叶斯逆问题文献中,因为它在网眼细化下稳定,即接受概率不会缩小到0美元,因为函数之前的更多参数甚至是AD Infinitum。在数值例子中,我们展示了其他功能空间前沿的这些竞争优势。我们还在贝叶斯加固学习中实施示例以自动化数据的任务,并首次演示MCMC的稳定性以对这些类型的问题进行网格细化。
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Whilst deep neural networks have shown great empirical success, there is still much work to be done to understand their theoretical properties. In this paper, we study the relationship between random, wide, fully connected, feedforward networks with more than one hidden layer and Gaussian processes with a recursive kernel definition. We show that, under broad conditions, as we make the architecture increasingly wide, the implied random function converges in distribution to a Gaussian process, formalising and extending existing results by Neal (1996) to deep networks. To evaluate convergence rates empirically, we use maximum mean discrepancy. We then compare finite Bayesian deep networks from the literature to Gaussian processes in terms of the key predictive quantities of interest, finding that in some cases the agreement can be very close. We discuss the desirability of Gaussian process behaviour and review non-Gaussian alternative models from the literature. 1
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Partial differential equations (PDEs) are widely used for description of physical and engineering phenomena. Some key parameters involved in PDEs, which represents certain physical properties with important scientific interpretations, are difficult or even impossible to be measured directly. Estimation of these parameters from noisy and sparse experimental data of related physical quantities is an important task. Many methods for PDE parameter inference involve a large number of evaluations of numerical solution of PDE through algorithms such as finite element method, which can be time-consuming especially for nonlinear PDEs. In this paper, we propose a novel method for estimating unknown parameters in PDEs, called PDE-Informed Gaussian Process Inference (PIGPI). Through modeling the PDE solution as a Gaussian process (GP), we derive the manifold constraints induced by the (linear) PDE structure such that under the constraints, the GP satisfies the PDE. For nonlinear PDEs, we propose an augmentation method that transfers the nonlinear PDE into an equivalent PDE system linear in all derivatives that our PIGPI can handle. PIGPI can be applied to multi-dimensional PDE systems and PDE systems with unobserved components. The method completely bypasses the numerical solver for PDE, thus achieving drastic savings in computation time, especially for nonlinear PDEs. Moreover, the PIGPI method can give the uncertainty quantification for both the unknown parameters and the PDE solution. The proposed method is demonstrated by several application examples from different areas.
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从卫星图像中提取的大气运动向量(AMV)是唯一具有良好全球覆盖范围的风观测。它们是进食数值天气预测(NWP)模型的重要特征。已经提出了几种贝叶斯模型来估计AMV。尽管对于正确同化NWP模型至关重要,但很少有方法可以彻底表征估计误差。估计误差的困难源于后验分布的特异性,这既是很高的维度,又是由于奇异的可能性而导致高度不良的条件,这在缺少数据(未观察到的像素)的情况下特别重要。这项工作研究了使用基于梯度的Markov链Monte Carlo(MCMC)算法评估AMV的预期误差。我们的主要贡献是提出一种回火策略,这相当于在点估计值附近的AMV和图像变量的联合后验分布的局部近似。此外,我们提供了与先前家庭本身有关的协方差(分数布朗运动),并具有不同的超参数。从理论的角度来看,我们表明,在规律性假设下,随着温度降低到{optimal}高斯近似值,在最大a后验(MAP)对数密度给出的点估计下,温度降低到{optimal}高斯近似值。从经验的角度来看,我们根据一些定量的贝叶斯评估标准评估了提出的方法。我们对合成和真实气象数据进行的数值模拟揭示了AMV点估计的准确性及其相关的预期误差估计值的显着提高,但在MCMC算法的收敛速度方面也有很大的加速度。
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The logit outputs of a feedforward neural network at initialization are conditionally Gaussian, given a random covariance matrix defined by the penultimate layer. In this work, we study the distribution of this random matrix. Recent work has shown that shaping the activation function as network depth grows large is necessary for this covariance matrix to be non-degenerate. However, the current infinite-width-style understanding of this shaping method is unsatisfactory for large depth: infinite-width analyses ignore the microscopic fluctuations from layer to layer, but these fluctuations accumulate over many layers. To overcome this shortcoming, we study the random covariance matrix in the shaped infinite-depth-and-width limit. We identify the precise scaling of the activation function necessary to arrive at a non-trivial limit, and show that the random covariance matrix is governed by a stochastic differential equation (SDE) that we call the Neural Covariance SDE. Using simulations, we show that the SDE closely matches the distribution of the random covariance matrix of finite networks. Additionally, we recover an if-and-only-if condition for exploding and vanishing norms of large shaped networks based on the activation function.
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在本文中,我们考虑了贝叶斯(DNNS),尤其是Trace-Class神经网络(TNN)先验,贝叶斯的推论是Sell等人提出的。 [39]。在推理问题的背景下,这种先验是对经典体系结构的更强大替代品。对于这项工作,我们为此类模型开发了多级蒙特卡洛(MLMC)方法。 MLMC是一种流行的差异技术,在贝叶斯统计和不确定性定量中具有特殊应用。我们展示了在[4]中引入的特定高级MLMC方法如何应用于DNN的贝叶斯推断并从数学上确定,即实现特定平方误差的计算成本,与后验预期相关,可以通过几个减少订单,与更常规的技术。为了验证此类结果,我们提供了许多关于机器学习中产生的模型问题的数值实验。其中包括贝叶斯回归,以及贝叶斯分类和增强学习。
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This article concerns Bayesian inference using deep linear networks with output dimension one. In the interpolating (zero noise) regime we show that with Gaussian weight priors and MSE negative log-likelihood loss both the predictive posterior and the Bayesian model evidence can be written in closed form in terms of a class of meromorphic special functions called Meijer-G functions. These results are non-asymptotic and hold for any training dataset, network depth, and hidden layer widths, giving exact solutions to Bayesian interpolation using a deep Gaussian process with a Euclidean covariance at each layer. Through novel asymptotic expansions of Meijer-G functions, a rich new picture of the role of depth emerges. Specifically, we find that the posteriors in deep linear networks with data-independent priors are the same as in shallow networks with evidence maximizing data-dependent priors. In this sense, deep linear networks make provably optimal predictions. We also prove that, starting from data-agnostic priors, Bayesian model evidence in wide networks is only maximized at infinite depth. This gives a principled reason to prefer deeper networks (at least in the linear case). Finally, our results show that with data-agnostic priors a novel notion of effective depth given by \[\#\text{hidden layers}\times\frac{\#\text{training data}}{\text{network width}}\] determines the Bayesian posterior in wide linear networks, giving rigorous new scaling laws for generalization error.
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自Venkatakrishnan等人的开创性工作以来。 2013年,即插即用(PNP)方法在贝叶斯成像中变得普遍存在。这些方法通过将显式似然函数与预定由图像去噪算法隐式定义的明确定义,导出用于成像中的逆问题的最小均方误差(MMSE)或最大后验误差(MAP)估计器。文献中提出的PNP算法主要不同于他们用于优化或采样的迭代方案。在优化方案的情况下,一些最近的作品能够保证收敛到一个定点,尽管不一定是地图估计。在采样方案的情况下,据我们所知,没有已知的收敛证明。关于潜在的贝叶斯模型和估算器是否具有明确定义,良好的良好,并且具有支持这些数值方案所需的基本规律性属性,还存在重要的开放性问题。为了解决这些限制,本文开发了用于对PNP前锋进行贝叶斯推断的理论,方法和可忽略的会聚算法。我们介绍了两个算法:1)PNP-ULA(未调整的Langevin算法),用于蒙特卡罗采样和MMSE推断; 2)PNP-SGD(随机梯度下降)用于MAP推理。利用Markov链的定量融合的最新结果,我们为这两种算法建立了详细的收敛保证,在现实假设下,在去噪运营商使用的现实假设下,特别注意基于深神经网络的遣散者。我们还表明这些算法大致瞄准了良好的决策理论上最佳的贝叶斯模型。所提出的算法在几种规范问题上证明了诸如图像去纹,染色和去噪,其中它们用于点估计以及不确定的可视化和量化。
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Kernels are efficient in representing nonlocal dependence and they are widely used to design operators between function spaces. Thus, learning kernels in operators from data is an inverse problem of general interest. Due to the nonlocal dependence, the inverse problem can be severely ill-posed with a data-dependent singular inversion operator. The Bayesian approach overcomes the ill-posedness through a non-degenerate prior. However, a fixed non-degenerate prior leads to a divergent posterior mean when the observation noise becomes small, if the data induces a perturbation in the eigenspace of zero eigenvalues of the inversion operator. We introduce a data-adaptive prior to achieve a stable posterior whose mean always has a small noise limit. The data-adaptive prior's covariance is the inversion operator with a hyper-parameter selected adaptive to data by the L-curve method. Furthermore, we provide a detailed analysis on the computational practice of the data-adaptive prior, and demonstrate it on Toeplitz matrices and integral operators. Numerical tests show that a fixed prior can lead to a divergent posterior mean in the presence of any of the four types of errors: discretization error, model error, partial observation and wrong noise assumption. In contrast, the data-adaptive prior always attains posterior means with small noise limits.
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贝叶斯推理允许在贝叶斯神经网络的上下文中获取有关模型参数的有用信息,或者在贝叶斯神经网络的背景下。通常的Monte Carlo方法的计算成本,用于在贝叶斯推理中对贝叶斯推理的后验法律进行线性点的数量与数据点的数量进行线性。将其降低到这一成本的一小部分的一种选择是使用Langevin动态的未经调整的离散化来诉诸Mini-Batching,在这种情况下,只使用数据的随机分数来估计梯度。然而,这导致动态中的额外噪声,因此在马尔可夫链采样的不变度量上的偏差。我们倡导使用所谓的自适应Langevin动态,这是一种改进标准惯性Langevin动态,其动态摩擦力,可自动校正迷你批次引起的增加的噪声。我们调查假设适应性Langevin的假设(恒定协方差估计梯度的恒定协方差),这在贝叶斯推理的典型模型中不满足,并在这种情况下量化小型匹配诱导的偏差。我们还展示了如何扩展ADL,以便通过考虑根据参数的当前值来系统地减少后部分布的偏置。
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The study of feature propagation at initialization in neural networks lies at the root of numerous initialization designs. An assumption very commonly made in the field states that the pre-activations are Gaussian. Although this convenient Gaussian hypothesis can be justified when the number of neurons per layer tends to infinity, it is challenged by both theoretical and experimental works for finite-width neural networks. Our major contribution is to construct a family of pairs of activation functions and initialization distributions that ensure that the pre-activations remain Gaussian throughout the network's depth, even in narrow neural networks. In the process, we discover a set of constraints that a neural network should fulfill to ensure Gaussian pre-activations. Additionally, we provide a critical review of the claims of the Edge of Chaos line of works and build an exact Edge of Chaos analysis. We also propose a unified view on pre-activations propagation, encompassing the framework of several well-known initialization procedures. Finally, our work provides a principled framework for answering the much-debated question: is it desirable to initialize the training of a neural network whose pre-activations are ensured to be Gaussian?
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Scientists continue to develop increasingly complex mechanistic models to reflect their knowledge more realistically. Statistical inference using these models can be highly challenging, since the corresponding likelihood function is often intractable, and model simulation may be computationally burdensome or infeasible. Fortunately, in many of these situations, it is possible to adopt a surrogate model or approximate likelihood function. It may be convenient to base Bayesian inference directly on the surrogate, but this can result in bias and poor uncertainty quantification. In this paper we propose a new method for adjusting approximate posterior samples to reduce bias and produce more accurate uncertainty quantification. We do this by optimising a transform of the approximate posterior that minimises a scoring rule. Our approach requires only a (fixed) small number of complex model simulations and is numerically stable. We demonstrate good performance of the new method on several examples of increasing complexity.
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The Bayesian approach to solving inverse problems relies on the choice of a prior. This critical ingredient allows the formulation of expert knowledge or physical constraints in a probabilistic fashion and plays an important role for the success of the inference. Recently, Bayesian inverse problems were solved using generative models as highly informative priors. Generative models are a popular tool in machine learning to generate data whose properties closely resemble those of a given database. Typically, the generated distribution of data is embedded in a low-dimensional manifold. For the inverse problem, a generative model is trained on a database that reflects the properties of the sought solution, such as typical structures of the tissue in the human brain in magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. The inference is carried out in the low-dimensional manifold determined by the generative model which strongly reduces the dimensionality of the inverse problem. However, this proceeding produces a posterior that admits no Lebesgue density in the actual variables and the accuracy reached can strongly depend on the quality of the generative model. For linear Gaussian models we explore an alternative Bayesian inference based on probabilistic generative models which is carried out in the original high-dimensional space. A Laplace approximation is employed to analytically derive the required prior probability density function induced by the generative model. Properties of the resulting inference are investigated. Specifically, we show that derived Bayes estimates are consistent, in contrast to the approach employing the low-dimensional manifold of the generative model. The MNIST data set is used to construct numerical experiments which confirm our theoretical findings.
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