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神经形态数据携带由尖峰编码的时空模式的信息。因此,神经形态计算中的核心问题是训练尖峰神经网络(SNNS)以再现时加速时空尖峰图案响应于给定的尖刺刺激。通过将每个输入分配给特定期望的输出尖刺序列,大多数现有方法通过分配每个输入来模拟SNN的输入输出行为。相比之下,为了充分利用尖峰的时间编码能力,这项工作建议训练SNN,以匹配尖刺信号的分布而不是单独的尖峰信号。为此,本文介绍了一种新颖的混合架构,包括通过SNN实现的条件发生器,以及由传统人工神经网络(ANN)实现的鉴别器。 ANN的作用是在遵循生成的对抗网络(GANS)原则的对抗迭代学习策略中对SNN的培训期间提供反馈。为了更好地捕获多模态的时空分布,所提出的方法被称为Spikegan - 进一步扩展到支持发电机重量的贝叶斯学习。最后,通过提出Spikegan的在线元学习变量来解决具有时变统计数据的设置。实验与基于(静态)信念网络的现有解决方案相比,对所提出的方法的优点带来了洞察的洞察力,以及最大可能性(或经验风险最小化)。
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Two of the main principles underlying the life cycle of an artificial intelligence (AI) module in communication networks are adaptation and monitoring. Adaptation refers to the need to adjust the operation of an AI module depending on the current conditions; while monitoring requires measures of the reliability of an AI module's decisions. Classical frequentist learning methods for the design of AI modules fall short on both counts of adaptation and monitoring, catering to one-off training and providing overconfident decisions. This paper proposes a solution to address both challenges by integrating meta-learning with Bayesian learning. As a specific use case, the problems of demodulation and equalization over a fading channel based on the availability of few pilots are studied. Meta-learning processes pilot information from multiple frames in order to extract useful shared properties of effective demodulators across frames. The resulting trained demodulators are demonstrated, via experiments, to offer better calibrated soft decisions, at the computational cost of running an ensemble of networks at run time. The capacity to quantify uncertainty in the model parameter space is further leveraged by extending Bayesian meta-learning to an active setting. In it, the designer can select in a sequential fashion channel conditions under which to generate data for meta-learning from a channel simulator. Bayesian active meta-learning is seen in experiments to significantly reduce the number of frames required to obtain efficient adaptation procedure for new frames.
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We propose that in order to harness our understanding of neuroscience toward machine learning, we must first have powerful tools for training brain-like models of learning. Although substantial progress has been made toward understanding the dynamics of learning in the brain, neuroscience-derived models of learning have yet to demonstrate the same performance capabilities as methods in deep learning such as gradient descent. Inspired by the successes of machine learning using gradient descent, we demonstrate that models of neuromodulated synaptic plasticity from neuroscience can be trained in Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) with a framework of learning to learn through gradient descent to address challenging online learning problems. This framework opens a new path toward developing neuroscience inspired online learning algorithms.
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在基于人工神经网络的终身学习系统中,最大的障碍之一是在遇到新信息时无法保留旧知识。这种现象被称为灾难性遗忘。在本文中,我们提出了一种新型的连接主义架构,即顺序的神经编码网络,在从数据点流中学习时忘记了,并且与当今的网络不同,它不会通过流行的错误反向传播来学习。基于预测性处理的神经认知理论,我们的模型以生物学上可行的方式适应了突触,而另一个神经系统学会了指导和控制这种类似皮层的结构,模仿了一些基础神经节的某些任务连续控制功能。在我们的实验中,我们证明了与标准神经模型相比,我们的自组织系统经历的遗忘大大降低,表现优于先前提出的方法,包括基于排练/数据缓冲的方法,包括标准(SplitMnist,SplitMnist,Split Mnist等) 。)和定制基准测试,即使以溪流式的方式进行了训练。我们的工作提供了证据表明,在实际神经元系统中模仿机制,例如本地学习,横向竞争,可以产生新的方向和可能性,以应对终身机器学习的巨大挑战。
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已知生物制剂在他们的生活过程中学习许多不同的任务,并且能够重新审视以前的任务和行为,而没有表现不损失。相比之下,人工代理容易出于“灾难性遗忘”,在以前任务上的性能随着所获取的新的任务而恶化。最近使用该方法通过鼓励参数保持接近以前任务的方法来解决此缺点。这可以通过(i)使用特定的参数正常数来完成,该参数正常数是在参数空间中映射合适的目的地,或(ii)通过将渐变投影到不会干扰先前任务的子空间来指导优化旅程。然而,这些方法通常在前馈和经常性神经网络中表现出子分子表现,并且经常性网络对支持生物持续学习的神经动力学研究感兴趣。在这项工作中,我们提出了自然的持续学习(NCL),一种统一重量正则化和预测梯度下降的新方法。 NCL使用贝叶斯重量正常化来鼓励在收敛的所有任务上进行良好的性能,并将其与梯度投影结合使用先前的精度,这可以防止在优化期间陷入灾难性遗忘。当应用于前馈和经常性网络中的连续学习问题时,我们的方法占据了标准重量正则化技术和投影的方法。最后,训练有素的网络演变了特定于任务特定的动态,这些动态被认为是学习的新任务,类似于生物电路中的实验结果。
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When used in complex engineered systems, such as communication networks, artificial intelligence (AI) models should be not only as accurate as possible, but also well calibrated. A well-calibrated AI model is one that can reliably quantify the uncertainty of its decisions, assigning high confidence levels to decisions that are likely to be correct and low confidence levels to decisions that are likely to be erroneous. This paper investigates the application of conformal prediction as a general framework to obtain AI models that produce decisions with formal calibration guarantees. Conformal prediction transforms probabilistic predictors into set predictors that are guaranteed to contain the correct answer with a probability chosen by the designer. Such formal calibration guarantees hold irrespective of the true, unknown, distribution underlying the generation of the variables of interest, and can be defined in terms of ensemble or time-averaged probabilities. In this paper, conformal prediction is applied for the first time to the design of AI for communication systems in conjunction to both frequentist and Bayesian learning, focusing on demodulation, modulation classification, and channel prediction.
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The term ``neuromorphic'' refers to systems that are closely resembling the architecture and/or the dynamics of biological neural networks. Typical examples are novel computer chips designed to mimic the architecture of a biological brain, or sensors that get inspiration from, e.g., the visual or olfactory systems in insects and mammals to acquire information about the environment. This approach is not without ambition as it promises to enable engineered devices able to reproduce the level of performance observed in biological organisms -- the main immediate advantage being the efficient use of scarce resources, which translates into low power requirements. The emphasis on low power and energy efficiency of neuromorphic devices is a perfect match for space applications. Spacecraft -- especially miniaturized ones -- have strict energy constraints as they need to operate in an environment which is scarce with resources and extremely hostile. In this work we present an overview of early attempts made to study a neuromorphic approach in a space context at the European Space Agency's (ESA) Advanced Concepts Team (ACT).
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Spiking neural networks (SNN) are a viable alternative to conventional artificial neural networks when energy efficiency and computational complexity are of importance. A major advantage of SNNs is their binary information transfer through spike trains. The training of SNN has, however, been a challenge, since neuron models are non-differentiable and traditional gradient-based backpropagation algorithms cannot be applied directly. Furthermore, spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP), albeit being a spike-based learning rule, updates weights locally and does not optimize for the output error of the network. We present desire backpropagation, a method to derive the desired spike activity of neurons from the output error. The loss function can then be evaluated locally for every neuron. Incorporating the desire values into the STDP weight update leads to global error minimization and increasing classification accuracy. At the same time, the neuron dynamics and computational efficiency of STDP are maintained, making it a spike-based supervised learning rule. We trained three-layer networks to classify MNIST and Fashion-MNIST images and reached an accuracy of 98.41% and 87.56%, respectively. Furthermore, we show that desire backpropagation is computationally less complex than backpropagation in traditional neural networks.
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An obstacle to artificial general intelligence is set by the continual learning of multiple tasks of different nature. Recently, various heuristic tricks, both from machine learning and from neuroscience angles, were proposed, but they lack a unified theory ground. Here, we focus on the continual learning in single-layered and multi-layered neural networks of binary weights. A variational Bayesian learning setting is thus proposed, where the neural network is trained in a field-space, rather than the gradient-ill-defined discrete-weight space, and furthermore, the weight uncertainty is naturally incorporated, and modulates the synaptic resources among tasks. From a physics perspective, we translate the variational continual learning into the Franz-Parisi thermodynamic potential framework, where the previous task knowledge acts as a prior and a reference as well. Therefore, the learning performance can be analytically studied with mean-field order parameters, whose predictions coincide with the numerical experiments using stochastic gradient descent methods. Our proposed principled frameworks also connect to elastic weight consolidation, and neuroscience inspired metaplasticity, providing a theory-grounded method for the real-world multi-task learning with deep networks.
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We propose a novel backpropagation algorithm for training spiking neural networks (SNNs) that encodes information in the relative multiple spike timing of individual neurons without single-spike restrictions. The proposed algorithm inherits the advantages of conventional timing-based methods in that it computes accurate gradients with respect to spike timing, which promotes ideal temporal coding. Unlike conventional methods where each neuron fires at most once, the proposed algorithm allows each neuron to fire multiple times. This extension naturally improves the computational capacity of SNNs. Our SNN model outperformed comparable SNN models and achieved as high accuracy as non-convolutional artificial neural networks. The spike count property of our networks was altered depending on the time constant of the postsynaptic current and the membrane potential. Moreover, we found that there existed the optimal time constant with the maximum test accuracy. That was not seen in conventional SNNs with single-spike restrictions on time-to-fast-spike (TTFS) coding. This result demonstrates the computational properties of SNNs that biologically encode information into the multi-spike timing of individual neurons. Our code would be publicly available.
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我们训练神经形态硬件芯片以通过变分能最小化近似Quantum旋转模型的地面状态。与使用马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗进行样品生成的变分人工神经网络相比,这种方法具有优点:神经形态器件以快速和固有的并行方式产生样品。我们开发培训算法,并将其应用于横向场介绍模型,在中等系统尺寸下显示出良好的性能($ n \ LEQ 10 $)。系统的普遍开心研究表明,较大系统尺寸的可扩展性主要取决于样品质量,该样品质量受到模拟神经芯片上的参数漂移的限制。学习性能显示阈值行为作为ansatz的变分参数的数量的函数,大约为50美元的隐藏神经元,足以表示关键地位,最高$ n = 10 $。网络参数的6 + 1位分辨率不会限制当前设置中的可达近似质量。我们的工作为利用神经形态硬件的能力提供了一种重要的一步,以解决量子数量问题中的维数诅咒。
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