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神经形态计算是一项新兴技术,可为需要有效的在线推理和/或控制的应用程序提供以事件为导向的数据处理。最近的工作引入了神经形态通信的概念,在该概念中,神经形态计算与Impulse Radio(IR)传输集成在一起,以实现无线物联网网络中的低能量和低延迟远程推断。在本文中,我们介绍了神经形态综合传感和通信(N-ISAC),这是一种新的解决方案,可实现有效的在线数据解码和雷达传感。 N-ISAC利用了一个常见的IR波形,以传达数字信息并检测存在或不存在雷达靶标的双重目的。在接收方部署了尖峰神经网络(SNN),以解码数字数据并使用接收的信号检测雷达目标。通过平衡数据通信和雷达传感的性能指标,突出了两个应用程序之间的协同作用和权衡,可以优化SNN操作。
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In the past years, artificial neural networks (ANNs) have become the de-facto standard to solve tasks in communications engineering that are difficult to solve with traditional methods. In parallel, the artificial intelligence community drives its research to biology-inspired, brain-like spiking neural networks (SNNs), which promise extremely energy-efficient computing. In this paper, we investigate the use of SNNs in the context of channel equalization for ultra-low complexity receivers. We propose an SNN-based equalizer with a feedback structure akin to the decision feedback equalizer (DFE). For conversion of real-world data into spike signals we introduce a novel ternary encoding and compare it with traditional log-scale encoding. We show that our approach clearly outperforms conventional linear equalizers for three different exemplary channels. We highlight that mainly the conversion of the channel output to spikes introduces a small performance penalty. The proposed SNN with a decision feedback structure enables the path to competitive energy-efficient transceivers.
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The term ``neuromorphic'' refers to systems that are closely resembling the architecture and/or the dynamics of biological neural networks. Typical examples are novel computer chips designed to mimic the architecture of a biological brain, or sensors that get inspiration from, e.g., the visual or olfactory systems in insects and mammals to acquire information about the environment. This approach is not without ambition as it promises to enable engineered devices able to reproduce the level of performance observed in biological organisms -- the main immediate advantage being the efficient use of scarce resources, which translates into low power requirements. The emphasis on low power and energy efficiency of neuromorphic devices is a perfect match for space applications. Spacecraft -- especially miniaturized ones -- have strict energy constraints as they need to operate in an environment which is scarce with resources and extremely hostile. In this work we present an overview of early attempts made to study a neuromorphic approach in a space context at the European Space Agency's (ESA) Advanced Concepts Team (ACT).
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神经形态数据携带由尖峰编码的时空模式的信息。因此,神经形态计算中的核心问题是训练尖峰神经网络(SNNS)以再现时加速时空尖峰图案响应于给定的尖刺刺激。通过将每个输入分配给特定期望的输出尖刺序列,大多数现有方法通过分配每个输入来模拟SNN的输入输出行为。相比之下,为了充分利用尖峰的时间编码能力,这项工作建议训练SNN,以匹配尖刺信号的分布而不是单独的尖峰信号。为此,本文介绍了一种新颖的混合架构,包括通过SNN实现的条件发生器,以及由传统人工神经网络(ANN)实现的鉴别器。 ANN的作用是在遵循生成的对抗网络(GANS)原则的对抗迭代学习策略中对SNN的培训期间提供反馈。为了更好地捕获多模态的时空分布,所提出的方法被称为Spikegan - 进一步扩展到支持发电机重量的贝叶斯学习。最后,通过提出Spikegan的在线元学习变量来解决具有时变统计数据的设置。实验与基于(静态)信念网络的现有解决方案相比,对所提出的方法的优点带来了洞察的洞察力,以及最大可能性(或经验风险最小化)。
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穗状花序的神经形状硬件占据了深度神经网络(DNN)的更节能实现的承诺,而不是GPU的标准硬件。但这需要了解如何在基于事件的稀疏触发制度中仿真DNN,否则能量优势丢失。特别地,解决序列处理任务的DNN通常采用难以使用少量尖峰效仿的长短期存储器(LSTM)单元。我们展示了许多生物神经元的面部,在每个尖峰后缓慢的超积极性(AHP)电流,提供了有效的解决方案。 AHP电流可以轻松地在支持多舱神经元模型的神经形状硬件中实现,例如英特尔的Loihi芯片。滤波近似理论解释为什么AHP-Neurons可以模拟LSTM单元的功能。这产生了高度节能的时间序列分类方法。此外,它为实现了非常稀疏的大量大型DNN来实现基础,这些大型DNN在文本中提取单词和句子之间的关系,以便回答有关文本的问题。
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Ultra-reliable short-packet communication is a major challenge in future wireless networks with critical applications. To achieve ultra-reliable communications beyond 99.999%, this paper envisions a new interaction-based communication paradigm that exploits feedback from the receiver. We present AttentionCode, a new class of feedback codes leveraging deep learning (DL) technologies. The underpinnings of AttentionCode are three architectural innovations: AttentionNet, input restructuring, and adaptation to fading channels, accompanied by several training methods, including large-batch training, distributed learning, look-ahead optimizer, training-test signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) mismatch, and curriculum learning. The training methods can potentially be generalized to other wireless communication applications with machine learning. Numerical experiments verify that AttentionCode establishes a new state of the art among all DL-based feedback codes in both additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels and fading channels. In AWGN channels with noiseless feedback, for example, AttentionCode achieves a block error rate (BLER) of $10^{-7}$ when the forward channel SNR is 0 dB for a block size of 50 bits, demonstrating the potential of AttentionCode to provide ultra-reliable short-packet communications.
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Communication and computation are often viewed as separate tasks. This approach is very effective from the perspective of engineering as isolated optimizations can be performed. On the other hand, there are many cases where the main interest is a function of the local information at the devices instead of the local information itself. For such scenarios, information theoretical results show that harnessing the interference in a multiple-access channel for computation, i.e., over-the-air computation (OAC), can provide a significantly higher achievable computation rate than the one with the separation of communication and computation tasks. Besides, the gap between OAC and separation in terms of computation rate increases with more participating nodes. Given this motivation, in this study, we provide a comprehensive survey on practical OAC methods. After outlining fundamentals related to OAC, we discuss the available OAC schemes with their pros and cons. We then provide an overview of the enabling mechanisms and relevant metrics to achieve reliable computation in the wireless channel. Finally, we summarize the potential applications of OAC and point out some future directions.
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超低功耗本地信号处理是始终安装在设备上的边缘应用的关键方面。尖刺神经网络的神经形态处理器显示出很大的计算能力,同时根据该领域的需要满足有限的电力预算。在这项工作中,我们提出了尖峰神经动力学作为扩张时间卷积的自然替代品。我们将这个想法扩展到WaveSense,这是一个由Wavenet Architects的激发灵感的尖峰神经网络。WaveSense使用简单的神经动力学,固定时间常数和简单的前馈结构,因此特别适用于神经形态实现。我们在几个数据集中测试此模型的功能,以用于关键字斑点。结果表明,该网络击败了其他尖刺神经网络的领域,并达到了诸如CNN和LSTM的人工神经网络的最先进的性能。
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尖峰神经网络(SNN)提供了一个新的计算范式,能够高度平行,实时处理。光子设备是设计与SNN计算范式相匹配的高带宽,平行体系结构的理想选择。 CMO和光子元件的协整允许将低损耗的光子设备与模拟电子设备结合使用,以更大的非线性计算元件的灵活性。因此,我们在整体硅光子学(SIPH)过程上设计和模拟了光电尖峰神经元电路,该过程复制了超出泄漏的集成和火(LIF)之外有用的尖峰行为。此外,我们探索了两种学习算法,具有使用Mach-Zehnder干涉法(MZI)网格作为突触互连的片上学习的潜力。实验证明了随机反向传播(RPB)的变体,并在简单分类任务上与标准线性回归的性能相匹配。同时,将对比性HEBBIAN学习(CHL)规则应用于由MZI网格组成的模拟神经网络,以进行随机输入输出映射任务。受CHL训练的MZI网络的性能比随机猜测更好,但不符合理想神经网络的性能(没有MZI网格施加的约束)。通过这些努力,我们证明了协调的CMO和SIPH技术非常适合可扩展的SNN计算体系结构的设计。
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Most semantic communication systems leverage deep learning models to provide end-to-end transmission performance surpassing the established source and channel coding approaches. While, so far, research has mainly focused on architecture and model improvements, but such a model trained over a full dataset and ergodic channel responses is unlikely to be optimal for every test instance. Due to limitations on the model capacity and imperfect optimization and generalization, such learned models will be suboptimal especially when the testing data distribution or channel response is different from that in the training phase, as is likely to be the case in practice. To tackle this, in this paper, we propose a novel semantic communication paradigm by leveraging the deep learning model's overfitting property. Our model can for instance be updated after deployment, which can further lead to substantial gains in terms of the transmission rate-distortion (RD) performance. This new system is named adaptive semantic communication (ASC). In our ASC system, the ingredients of wireless transmitted stream include both the semantic representations of source data and the adapted decoder model parameters. Specifically, we take the overfitting concept to the extreme, proposing a series of ingenious methods to adapt the semantic codec or representations to an individual data or channel state instance. The whole ASC system design is formulated as an optimization problem whose goal is to minimize the loss function that is a tripartite tradeoff among the data rate, model rate, and distortion terms. The experiments (including user study) verify the effectiveness and efficiency of our ASC system. Notably, the substantial gain of our overfitted coding paradigm can catalyze semantic communication upgrading to a new era.
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第五代(5G)网络和超越设想巨大的东西互联网(物联网)推出,以支持延长现实(XR),增强/虚拟现实(AR / VR),工业自动化,自主驾驶和智能所有带来的破坏性应用一起占用射频(RF)频谱的大规模和多样化的IOT设备。随着频谱嘎嘎和吞吐量挑战,这种大规模的无线设备暴露了前所未有的威胁表面。 RF指纹识别是预约的作为候选技术,可以与加密和零信任安全措施相结合,以确保无线网络中的数据隐私,机密性和完整性。在未来的通信网络中,在这项工作中,在未来的通信网络中的相关性,我们对RF指纹识别方法进行了全面的调查,从传统观点到最近的基于深度学习(DL)的算法。现有的调查大多专注于无线指纹方法的受限制呈现,然而,许多方面仍然是不可能的。然而,在这项工作中,我们通过解决信号智能(SIGINT),应用程序,相关DL算法,RF指纹技术的系统文献综述来缓解这一点,跨越过去二十年的RF指纹技术的系统文献综述,对数据集和潜在研究途径的讨论 - 必须以百科全书的方式阐明读者的必要条件。
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Event-based simulations of Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) are fast and accurate. However, they are rarely used in the context of event-based gradient descent because their implementations on GPUs are difficult. Discretization with the forward Euler method is instead often used with gradient descent techniques but has the disadvantage of being computationally expensive. Moreover, the lack of precision of discretized simulations can create mismatches between the simulated models and analog neuromorphic hardware. In this work, we propose a new exact error-backpropagation through spikes method for SNNs, extending Fast \& Deep to multiple spikes per neuron. We show that our method can be efficiently implemented on GPUs in a fully event-based manner, making it fast to compute and precise enough for analog neuromorphic hardware. Compared to the original Fast \& Deep and the current state-of-the-art event-based gradient-descent algorithms, we demonstrate increased performance on several benchmark datasets with both feedforward and convolutional SNNs. In particular, we show that multi-spike SNNs can have advantages over single-spike networks in terms of convergence, sparsity, classification latency and sensitivity to the dead neuron problem.
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In this article we present SHARP, an original approach for obtaining human activity recognition (HAR) through the use of commercial IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) devices. SHARP grants the possibility to discern the activities of different persons, across different time-spans and environments. To achieve this, we devise a new technique to clean and process the channel frequency response (CFR) phase of the Wi-Fi channel, obtaining an estimate of the Doppler shift at a radio monitor device. The Doppler shift reveals the presence of moving scatterers in the environment, while not being affected by (environment-specific) static objects. SHARP is trained on data collected as a person performs seven different activities in a single environment. It is then tested on different setups, to assess its performance as the person, the day and/or the environment change with respect to those considered at training time. In the worst-case scenario, it reaches an average accuracy higher than 95%, validating the effectiveness of the extracted Doppler information, used in conjunction with a learning algorithm based on a neural network, in recognizing human activities in a subject and environment independent way. The collected CFR dataset and the code are publicly available for replicability and benchmarking purposes.
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