在现代深网(DNS)中,至关重要的,无处不在且知之甚少的成分是批处理(BN),它以特​​征图为中心并归一化。迄今为止,只有有限的进步才能理解为什么BN会提高DN学习和推理表现。工作专注于表明BN平滑DN的损失格局。在本文中,我们从函数近似的角度从理论上研究BN。我们利用这样一个事实,即当今最先进的DNS是连续的分段仿射(CPA),可以通过定义在输入空间的分区上定义的仿射映射来预测培训数据(所谓的“线性”区域”)。 {\ em我们证明了BN是一种无监督的学习技术,它独立于DN的权重或基于梯度的学习 - 适应DN的样条分区的几何形状以匹配数据。} BN提供了“智能初始化”,可提高“智能初始化” DN学习的性能,因为它甚至适应了以随机权重初始化的DN,以使其样条分区与数据保持一致。我们还表明,微型批次之间的BN统计数据的变化引入了辍学的随机扰动,以对分区边界,因此分类问题的决策边界。每次微型摄入扰动可通过增加训练样本和决策边界之间的边距来减少过度拟合并改善概括。
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We develop new theoretical results on matrix perturbation to shed light on the impact of architecture on the performance of a deep network. In particular, we explain analytically what deep learning practitioners have long observed empirically: the parameters of some deep architectures (e.g., residual networks, ResNets, and Dense networks, DenseNets) are easier to optimize than others (e.g., convolutional networks, ConvNets). Building on our earlier work connecting deep networks with continuous piecewise-affine splines, we develop an exact local linear representation of a deep network layer for a family of modern deep networks that includes ConvNets at one end of a spectrum and ResNets, DenseNets, and other networks with skip connections at the other. For regression and classification tasks that optimize the squared-error loss, we show that the optimization loss surface of a modern deep network is piecewise quadratic in the parameters, with local shape governed by the singular values of a matrix that is a function of the local linear representation. We develop new perturbation results for how the singular values of matrices of this sort behave as we add a fraction of the identity and multiply by certain diagonal matrices. A direct application of our perturbation results explains analytically why a network with skip connections (such as a ResNet or DenseNet) is easier to optimize than a ConvNet: thanks to its more stable singular values and smaller condition number, the local loss surface of such a network is less erratic, less eccentric, and features local minima that are more accommodating to gradient-based optimization. Our results also shed new light on the impact of different nonlinear activation functions on a deep network's singular values, regardless of its architecture.
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Training Deep Neural Networks is complicated by the fact that the distribution of each layer's inputs changes during training, as the parameters of the previous layers change. This slows down the training by requiring lower learning rates and careful parameter initialization, and makes it notoriously hard to train models with saturating nonlinearities. We refer to this phenomenon as internal covariate shift, and address the problem by normalizing layer inputs. Our method draws its strength from making normalization a part of the model architecture and performing the normalization for each training mini-batch. Batch Normalization allows us to use much higher learning rates and be less careful about initialization. It also acts as a regularizer, in some cases eliminating the need for Dropout. Applied to a state-of-the-art image classification model, Batch Normalization achieves the same accuracy with 14 times fewer training steps, and beats the original model by a significant margin. Using an ensemble of batchnormalized networks, we improve upon the best published result on ImageNet classification: reaching 4.9% top-5 validation error (and 4.8% test error), exceeding the accuracy of human raters.
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Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) outshine alternative function approximators in many settings thanks to their modularity in composing any desired differentiable operator. The formed parametrized functional is then tuned to solve a task at hand from simple gradient descent. This modularity comes at the cost of making strict enforcement of constraints on DNNs, e.g. from a priori knowledge of the task, or from desired physical properties, an open challenge. In this paper we propose the first provable affine constraint enforcement method for DNNs that requires minimal changes into a given DNN's forward-pass, that is computationally friendly, and that leaves the optimization of the DNN's parameter to be unconstrained i.e. standard gradient-based method can be employed. Our method does not require any sampling and provably ensures that the DNN fulfills the affine constraint on a given input space's region at any point during training, and testing. We coin this method POLICE, standing for Provably Optimal LInear Constraint Enforcement.
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Deep neural networks can approximate functions on different types of data, from images to graphs, with varied underlying structure. This underlying structure can be viewed as the geometry of the data manifold. By extending recent advances in the theoretical understanding of neural networks, we study how a randomly initialized neural network with piece-wise linear activation splits the data manifold into regions where the neural network behaves as a linear function. We derive bounds on the density of boundary of linear regions and the distance to these boundaries on the data manifold. This leads to insights into the expressivity of randomly initialized deep neural networks on non-Euclidean data sets. We empirically corroborate our theoretical results using a toy supervised learning problem. Our experiments demonstrate that number of linear regions varies across manifolds and the results hold with changing neural network architectures. We further demonstrate how the complexity of linear regions is different on the low dimensional manifold of images as compared to the Euclidean space, using the MetFaces dataset.
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自我监督的学习(SSL)推测,投入和成对的积极关系足以学习有意义的表示。尽管SSL最近达到了一个里程碑:在许多模式下,胜过监督的方法\点,理论基础是有限的,特定于方法的,并且未能向从业者提供原则上的设计指南。在本文中,我们提出了一个统一的框架,这些框架是在光谱歧管学习的掌舵下,以解决这些局限性。通过这项研究的过程,我们将严格证明Vic​​reg,Simclr,Barlowtwins等。对应于诸如Laplacian eigenmaps,多维缩放等方面的同名光谱方法。然后,此统一将使我们能够获得(i)每种方法的闭合形式的最佳表示,(ii)每种方法的线性态度中的封闭形式的最佳网络参数,(iii)在期间使用的成对关系的影响对每个数量和下游任务性能的培训,以及最重要的是,(iv)分别针对全球和局部光谱嵌入方法的对比度和非对抗性方法之间的第一个理论桥梁,暗示了每种方法的益处和限制。例如,(i)如果成对关系与下游任务一致,则可以成功采用任何SSL方法并将恢复监督方法,但是在低数据状态下,Vicreg的不变性超参数应该很高; (ii)如果成对关系与下游任务未对准,则与SIMCLR或BARLOWTWINS相比,具有小型不变性高参数的VICREG。
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Batch Normalization (BatchNorm) is a widely adopted technique that enables faster and more stable training of deep neural networks (DNNs). Despite its pervasiveness, the exact reasons for BatchNorm's effectiveness are still poorly understood. The popular belief is that this effectiveness stems from controlling the change of the layers' input distributions during training to reduce the so-called "internal covariate shift". In this work, we demonstrate that such distributional stability of layer inputs has little to do with the success of BatchNorm. Instead, we uncover a more fundamental impact of BatchNorm on the training process: it makes the optimization landscape significantly smoother. This smoothness induces a more predictive and stable behavior of the gradients, allowing for faster training.
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Neural networks trained on large datasets by minimizing a loss have become the state-of-the-art approach for resolving data science problems, particularly in computer vision, image processing and natural language processing. In spite of their striking results, our theoretical understanding about how neural networks operate is limited. In particular, what are the interpolation capabilities of trained neural networks? In this paper we discuss a theorem of Domingos stating that "every machine learned by continuous gradient descent is approximately a kernel machine". According to Domingos, this fact leads to conclude that all machines trained on data are mere kernel machines. We first extend Domingo's result in the discrete case and to networks with vector-valued output. We then study its relevance and significance on simple examples. We find that in simple cases, the "neural tangent kernel" arising in Domingos' theorem does provide understanding of the networks' predictions. Furthermore, when the task given to the network grows in complexity, the interpolation capability of the network can be effectively explained by Domingos' theorem, and therefore is limited. We illustrate this fact on a classic perception theory problem: recovering a shape from its boundary.
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尽管通常认为在高维度中学习受到维度的诅咒,但现代的机器学习方法通​​常具有惊人的力量,可以解决广泛的挑战性现实世界学习问题而无需使用大量数据。这些方法如何打破这种诅咒仍然是深度学习理论中的一个基本开放问题。尽管以前的努力通过研究数据(D),模型(M)和推理算法(i)作为独立模块来研究了这个问题,但在本文中,我们将三胞胎(D,M,I)分析为集成系统和确定有助于减轻维度诅咒的重要协同作用。我们首先研究了与各种学习算法(M,i)相关的基本对称性,重点是深度学习中的四个原型体系结构:完全连接的网络(FCN),本地连接的网络(LCN)和卷积网络,而无需合并(有和没有合并)( GAP/VEC)。我们发现,当这些对称性与数据分布的对称性兼容时,学习是最有效的,并且当(d,m,i)三重态的任何成员不一致或次优时,性能会显着恶化。
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尽管神经网络取得了巨大的经验成功,但对培训程序的理论理解仍然有限,尤其是在为优化问题的非凸性性质而提供测试性能的性能保证时。当前的论文通过简化了凸结构的另一个问题来研究神经网络培训的另一种方法 - 解决单调变异不平等(MVI) - 灵感来自最近的工作(Juditsky&Nemirovsky,2019年)。可以通过计算有效的过程找到对MVI的解决方案,重要的是,这会导致$ \ ell_2 $和$ \ ell _ {\ elfty} $在模型恢复和预测准确性下的性能保证层线性神经网络。此外,我们研究了MVI在训练多层神经网络中的使用,并提出了一种称为\ textit {随机变异不平等}(SVI)的实用算法,并证明了其在训练完全连接的神经网络和图形神经网络(GNN)中的适用性(GNN )(SVI是完全一般的,可用于训练其他类型的神经网络)。与广泛使用的随机梯度下降方法相比,我们证明了SVI的竞争性或更好的性能,涉及各种性能指标的合成和真实网络数据预测任务,尤其是在培训早期阶段提高效率方面。
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