用于检测CT肺血管造影(CTPA)图像上的肺栓塞(PES)的自动化方法是高需求。现有方法通常采用单独的步骤进行PE候选检测和假阳性去除,而不考虑另一步骤的能力。结果,大多数现有方法通常遭受高误率,以达到可接受的敏感性。本研究介绍了一个端到端的培训卷积神经网络(CNN),其中两个步骤共同优化。所提出的CNN由三个连接子网组成:1)一种用于检测包含可疑PES的多维数据集的新型3D候选提案网络,2)用于生成用于候选的固定血管对齐图像表示的3D空间转换子网,以及3)2D分类网络将转换立方体的三个横截面作为输入,消除了误报。我们使用PE挑战的20个CTPA测试数据集评估了我们的方法,在0mm,2mm和5mm定位误差下,实现了78.9%,80.7%和80.7%的灵敏度,2mm和5mm定位误差,其优于状态 - 最新方法。我们进一步在我们自己的数据集中进一步评估了我们的系统,该数据集由129个CTPA数据组成,共269个栓子。我们的系统在0mm,2mm和5mm定位误差下每卷的2个假阳性达到63.2%,78.9%和86.8%的灵敏度。
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3D计算机断层扫描扫描的肺结核检测在高效的肺癌筛查中起着至关重要的作用。尽管使用CNNS的基于锚的探测器获得的SOTA性能,但是它们需要预定的锚定参数,例如锚点的尺寸,数量和纵横比,并且在处理具有大量尺寸的肺结节时具有有限的鲁棒性。为了克服这些问题,我们提出了一种基于3D球体表示的中心点匹配的检测网络,该检测网络是无锚的,并且自动预测结节的位置,半径和偏移,而无需手动设计结节/锚参数。 SCPM-Net由两种新颖组件组成:球体表示和中心点匹配。首先,为了匹配临床实践中的结节注释,我们用所提出的边界球体替换常用的边界框,以表示具有质心,半径和3D空间局部偏移的结节。引入兼容的基于球体的交叉口损耗功能,以稳定且有效地培训肺结核检测网络。其次,我们通过设计正中心点选择和匹配过程来赋予网络锚定,自然地丢弃预定的锚箱。在线硬示例挖掘和重新聚焦损失随后使CPM过程能够更加强大,导致更准确的点分配和级别不平衡的缓解。此外,为了更好地捕获用于检测的空间信息和3D上下文,我们建议熔化具有特征提取器的多级空间坐标映射,并将它们与3D挤压和激励的关注模块相结合。 Luna16数据集上的实验结果表明,与肺结核检测的现有锚和锚定方法相比,我们所提出的框架达到卓越的性能。
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In this study, we propose a lung nodule detection scheme which fully incorporates the clinic workflow of radiologists. Particularly, we exploit Bi-Directional Maximum intensity projection (MIP) images of various thicknesses (i.e., 3, 5 and 10mm) along with a 3D patch of CT scan, consisting of 10 adjacent slices to feed into self-distillation-based Multi-Encoders Network (MEDS-Net). The proposed architecture first condenses 3D patch input to three channels by using a dense block which consists of dense units which effectively examine the nodule presence from 2D axial slices. This condensed information, along with the forward and backward MIP images, is fed to three different encoders to learn the most meaningful representation, which is forwarded into the decoded block at various levels. At the decoder block, we employ a self-distillation mechanism by connecting the distillation block, which contains five lung nodule detectors. It helps to expedite the convergence and improves the learning ability of the proposed architecture. Finally, the proposed scheme reduces the false positives by complementing the main detector with auxiliary detectors. The proposed scheme has been rigorously evaluated on 888 scans of LUNA16 dataset and obtained a CPM score of 93.6\%. The results demonstrate that incorporating of bi-direction MIP images enables MEDS-Net to effectively distinguish nodules from surroundings which help to achieve the sensitivity of 91.5% and 92.8% with false positives rate of 0.25 and 0.5 per scan, respectively.
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Due to object detection's close relationship with video analysis and image understanding, it has attracted much research attention in recent years. Traditional object detection methods are built on handcrafted features and shallow trainable architectures. Their performance easily stagnates by constructing complex ensembles which combine multiple low-level image features with high-level context from object detectors and scene classifiers. With the rapid development in deep learning, more powerful tools, which are able to learn semantic, high-level, deeper features, are introduced to address the problems existing in traditional architectures. These models behave differently in network architecture, training strategy and optimization function, etc. In this paper, we provide a review on deep learning based object detection frameworks. Our review begins with a brief introduction on the history of deep learning and its representative tool, namely Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Then we focus on typical generic object detection architectures along with some modifications and useful tricks to improve detection performance further. As distinct specific detection tasks exhibit different characteristics, we also briefly survey several specific tasks, including salient object detection, face detection and pedestrian detection. Experimental analyses are also provided to compare various methods and draw some meaningful conclusions. Finally, several promising directions and tasks are provided to serve as guidelines for future work in both object detection and relevant neural network based learning systems.
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3D object detection from LiDAR point cloud is a challenging problem in 3D scene understanding and has many practical applications. In this paper, we extend our preliminary work PointRCNN to a novel and strong point-cloud-based 3D object detection framework, the part-aware and aggregation neural network (Part-A 2 net). The whole framework consists of the part-aware stage and the part-aggregation stage. Firstly, the part-aware stage for the first time fully utilizes free-of-charge part supervisions derived from 3D ground-truth boxes to simultaneously predict high quality 3D proposals and accurate intra-object part locations. The predicted intra-object part locations within the same proposal are grouped by our new-designed RoI-aware point cloud pooling module, which results in an effective representation to encode the geometry-specific features of each 3D proposal. Then the part-aggregation stage learns to re-score the box and refine the box location by exploring the spatial relationship of the pooled intra-object part locations. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the performance improvements from each component of our proposed framework. Our Part-A 2 net outperforms all existing 3D detection methods and achieves new state-of-the-art on KITTI 3D object detection dataset by utilizing only the LiDAR point cloud data. Code is available at https://github.com/sshaoshuai/PointCloudDet3D.
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居住在美国的每个妇女在8次发育侵袭性乳腺癌的可能性下有大约1。有丝分裂细胞计数是评估乳腺癌侵袭性或等级最常见的测试之一。在该预后,必须通过病理学家使用高分辨率显微镜检查组织病理学图像以计算细胞。不幸的是,可以是一种完整的任务,可重复性差,特别是对于非专家来说。最近深入学习网络适用于能够自动定位这些感兴趣区域的医学应用。然而,这些基于区域的网络缺乏利用通常用作唯一检测方法的完整图像CNN产生的分割特征的能力。因此,所提出的方法利用更快的RCNN进行对象检测,同时使用RGB图像特征的UNET产生的分割特征,以实现在Mitos-Atypia 2014分数上的F分数为0.508,计数数据集,优于最先进的攻击方法。
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State-of-the-art object detection networks depend on region proposal algorithms to hypothesize object locations. Advances like SPPnet [1] and Fast R-CNN [2] have reduced the running time of these detection networks, exposing region proposal computation as a bottleneck. In this work, we introduce a Region Proposal Network (RPN) that shares full-image convolutional features with the detection network, thus enabling nearly cost-free region proposals. An RPN is a fully convolutional network that simultaneously predicts object bounds and objectness scores at each position. The RPN is trained end-to-end to generate high-quality region proposals, which are used by Fast R-CNN for detection. We further merge RPN and Fast R-CNN into a single network by sharing their convolutional features-using the recently popular terminology of neural networks with "attention" mechanisms, the RPN component tells the unified network where to look. For the very deep VGG-16 model [3], our detection system has a frame rate of 5fps (including all steps) on a GPU, while achieving state-of-the-art object detection accuracy on PASCAL VOC 2007, 2012, and MS COCO datasets with only 300 proposals per image. In ILSVRC and COCO 2015 competitions, Faster R-CNN and RPN are the foundations of the 1st-place winning entries in several tracks. Code has been made publicly available.
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Single-frame InfraRed Small Target (SIRST) detection has been a challenging task due to a lack of inherent characteristics, imprecise bounding box regression, a scarcity of real-world datasets, and sensitive localization evaluation. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive solution to these challenges. First, we find that the existing anchor-free label assignment method is prone to mislabeling small targets as background, leading to their omission by detectors. To overcome this issue, we propose an all-scale pseudo-box-based label assignment scheme that relaxes the constraints on scale and decouples the spatial assignment from the size of the ground-truth target. Second, motivated by the structured prior of feature pyramids, we introduce the one-stage cascade refinement network (OSCAR), which uses the high-level head as soft proposals for the low-level refinement head. This allows OSCAR to process the same target in a cascade coarse-to-fine manner. Finally, we present a new research benchmark for infrared small target detection, consisting of the SIRST-V2 dataset of real-world, high-resolution single-frame targets, the normalized contrast evaluation metric, and the DeepInfrared toolkit for detection. We conduct extensive ablation studies to evaluate the components of OSCAR and compare its performance to state-of-the-art model-driven and data-driven methods on the SIRST-V2 benchmark. Our results demonstrate that a top-down cascade refinement framework can improve the accuracy of infrared small target detection without sacrificing efficiency. The DeepInfrared toolkit, dataset, and trained models are available at https://github.com/YimianDai/open-deepinfrared to advance further research in this field.
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肺癌是最致命的癌症之一,部分诊断和治疗取决于肿瘤的准确描绘。目前是最常见的方法的人以人为本的分割,须遵守观察者间变异性,并且考虑到专家只能提供注释的事实,也是耗时的。最近展示了有前途的结果,自动和半自动肿瘤分割方法。然而,随着不同的研究人员使用各种数据集和性能指标验证了其算法,可靠地评估这些方法仍然是一个开放的挑战。通过2018年IEEE视频和图像处理(VIP)杯竞赛创建的计算机断层摄影扫描(LOTUS)基准测试的肺起源肿瘤分割的目标是提供唯一的数据集和预定义的指标,因此不同的研究人员可以开发和以统一的方式评估他们的方法。 2018年VIP杯始于42个国家的全球参与,以获得竞争数据。在注册阶段,有129名成员组成了来自10个国家的28个团队,其中9个团队将其达到最后阶段,6队成功完成了所有必要的任务。简而言之,竞争期间提出的所有算法都是基于深度学习模型与假阳性降低技术相结合。三种决赛选手开发的方法表明,有希望的肿瘤细分导致导致越来越大的努力应降低假阳性率。本次竞争稿件概述了VIP-Cup挑战,以及所提出的算法和结果。
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我们介绍了一种名为RobustAbnet的新表检测和结构识别方法,以检测表的边界并从异质文档图像中重建每个表的细胞结构。为了进行表检测,我们建议将Cornernet用作新的区域建议网络来生成更高质量的表建议,以更快的R-CNN,这显着提高了更快的R-CNN的定位准确性以进行表检测。因此,我们的表检测方法仅使用轻巧的RESNET-18骨干网络,在三个公共表检测基准(即CTDAR TRACKA,PUBLAYNET和IIIT-AR-13K)上实现最新性能。此外,我们提出了一种新的基于分裂和合并的表结构识别方法,其中提出了一个新型的基于CNN的新空间CNN分离线预测模块将每个检测到的表分为单元格,并且基于网格CNN的CNN合并模块是应用用于恢复生成细胞。由于空间CNN模块可以有效地在整个表图像上传播上下文信息,因此我们的表结构识别器可以坚固地识别具有较大的空白空间和几何扭曲(甚至弯曲)表的表。得益于这两种技术,我们的表结构识别方法在包括SCITSR,PubTabnet和CTDAR TrackB2-Modern在内的三个公共基准上实现了最先进的性能。此外,我们进一步证明了我们方法在识别具有复杂结构,大空间以及几何扭曲甚至弯曲形状的表上的表格上的优势。
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In this work, we study 3D object detection from RGB-D data in both indoor and outdoor scenes. While previous methods focus on images or 3D voxels, often obscuring natural 3D patterns and invariances of 3D data, we directly operate on raw point clouds by popping up RGB-D scans. However, a key challenge of this approach is how to efficiently localize objects in point clouds of large-scale scenes (region proposal). Instead of solely relying on 3D proposals, our method leverages both mature 2D object detectors and advanced 3D deep learning for object localization, achieving efficiency as well as high recall for even small objects. Benefited from learning directly in raw point clouds, our method is also able to precisely estimate 3D bounding boxes even under strong occlusion or with very sparse points. Evaluated on KITTI and SUN RGB-D 3D detection benchmarks, our method outperforms the state of the art by remarkable margins while having real-time capability. * Majority of the work done as an intern at Nuro, Inc. depth to point cloud 2D region (from CNN) to 3D frustum 3D box (from PointNet)
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Besides the complex nature of colonoscopy frames with intrinsic frame formation artefacts such as light reflections and the diversity of polyp types/shapes, the publicly available polyp segmentation training datasets are limited, small and imbalanced. In this case, the automated polyp segmentation using a deep neural network remains an open challenge due to the overfitting of training on small datasets. We proposed a simple yet effective polyp segmentation pipeline that couples the segmentation (FCN) and classification (CNN) tasks. We find the effectiveness of interactive weight transfer between dense and coarse vision tasks that mitigates the overfitting in learning. And It motivates us to design a new training scheme within our segmentation pipeline. Our method is evaluated on CVC-EndoSceneStill and Kvasir-SEG datasets. It achieves 4.34% and 5.70% Polyp-IoU improvements compared to the state-of-the-art methods on the EndoSceneStill and Kvasir-SEG datasets, respectively.
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We present a new two-stage 3D object detection framework, named sparse-to-dense 3D Object Detector (STD). The first stage is a bottom-up proposal generation network that uses raw point cloud as input to generate accurate proposals by seeding each point with a new spherical anchor. It achieves a high recall with less computation compared with prior works. Then, PointsPool is applied for generating proposal features by transforming their interior point features from sparse expression to compact representation, which saves even more computation time. In box prediction, which is the second stage, we implement a parallel intersection-over-union (IoU) branch to increase awareness of localization accuracy, resulting in further improved performance. We conduct experiments on KITTI dataset, and evaluate our method in terms of 3D object and Bird's Eye View (BEV) detection. Our method outperforms other stateof-the-arts by a large margin, especially on the hard set, with inference speed more than 10 FPS.
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随着深度学习方法的进步,如深度卷积神经网络,残余神经网络,对抗网络的进步。 U-Net架构最广泛利用生物医学图像分割,以解决目标区域或子区域的识别和检测的自动化。在最近的研究中,基于U-Net的方法在不同应用中显示了最先进的性能,以便在脑肿瘤,肺癌,阿尔茨海默,乳腺癌等疾病的早期诊断和治疗中发育计算机辅助诊断系统等,使用各种方式。本文通过描述U-Net框架来提出这些方法的成功,然后通过执行1)型号的U-Net变体进行综合分析,2)模特内分类,建立更好的见解相关的挑战和解决方案。此外,本文还强调了基于U-Net框架在持续的大流行病,严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2(SARS-COV-2)中的贡献也称为Covid-19。最后,分析了这些U-Net变体的优点和相似性以及生物医学图像分割所涉及的挑战,以发现该领域的未来未来的研究方向。
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We present region-based, fully convolutional networks for accurate and efficient object detection. In contrast to previous region-based detectors such as Fast/Faster R-CNN [6,18] that apply a costly per-region subnetwork hundreds of times, our region-based detector is fully convolutional with almost all computation shared on the entire image. To achieve this goal, we propose position-sensitive score maps to address a dilemma between translation-invariance in image classification and translation-variance in object detection. Our method can thus naturally adopt fully convolutional image classifier backbones, such as the latest Residual Networks (ResNets) [9], for object detection. We show competitive results on the PASCAL VOC datasets (e.g., 83.6% mAP on the 2007 set) with the 101-layer ResNet. Meanwhile, our result is achieved at a test-time speed of 170ms per image, 2.5-20× faster than the Faster R-CNN counterpart. Code is made publicly available at: https://github.com/daijifeng001/r-fcn. * This work was done when Yi Li was an intern at Microsoft Research. 2 Only the last layer is fully-connected, which is removed and replaced when fine-tuning for object detection.
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医疗行业的需求越来越多,具有自动化系统,用于检测和定位,否则是手动低效的。在牙科,它非常感兴趣地追踪下颌运河的途径。垂直牙龈神经(IAN)的颌骨运河位置的适当定位降低了在牙科植入术期间损坏其的风险。在时间和劳动中,手工检测运河路径不是有效的方式。在这里,我们提出了一种基于深度学习的框架来检测来自CBCT数据的下颌管。这是一个3级过程全自动端到端。在预处理阶段产生地面真理。我们不是使用常用的固定直径管状的地面真理,而是生成下颌运河的中心线,并在培训过程中使用它们作为地面真理。 3D U-Net架构用于模型培训。开发了一种有效的后处理阶段来纠正初始预测。测量精度,召回,F1分数和IOU分析体素级分割性能。然而,为了分析基于距离的测量,计算从地面真理到预测和预测地面真理的平均曲线距离(MCD)。进行广泛的实验以证明模型的有效性。
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We focus on the task of amodal 3D object detection in RGB-D images, which aims to produce a 3D bounding box of an object in metric form at its full extent. We introduce Deep Sliding Shapes, a 3D ConvNet formulation that takes a 3D volumetric scene from a RGB-D image as input and outputs 3D object bounding boxes. In our approach, we propose the first 3D Region Proposal Network (RPN) to learn objectness from geometric shapes and the first joint Object Recognition Network (ORN) to extract geometric features in 3D and color features in 2D. In particular, we handle objects of various sizes by training an amodal RPN at two different scales and an ORN to regress 3D bounding boxes. Experiments show that our algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art by 13.8 in mAP and is 200× faster than the original Sliding Shapes. Source code and pre-trained models are available.
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