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The US federal government spends more than a trillion dollars per year on health care, largely provided by private third parties and reimbursed by the government. A major concern in this system is overbilling, waste and fraud by providers, who face incentives to misreport on their claims in order to receive higher payments. In this paper, we develop novel machine learning tools to identify providers that overbill Medicare, the US federal health insurance program for elderly adults and the disabled. Using large-scale Medicare claims data, we identify patterns consistent with fraud or overbilling among inpatient hospitalizations. Our proposed approach for Medicare fraud detection is fully unsupervised, not relying on any labeled training data, and is explainable to end users, providing reasoning and interpretable insights into the potentially suspicious behavior of the flagged providers. Data from the Department of Justice on providers facing anti-fraud lawsuits and several case studies validate our approach and findings both quantitatively and qualitatively.
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30天的医院再入院是一个长期存在的医疗问题,会影响患者的发病率和死亡率,每年造成数十亿美元的损失。最近,已经创建了机器学习模型来预测特定疾病患者的住院再入院风险,但是不存在任何模型来预测所有患者的风险。我们开发了一个双向长期记忆(LSTM)网络,该网络能够使用随时可用的保险数据(住院访问,门诊就诊和药物处方)来预测任何入院患者的30天重新入选,无论其原因如何。使用历史,住院和入院后数据时,表现最佳模型的ROC AUC为0.763(0.011)。 LSTM模型显着优于基线随机森林分类器,表明了解事件的顺序对于模型预测很重要。与仅住院数据相比,与住院数据相比,将30天的历史数据纳入也显着改善了模型性能,这表明患者入院前的临床病史,包括门诊就诊和药房数据是重新入院的重要贡献者。我们的结果表明,机器学习模型能够使用结构化保险计费数据以合理的准确性来预测住院再入院的风险。由于可以从网站中提取计费数据或同等代理人,因此可以部署此类模型以识别有入院风险的患者,或者分配更多可靠的随访(更近的后续后续,家庭健康,邮寄药物) - 出院后风险患者。
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Precision Medicine根据患者的特征为患者提供定制的治疗方法,是提高治疗效率的一种有希望的方法。大规模的OMICS数据对于患者表征很有用,但是它们的测量经常会随着时间而变化,从而导致纵向数据。随机森林是用于构建预测模型的最先进的机器学习方法之一,并且可以在精密医学中发挥关键作用。在本文中,我们回顾了标准随机森林方法的扩展,以进行纵向数据分析。扩展方法根据其设计的数据结构进行分类。我们考虑单变量和多变量响应,并根据时间效应是否相关,进一步对重复测量进行分类。还提供了审查扩展程序的可用软件实现信息。最后,我们讨论了我们审查的局限性和一些未来的研究指示。
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In many applications, heterogeneous treatment effects on a censored response variable are of primary interest, and it is natural to evaluate the effects at different quantiles (e.g., median). The large number of potential effect modifiers, the unknown structure of the treatment effects, and the presence of right censoring pose significant challenges. In this paper, we develop a hybrid forest approach called Hybrid Censored Quantile Regression Forest (HCQRF) to assess the heterogeneous effects varying with high-dimensional variables. The hybrid estimation approach takes advantage of the random forests and the censored quantile regression. We propose a doubly-weighted estimation procedure that consists of a redistribution-of-mass weight to handle censoring and an adaptive nearest neighbor weight derived from the forest to handle high-dimensional effect functions. We propose a variable importance decomposition to measure the impact of a variable on the treatment effect function. Extensive simulation studies demonstrate the efficacy and stability of HCQRF. The result of the simulation study also convinces us of the effectiveness of the variable importance decomposition. We apply HCQRF to a clinical trial of colorectal cancer. We achieve insightful estimations of the treatment effect and meaningful variable importance results. The result of the variable importance also confirms the necessity of the decomposition.
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Isolation forest
Most existing model-based approaches to anomaly detection construct a profile of normal instances, then identify instances that do not conform to the normal profile as anomalies. This paper proposes a fundamentally different model-based method that explicitly isolates anomalies instead of profiles normal points. To our best knowledge, the concept of isolation has not been explored in current literature. The use of isolation enables the proposed method, iForest, to exploit sub-sampling to an extent that is not feasible in existing methods, creating an algorithm which has a linear time complexity with a low constant and a low memory requirement. Our empirical evaluation shows that iForest performs favourably to ORCA, a near-linear time complexity distance-based method, LOF and Random Forests in terms of AUC and processing time, and especially in large data sets. iForest also works well in high dimensional problems which have a large number of irrelevant attributes, and in situations where training set does not contain any anomalies.
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In this paper we i n vestigate the use of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve f o r the evaluation of machine learning algorithms. In particular, we i n vestigate the use of the area under the ROC curve ( A UC) as a measure of classi er performance. The machine learning algorithms used are chosen to be representative of those in common use: two decision trees (C4.5 and Multiscale Classi er) two n e u r a l n e t works (Perceptron and Multi-layer Perceptron) and two statistical methods (K-Nearest Neighbours and a Quadratic Discriminant F unction).The evaluation is done using six, \real world," medical diagnostics data sets that contain a varying numbers of inputs and samples, but are primarily continuous input, binary classi cation problems. We i d e n tify three forms of bias that can a ect comparisons of this type (estimation, selection, and expert bias) and detail the methods used to avoid them. We compare and discuss the use of AUC with the conventional measure of classi er performance, overall accuracy (the probability of a correct response). It is found that AUC exhibits a number of desirable properties when compared to overall accuracy: increased sensitivity in Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) tests a standard error that decreased as both AUC and the number of test samples increased decision threshold independent invariant t o a priori class probabilities and it gives an indication of the amount o f \ w ork done" by a classi cation scheme, giving low scores to both random and \one class only" classi ers.It has been known for some time that AUC actually represents the probability that a randomly chosen positive example is correctly rated (ranked) with greater suspicion than a randomly chosen negative example. Moreover, this probability of correct ranking is the same quantity estimated by the non-parametric Wilcoxon statistic. We use this equivalence to show that the standard deviation of AUC, estimated using 10 fold cross validation, is a reliable estimator of the standard error estimated using the Wilcoxon test. The paper concludes with the recommendation that AUC be used in preference to overall accuracy when \single number" evaluation of machine learning algorithms is required.
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目的:我们研究使用机器学习(ML)模型的可解释的累入预测,并在预测能力,稀疏性和公平性方面分析性能。与以前的作品不同,本研究列举了输出概率而不是二进制预测的可解释模型,并使用定量公平定义来评估模型。本研究还研究了模型是否可以横跨地理位置概括。方法:我们在佛罗里达州和肯塔基州的两个不同的刑事核查数据集上生成了黑盒和可解释的ML模型。我们将这些模型的预测性能和公平与目前用于司法系统中使用的两种方法进行了比较,以预测审前常规率:Arnold PSA和Compas。我们评估了所有模型的预测性能,可以在两次跨越两次预测六种不同类型犯罪的模型。结果:几种可解释的ML模型可以预测常规和黑盒ML模型,比Compas或Arnold PSA更准确。这些模型在实践中可能有用。类似于Arnold PSA,这些可解释模型中的一些可以作为一个简单的表格写入。其他可以使用一组可视化显示。我们的地理分析表明ML模型应分开培训,以便单独的位置并随时间更新。我们还为可​​解释模型提供了公平分析。结论:可解释的机器学习模型可以在预测准确性和公平性方面表现,也可以表现,也可以表现,也可以执行不可解释的方法和目前使用的风险评估尺度。机器学习模型对于单独培训,可以更准确地进行不同的位置,并保持最新。
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The costs and impacts of government corruption range from impairing a country's economic growth to affecting its citizens' well-being and safety. Public contracting between government dependencies and private sector instances, referred to as public procurement, is a fertile land of opportunity for corrupt practices, generating substantial monetary losses worldwide. Thus, identifying and deterring corrupt activities between the government and the private sector is paramount. However, due to several factors, corruption in public procurement is challenging to identify and track, leading to corrupt practices going unnoticed. This paper proposes a machine learning model based on an ensemble of random forest classifiers, which we call hyper-forest, to identify and predict corrupt contracts in M\'exico's public procurement data. This method's results correctly detect most of the corrupt and non-corrupt contracts evaluated in the dataset. Furthermore, we found that the most critical predictors considered in the model are those related to the relationship between buyers and suppliers rather than those related to features of individual contracts. Also, the method proposed here is general enough to be trained with data from other countries. Overall, our work presents a tool that can help in the decision-making process to identify, predict and analyze corruption in public procurement contracts.
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We combine the metrics of distance and isolation to develop the \textit{Analytic Isolation and Distance-based Anomaly (AIDA) detection algorithm}. AIDA is the first distance-based method that does not rely on the concept of nearest-neighbours, making it a parameter-free model. Differently from the prevailing literature, in which the isolation metric is always computed via simulations, we show that AIDA admits an analytical expression for the outlier score, providing new insights into the isolation metric. Additionally, we present an anomaly explanation method based on AIDA, the \textit{Tempered Isolation-based eXplanation (TIX)} algorithm, which finds the most relevant outlier features even in data sets with hundreds of dimensions. We test both algorithms on synthetic and empirical data: we show that AIDA is competitive when compared to other state-of-the-art methods, and it is superior in finding outliers hidden in multidimensional feature subspaces. Finally, we illustrate how the TIX algorithm is able to find outliers in multidimensional feature subspaces, and use these explanations to analyze common benchmarks used in anomaly detection.
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在大多数运动中,尤其是足球运动,大多数教练和分析师都使用符号分析搜索关键绩效指标。该方法利用了基于视频录像和目标得分的数值记录的事件的统计摘要。不幸的是,由于技术的持续进化增加,这种方法现在已经过时了,从而简化了通过机器学习(ML)对更复杂的过程变量的分析。机器学习是一种人工智能(AI)的一种形式,它使用算法来检测有意义的模式并根据位置数据定义结构。这项研究调查了一种新方法,以建立机器学习模型来评估当前足球运动员的价值,以调查玩家的各种特征,球员的工资和球员的市场价值之间的关系。该项目使用的足球运动员的数据来自多个足球网站。足球运动员薪水的数据将是评估球员价值的代理,其他功能将用于建立和训练ML模型,以预测球员的合适薪水。动机是探索足球运动员的不同特征与薪水之间有什么关系 - 每个功能如何影响其薪水,或者哪些最重要的特征影响了工资?尽管许多标准可以反映足球运动员的价值,但球员的薪水是最直观,最关键的指数之一,因此本研究将使用球员的工资作为评估其价值的代理。此外,球员的许多功能都会影响足球运动员的估值,但是球员的价值主要由三种类型的因素决定:基本特征,球场表现以及俱乐部的成就。
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