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分子动力学(MD)仿真是一种强大的工具,用于了解物质的动态和结构。由于MD的分辨率是原子尺度,因此实现了使用飞秒集成的长时间模拟非常昂贵。在每个MD步骤中,执行许多可以学习和避免的冗余计算。这些冗余计算可以由像图形神经网络(GNN)的深度学习模型代替和建模。在这项工作中,我们开发了一个GNN加速分子动力学(GAMD)模型,实现了快速准确的力预测,并产生与经典MD模拟一致的轨迹。我们的研究结果表明,Gamd可以准确地预测两个典型的分子系统,Lennard-Jones(LJ)颗粒和水(LJ +静电)的动态。 GAMD的学习和推理是不可知论的,它可以在测试时间缩放到更大的系统。我们还进行了一项全面的基准测试,将GAMD的实施与生产级MD软件进行了比较,我们展示了GAMD在大规模模拟上对它们具有竞争力。
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A recent trend in deep learning research features the application of graph neural networks for mesh-based continuum mechanics simulations. Most of these frameworks operate on graphs in which each edge connects two nodes. Inspired by the data connectivity in the finite element method, we connect the nodes by elements rather than edges, effectively forming a hypergraph. We implement a message-passing network on such a node-element hypergraph and explore the capability of the network for the modeling of fluid flow. The network is tested on two common benchmark problems, namely the fluid flow around a circular cylinder and airfoil configurations. The results show that such a message-passing network defined on the node-element hypergraph is able to generate more stable and accurate temporal roll-out predictions compared to the baseline generalized message-passing network defined on a normal graph. Along with adjustments in activation function and training loss, we expect this work to set a new strong baseline for future explorations of mesh-based fluid simulations with graph neural networks.
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Interacting systems are prevalent in nature, from dynamical systems in physics to complex societal dynamics. The interplay of components can give rise to complex behavior, which can often be explained using a simple model of the system's constituent parts. In this work, we introduce the neural relational inference (NRI) model: an unsupervised model that learns to infer interactions while simultaneously learning the dynamics purely from observational data. Our model takes the form of a variational auto-encoder, in which the latent code represents the underlying interaction graph and the reconstruction is based on graph neural networks. In experiments on simulated physical systems, we show that our NRI model can accurately recover ground-truth interactions in an unsupervised manner. We further demonstrate that we can find an interpretable structure and predict complex dynamics in real motion capture and sports tracking data.
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分子动力学(MD)模拟是各种科学领域的主力,但受到高计算成本的限制。基于学习的力场在加速AB-Initio MD模拟方面取得了重大进展,但对于许多需要长期MD仿真的现实世界应用程序仍然不够快。在本文中,我们采用了一种不同的机器学习方法,使用图形群集将物理系统粗糙化,并使用图形神经网络使用非常大的时间整合步骤对系统演变进行建模。一个新型的基于分数的GNN改进模块解决了长期模拟不稳定性的长期挑战。尽管仅接受了简短的MD轨迹数据训练,但我们学到的模拟器仍可以推广到看不见的新型系统,并比训练轨迹更长的时间。需要10-100 ns级的长时间动力学的属性可以在多个刻度级的速度上准确恢复,而不是经典的力场。我们证明了方法对两个现实的复杂系统的有效性:(1)隐式溶剂中的单链粗粒聚合物; (2)多组分锂离子聚合物电解质系统。
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这项工作介绍了神经性等因素的外部潜力(NEQUIP),E(3) - 用于学习分子动力学模拟的AB-INITIO计算的用于学习网状体电位的e(3)的神经网络方法。虽然大多数当代对称的模型使用不变的卷曲,但仅在标量上采取行动,Nequip采用E(3) - 几何张量的相互作用,举起Quivariant卷曲,导致了更多的信息丰富和忠实的原子环境代表。该方法在挑战和多样化的分子和材料集中实现了最先进的准确性,同时表现出显着的数据效率。 Nequip优先于现有型号,最多三个数量级的培训数据,挑战深度神经网络需要大量培训套装。该方法的高数据效率允许使用高阶量子化学水平的理论作为参考的精确潜力构建,并且在长时间尺度上实现高保真分子动力学模拟。
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We propose a method that leverages graph neural networks, multi-level message passing, and unsupervised training to enable real-time prediction of realistic clothing dynamics. Whereas existing methods based on linear blend skinning must be trained for specific garments, our method is agnostic to body shape and applies to tight-fitting garments as well as loose, free-flowing clothing. Our method furthermore handles changes in topology (e.g., garments with buttons or zippers) and material properties at inference time. As one key contribution, we propose a hierarchical message-passing scheme that efficiently propagates stiff stretching modes while preserving local detail. We empirically show that our method outperforms strong baselines quantitatively and that its results are perceived as more realistic than state-of-the-art methods.
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Here we present a machine learning framework and model implementation that can learn to simulate a wide variety of challenging physical domains, involving fluids, rigid solids, and deformable materials interacting with one another. Our framework-which we term "Graph Network-based Simulators" (GNS)-represents the state of a physical system with particles, expressed as nodes in a graph, and computes dynamics via learned message-passing. Our results show that our model can generalize from single-timestep predictions with thousands of particles during training, to different initial conditions, thousands of timesteps, and at least an order of magnitude more particles at test time. Our model was robust to hyperparameter choices across various evaluation metrics: the main determinants of long-term performance were the number of message-passing steps, and mitigating the accumulation of error by corrupting the training data with noise. Our GNS framework advances the state-of-the-art in learned physical simulation, and holds promise for solving a wide range of complex forward and inverse problems.
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Recently, graph neural networks have been gaining a lot of attention to simulate dynamical systems due to their inductive nature leading to zero-shot generalizability. Similarly, physics-informed inductive biases in deep-learning frameworks have been shown to give superior performance in learning the dynamics of physical systems. There is a growing volume of literature that attempts to combine these two approaches. Here, we evaluate the performance of thirteen different graph neural networks, namely, Hamiltonian and Lagrangian graph neural networks, graph neural ODE, and their variants with explicit constraints and different architectures. We briefly explain the theoretical formulation highlighting the similarities and differences in the inductive biases and graph architecture of these systems. We evaluate these models on spring, pendulum, gravitational, and 3D deformable solid systems to compare the performance in terms of rollout error, conserved quantities such as energy and momentum, and generalizability to unseen system sizes. Our study demonstrates that GNNs with additional inductive biases, such as explicit constraints and decoupling of kinetic and potential energies, exhibit significantly enhanced performance. Further, all the physics-informed GNNs exhibit zero-shot generalizability to system sizes an order of magnitude larger than the training system, thus providing a promising route to simulate large-scale realistic systems.
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Lagrangian和Hamiltonian神经网络(分别是LNN和HNN)编码强诱导偏见,使它们能够显着优于其他物理系统模型。但是,到目前为止,这些模型大多仅限于简单的系统,例如摆和弹簧或单个刚体的身体,例如陀螺仪或刚性转子。在这里,我们提出了一个拉格朗日图神经网络(LGNN),可以通过利用其拓扑来学习刚体的动态。我们通过学习以刚体为刚体的棒的绳索,链条和桁架的动力学来证明LGNN的性能。 LGNN还表现出普遍性 - 在链条上训练了一些细分市场的LGNN具有概括性,以模拟具有大量链接和任意链路长度的链条。我们还表明,LGNN可以模拟看不见的混合动力系统,包括尚未接受过培训的酒吧和链条。具体而言,我们表明LGNN可用于建模复杂的现实世界结构的动力学,例如紧张结构的稳定性。最后,我们讨论了质量矩阵的非对角性性质及其在复杂系统中概括的能力。
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物理系统通常表示为粒子的组合,即控制系统动力学的个体动力学。但是,传统方法需要了解几个抽象数量的知识,例如推断这些颗粒动力学的能量或力量。在这里,我们提出了一个框架,即拉格朗日图神经网络(LGNN),它提供了强烈的感应偏见,可以直接从轨迹中学习基于粒子系统的拉格朗日。我们在具有约束和阻力的挑战系统上测试我们的方法 - LGNN优于诸如前馈拉格朗日神经网络(LNN)等基线,其性能提高。我们还通过模拟系统模拟系统的两个数量级比受过训练的一个数量级和混合系统大的数量级来显示系统的零弹性通用性,这些数量级是一个独特的功能。与LNN相比,LGNN的图形体系结构显着简化了学习,其性能在少量少量数据上的性能高25倍。最后,我们显示了LGNN的解释性,该解释性直接提供了对模型学到的阻力和约束力的物理见解。因此,LGNN可以为理解物理系统的动力学提供纯粹的填充,这纯粹是从可观察的数量中。
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具有基于物理的诱导偏见的神经网络,例如拉格朗日神经网络(LNN)和汉密尔顿神经网络(HNN),通过编码强诱导性偏见来学习物理系统的动态。另外,还显示出适当的感应偏见的神经odes具有相似的性能。但是,当这些模型应用于基于粒子的系统时,本质上具有转导性,因此不会推广到大型系统尺寸。在本文中,我们提出了基于图的神经ode gnode,以了解动力学系统的时间演变。此外,我们仔细分析了不同电感偏差对GNODE性能的作用。我们表明,与LNN和HNN类似,对约束进行编码可以显着提高GNODE的训练效率和性能。我们的实验还评估了该模型最终性能的其他归纳偏差(例如纽顿第三定律)的价值。我们证明,诱导这些偏见可以在能量违规和推出误差方面通过数量级来增强模型的性能。有趣的是,我们观察到,经过最有效的电感偏见训练的GNODE,即McGnode,优于LNN和HNN的图形版本,即Lagrangian Graph Networks(LGN)和Hamiltonian Graph网络(HGN)在能量侵犯的方面差异,该图表的差异大约是能量侵犯网络(HGN)摆钟系统的4个数量级,春季系统的数量级约为2个数量级。这些结果表明,可以通过诱导适当的电感偏见来获得基于节点的系统的能源保存神经网络的竞争性能。
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标准的神经网络可以近似一般的非线性操作员,要么通过数学运算符的组合(例如,在对流 - 扩散反应部分微分方程中)的组合,要么仅仅是黑匣子,例如黑匣子,例如一个系统系统。第一个神经操作员是基于严格的近似理论于2019年提出的深层操作员网络(DeepOnet)。从那时起,已经发布了其他一些较少的一般操作员,例如,基于图神经网络或傅立叶变换。对于黑匣子系统,对神经操作员的培训仅是数据驱动的,但是如果知道管理方程式可以在培训期间将其纳入损失功能,以开发物理知识的神经操作员。神经操作员可以用作设计问题,不确定性量化,自主系统以及几乎任何需要实时推断的应用程序中的代替代物。此外,通过将它们与相对轻的训练耦合,可以将独立的预训练deponets用作复杂多物理系统的组成部分。在这里,我们介绍了Deponet,傅立叶神经操作员和图神经操作员的评论,以及适当的扩展功能扩展,并突出显示它们在计算机械师中的各种应用中的实用性,包括多孔媒体,流体力学和固体机制, 。
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了解晕星连接是基本的,以提高我们对暗物质的性质和性质的知识。在这项工作中,我们构建一个模型,鉴于IT主机的星系的位置,速度,恒星群体和半径的位置。为了捕获来自星系属性的相关性及其相位空间的相关信息,我们使用图形神经网络(GNN),该网络设计用于使用不规则和稀疏数据。我们从宇宙学和天体物理学中培训了我们在Galaxies上的模型,从宇宙学和天体物理学与机器学习模拟(骆驼)项目。我们的模型,占宇宙学和天体物理的不确定性,能够用$ \ SIM 0.2欧元的准确度来限制晕群。此外,在一套模拟上培训的GNN能够在用利用不同的代码的模拟上进行测试时保留其精度的一部分精度。 GNN的Pytorch几何实现在HTTPS://github.com/pablovd/halographnet上公开可用于github上
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地下模拟使用计算模型来预测流体(例如油,水,气体)通过多孔介质的流动。这些模拟在工业应用(例如石油生产)中至关重要,在这些应用中,需要快速,准确的模型来进行高级决策,例如,进行井安置优化和现场开发计划。经典的有限差数数值模拟器需要大量的计算资源来对大规模现实世界的水库进行建模。另外,通过依靠近似物理模型,流线模拟器和数据驱动的替代模型在计算上更有效,但是它们不足以在大规模上对复杂的储层动力学进行建模。在这里,我们介绍了混合图网络模拟器(HGNS),这是一个数据驱动的替代模型,用于学习3D地下流体流的储层模拟。为了模拟局部和全球尺度上的复杂储层动力学,HGN由地下图神经网络(SGNN)组成,以建模流体流的演化和3D-U-NET,以建模压力的演变。 HGNS能够扩展到每个时间步长数百万个单元的网格,比以前的替代模型高两个数量级,并且可以准确地预测流体流量数十亿个时间步长(未来几年)。使用带有110万个单元的行业标准地下流数据集(SPE-10),我们证明HGNS能够将推理时间降低到与标准地下模拟器相比,最高18次,并且通过降低基于学习的模型,它可以优于其他基于学习的模型长期预测错误高达21%。
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Surrogate models are necessary to optimize meaningful quantities in physical dynamics as their recursive numerical resolutions are often prohibitively expensive. It is mainly the case for fluid dynamics and the resolution of Navier-Stokes equations. However, despite the fast-growing field of data-driven models for physical systems, reference datasets representing real-world phenomena are lacking. In this work, we develop AirfRANS, a dataset for studying the two-dimensional incompressible steady-state Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations over airfoils at a subsonic regime and for different angles of attacks. We also introduce metrics on the stress forces at the surface of geometries and visualization of boundary layers to assess the capabilities of models to accurately predict the meaningful information of the problem. Finally, we propose deep learning baselines on four machine learning tasks to study AirfRANS under different constraints for generalization considerations: big and scarce data regime, Reynolds number, and angle of attack extrapolation.
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