We propose a method that leverages graph neural networks, multi-level message passing, and unsupervised training to enable real-time prediction of realistic clothing dynamics. Whereas existing methods based on linear blend skinning must be trained for specific garments, our method is agnostic to body shape and applies to tight-fitting garments as well as loose, free-flowing clothing. Our method furthermore handles changes in topology (e.g., garments with buttons or zippers) and material properties at inference time. As one key contribution, we propose a hierarchical message-passing scheme that efficiently propagates stiff stretching modes while preserving local detail. We empirically show that our method outperforms strong baselines quantitatively and that its results are perceived as more realistic than state-of-the-art methods.
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Simulating rigid collisions among arbitrary shapes is notoriously difficult due to complex geometry and the strong non-linearity of the interactions. While graph neural network (GNN)-based models are effective at learning to simulate complex physical dynamics, such as fluids, cloth and articulated bodies, they have been less effective and efficient on rigid-body physics, except with very simple shapes. Existing methods that model collisions through the meshes' nodes are often inaccurate because they struggle when collisions occur on faces far from nodes. Alternative approaches that represent the geometry densely with many particles are prohibitively expensive for complex shapes. Here we introduce the Face Interaction Graph Network (FIGNet) which extends beyond GNN-based methods, and computes interactions between mesh faces, rather than nodes. Compared to learned node- and particle-based methods, FIGNet is around 4x more accurate in simulating complex shape interactions, while also 8x more computationally efficient on sparse, rigid meshes. Moreover, FIGNet can learn frictional dynamics directly from real-world data, and can be more accurate than analytical solvers given modest amounts of training data. FIGNet represents a key step forward in one of the few remaining physical domains which have seen little competition from learned simulators, and offers allied fields such as robotics, graphics and mechanical design a new tool for simulation and model-based planning.
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Recent approaches to drape garments quickly over arbitrary human bodies leverage self-supervision to eliminate the need for large training sets. However, they are designed to train one network per clothing item, which severely limits their generalization abilities. In our work, we rely on self-supervision to train a single network to drape multiple garments. This is achieved by predicting a 3D deformation field conditioned on the latent codes of a generative network, which models garments as unsigned distance fields. Our pipeline can generate and drape previously unseen garments of any topology, whose shape can be edited by manipulating their latent codes. Being fully differentiable, our formulation makes it possible to recover accurate 3D models of garments from partial observations -- images or 3D scans -- via gradient descent. Our code will be made publicly available.
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我们提出了一种新的基于网格的学习方法(N-Cloth),适用于合理的3D布变形预测。我们的方法是通用的,可以处理具有任意拓扑的三角网格表示的布料或障碍物。我们使用Graph卷积将布料和对象网格转换为潜在空间以减少网格空间中的非线性。我们的网络可以基于初始布网格模板和目标障碍物网的状态来预测目标3D布网格变形。我们的方法可以处理复杂的布料网格,最高可达100美元的k三角形和场景,具有与SMPL人,非SMPL人或刚体相对应的各种对象。在实践中,我们的方法展示了连续输入框架之间的良好时间相干性,并且可用于在NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 GPU上以30-45美元的$ 30-45 $ FPS产生合理的布料模拟。我们突出了以前基于学习的方法和基于物理的布料模拟器的好处。
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Here we present a machine learning framework and model implementation that can learn to simulate a wide variety of challenging physical domains, involving fluids, rigid solids, and deformable materials interacting with one another. Our framework-which we term "Graph Network-based Simulators" (GNS)-represents the state of a physical system with particles, expressed as nodes in a graph, and computes dynamics via learned message-passing. Our results show that our model can generalize from single-timestep predictions with thousands of particles during training, to different initial conditions, thousands of timesteps, and at least an order of magnitude more particles at test time. Our model was robust to hyperparameter choices across various evaluation metrics: the main determinants of long-term performance were the number of message-passing steps, and mitigating the accumulation of error by corrupting the training data with noise. Our GNS framework advances the state-of-the-art in learned physical simulation, and holds promise for solving a wide range of complex forward and inverse problems.
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Learning physical systems on unstructured meshes by flat Graph neural networks (GNNs) faces the challenge of modeling the long-range interactions due to the scaling complexity w.r.t. the number of nodes, limiting the generalization under mesh refinement. On regular grids, the convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with a U-net structure can resolve this challenge by efficient stride, pooling, and upsampling operations. Nonetheless, these tools are much less developed for graph neural networks (GNNs), especially when GNNs are employed for learning large-scale mesh-based physics. The challenges arise from the highly irregular meshes and the lack of effective ways to construct the multi-level structure without losing connectivity. Inspired by the bipartite graph determination algorithm, we introduce Bi-Stride Multi-Scale Graph Neural Network (BSMS-GNN) by proposing \textit{bi-stride} as a simple pooling strategy for building the multi-level GNN. \textit{Bi-stride} pools nodes by striding every other BFS frontier; it 1) works robustly on any challenging mesh in the wild, 2) avoids using a mesh generator at coarser levels, 3) avoids the spatial proximity for building coarser levels, and 4) uses non-parametrized aggregating/returning instead of MLPs during pooling and unpooling. Experiments show that our framework significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art method's computational efficiency in representative physics-based simulation cases.
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Interacting systems are prevalent in nature, from dynamical systems in physics to complex societal dynamics. The interplay of components can give rise to complex behavior, which can often be explained using a simple model of the system's constituent parts. In this work, we introduce the neural relational inference (NRI) model: an unsupervised model that learns to infer interactions while simultaneously learning the dynamics purely from observational data. Our model takes the form of a variational auto-encoder, in which the latent code represents the underlying interaction graph and the reconstruction is based on graph neural networks. In experiments on simulated physical systems, we show that our NRI model can accurately recover ground-truth interactions in an unsupervised manner. We further demonstrate that we can find an interpretable structure and predict complex dynamics in real motion capture and sports tracking data.
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社会VR,绩效捕获和虚拟试验的领域通常面临着忠实地在虚拟世界中重现真正的服装。一项关键的任务是由于织物特性,物理力和与身体接触而导致的固有服装形状不构成形状。我们建议使用一种逼真而紧凑的服装描述来促进固有的服装形状估计。另一个主要挑战是该域中的形状和设计多样性。 3D服装深度学习的最常见方法是为单个服装或服装类型建立专门的模型。我们认为,为各种服装设计建立统一的模型具有对新型服装类型的概括的好处,因此涵盖了比单个模型更大的设计领域。我们介绍了Neuraltailor,这是一种基于点级的新型架构,以可变的基数为基础回归,并将其应用于从3D点重建2D服装缝制模式的任务,可以使用服装模型。我们的实验表明,NeuralTailor成功地重建了缝纫模式,并将其推广到训练过程中未见模式拓扑的服装类型。
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Lagrangian和Hamiltonian神经网络(分别是LNN和HNN)编码强诱导偏见,使它们能够显着优于其他物理系统模型。但是,到目前为止,这些模型大多仅限于简单的系统,例如摆和弹簧或单个刚体的身体,例如陀螺仪或刚性转子。在这里,我们提出了一个拉格朗日图神经网络(LGNN),可以通过利用其拓扑来学习刚体的动态。我们通过学习以刚体为刚体的棒的绳索,链条和桁架的动力学来证明LGNN的性能。 LGNN还表现出普遍性 - 在链条上训练了一些细分市场的LGNN具有概括性,以模拟具有大量链接和任意链路长度的链条。我们还表明,LGNN可以模拟看不见的混合动力系统,包括尚未接受过培训的酒吧和链条。具体而言,我们表明LGNN可用于建模复杂的现实世界结构的动力学,例如紧张结构的稳定性。最后,我们讨论了质量矩阵的非对角性性质及其在复杂系统中概括的能力。
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人类将他们的手和身体一起移动,沟通和解决任务。捕获和复制此类协调活动对于虚拟字符至关重要,以实际行为行为。令人惊讶的是,大多数方法分别对待身体和手的3D建模和跟踪。在这里,我们制定了一种手和身体的型号,并将其与全身4D序列合理。当扫描或捕获3D中的全身时,手很小,通常是部分闭塞,使其形状和难以恢复。为了应对低分辨率,闭塞和噪音,我们开发了一种名为Mano(具有铰接和非刚性变形的手模型)的新型号。曼诺从大约1000个高分辨率的3D扫描中学到了31个受试者的手中的大约一定的手。该模型是逼真的,低维,捕获非刚性形状的姿势变化,与标准图形封装兼容,可以适合任何人类的手。 Mano提供从手姿势的紧凑型映射,以构成混合形状校正和姿势协同效应的线性歧管。我们将Mano附加到标准参数化3D体形状模型(SMPL),导致完全铰接的身体和手部模型(SMPL + H)。我们通过用4D扫描仪捕获的综合体,自然,自然,自然的受试者的活动来说明SMPL + H.该配件完全自动,并导致全身型号,自然地移动详细的手动运动和在全身性能捕获之前未见的现实主义。模型和数据在我们的网站上自由用于研究目的(http://mano.is.tue.mpg.de)。
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The abundance of data has given machine learning considerable momentum in natural sciences and engineering, though modeling of physical processes is often difficult. A particularly tough problem is the efficient representation of geometric boundaries. Triangularized geometric boundaries are well understood and ubiquitous in engineering applications. However, it is notoriously difficult to integrate them into machine learning approaches due to their heterogeneity with respect to size and orientation. In this work, we introduce an effective theory to model particle-boundary interactions, which leads to our new Boundary Graph Neural Networks (BGNNs) that dynamically modify graph structures to obey boundary conditions. The new BGNNs are tested on complex 3D granular flow processes of hoppers, rotating drums and mixers, which are all standard components of modern industrial machinery but still have complicated geometry. BGNNs are evaluated in terms of computational efficiency as well as prediction accuracy of particle flows and mixing entropies. BGNNs are able to accurately reproduce 3D granular flows within simulation uncertainties over hundreds of thousands of simulation timesteps. Most notably, in our experiments, particles stay within the geometric objects without using handcrafted conditions or restrictions.
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物理系统通常表示为粒子的组合,即控制系统动力学的个体动力学。但是,传统方法需要了解几个抽象数量的知识,例如推断这些颗粒动力学的能量或力量。在这里,我们提出了一个框架,即拉格朗日图神经网络(LGNN),它提供了强烈的感应偏见,可以直接从轨迹中学习基于粒子系统的拉格朗日。我们在具有约束和阻力的挑战系统上测试我们的方法 - LGNN优于诸如前馈拉格朗日神经网络(LNN)等基线,其性能提高。我们还通过模拟系统模拟系统的两个数量级比受过训练的一个数量级和混合系统大的数量级来显示系统的零弹性通用性,这些数量级是一个独特的功能。与LNN相比,LGNN的图形体系结构显着简化了学习,其性能在少量少量数据上的性能高25倍。最后,我们显示了LGNN的解释性,该解释性直接提供了对模型学到的阻力和约束力的物理见解。因此,LGNN可以为理解物理系统的动力学提供纯粹的填充,这纯粹是从可观察的数量中。
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