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Deep learning based change detection methods have received wide attentoion, thanks to their strong capability in obtaining rich features from images. However, existing AI-based CD methods largely rely on three functionality-enhancing modules, i.e., semantic enhancement, attention mechanisms, and correspondence enhancement. The stacking of these modules leads to great model complexity. To unify these three modules into a simple pipeline, we introduce Relational Change Detection Transformer (RCDT), a novel and simple framework for remote sensing change detection tasks. The proposed RCDT consists of three major components, a weight-sharing Siamese Backbone to obtain bi-temporal features, a Relational Cross Attention Module (RCAM) that implements offset cross attention to obtain bi-temporal relation-aware features, and a Features Constrain Module (FCM) to achieve the final refined predictions with high-resolution constraints. Extensive experiments on four different publically available datasets suggest that our proposed RCDT exhibits superior change detection performance compared with other competing methods. The therotical, methodogical, and experimental knowledge of this study is expected to benefit future change detection efforts that involve the cross attention mechanism.
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更改检测的目的(CD)是通过比较在不同时间拍摄的两张图像来检测变化。 CD的挑战性部分是跟踪用户想要突出显示的变化,例如新建筑物,并忽略了由于外部因素(例如环境,照明条件,雾或季节性变化)而引起的变化。深度学习领域的最新发展使研究人员能够在这一领域取得出色的表现。特别是,时空注意的不同机制允许利用从模型中提取的空间特征,并通过利用这两个可用图像来以时间方式将它们相关联。不利的一面是,这些模型已经变得越来越复杂且大,对于边缘应用来说通常是不可行的。当必须将模型应用于工业领域或需要实时性能的应用程序时,这些都是限制。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个名为TinyCD的新型模型,证明既轻量级又有效,能够实现较少参数13-150x的最新技术状态。在我们的方法中,我们利用了低级功能比较图像的重要性。为此,我们仅使用几个骨干块。此策略使我们能够保持网络参数的数量较低。为了构成从这两个图像中提取的特征,我们在参数方面引入了一种新颖的经济性,混合块能够在时空和时域中交叉相关的特征。最后,为了充分利用计算功能中包含的信息,我们定义了能够执行像素明智分类的PW-MLP块。源代码,模型和结果可在此处找到:https://github.com/andreacodegoni/tiny_model_4_cd
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We present SegFormer, a simple, efficient yet powerful semantic segmentation framework which unifies Transformers with lightweight multilayer perceptron (MLP) decoders. SegFormer has two appealing features: 1) SegFormer comprises a novel hierarchically structured Transformer encoder which outputs multiscale features. It does not need positional encoding, thereby avoiding the interpolation of positional codes which leads to decreased performance when the testing resolution differs from training. 2) SegFormer avoids complex decoders. The proposed MLP decoder aggregates information from different layers, and thus combining both local attention and global attention to render powerful representations. We show that this simple and lightweight design is the key to efficient segmentation on Transformers. We scale our approach up to obtain a series of models from SegFormer-B0 to SegFormer-B5, reaching significantly better performance and efficiency than previous counterparts. For example, SegFormer-B4 achieves 50.3% mIoU on ADE20K with 64M parameters, being 5× smaller and 2.2% better than the previous best method. Our best model, SegFormer-B5, achieves 84.0% mIoU on Cityscapes validation set and shows excellent zero-shot robustness on Cityscapes-C. Code will be released at: github.com/NVlabs/SegFormer.Preprint. Under review.
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Change detection (CD) aims to find the difference between two images at different times and outputs a change map to represent whether the region has changed or not. To achieve a better result in generating the change map, many State-of-The-Art (SoTA) methods design a deep learning model that has a powerful discriminative ability. However, these methods still get lower performance because they ignore spatial information and scaling changes between objects, giving rise to blurry or wrong boundaries. In addition to these, they also neglect the interactive information of two different images. To alleviate these problems, we propose our network, the Scale and Relation-Aware Siamese Network (SARAS-Net) to deal with this issue. In this paper, three modules are proposed that include relation-aware, scale-aware, and cross-transformer to tackle the problem of scene change detection more effectively. To verify our model, we tested three public datasets, including LEVIR-CD, WHU-CD, and DSFIN, and obtained SoTA accuracy. Our code is available at https://github.com/f64051041/SARAS-Net.
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Change detection (CD) aims to detect change regions within an image pair captured at different times, playing a significant role in diverse real-world applications. Nevertheless, most of the existing works focus on designing advanced network architectures to map the feature difference to the final change map while ignoring the influence of the quality of the feature difference. In this paper, we study the CD from a different perspective, i.e., how to optimize the feature difference to highlight changes and suppress unchanged regions, and propose a novel module denoted as iterative difference-enhanced transformers (IDET). IDET contains three transformers: two transformers for extracting the long-range information of the two images and one transformer for enhancing the feature difference. In contrast to the previous transformers, the third transformer takes the outputs of the first two transformers to guide the enhancement of the feature difference iteratively. To achieve more effective refinement, we further propose the multi-scale IDET-based change detection that uses multi-scale representations of the images for multiple feature difference refinements and proposes a coarse-to-fine fusion strategy to combine all refinements. Our final CD method outperforms seven state-of-the-art methods on six large-scale datasets under diverse application scenarios, which demonstrates the importance of feature difference enhancements and the effectiveness of IDET.
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Semantic segmentation usually benefits from global contexts, fine localisation information, multi-scale features, etc. To advance Transformer-based segmenters with these aspects, we present a simple yet powerful semantic segmentation architecture, termed as IncepFormer. IncepFormer has two critical contributions as following. First, it introduces a novel pyramid structured Transformer encoder which harvests global context and fine localisation features simultaneously. These features are concatenated and fed into a convolution layer for final per-pixel prediction. Second, IncepFormer integrates an Inception-like architecture with depth-wise convolutions, and a light-weight feed-forward module in each self-attention layer, efficiently obtaining rich local multi-scale object features. Extensive experiments on five benchmarks show that our IncepFormer is superior to state-of-the-art methods in both accuracy and speed, e.g., 1) our IncepFormer-S achieves 47.7% mIoU on ADE20K which outperforms the existing best method by 1% while only costs half parameters and fewer FLOPs. 2) Our IncepFormer-B finally achieves 82.0% mIoU on Cityscapes dataset with 39.6M parameters. Code is available:github.com/shendu0321/IncepFormer.
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表面缺陷检测是确保工业产品质量的极其至关重要的步骤。如今,基于编码器架构的卷积神经网络(CNN)在各种缺陷检测任务中取得了巨大的成功。然而,由于卷积的内在局部性,它们通常在明确建模长距离相互作用时表现出限制,这对于复杂情况下的像素缺陷检测至关重要,例如杂乱的背景和难以辨认的伪缺陷。最近的变压器尤其擅长学习全球图像依赖性,但对于详细的缺陷位置所需的本地结构信息有限。为了克服上述局限性,我们提出了一个有效的混合变压器体系结构,称为缺陷变压器(faft),用于表面缺陷检测,该检测将CNN和Transferaler纳入统一模型,以协作捕获本地和非本地关系。具体而言,在编码器模块中,首先采用卷积茎块来保留更详细的空间信息。然后,贴片聚合块用于生成具有四个层次结构的多尺度表示形式,每个层次结构之后分别是一系列的feft块,该块分别包括用于本地位置编码的本地位置块,一个轻巧的多功能自我自我 - 注意与良好的计算效率建模多尺度的全球上下文关系,以及用于功能转换和进一步位置信息学习的卷积馈送网络。最后,提出了一个简单但有效的解码器模块,以从编码器中的跳过连接中逐渐恢复空间细节。与其他基于CNN的网络相比,三个数据集上的广泛实验证明了我们方法的优势和效率。
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由于长距离依赖性建模的能力,变压器在各种自然语言处理和计算机视觉任务中表现出令人印象深刻的性能。最近的进展证明,将这种变压器与基于CNN的语义图像分割模型相结合非常有前途。然而,目前还没有很好地研究了纯变压器的方法如何实现图像分割。在这项工作中,我们探索了语义图像分割的新框架,它是基于编码器 - 解码器的完全变压器网络(FTN)。具体地,我们首先提出金字塔组变压器(PGT)作为逐步学习分层特征的编码器,同时降低标准视觉变压器(VIT)的计算复杂性。然后,我们将特征金字塔变换器(FPT)提出了来自PGT编码器的多电平进行语义图像分割的多级别的语义级别和空间级信息。令人惊讶的是,这种简单的基线可以在多个具有挑战性的语义细分和面部解析基准上实现更好的结果,包括帕斯卡背景,ADE20K,Cocostuff和Celebamask-HQ。源代码将在https://github.com/br -dl/paddlevit上发布。
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人们众所周知,与卷积神经网络相比,变压器在语义分割方面的性能更好。然而,最初的视觉变压器可能缺乏当地社区的归纳偏见,并且具有较高的时间复杂性。最近,Swin Transformer通过使用分层体系结构并更有效地改变了窗口,在各种视觉任务中创建了新记录。但是,由于Swin Transformer是专门为图像分类设计的,因此它可能在基于密集的预测分段任务上实现次优性能。此外,仅使用现有方法对SWIN Transformer梳理将导致最终分割模型的模型大小和参数的提升。在本文中,我们重新考虑了Swin Transformer进行语义分割,并设计了一个轻巧但有效的变压器模型,称为SSFormer。在此模型中,考虑到SWIN Transformer的固有层次设计,我们提出了一个解码器来汇总来自不同层的信息,从而获得了局部和全局的注意。实验结果表明,提出的SSFormer与最先进的模型产生了可比的MIOU性能,同时保持较小的模型尺寸和较低的计算。
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Most recent semantic segmentation methods adopt a fully-convolutional network (FCN) with an encoderdecoder architecture. The encoder progressively reduces the spatial resolution and learns more abstract/semantic visual concepts with larger receptive fields. Since context modeling is critical for segmentation, the latest efforts have been focused on increasing the receptive field, through either dilated/atrous convolutions or inserting attention modules. However, the encoder-decoder based FCN architecture remains unchanged. In this paper, we aim to provide an alternative perspective by treating semantic segmentation as a sequence-to-sequence prediction task. Specifically, we deploy a pure transformer (i.e., without convolution and resolution reduction) to encode an image as a sequence of patches. With the global context modeled in every layer of the transformer, this encoder can be combined with a simple decoder to provide a powerful segmentation model, termed SEgmentation TRansformer (SETR). Extensive experiments show that SETR achieves new state of the art on ADE20K (50.28% mIoU), Pascal Context (55.83% mIoU) and competitive results on Cityscapes. Particularly, we achieve the first position in the highly competitive ADE20K test server leaderboard on the day of submission.
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计算机辅助医学图像分割已广泛应用于诊断和治疗,以获得靶器官和组织的形状和体积的临床有用信息。在过去的几年中,基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的方法(例如,U-Net)占主导地位,但仍遭受了不足的远程信息捕获。因此,最近的工作提出了用于医学图像分割任务的计算机视觉变压器变体,并获得了有希望的表现。这种变压器通过计算配对贴片关系来模拟远程依赖性。然而,它们促进了禁止的计算成本,尤其是在3D医学图像(例如,CT和MRI)上。在本文中,我们提出了一种称为扩张变压器的新方法,该方法在本地和全球范围内交替捕获的配对贴片关系进行自我关注。灵感来自扩张卷积核,我们以扩张的方式进行全球自我关注,扩大接收领域而不增加所涉及的斑块,从而降低计算成本。基于这种扩展变压器的设计,我们构造了一个用于3D医学图像分割的U形编码器解码器分层体系结构。 Synapse和ACDC数据集的实验表明,我们的D-Ager Model从头开始培训,以低计算成本从划痕训练,优于各种竞争力的CNN或基于变压器的分段模型,而不耗时的每训练过程。
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