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建筑变更检测是许多重要应用,特别是在军事和危机管理领域。最近用于变化检测的方法已转向深度学习,这取决于其培训数据的质量。因此,大型注释卫星图像数据集的组装对于全球建筑更改监视是必不可少的。现有数据集几乎完全提供近Nadir观看角度。这限制了可以检测到的更改范围。通过提供更大的观察范围,光学卫星的滚动成像模式提出了克服这种限制的机会。因此,本文介绍了S2Looking,一个建筑变革检测数据集,其中包含以各种偏离Nadir角度捕获的大规模侧视卫星图像。 DataSet由5000个批次图像对组成的农村地区,并在全球范围内超过65,920个辅助的变化实例。数据集可用于培训基于深度学习的变更检测算法。它通过提供(1)更大的观察角来扩展现有数据集; (2)大照明差异; (3)额外的农村形象复杂性。为了便于{该数据集的使用,已经建立了基准任务,并且初步测试表明,深度学习算法发现数据集明显比最接近的近Nadir DataSet,Levir-CD +更具挑战性。因此,S2Looking可能会促进现有的建筑变革检测算法的重要进步。 DataSet可在https://github.com/s2looking/使用。
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Semantic segmentation works on the computer vision algorithm for assigning each pixel of an image into a class. The task of semantic segmentation should be performed with both accuracy and efficiency. Most of the existing deep FCNs yield to heavy computations and these networks are very power hungry, unsuitable for real-time applications on portable devices. This project analyzes current semantic segmentation models to explore the feasibility of applying these models for emergency response during catastrophic events. We compare the performance of real-time semantic segmentation models with non-real-time counterparts constrained by aerial images under oppositional settings. Furthermore, we train several models on the Flood-Net dataset, containing UAV images captured after Hurricane Harvey, and benchmark their execution on special classes such as flooded buildings vs. non-flooded buildings or flooded roads vs. non-flooded roads. In this project, we developed a real-time UNet based model and deployed that network on Jetson AGX Xavier module.
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Image segmentation is a key topic in image processing and computer vision with applications such as scene understanding, medical image analysis, robotic perception, video surveillance, augmented reality, and image compression, among many others. Various algorithms for image segmentation have been developed in the literature. Recently, due to the success of deep learning models in a wide range of vision applications, there has been a substantial amount of works aimed at developing image segmentation approaches using deep learning models. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of the literature at the time of this writing, covering a broad spectrum of pioneering works for semantic and instance-level segmentation, including fully convolutional pixel-labeling networks, encoder-decoder architectures, multi-scale and pyramid based approaches, recurrent networks, visual attention models, and generative models in adversarial settings. We investigate the similarity, strengths and challenges of these deep learning models, examine the most widely used datasets, report performances, and discuss promising future research directions in this area.
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语义细分需要在处理大量数据时学习高级特征的方法。卷积神经网络(CNN)可以学习独特和适应性的特征,以实现这一目标。但是,由于遥感图像的大尺寸和高空间分辨率,这些网络无法有效地分析整个场景。最近,Deep Transformers证明了它们能够记录图像中不同对象之间的全局相互作用的能力。在本文中,我们提出了一个新的分割模型,该模型将卷积神经网络与变压器结合在一起,并表明这种局部和全局特征提取技术的混合物在遥感分割中提供了显着优势。此外,提出的模型包括两个融合层,这些融合层旨在有效地表示网络的多模式输入和输出。输入融合层提取物具有总结图像内容与高程图(DSM)之间关系的地图。输出融合层使用一种新型的多任务分割策略,其中使用特定于类的特征提取层和损耗函数来识别类标签。最后,使用快速制定的方法将所有不明的类标签转换为其最接近的邻居。我们的结果表明,与最新技术相比,提出的方法可以提高分割精度。
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更改检测的目的(CD)是通过比较在不同时间拍摄的两张图像来检测变化。 CD的挑战性部分是跟踪用户想要突出显示的变化,例如新建筑物,并忽略了由于外部因素(例如环境,照明条件,雾或季节性变化)而引起的变化。深度学习领域的最新发展使研究人员能够在这一领域取得出色的表现。特别是,时空注意的不同机制允许利用从模型中提取的空间特征,并通过利用这两个可用图像来以时间方式将它们相关联。不利的一面是,这些模型已经变得越来越复杂且大,对于边缘应用来说通常是不可行的。当必须将模型应用于工业领域或需要实时性能的应用程序时,这些都是限制。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个名为TinyCD的新型模型,证明既轻量级又有效,能够实现较少参数13-150x的最新技术状态。在我们的方法中,我们利用了低级功能比较图像的重要性。为此,我们仅使用几个骨干块。此策略使我们能够保持网络参数的数量较低。为了构成从这两个图像中提取的特征,我们在参数方面引入了一种新颖的经济性,混合块能够在时空和时域中交叉相关的特征。最后,为了充分利用计算功能中包含的信息,我们定义了能够执行像素明智分类的PW-MLP块。源代码,模型和结果可在此处找到:https://github.com/andreacodegoni/tiny_model_4_cd
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Deep learning based change detection methods have received wide attentoion, thanks to their strong capability in obtaining rich features from images. However, existing AI-based CD methods largely rely on three functionality-enhancing modules, i.e., semantic enhancement, attention mechanisms, and correspondence enhancement. The stacking of these modules leads to great model complexity. To unify these three modules into a simple pipeline, we introduce Relational Change Detection Transformer (RCDT), a novel and simple framework for remote sensing change detection tasks. The proposed RCDT consists of three major components, a weight-sharing Siamese Backbone to obtain bi-temporal features, a Relational Cross Attention Module (RCAM) that implements offset cross attention to obtain bi-temporal relation-aware features, and a Features Constrain Module (FCM) to achieve the final refined predictions with high-resolution constraints. Extensive experiments on four different publically available datasets suggest that our proposed RCDT exhibits superior change detection performance compared with other competing methods. The therotical, methodogical, and experimental knowledge of this study is expected to benefit future change detection efforts that involve the cross attention mechanism.
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哥内克人Sentinel Imagery的纯粹卷的可用性为使用深度学习的大尺度创造了新的土地利用陆地覆盖(Lulc)映射的机会。虽然在这种大型数据集上培训是一个非琐碎的任务。在这项工作中,我们试验Lulc Image分类和基准不同最先进模型的Bigearthnet数据集,包括卷积神经网络,多层感知,视觉变压器,高效导通和宽残余网络(WRN)架构。我们的目标是利用分类准确性,培训时间和推理率。我们提出了一种基于用于网络深度,宽度和输入数据分辨率的WRNS复合缩放的高效导通的框架,以有效地训练和测试不同的模型设置。我们设计一种新颖的缩放WRN架构,增强了有效的通道注意力机制。我们提出的轻量级模型具有较小的培训参数,实现所有19个LULC类的平均F分类准确度达到4.5%,并且验证了我们使用的resnet50最先进的模型速度快两倍作为基线。我们提供超过50种培训的型号,以及我们在多个GPU节点上分布式培训的代码。
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尽管近期基于深度学习的语义细分,但远程感测图像的自动建筑检测仍然是一个具有挑战性的问题,由于全球建筑物的出现巨大变化。误差主要发生在构建足迹的边界,阴影区域,以及检测外表面具有与周围区域非常相似的反射率特性的建筑物。为了克服这些问题,我们提出了一种生成的对抗基于网络的基于网络的分割框架,其具有嵌入在发电机中的不确定性关注单元和改进模块。由边缘和反向关注单元组成的细化模块,旨在精炼预测的建筑地图。边缘注意力增强了边界特征,以估计更高的精度,并且反向关注允许网络探索先前估计区域中缺少的功能。不确定性关注单元有助于网络解决分类中的不确定性。作为我们方法的权力的衡量标准,截至2021年12月4日,它在Deepglobe公共领导板上的第二名,尽管我们的方法的主要重点 - 建筑边缘 - 并不完全对齐用于排行榜排名的指标。 DeepGlobe充满挑战数据集的整体F1分数为0.745。我们还报告了对挑战的Inria验证数据集的最佳成绩,我们的网络实现了81.28%的总体验证,总体准确性为97.03%。沿着同一条线,对于官方Inria测试数据集,我们的网络总体上得分77.86%和96.41%,而且准确性。
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建筑物分割是地球观测和空中图像分析领域的基本任务。最现有的基于深度学习的文献中的基于深度学习的算法可以应用于固定或窄的空间分辨率图像。在实践方案中,用户处理广泛的图像分辨率,因此,通常需要重新确定给定的空中图像以匹配用于训练深度学习模型的数据集的空间分辨率。然而,这将导致输出分割掩模的质量严重降级。要处理此问题,我们提出了这项研究,该研究是能够在不同空间分辨率下的空中图像中存在的建筑物的规模不变神经网络(SCI-NET)。具体而言,我们修改了U-Net架构并用密集的空间金字塔池(ASPP)融合,以提取细粒度的多尺度表示。我们将拟议模型对开放城市AI DataSet上的若干艺术模型的拟议模型进行了比较,并显示了SCI-Net在数据集中可用的所有分辨率方面提供稳定的改进余量。
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The xView2 competition and xBD dataset spurred significant advancements in overhead building damage detection, but the competition's pixel level scoring can lead to reduced solution performance in areas with tight clusters of buildings or uninformative context. We seek to advance automatic building damage assessment for disaster relief by proposing an auxiliary challenge to the original xView2 competition. This new challenge involves a new dataset and metrics indicating solution performance when damage is more local and limited than in xBD. Our challenge measures a network's ability to identify individual buildings and their damage level without excessive reliance on the buildings' surroundings. Methods that succeed on this challenge will provide more fine-grained, precise damage information than original xView2 solutions. The best-performing xView2 networks' performances dropped noticeably in our new limited/local damage detection task. The common causes of failure observed are that (1) building objects and their classifications are not separated well, and (2) when they are, the classification is strongly biased by surrounding buildings and other damage context. Thus, we release our augmented version of the dataset with additional object-level scoring metrics https://gitlab.kitware.com/dennis.melamed/xfbd to test independence and separability of building objects, alongside the pixel-level performance metrics of the original competition. We also experiment with new baseline models which improve independence and separability of building damage predictions. Our results indicate that building damage detection is not a fully-solved problem, and we invite others to use and build on our dataset augmentations and metrics.
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Transformer-based models, capable of learning better global dependencies, have recently demonstrated exceptional representation learning capabilities in computer vision and medical image analysis. Transformer reformats the image into separate patches and realize global communication via the self-attention mechanism. However, positional information between patches is hard to preserve in such 1D sequences, and loss of it can lead to sub-optimal performance when dealing with large amounts of heterogeneous tissues of various sizes in 3D medical image segmentation. Additionally, current methods are not robust and efficient for heavy-duty medical segmentation tasks such as predicting a large number of tissue classes or modeling globally inter-connected tissues structures. Inspired by the nested hierarchical structures in vision transformer, we proposed a novel 3D medical image segmentation method (UNesT), employing a simplified and faster-converging transformer encoder design that achieves local communication among spatially adjacent patch sequences by aggregating them hierarchically. We extensively validate our method on multiple challenging datasets, consisting anatomies of 133 structures in brain, 14 organs in abdomen, 4 hierarchical components in kidney, and inter-connected kidney tumors). We show that UNesT consistently achieves state-of-the-art performance and evaluate its generalizability and data efficiency. Particularly, the model achieves whole brain segmentation task complete ROI with 133 tissue classes in single network, outperforms prior state-of-the-art method SLANT27 ensembled with 27 network tiles, our model performance increases the mean DSC score of the publicly available Colin and CANDI dataset from 0.7264 to 0.7444 and from 0.6968 to 0.7025, respectively.
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多模态数据在遥感(RS)中变得容易获得,并且可以提供有关地球表面的互补信息。因此,多模态信息的有效融合对于卢比的各种应用是重要的,而且由于域差异,噪音和冗余,也是非常具有挑战性的。缺乏有效和可扩展的融合技术,用于遍布多种模式编码器和完全利用互补信息。为此,我们提出了一种基于新型金字塔注意融合(PAF)模块和门控融合单元(GFU)的多模态遥感数据的新型多模态网络(Multimodnet)。 PAF模块旨在有效地从每个模态中获得丰富的细粒度上下文表示,具有内置的交叉级别和巧克力关注融合机制,GFU模块利用了新颖的门控机制,用于早期合并特征,从而降低隐藏的冗余和噪音。这使得可以有效地提取补充方式来提取最迟到的特征融合的最有价值和互补的信息。两个代表性RS基准数据集的广泛实验证明了多模态土地覆盖分类的多模型的有效性,鲁棒性和优越性。
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这项研究介绍了\ textit {landslide4sense},这是一种从遥感中检测到滑坡检测的参考基准。该存储库具有3,799个图像贴片,可从Sentinel-2传感器中融合光学层,并带有数字高程模型和来自ALOS Palsar的斜率层。附加的地形信息促进了对滑坡边界的准确检测,而最近的研究表明,仅使用光学数据,这是具有挑战性的。广泛的数据集支持在滑坡检测中进行深度学习(DL)研究,以及用于系统更新滑坡库存的方法的开发和验证。基准数据集已在四个不同的时间和地理位置收集:伊伯里(2018年9月),科达古(2018年8月),戈尔卡(2015年4月)和台湾(2009年8月)。每个图像像素均标记为属于滑坡,包括各种来源和彻底的手动注释。然后,我们评估11个最先进的DL分割模型的滑坡检测性能:U-NET,RESU-NET,PSPNET,CONTECTNET,DEEPLAB-V2,DEEPLAB-V3+,FCN-8,LINKNET,FRRRN-A,FRRN-A,, FRRN-B和SQNET。所有型号均已从划痕上对每个研究区域的四分之一的补丁进行培训,并在其他三个季度的独立贴片上进行了测试。我们的实验表明,Resu-NET的表现优于其他模型,用于滑坡检测任务。我们在\ url {www.landslide4sense.org}公开获得多种源滑坡基准数据(Landslide4sense)和经过测试的DL模型,为遥感,计算机视觉和机器学习社区建立了重要的资源通常,尤其是对滑坡检测的应用。
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Transfer Learning methods are widely used in satellite image segmentation problems and improve performance upon classical supervised learning methods. In this study, we present a semantic segmentation method that allows us to make land cover maps by using transfer learning methods. We compare models trained in low-resolution images with insufficient data for the targeted region or zoom level. In order to boost performance on target data we experiment with models trained with unsupervised, semi-supervised and supervised transfer learning approaches, including satellite images from public datasets and other unlabeled sources. According to experimental results, transfer learning improves segmentation performance 3.4% MIoU (Mean Intersection over Union) in rural regions and 12.9% MIoU in urban regions. We observed that transfer learning is more effective when two datasets share a comparable zoom level and are labeled with identical rules; otherwise, semi-supervised learning is more effective by using the data as unlabeled. In addition, experiments showed that HRNet outperformed building segmentation approaches in multi-class segmentation.
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