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Energy consumption in buildings, both residential and commercial, accounts for approximately 40% of all energy usage in the U.S., and similar numbers are being reported from countries around the world. This significant amount of energy is used to maintain a comfortable, secure, and productive environment for the occupants. So, it is crucial that the energy consumption in buildings must be optimized, all the while maintaining satisfactory levels of occupant comfort, health, and safety. Recently, Machine Learning has been proven to be an invaluable tool in deriving important insights from data and optimizing various systems. In this work, we review the ways in which machine learning has been leveraged to make buildings smart and energy-efficient. For the convenience of readers, we provide a brief introduction of several machine learning paradigms and the components and functioning of each smart building system we cover. Finally, we discuss challenges faced while implementing machine learning algorithms in smart buildings and provide future avenues for research at the intersection of smart buildings and machine learning.
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Video, as a key driver in the global explosion of digital information, can create tremendous benefits for human society. Governments and enterprises are deploying innumerable cameras for a variety of applications, e.g., law enforcement, emergency management, traffic control, and security surveillance, all facilitated by video analytics (VA). This trend is spurred by the rapid advancement of deep learning (DL), which enables more precise models for object classification, detection, and tracking. Meanwhile, with the proliferation of Internet-connected devices, massive amounts of data are generated daily, overwhelming the cloud. Edge computing, an emerging paradigm that moves workloads and services from the network core to the network edge, has been widely recognized as a promising solution. The resulting new intersection, edge video analytics (EVA), begins to attract widespread attention. Nevertheless, only a few loosely-related surveys exist on this topic. A dedicated venue for collecting and summarizing the latest advances of EVA is highly desired by the community. Besides, the basic concepts of EVA (e.g., definition, architectures, etc.) are ambiguous and neglected by these surveys due to the rapid development of this domain. A thorough clarification is needed to facilitate a consensus on these concepts. To fill in these gaps, we conduct a comprehensive survey of the recent efforts on EVA. In this paper, we first review the fundamentals of edge computing, followed by an overview of VA. The EVA system and its enabling techniques are discussed next. In addition, we introduce prevalent frameworks and datasets to aid future researchers in the development of EVA systems. Finally, we discuss existing challenges and foresee future research directions. We believe this survey will help readers comprehend the relationship between VA and edge computing, and spark new ideas on EVA.
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深度强化学习(DRL)赋予了各种人工智能领域,包括模式识别,机器人技术,推荐系统和游戏。同样,图神经网络(GNN)也证明了它们在图形结构数据的监督学习方面的出色表现。最近,GNN与DRL用于图形结构环境的融合引起了很多关注。本文对这些混合动力作品进行了全面评论。这些作品可以分为两类:(1)算法增强,其中DRL和GNN相互补充以获得更好的实用性; (2)特定于应用程序的增强,其中DRL和GNN相互支持。这种融合有效地解决了工程和生命科学方面的各种复杂问题。基于审查,我们进一步分析了融合这两个领域的适用性和好处,尤其是在提高通用性和降低计算复杂性方面。最后,集成DRL和GNN的关键挑战以及潜在的未来研究方向被突出显示,这将引起更广泛的机器学习社区的关注。
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In this tutorial paper, we look into the evolution and prospect of network architecture and propose a novel conceptual architecture for the 6th generation (6G) networks. The proposed architecture has two key elements, i.e., holistic network virtualization and pervasive artificial intelligence (AI). The holistic network virtualization consists of network slicing and digital twin, from the aspects of service provision and service demand, respectively, to incorporate service-centric and user-centric networking. The pervasive network intelligence integrates AI into future networks from the perspectives of networking for AI and AI for networking, respectively. Building on holistic network virtualization and pervasive network intelligence, the proposed architecture can facilitate three types of interplay, i.e., the interplay between digital twin and network slicing paradigms, between model-driven and data-driven methods for network management, and between virtualization and AI, to maximize the flexibility, scalability, adaptivity, and intelligence for 6G networks. We also identify challenges and open issues related to the proposed architecture. By providing our vision, we aim to inspire further discussions and developments on the potential architecture of 6G.
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In recent years, the exponential proliferation of smart devices with their intelligent applications poses severe challenges on conventional cellular networks. Such challenges can be potentially overcome by integrating communication, computing, caching, and control (i4C) technologies. In this survey, we first give a snapshot of different aspects of the i4C, comprising background, motivation, leading technological enablers, potential applications, and use cases. Next, we describe different models of communication, computing, caching, and control (4C) to lay the foundation of the integration approach. We review current state-of-the-art research efforts related to the i4C, focusing on recent trends of both conventional and artificial intelligence (AI)-based integration approaches. We also highlight the need for intelligence in resources integration. Then, we discuss integration of sensing and communication (ISAC) and classify the integration approaches into various classes. Finally, we propose open challenges and present future research directions for beyond 5G networks, such as 6G.
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未来的互联网涉及几种新兴技术,例如5G和5G网络,车辆网络,无人机(UAV)网络和物联网(IOT)。此外,未来的互联网变得异质并分散了许多相关网络实体。每个实体可能需要做出本地决定,以在动态和不确定的网络环境下改善网络性能。最近使用标准学习算法,例如单药强化学习(RL)或深入强化学习(DRL),以使每个网络实体作为代理人通过与未知环境进行互动来自适应地学习最佳决策策略。但是,这种算法未能对网络实体之间的合作或竞争进行建模,而只是将其他实体视为可能导致非平稳性问题的环境的一部分。多机构增强学习(MARL)允许每个网络实体不仅观察环境,还可以观察其他实体的政策来学习其最佳政策。结果,MAL可以显着提高网络实体的学习效率,并且最近已用于解决新兴网络中的各种问题。在本文中,我们因此回顾了MAL在新兴网络中的应用。特别是,我们提供了MARL的教程,以及对MARL在下一代互联网中的应用进行全面调查。特别是,我们首先介绍单代机Agent RL和MARL。然后,我们回顾了MAL在未来互联网中解决新兴问题的许多应用程序。这些问题包括网络访问,传输电源控制,计算卸载,内容缓存,数据包路由,无人机网络的轨迹设计以及网络安全问题。
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受到深入学习的巨大成功通过云计算和边缘芯片的快速发展的影响,人工智能研究(AI)的研究已经转移到计算范例,即云计算和边缘计算。近年来,我们目睹了在云服务器上开发更高级的AI模型,以超越传统的深度学习模型,以造成模型创新(例如,变压器,净化家庭),训练数据爆炸和飙升的计算能力。但是,边缘计算,尤其是边缘和云协同计算,仍然在其初期阶段,因为由于资源受限的IOT场景,因此由于部署了非常有限的算法而导致其成功。在本调查中,我们对云和边缘AI进行系统审查。具体而言,我们是第一个设置云和边缘建模的协作学习机制,通过彻底的审查使能够实现这种机制的架构。我们还讨论了一些正在进行的先进EDGE AI主题的潜在和实践经验,包括预先训练模型,图形神经网络和加强学习。最后,我们讨论了这一领域的有希望的方向和挑战。
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Along with the springing up of semantics-empowered communication (SemCom) researches, it is now witnessing an unprecedentedly growing interest towards a wide range of aspects (e.g., theories, applications, metrics and implementations) in both academia and industry. In this work, we primarily aim to provide a comprehensive survey on both the background and research taxonomy, as well as a detailed technical tutorial. Specifically, we start by reviewing the literature and answering the "what" and "why" questions in semantic transmissions. Afterwards, we present corresponding ecosystems, including theories, metrics, datasets and toolkits, on top of which the taxonomy for research directions is presented. Furthermore, we propose to categorize the critical enabling techniques by explicit and implicit reasoning-based methods, and elaborate on how they evolve and contribute to modern content \& channel semantics-empowered communications. Besides reviewing and summarizing the latest efforts in SemCom, we discuss the relations with other communication levels (e.g., reliable and goal-oriented communications) from a holistic and unified viewpoint. Subsequently, in order to facilitate the future developments and industrial applications, we also highlight advanced practical techniques for boosting semantic accuracy, robustness, and large-scale scalability, just to mention a few. Finally, we discuss the technical challenges that shed light on future research opportunities.
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The stock market prediction has been a traditional yet complex problem researched within diverse research areas and application domains due to its non-linear, highly volatile and complex nature. Existing surveys on stock market prediction often focus on traditional machine learning methods instead of deep learning methods. Deep learning has dominated many domains, gained much success and popularity in recent years in stock market prediction. This motivates us to provide a structured and comprehensive overview of the research on stock market prediction focusing on deep learning techniques. We present four elaborated subtasks of stock market prediction and propose a novel taxonomy to summarize the state-of-the-art models based on deep neural networks from 2011 to 2022. In addition, we also provide detailed statistics on the datasets and evaluation metrics commonly used in the stock market. Finally, we highlight some open issues and point out several future directions by sharing some new perspectives on stock market prediction.
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