In this tutorial paper, we look into the evolution and prospect of network architecture and propose a novel conceptual architecture for the 6th generation (6G) networks. The proposed architecture has two key elements, i.e., holistic network virtualization and pervasive artificial intelligence (AI). The holistic network virtualization consists of network slicing and digital twin, from the aspects of service provision and service demand, respectively, to incorporate service-centric and user-centric networking. The pervasive network intelligence integrates AI into future networks from the perspectives of networking for AI and AI for networking, respectively. Building on holistic network virtualization and pervasive network intelligence, the proposed architecture can facilitate three types of interplay, i.e., the interplay between digital twin and network slicing paradigms, between model-driven and data-driven methods for network management, and between virtualization and AI, to maximize the flexibility, scalability, adaptivity, and intelligence for 6G networks. We also identify challenges and open issues related to the proposed architecture. By providing our vision, we aim to inspire further discussions and developments on the potential architecture of 6G.
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In this paper, we investigate the joint device activity and data detection in massive machine-type communications (mMTC) with a one-phase non-coherent scheme, where data bits are embedded in the pilot sequences and the base station simultaneously detects active devices and their embedded data bits without explicit channel estimation. Due to the correlated sparsity pattern introduced by the non-coherent transmission scheme, the traditional approximate message passing (AMP) algorithm cannot achieve satisfactory performance. Therefore, we propose a deep learning (DL) modified AMP network (DL-mAMPnet) that enhances the detection performance by effectively exploiting the pilot activity correlation. The DL-mAMPnet is constructed by unfolding the AMP algorithm into a feedforward neural network, which combines the principled mathematical model of the AMP algorithm with the powerful learning capability, thereby benefiting from the advantages of both techniques. Trainable parameters are introduced in the DL-mAMPnet to approximate the correlated sparsity pattern and the large-scale fading coefficient. Moreover, a refinement module is designed to further advance the performance by utilizing the spatial feature caused by the correlated sparsity pattern. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed DL-mAMPnet can significantly outperform traditional algorithms in terms of the symbol error rate performance.
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Collaboration among industrial Internet of Things (IoT) devices and edge networks is essential to support computation-intensive deep neural network (DNN) inference services which require low delay and high accuracy. Sampling rate adaption which dynamically configures the sampling rates of industrial IoT devices according to network conditions, is the key in minimizing the service delay. In this paper, we investigate the collaborative DNN inference problem in industrial IoT networks. To capture the channel variation and task arrival randomness, we formulate the problem as a constrained Markov decision process (CMDP). Specifically, sampling rate adaption, inference task offloading and edge computing resource allocation are jointly considered to minimize the average service delay while guaranteeing the long-term accuracy requirements of different inference services. Since CMDP cannot be directly solved by general reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms due to the intractable long-term constraints, we first transform the CMDP into an MDP by leveraging the Lyapunov optimization technique. Then, a deep RL-based algorithm is proposed to solve the MDP. To expedite the training process, an optimization subroutine is embedded in the proposed algorithm to directly obtain the optimal edge computing resource allocation. Extensive simulation results are provided to demonstrate that the proposed RL-based algorithm can significantly reduce the average service delay while preserving long-term inference accuracy with a high probability.
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A large number of studies on Graph Outlier Detection (GOD) have emerged in recent years due to its wide applications, in which Unsupervised Node Outlier Detection (UNOD) on attributed networks is an important area. UNOD focuses on detecting two kinds of typical outliers in graphs: the structural outlier and the contextual outlier. Most existing works conduct experiments based on datasets with injected outliers. However, we find that the most widely-used outlier injection approach has a serious data leakage issue. By only utilizing such data leakage, a simple approach can achieve state-of-the-art performance in detecting outliers. In addition, we observe that most existing algorithms have a performance drop with varied injection settings. The other major issue is on balanced detection performance between the two types of outliers, which has not been considered by existing studies. In this paper, we analyze the cause of the data leakage issue in depth since the injection approach is a building block to advance UNOD. Moreover, we devise a novel variance-based model to detect structural outliers, which outperforms existing algorithms significantly at different injection settings. On top of this, we propose a new framework, Variance-based Graph Outlier Detection (VGOD), which combines our variance-based model and attribute reconstruction model to detect outliers in a balanced way. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of VGOD. The results on 5 real-world datasets validate that VGOD achieves not only the best performance in detecting outliers but also a balanced detection performance between structural and contextual outliers. Our code is available at
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In this paper, we design a resource management scheme to support stateful applications, which will be prevalent in 6G networks. Different from stateless applications, stateful applications require context data while executing computing tasks from user terminals (UTs). Using a multi-tier computing paradigm with servers deployed at the core network, gateways, and base stations to support stateful applications, we aim to optimize long-term resource reservation by jointly minimizing the usage of computing, storage, and communication resources and the cost from reconfiguring resource reservation. The coupling among different resources and the impact of UT mobility create challenges in resource management. To address the challenges, we develop digital twin (DT) empowered network planning with two elements, i.e., multi-resource reservation and resource reservation reconfiguration. First, DTs are designed for collecting UT status data, based on which UTs are grouped according to their mobility patterns. Second, an algorithm is proposed to customize resource reservation for different groups to satisfy their different resource demands. Last, a Meta-learning-based approach is developed to reconfigure resource reservation for balancing the network resource usage and the reconfiguration cost. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed DT-empowered network planning outperforms benchmark frameworks by using less resources and incurring lower reconfiguration costs.
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旨在识别不同网络中的相应节点的网络对齐任务对许多随后的应用程序具有重要意义。不需要标记的锚点链接,无监督的对准方法吸引了越来越多的关注。但是,由现有方法定义的拓扑一致性假设通常是低阶且准确的,因为仅考虑边缘式拓扑模式,这在无监督的环境中尤其有风险。为了重新定位对齐过程从低阶到高阶拓扑一致性的重点,在本文中,我们提出了一个名为HTC的完全无监督的网络对齐框架。提出的高阶拓扑一致性是基于边缘轨道制定的,将其合并到图形卷积网络的信息聚合过程中,以便将对齐一致性转换为节点嵌入的相似性。此外,编码器经过培训为多轨了解,然后进行完善以识别更受信任的锚点链接。通过整合所有不同的一致性顺序,可以全面评估节点对应关系。 {除了合理的理论分析外,所提出方法的优越性还通过广泛的实验评估得到了经验证明。在三对现实世界数据集和两对合成数据集上,我们的HTC始终以最少或可比的时间消耗优于各种各样的无监督和监督方法。由于我们的多轨道感知训练机制,它还表现出对结构噪声的鲁棒性。
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在支持计算和通信技术的支持下,元评估有望为用户带来前所未有的服务体验。但是,元用户数量的增加对网络资源的需求量很大,尤其是用于基于图形扩展现实并需要渲染大量虚拟对象的荟萃分析服务。为了有效利用网络资源并改善体验质量(QOE),我们设计了一个注意力吸引网络资源分配方案,以实现定制的元评估服务。目的是将更多的网络资源分配给用户更感兴趣的虚拟对象。我们首先讨论与荟萃服务有关的几种关键技术,包括QOE分析,眼睛跟踪和远程渲染。然后,我们查看现有的数据集,并提出用户对象注意级别(UOAL)数据集,该数据集包含30个用户对1,000张图像中96个对象的地面意义。提供有关如何使用UOAL的教程。在UOAL的帮助下,我们提出了一种注意力感知的网络资源分配算法,该算法有两个步骤,即注意力预测和QOE最大化。特别是,我们概述了两种类型的注意力预测方法的设计,即兴趣感知和时间感知预测。通过使用预测的用户对象 - 注意值,可以最佳分配边缘设备的渲染能力等网络资源以最大化QOE。最后,我们提出了与荟萃服务有关的有前途的研究指示。
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