近年来,使用小型和远程控制的无人驾驶飞行器(无人机)或无人机的无人驾驶。这与滥用剧集平行,对人或设施的安全有明显的威胁。结果,UAV的检测也被出现为研究主题。关于无人机检测的大多数研究未能指定采集设备,无人机类型,检测范围或数据集的类型。尽管它与其他目标取得了成功,但缺乏采用热红外摄像机的适当的无人机检测研究也是一个问题。此外,我们还没有找到任何以前的研究,以作为与目标距离的函数来解决检测任务。传感器融合也被称为开放式研究问题,尽管在这方面的研究也很稀缺。为了抵消所提到的问题并允许与普通公共基准的基本研究,我们有助于带注释的多传感器数据库,用于无人机检测,包括红外和可见视频和音频文件。该数据库包括三种不同的无人机,不同的尺寸和其他飞行物体可以被错误地检测为无人机,例如鸟类,飞机或直升机。除了使用几种不同的传感器之外,类的数量高于先前的研究。为了允许研究作为传感器到目标距离的函数,根据行业标准检测,识别和识别(DRI)要求,将数据集分为三类(关闭,中,遥远),识别和识别(DRI)要求,建立在Johnson标准上。鉴于无人机必须在视觉范围内飞行,由于法规,无人机的最大传感器到目标距离为200米,并且在白天进行采集。该数据已在瑞典的三个机场获得:Halmstad Airport(IATA规范:HAD / ICAO代码:ESMT),哥德堡市机场(GSE / ESGP)和MALM \“o机场(MMX / ESMS)。
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Technological advancements have normalized the usage of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in every sector, spanning from military to commercial but they also pose serious security concerns due to their enhanced functionalities and easy access to private and highly secured areas. Several instances related to UAVs have raised security concerns, leading to UAV detection research studies. Visual techniques are widely adopted for UAV detection, but they perform poorly at night, in complex backgrounds, and in adverse weather conditions. Therefore, a robust night vision-based drone detection system is required to that could efficiently tackle this problem. Infrared cameras are increasingly used for nighttime surveillance due to their wide applications in night vision equipment. This paper uses a deep learning-based TinyFeatureNet (TF-Net), which is an improved version of YOLOv5s, to accurately detect UAVs during the night using infrared (IR) images. In the proposed TF-Net, we introduce architectural changes in the neck and backbone of the YOLOv5s. We also simulated four different YOLOv5 models (s,m,n,l) and proposed TF-Net for a fair comparison. The results showed better performance for the proposed TF-Net in terms of precision, IoU, GFLOPS, model size, and FPS compared to the YOLOv5s. TF-Net yielded the best results with 95.7\% precision, 84\% mAp, and 44.8\% $IoU$.
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Unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) popularity is on the rise as it enables the services like traffic monitoring, emergency communications, deliveries, and surveillance. However, the unauthorized usage of UAVs (a.k.a drone) may violate security and privacy protocols for security-sensitive national and international institutions. The presented challenges require fast, efficient, and precise detection of UAVs irrespective of harsh weather conditions, the presence of different objects, and their size to enable SafeSpace. Recently, there has been significant progress in using the latest deep learning models, but those models have shortcomings in terms of computational complexity, precision, and non-scalability. To overcome these limitations, we propose a precise and efficient multiscale and multifeature UAV detection network for SafeSpace, i.e., \textit{MultiFeatureNet} (\textit{MFNet}), an improved version of the popular object detection algorithm YOLOv5s. In \textit{MFNet}, we perform multiple changes in the backbone and neck of the YOLOv5s network to focus on the various small and ignored features required for accurate and fast UAV detection. To further improve the accuracy and focus on the specific situation and multiscale UAVs, we classify the \textit{MFNet} into small (S), medium (M), and large (L): these are the combinations of various size filters in the convolution and the bottleneckCSP layers, reside in the backbone and neck of the architecture. This classification helps to overcome the computational cost by training the model on a specific feature map rather than all the features. The dataset and code are available as an open source: github.com/ZeeshanKaleem/MultiFeatureNet.
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The increase in the number of unmanned aerial vehicles a.k.a. drones pose several threats to public privacy, critical infrastructure and cyber security. Hence, detecting unauthorized drones is a significant problem which received attention in the last few years. In this paper, we present our experimental work on three drone detection methods (i.e., acoustic detection, radio frequency (RF) detection, and visual detection) to evaluate their efficacy in both indoor and outdoor environments. Owing to the limitations of these schemes, we present a novel encryption-based drone detection scheme that uses a two-stage verification of the drone's received signal strength indicator (RSSI) and the encryption key generated from the drone's position coordinates to reliably detect an unauthorized drone in the presence of authorized drones.
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This paper proposes the use of an event camera as a component of a vision system that enables counting of fast-moving objects - in this case, falling corn grains. These type of cameras transmit information about the change in brightness of individual pixels and are characterised by low latency, no motion blur, correct operation in different lighting conditions, as well as very low power consumption. The proposed counting algorithm processes events in real time. The operation of the solution was demonstrated on a stand consisting of a chute with a vibrating feeder, which allowed the number of grains falling to be adjusted. The objective of the control system with a PID controller was to maintain a constant average number of falling objects. The proposed solution was subjected to a series of tests to determine the correctness of the developed method operation. On their basis, the validity of using an event camera to count small, fast-moving objects and the associated wide range of potential industrial applications can be confirmed.
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Many aerial robotic applications require the ability to land on moving platforms, such as delivery trucks and marine research boats. We present a method to autonomously land an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle on a moving vehicle. A visual servoing controller approaches the ground vehicle using velocity commands calculated directly in image space. The control laws generate velocity commands in all three dimensions, eliminating the need for a separate height controller. The method has shown the ability to approach and land on the moving deck in simulation, indoor and outdoor environments, and compared to the other available methods, it has provided the fastest landing approach. Unlike many existing methods for landing on fast-moving platforms, this method does not rely on additional external setups, such as RTK, motion capture system, ground station, offboard processing, or communication with the vehicle, and it requires only the minimal set of hardware and localization sensors. The videos and source codes are also provided.
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本文介绍了在异质SOC FPGA计算平台上实施的无人机(UAV)控制算法的硬件(HIL)模拟系统。使用了在PC上运行的Airsim模拟器和带有来自AMD Xilinx的Zynq Soc芯片的Arty Z7开发板。通信是通过串行USB链接进行的。选择了在特殊标记的着陆条上自动着陆的申请作为案例研究。在Zynq SoC平台上实施了着陆点检测算法。这样可以实时处理1280 x 720 @ 60 fps视频流。执行的测试表明,该系统正常工作,并且没有可能对控制的稳定性产生负面影响。所提出的概念的特征是相对简单和实施成本较低。同时,它可以应用于在嵌入式平台上实现的无人机测试各种类型的高级感知和控制算法。我们提供在GitHub上开发的代码,该代码包括在PC上运行的Python脚本和在Arty Z7上运行的C代码。
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Accurate speed estimation of road vehicles is important for several reasons. One is speed limit enforcement, which represents a crucial tool in decreasing traffic accidents and fatalities. Compared with other research areas and domains, the number of available datasets for vehicle speed estimation is still very limited. We present a dataset of on-road audio-video recordings of single vehicles passing by a camera at known speeds, maintained stable by the on-board cruise control. The dataset contains thirteen vehicles, selected to be as diverse as possible in terms of manufacturer, production year, engine type, power and transmission, resulting in a total of $ 400 $ annotated audio-video recordings. The dataset is fully available and intended as a public benchmark to facilitate research in audio-video vehicle speed estimation. In addition to the dataset, we propose a cross-validation strategy which can be used in a machine learning model for vehicle speed estimation. Two approaches to training-validation split of the dataset are proposed.
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本研究专注于评估智能和安全车辆系统的热对象检测的实时性能,通过在GPU和单板边缘GPU计算平台上部署训练有素的网络进行车载汽车传感器套件测试。在充满挑战的天气和环境场景中,获取,加工和开放,包括具有> 35,000个不同框架的新型大规模热数据集。 DataSet是从丢失的成本且有效的未加工的LWIR热敏摄像机,安装独立和电动车辆中的记录,以最大限度地减少机械振动。最先进的YOLO-V5网络变体使用四个不同的公共数据集进行培训,也可以通过采用SGD优化器来实现DNN的最佳通用的本地数据集。培训网络的有效性在广泛的测试数据上使用了各种定量度量来验证,包括精度,召回曲线,平均精度和每秒帧。使用规特相关推理加速器进一步优化YOLO的较小网络变体,明确提高每秒速率的帧。在低功率边缘设备上测试时,优化的网络引擎在低功耗边缘设备上测试时,每秒速率增加3.5倍。在NVIDIA Jetson Nano和60 fps上的NVIDIA Xavier NX Development Landls上实现了11个FPS。
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Video, as a key driver in the global explosion of digital information, can create tremendous benefits for human society. Governments and enterprises are deploying innumerable cameras for a variety of applications, e.g., law enforcement, emergency management, traffic control, and security surveillance, all facilitated by video analytics (VA). This trend is spurred by the rapid advancement of deep learning (DL), which enables more precise models for object classification, detection, and tracking. Meanwhile, with the proliferation of Internet-connected devices, massive amounts of data are generated daily, overwhelming the cloud. Edge computing, an emerging paradigm that moves workloads and services from the network core to the network edge, has been widely recognized as a promising solution. The resulting new intersection, edge video analytics (EVA), begins to attract widespread attention. Nevertheless, only a few loosely-related surveys exist on this topic. A dedicated venue for collecting and summarizing the latest advances of EVA is highly desired by the community. Besides, the basic concepts of EVA (e.g., definition, architectures, etc.) are ambiguous and neglected by these surveys due to the rapid development of this domain. A thorough clarification is needed to facilitate a consensus on these concepts. To fill in these gaps, we conduct a comprehensive survey of the recent efforts on EVA. In this paper, we first review the fundamentals of edge computing, followed by an overview of VA. The EVA system and its enabling techniques are discussed next. In addition, we introduce prevalent frameworks and datasets to aid future researchers in the development of EVA systems. Finally, we discuss existing challenges and foresee future research directions. We believe this survey will help readers comprehend the relationship between VA and edge computing, and spark new ideas on EVA.
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本文介绍了我们拦截更快的入侵者无人机的方法,这是受MBZIRC 2020挑战1.的启发1.通过利用对入侵者轨迹的形状的先验知识,我们可以计算拦截点。目标跟踪基于Yolov3微型卷积神经网络的图像处理,并结合使用饰品安装的ZED ZED迷你立体声摄像机的深度计算。我们使用摄像头的RGB和深度数据,设计降噪的直方图过滤器来提取目标的3D位置。获得目标位置的3D测量值用于计算图八形轨迹的位置,方向和大小,我们使用Bernoulli Lemniscate近似。一旦近似被认为是足够精确的,可以通过观察值和估计之间的距离来测量,我们将计算一个拦截点,以将拦截器无人机直接放在入侵者的路径上。根据MBZIRC竞争期间收集的经验,我们的方法已在模拟和现场实验中得到了验证。我们的结果证实,我们已经开发了一个有效的视觉感知模块,该模块可以提取以足以支持拦截计划的精确性来描述入侵者无人机运动的信息。在大多数模拟遭遇中,我们可以跟踪和拦截比拦截器快30%的目标。在非结构化环境中的相应测试产生了12个成功结果中的9个。
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纳米大小的无人机具有探索未知和复杂环境的巨大潜力。它们的尺寸很小,使它们敏捷且安全地靠近人类,并使他们能够穿过狭窄的空间。但是,它们的尺寸很小和有效载荷限制了板载计算和传感的可能性,从而使完全自主的飞行极具挑战性。迈向完全自主权的第一步是可靠的避免障碍,这在通用的室内环境中被证明在技术上具有挑战性。当前的方法利用基于视觉或一维传感器来支持纳米无人机感知算法。这项工作为基于新颖的毫米尺寸64像素多区域飞行时间(TOF)传感器和通用的无模型控制策略提供了轻巧的避免障碍系统。报告的现场测试基于Crazyflie 2.1,该测试由定制的多区TOF甲板扩展,总质量为35克。该算法仅使用0.3%的车载处理能力(210US执行时间),帧速率为15fps,为许多未来应用提供了绝佳的基础。运行提出的感知系统(包括抬起和操作传感器)所需的总无人机功率不到10%。在通用且以前未开发的室内环境中,提出的自动纳米大小无人机以0.5m/s的速度达到100%可靠性。所提出的系统释放出具有广泛数据集的开源,包括TOF和灰度摄像头数据,并与运动捕获中的无人机位置地面真相结合在一起。
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