自动驾驶汽车(SDC)通常会实施感知管道,以检测周围的障碍并跟踪其移动轨迹,这为随后的驾驶决策过程奠定了基础。尽管对SDC中障碍物检测的安全性进行了深入的研究,但直到最近,攻击者才开始利用跟踪模块的脆弱性。与仅攻击对象探测器相比,这种新的攻击策略以更少的攻击预算更有效地影响了驾驶决策。但是,关于揭示的脆弱性在端到端的自动驾驶系统中是否仍然有效,以及如何减轻威胁。在本文中,我们介绍了SDC中对象跟踪安全性的第一个系统研究。通过一项全面的案例研究Baidu's Apollo的全面感知管道,我们证明了基于Kalman Filter(KF)的主流多对象跟踪器(MOT),即使具有启用的多种多样,传感器融合机制。我们的根本原因分析揭示了脆弱性是对基于KF的MOT设计的天生,该漏洞将错误地处理对象检测器的预测结果,但是当采用的KF算法易于在其与预测偏离的偏差时更容易相信该观察结果更大。为了解决这个设计缺陷,我们为基于KF的MOT提出了一个简单而有效的安全贴,其核心是一种适应性策略,可以平衡KF的重点在观测和预测上,根据观察预测偏差的异常指数,并具有针对广义劫持攻击模型的认证有效性。对基于$ 4 $ kf的现有MOT实施(包括2D和3D,学术和阿波罗的)的广泛评估验证了我们方法的防御效果和微不足道的绩效开销。
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在本文中,我们描述了如何利用明亮的调制光源(例如,廉价,离心激光器)来利用CMOS图像传感器中的电子滚动快门。我们展示了七种不同CMOS相机的攻击,从IoT廉价到半专业监控摄像机,以突出滚动快门攻击的广泛适用性。我们模拟了影响不受控制的设置中滚动快门攻击的基本因素。然后,我们对对象检测任务的攻击作用进行了详尽的评估,研究了攻击参数的效果。我们验证了我们对两个独立相机收集的经验数据的模型,表明通过简单地使用来自相机数据表的信息,对手可以准确地预测注入的失真大小并相应地优化它们的攻击。我们发现,通过选择适当的攻击参数,对手可以通过最先进的探测器隐藏高达75%的物体。我们还调查了与NA \“{i} vers致盲攻击相比攻击的隐秘,表明常见的图像失真度量无法检测到攻击存在。因此,我们向骨干展示了一种新的,准确和轻巧的增强对象检测器的网络识别滚动快门攻击。总体而言,我们的结果表明,滚动快门攻击可以大大降低基于视觉智能系统的性能和可靠性。
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一方面,在最近的文献中,许多3D多对象跟踪(MOT)的作品集中在跟踪准确性和被忽视的计算速度上,通常是通过设计相当复杂的成本功能和功能提取器来进行的。另一方面,某些方法以跟踪准确性为代价过多地关注计算速度。鉴于这些问题,本文提出了一种强大而快速的基于相机融合的MOT方法,该方法在准确性和速度之间取决于良好的权衡。依靠相机和激光雷达传感器的特性,设计并嵌入了提出的MOT方法中的有效的深层关联机制。该关联机制在对象远处并仅由摄像机检测到2D域中的对象,并在对象出现在LIDAR的视野中以实现平滑融合时获得的2D轨迹进行更新,并更新2D轨迹。 2D和3D轨迹。基于典型数据集的广泛实验表明,就跟踪准确性和处理速度而言,我们提出的方法在最先进的MOT方法上具有明显的优势。我们的代码可公开用于社区的利益。
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Object detectors, which are widely deployed in security-critical systems such as autonomous vehicles, have been found vulnerable to patch hiding attacks. An attacker can use a single physically-realizable adversarial patch to make the object detector miss the detection of victim objects and undermine the functionality of object detection applications. In this paper, we propose ObjectSeeker for certifiably robust object detection against patch hiding attacks. The key insight in ObjectSeeker is patch-agnostic masking: we aim to mask out the entire adversarial patch without knowing the shape, size, and location of the patch. This masking operation neutralizes the adversarial effect and allows any vanilla object detector to safely detect objects on the masked images. Remarkably, we can evaluate ObjectSeeker's robustness in a certifiable manner: we develop a certification procedure to formally determine if ObjectSeeker can detect certain objects against any white-box adaptive attack within the threat model, achieving certifiable robustness. Our experiments demonstrate a significant (~10%-40% absolute and ~2-6x relative) improvement in certifiable robustness over the prior work, as well as high clean performance (~1% drop compared with undefended models).
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关键应用程序中机器学习(ML)组件的集成引入了软件认证和验证的新挑战。正在开发新的安全标准和技术准则,以支持基于ML的系统的安全性,例如ISO 21448 SOTIF用于汽车域名,并保证机器学习用于自主系统(AMLAS)框架。 SOTIF和AMLA提供了高级指导,但对于每个特定情况,必须将细节凿出来。我们启动了一个研究项目,目的是证明开放汽车系统中ML组件的完整安全案例。本文报告说,Smikk的安全保证合作是由行业级别的行业合作的,这是一个基于ML的行人自动紧急制动示威者,在行业级模拟器中运行。我们演示了AMLA在伪装上的应用,以在简约的操作设计域中,即,我们为其基于ML的集成组件共享一个完整的安全案例。最后,我们报告了经验教训,并在开源许可下为研究界重新使用的开源许可提供了傻笑和安全案例。
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本文提出了一种新颖的方法,用于在具有复杂拓扑结构的地下领域的搜索和救援行动中自动合作。作为CTU-Cras-Norlab团队的一部分,拟议的系统在DARPA SubT决赛的虚拟轨道中排名第二。与专门为虚拟轨道开发的获奖解决方案相反,该建议的解决方案也被证明是在现实世界竞争极为严峻和狭窄的环境中飞行的机上实体无人机的强大系统。提出的方法可以使无缝模拟转移的无人机团队完全自主和分散的部署,并证明了其优于不同环境可飞行空间的移动UGV团队的优势。该论文的主要贡献存在于映射和导航管道中。映射方法采用新颖的地图表示形式 - 用于有效的风险意识长距离计划,面向覆盖范围和压缩的拓扑范围的LTVMAP领域,以允许在低频道通信下进行多机器人合作。这些表示形式与新的方法一起在导航中使用,以在一般的3D环境中可见性受限的知情搜索,而对环境结构没有任何假设,同时将深度探索与传感器覆盖的剥削保持平衡。所提出的解决方案还包括一条视觉感知管道,用于在没有专用GPU的情况下在5 Hz处进行四个RGB流中感兴趣的对象的板上检测和定位。除了参与DARPA SubT外,在定性和定量评估的各种环境中,在不同的环境中进行了广泛的实验验证,UAV系统的性能得到了支持。
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Modern autonomous driving system is characterized as modular tasks in sequential order, i.e., perception, prediction and planning. As sensors and hardware get improved, there is trending popularity to devise a system that can perform a wide diversity of tasks to fulfill higher-level intelligence. Contemporary approaches resort to either deploying standalone models for individual tasks, or designing a multi-task paradigm with separate heads. These might suffer from accumulative error or negative transfer effect. Instead, we argue that a favorable algorithm framework should be devised and optimized in pursuit of the ultimate goal, i.e. planning of the self-driving-car. Oriented at this goal, we revisit the key components within perception and prediction. We analyze each module and prioritize the tasks hierarchically, such that all these tasks contribute to planning (the goal). To this end, we introduce Unified Autonomous Driving (UniAD), the first comprehensive framework up-to-date that incorporates full-stack driving tasks in one network. It is exquisitely devised to leverage advantages of each module, and provide complementary feature abstractions for agent interaction from a global perspective. Tasks are communicated with unified query design to facilitate each other toward planning. We instantiate UniAD on the challenging nuScenes benchmark. With extensive ablations, the effectiveness of using such a philosophy is proven to surpass previous state-of-the-arts by a large margin in all aspects. The full suite of codebase and models would be available to facilitate future research in the community.
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近年来,移动机器人的安全问题引起了人们的关注。在本文中,我们提出了一种智能的物理攻击,通过从外部观察中学习障碍 - 避免机制,将移动机器人置于预设位置。我们作品的显着新颖性在于揭示具有智能和高级设计的基于物理攻击的可能性,可以带来真正的威胁,而没有对系统动态或对内部系统的访问的先验知识。传统网络空间安全中的对策无法处理这种攻击。练习,拟议的攻击的基石是积极探索受害者机器人与环境的复杂相互作用的特征,并学习对其行为的有限观察中表现出的障碍知识。然后,我们提出了最短的路径和手持攻击算法,以从巨大的运动空间中找到有效的攻击路径,从而在路径长度和活动期间分别以低成本实现了驾驶到陷阱目标。证明了算法的收敛性,并进一步得出了攻击性能范围。广泛的模拟和现实生活实验说明了拟议攻击的有效性,招呼未来对机器人系统的物理威胁和防御的研究。
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Although Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have achieved impressive results in computer vision, their exposed vulnerability to adversarial attacks remains a serious concern. A series of works has shown that by adding elaborate perturbations to images, DNNs could have catastrophic degradation in performance metrics. And this phenomenon does not only exist in the digital space but also in the physical space. Therefore, estimating the security of these DNNs-based systems is critical for safely deploying them in the real world, especially for security-critical applications, e.g., autonomous cars, video surveillance, and medical diagnosis. In this paper, we focus on physical adversarial attacks and provide a comprehensive survey of over 150 existing papers. We first clarify the concept of the physical adversarial attack and analyze its characteristics. Then, we define the adversarial medium, essential to perform attacks in the physical world. Next, we present the physical adversarial attack methods in task order: classification, detection, and re-identification, and introduce their performance in solving the trilemma: effectiveness, stealthiness, and robustness. In the end, we discuss the current challenges and potential future directions.
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Reinforcement learning allows machines to learn from their own experience. Nowadays, it is used in safety-critical applications, such as autonomous driving, despite being vulnerable to attacks carefully crafted to either prevent that the reinforcement learning algorithm learns an effective and reliable policy, or to induce the trained agent to make a wrong decision. The literature about the security of reinforcement learning is rapidly growing, and some surveys have been proposed to shed light on this field. However, their categorizations are insufficient for choosing an appropriate defense given the kind of system at hand. In our survey, we do not only overcome this limitation by considering a different perspective, but we also discuss the applicability of state-of-the-art attacks and defenses when reinforcement learning algorithms are used in the context of autonomous driving.
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Figure 1: We introduce datasets for 3D tracking and motion forecasting with rich maps for autonomous driving. Our 3D tracking dataset contains sequences of LiDAR measurements, 360 • RGB video, front-facing stereo (middle-right), and 6-dof localization. All sequences are aligned with maps containing lane center lines (magenta), driveable region (orange), and ground height. Sequences are annotated with 3D cuboid tracks (green). A wider map view is shown in the bottom-right.
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Deep learning-based 3D object detectors have made significant progress in recent years and have been deployed in a wide range of applications. It is crucial to understand the robustness of detectors against adversarial attacks when employing detectors in security-critical applications. In this paper, we make the first attempt to conduct a thorough evaluation and analysis of the robustness of 3D detectors under adversarial attacks. Specifically, we first extend three kinds of adversarial attacks to the 3D object detection task to benchmark the robustness of state-of-the-art 3D object detectors against attacks on KITTI and Waymo datasets, subsequently followed by the analysis of the relationship between robustness and properties of detectors. Then, we explore the transferability of cross-model, cross-task, and cross-data attacks. We finally conduct comprehensive experiments of defense for 3D detectors, demonstrating that simple transformations like flipping are of little help in improving robustness when the strategy of transformation imposed on input point cloud data is exposed to attackers. Our findings will facilitate investigations in understanding and defending the adversarial attacks against 3D object detectors to advance this field.
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The last decade witnessed increasingly rapid progress in self-driving vehicle technology, mainly backed up by advances in the area of deep learning and artificial intelligence. The objective of this paper is to survey the current state-of-the-art on deep learning technologies used in autonomous driving. We start by presenting AI-based self-driving architectures, convolutional and recurrent neural networks, as well as the deep reinforcement learning paradigm. These methodologies form a base for the surveyed driving scene perception, path planning, behavior arbitration and motion control algorithms. We investigate both the modular perception-planning-action pipeline, where each module is built using deep learning methods, as well as End2End systems, which directly map sensory information to steering commands. Additionally, we tackle current challenges encountered in designing AI architectures for autonomous driving, such as their safety, training data sources and computational hardware. The comparison presented in this survey helps to gain insight into the strengths and limitations of deep learning and AI approaches for autonomous driving and assist with design choices. 1
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