由于其在多语言翻译,自动驾驶等方面的广泛应用,因此场景文本识别引起了近年来的兴趣。在本报告中,我们描述了我们对词汇表场上的解决方案的解决方案,该解决方案是词汇表场上的文本理解(OOV-ST)挑战,旨在从自然场景图像中提取胶卷外(OOV)单词。我们基于OCLIP的模型在H-Mean中获得28.59 \%,在ECCV2022 TIE Workshop中对OOV挑战的端到端OOV单词识别曲目排名第一。
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该报告介绍了我们对ECCV 2022挑战的获胜者解决方案,挑战了播放视频的文本理解(OOV-ST):裁剪单词识别。这项挑战是在所有内容(TIE)中的ECCV 2022讲习班的背景下举行的,该研讨会(TIE)旨在从自然场景图像中提取出播出的单词。在竞争中,我们首先在合成数据集上进行预训练,然后在训练集中对模型进行数据增强进行微调。同时,针对长期和垂直文本进行了专门训练的另外两个型号。最后,我们将不同模型的输出与不同的层,不同的骨干和不同种子结合在一起。当考虑使用唱歌内和播放量的单词时,我们的解决方案的总体单词准确性为69.73%。
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本文提出了2022年访问量的挑战的最终结果。 OOV竞赛介绍了一个重要方面,而光学角色识别(OCR)模型通常不会研究,即,在培训时对看不见的场景文本实例的识别。竞赛编制了包含326,385张图像的公共场景文本数据集的集合,其中包含4,864,405个场景文本实例,从而涵盖了广泛的数据分布。形成了一个新的独立验证和测试集,其中包括在训练时出词汇量不超出词汇的场景文本实例。竞争是在两项任务中进行的,分别是端到端和裁剪的文本识别。介绍了基线和不同参与者的结果的详尽分析。有趣的是,在新研究的设置下,当前的最新模型显示出显着的性能差距。我们得出的结论是,在此挑战中提出的OOV数据集将是要探索的重要领域,以开发场景文本模型,以实现更健壮和广义的预测。
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最近,视觉预训练(VLP)技术通过共同学习视觉和文本表示,从而极大地使各种视力语言任务受益匪浅,这是由于场景中文本中丰富的视觉和文本信息而直觉上有助于光学角色识别(OCR)任务图片。但是,这些方法无法很好地应对OCR任务,因为实例级文本编码和图像文本对采集的难度(即其中的图像和捕获的文本)。本文提出了一种弱监督的预训练方法OCLIP,可以通过共同学习和对齐视觉和文本信息来获取有效的场景文本表示。我们的网络由一个图像编码器和角色吸引的文本编码器组成,该文本编码器分别提取视觉和文本特征,以及一个视觉文本解码器,该解码器模拟了文本和视觉特征之间的相互作用,以学习有效的场景文本表示。通过学习文本功能,预先训练的模型可以通过角色意识很好地参加图像中的文本。此外,这些设计可以从弱注释的文本(即图像中的部分文本中没有文本边界框中的部分文本)进行学习,从而极大地减轻数据注释约束。 ICDAR2019-LSVT中弱注释图像的实验表明,我们的预训练模型分别将其权重转移到其他文本检测和发现网络时,将F-评分提高+2.5 \%和+4.8 \%。此外,所提出的方法在多个公共数据集(例如,总文本和CTW1500的+3.2 \%和+1.3 \%)上始终超过现有的预训练技术。
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文本识别是文档数字化的长期研究问题。现有的方法通常是基于CNN构建的,以用于图像理解,并为Char-Level文本生成而建立RNN。此外,通常需要另一种语言模型来提高整体准确性作为后处理步骤。在本文中,我们提出了一种使用预训练的图像变压器和文本变压器模型(即Trocr)提出的端到端文本识别方法,该模型利用了变压器体系结构,以实现图像理解和文字级级文本生成。TROR模型很简单,但有效,可以通过大规模合成数据进行预训练,并通过人体标记的数据集进行微调。实验表明,TROR模型的表现优于印刷,手写和场景文本识别任务上的当前最新模型。Trocr模型和代码可在\ url {https://aka.ms/trocr}上公开获得。
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文本生成模型(TGMS)成功地创建了与人类语言风格匹配的文本。可以区分TGM生成的文本和人写的探测器在防止滥用TGM方面起着重要作用。在本文中,我们描述了两个Dialog-22 RUATD任务的管道:检测生成的文本(二进制任务)和使用哪个模型的分类来生成文本(多类任务)。我们在二进制分类任务上获得了第一名,精度得分为0.82995,在私人测试集上,在多类分类任务中排名第四,在私人测试集上的精度为0.62856。我们提出了一种基于注意机制的不同预训练模型的合奏方法。
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最近,基于合成数据的实例分割已成为一种极其有利的优化范式,因为它利用模拟渲染和物理学来生成高质量的图像宣传对。在本文中,我们提出了一个并行预训练的变压器(PPT)框架,以完成基于合成数据的实例分割任务。具体而言,我们利用现成的预训练的视觉变压器来减轻自然数据和合成数据之间的差距,这有助于在下游合成数据场景中提供良好的概括,几乎没有样本。基于SWIN-B基的CBNET V2,基于SWINL的CBNET V2和SWIN-L基统一器用于并行特征学习,并且这三个模型的结果由像素级非最大最大抑制(NMS)算法融合来获得更强大的结果。实验结果表明,PPT在CVPR2022 AVA可访问性视觉和自主性挑战中排名第一,地图为65.155%。
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典型的文本检测器遵循两阶段的发现策略:首先检测文本实例的精确边界,然后在定期的文本区域内执行文本识别。尽管这种策略取得了实质性进展,但有两个基本的局限性。 1)文本识别的性能在很大程度上取决于文本检测的精度,从而导致从检测到识别的潜在误差传播。 2)桥接检测和识别的ROI种植会带来背景的噪音,并在合并或从特征地图中插值时导致信息丢失。在这项工作中,我们提出了单个镜头自力更生的场景文本sottter(SRSTS),该场景通过将识别解除识别来规避这些限制。具体而言,我们并行进行文本检测和识别,并通过共享的积极锚点架起它们。因此,即使确切的文本边界要检测到具有挑战性,我们的方法也能够正确识别文本实例。此外,我们的方法可大大降低文本检测的注释成本。在常规基准和任意形状的基准上进行了广泛的实验表明,就准确性和效率而言,我们的SRST与以前的最先进的观察者相比有利。
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现场文本识别(STR)已广泛研究学术界和工业。培训文本识别模型通常需要大量标记数据,但数据标签可能是困难,昂贵的或耗时的,尤其是对于传统的中国文本识别。据我们所知,缺乏传统文本认可的公共数据集。本文介绍了传统的中国合成数据引擎的框架,旨在提高文本识别模型性能。我们生成超过2000万遍的合成数据,并在7,000多个手动标记的数据TC-STR 7K-Word中收集为基准。实验结果表明,文本识别模型可以通过从头划痕与我们产生的合成数据或通过TC-STR 7K字进行进一步微调来实现更好的准确性。
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图像变压器最近使用监督(VIT,DEIT等)或自我监督(BEIT,MAE等)预训练技术取得了显着的自然图像理解进展。在本文中,我们提出了\ textbf {dit},一种自我保护的预训练\ textbf {d} ocument \ textbf {i} mage \ textbf {t} ransformer模型,使用大规模的不尺度的文本图像用于文档AI任务,这是必不可少的,因为由于缺乏人类标记的文档图像,因此没有受到监督的同行。我们将DIT作为骨干网络在各种基于视觉的文档AI任务中,包括文档图像分类,文档布局分析,表检测以及OCR的文本检测。实验结果表明,自我监管的预训练的DIT模型可在这些下游任务上实现新的最新结果,例如文档图像分类(91.11 $ \ rightarrow $ 92.69),文档布局分析(91.0 $ \ rightArow $ 94.9),表检测(94.23 $ \ rightArrow $ 96.55)和OCR的文本检测(93.07 $ \ rightarrow $ 94.29)。代码和预培训模型可在\ url {https://aka.ms/msdit}上公开获得。
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本文介绍了我们针对IWSLT 2022离线任务的端到端Yitrans语音翻译系统的提交,该任务从英语音频转换为德语,中文和日语。 Yitrans系统建立在大规模训练的编码器模型上。更具体地说,我们首先设计了多阶段的预训练策略,以建立具有大量标记和未标记数据的多模式模型。然后,我们为下游语音翻译任务微调模型的相应组件。此外,我们做出了各种努力,以提高性能,例如数据过滤,数据增强,语音细分,模型集合等。实验结果表明,我们的Yitrans系统比在三个翻译方向上的强基线取得了显着改进,并且比去年在TST2021英语 - 德国人中的最佳端到端系统方面的改进+5.2 BLEU改进。根据自动评估指标,我们的最终意见在英语 - 德国和英语端到端系统上排名第一。我们使代码和模型公开可用。
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This study focuses on improving the optical character recognition (OCR) data for panels in the COMICS dataset, the largest dataset containing text and images from comic books. To do this, we developed a pipeline for OCR processing and labeling of comic books and created the first text detection and recognition datasets for western comics, called "COMICS Text+: Detection" and "COMICS Text+: Recognition". We evaluated the performance of state-of-the-art text detection and recognition models on these datasets and found significant improvement in word accuracy and normalized edit distance compared to the text in COMICS. We also created a new dataset called "COMICS Text+", which contains the extracted text from the textboxes in the COMICS dataset. Using the improved text data of COMICS Text+ in the comics processing model from resulted in state-of-the-art performance on cloze-style tasks without changing the model architecture. The COMICS Text+ dataset can be a valuable resource for researchers working on tasks including text detection, recognition, and high-level processing of comics, such as narrative understanding, character relations, and story generation. All the data and inference instructions can be accessed in https://github.com/gsoykan/comics_text_plus.
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Leveraging the advances of natural language processing, most recent scene text recognizers adopt an encoder-decoder architecture where text images are first converted to representative features and then a sequence of characters via `sequential decoding'. However, scene text images suffer from rich noises of different sources such as complex background and geometric distortions which often confuse the decoder and lead to incorrect alignment of visual features at noisy decoding time steps. This paper presents I2C2W, a novel scene text recognition technique that is tolerant to geometric and photometric degradation by decomposing scene text recognition into two inter-connected tasks. The first task focuses on image-to-character (I2C) mapping which detects a set of character candidates from images based on different alignments of visual features in an non-sequential way. The second task tackles character-to-word (C2W) mapping which recognizes scene text by decoding words from the detected character candidates. The direct learning from character semantics (instead of noisy image features) corrects falsely detected character candidates effectively which improves the final text recognition accuracy greatly. Extensive experiments over nine public datasets show that the proposed I2C2W outperforms the state-of-the-art by large margins for challenging scene text datasets with various curvature and perspective distortions. It also achieves very competitive recognition performance over multiple normal scene text datasets.
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虽然微调预训练的网络已成为训练图像分割模型的流行方式,但这种用于图像分割的骨干网络经常使用图像分类源数据集(例如ImageNet)进行预训练。尽管图像分类数据集可以为骨干网络提供丰富的视觉特征和歧视能力,但它们无法以端到端的方式完全预训练目标模型(即骨干+分割模块)。由于分类数据集中缺乏分割标签,因此在微调过程中进行分割模块在微调过程中随机初始化。在我们的工作中,我们提出了一种利用伪语义分割标签(PSSL)的方法,以启用基于分类数据集的图像分割模型的端到端预训练。 PSSL的启发是受到观察的启发,即通过CAM,Smoothgrad和Lime等解释算法获得的分类模型的解释结果将接近视觉对象的像素簇。具体而言,通过解释分类结果并汇总了从多个分类器查询的解释集合来降低单个模型引起的偏差,从而为每个图像获得PSSL。使用PSSL,对于ImageNet的每个图像,提出的方法都利用加权分割学习程序来预先培训分割网络。实验结果表明,在Imagenet伴随PSSL作为源数据集的情况下,提出的端到端预训练策略成功地增强了各种分割模型的性能,即PSPNET-RESNET50,DEEPLABV3-RESNET50和OCRNET-HRNET-HRNETENET-HRNETENET-HRNETENET-HRNETENET-HRNETW18,和在许多细分任务上,例如CAMVID,VOC-A,VOC-C,ADE20K和CityScapes,并有重大改进。源代码可在https://github.com/paddlepaddle/paddleseg上使用。
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Motivation: Biomedical text mining is becoming increasingly important as the number of biomedical documents rapidly grows. With the progress in natural language processing (NLP), extracting valuable information from biomedical literature has gained popularity among researchers, and deep learning has boosted the development of effective biomedical text mining models. However, directly applying the advancements in NLP to biomedical text mining often yields unsatisfactory results due to a word distribution shift from general domain corpora to biomedical corpora. In this article, we investigate how the recently introduced pre-trained language model BERT can be adapted for biomedical corpora. Results: We introduce BioBERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers for Biomedical Text Mining), which is a domain-specific language representation model pre-trained on large-scale biomedical corpora. With almost the same architecture across tasks, BioBERT largely outperforms BERT and previous state-of-the-art models in a variety of biomedical text mining tasks when pre-trained on biomedical corpora. While BERT obtains performance comparable to that of previous state-of-the-art models, BioBERT significantly outperforms them on the following three representative biomedical text mining tasks: biomedical named entity recognition (0.62% F1 score improvement), biomedical relation extraction (2.80% F1 score improvement) and biomedical question answering (12.24% MRR improvement). Our analysis results show that pre-training BERT on biomedical corpora helps it to understand complex biomedical texts.
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Recently, models based on deep neural networks have dominated the fields of scene text detection and recognition. In this paper, we investigate the problem of scene text spotting, which aims at simultaneous text detection and recognition in natural images. An end-to-end trainable neural network model for scene text spotting is proposed. The proposed model, named as Mask TextSpotter, is inspired by the newly published work Mask R-CNN. Different from previous methods that also accomplish text spotting with end-to-end trainable deep neural networks, Mask TextSpotter takes advantage of simple and smooth end-to-end learning procedure, in which precise text detection and recognition are acquired via semantic segmentation. Moreover, it is superior to previous methods in handling text instances of irregular shapes, for example, curved text. Experiments on ICDAR2013, ICDAR2015 and Total-Text demonstrate that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art results in both scene text detection and end-to-end text recognition tasks.
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How to solve the data scarcity problem for end-to-end speech-to-text translation (ST)? It's well known that data augmentation is an efficient method to improve performance for many tasks by enlarging the dataset. In this paper, we propose Mix at three levels for Speech Translation (M^3ST) method to increase the diversity of the augmented training corpus. Specifically, we conduct two phases of fine-tuning based on a pre-trained model using external machine translation (MT) data. In the first stage of fine-tuning, we mix the training corpus at three levels, including word level, sentence level and frame level, and fine-tune the entire model with mixed data. At the second stage of fine-tuning, we take both original speech sequences and original text sequences in parallel into the model to fine-tune the network, and use Jensen-Shannon divergence to regularize their outputs. Experiments on MuST-C speech translation benchmark and analysis show that M^3ST outperforms current strong baselines and achieves state-of-the-art results on eight directions with an average BLEU of 29.9.
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Open-vocabulary object detection, which is concerned with the problem of detecting novel objects guided by natural language, has gained increasing attention from the community. Ideally, we would like to extend an open-vocabulary detector such that it can produce bounding box predictions based on user inputs in form of either natural language or exemplar image. This offers great flexibility and user experience for human-computer interaction. To this end, we propose a novel open-vocabulary detector based on DETR -- hence the name OV-DETR -- which, once trained, can detect any object given its class name or an exemplar image. The biggest challenge of turning DETR into an open-vocabulary detector is that it is impossible to calculate the classification cost matrix of novel classes without access to their labeled images. To overcome this challenge, we formulate the learning objective as a binary matching one between input queries (class name or exemplar image) and the corresponding objects, which learns useful correspondence to generalize to unseen queries during testing. For training, we choose to condition the Transformer decoder on the input embeddings obtained from a pre-trained vision-language model like CLIP, in order to enable matching for both text and image queries. With extensive experiments on LVIS and COCO datasets, we demonstrate that our OV-DETR -- the first end-to-end Transformer-based open-vocabulary detector -- achieves non-trivial improvements over current state of the arts.
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