Open-vocabulary object detection, which is concerned with the problem of detecting novel objects guided by natural language, has gained increasing attention from the community. Ideally, we would like to extend an open-vocabulary detector such that it can produce bounding box predictions based on user inputs in form of either natural language or exemplar image. This offers great flexibility and user experience for human-computer interaction. To this end, we propose a novel open-vocabulary detector based on DETR -- hence the name OV-DETR -- which, once trained, can detect any object given its class name or an exemplar image. The biggest challenge of turning DETR into an open-vocabulary detector is that it is impossible to calculate the classification cost matrix of novel classes without access to their labeled images. To overcome this challenge, we formulate the learning objective as a binary matching one between input queries (class name or exemplar image) and the corresponding objects, which learns useful correspondence to generalize to unseen queries during testing. For training, we choose to condition the Transformer decoder on the input embeddings obtained from a pre-trained vision-language model like CLIP, in order to enable matching for both text and image queries. With extensive experiments on LVIS and COCO datasets, we demonstrate that our OV-DETR -- the first end-to-end Transformer-based open-vocabulary detector -- achieves non-trivial improvements over current state of the arts.
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Existing object detection methods are bounded in a fixed-set vocabulary by costly labeled data. When dealing with novel categories, the model has to be retrained with more bounding box annotations. Natural language supervision is an attractive alternative for its annotation-free attributes and broader object concepts. However, learning open-vocabulary object detection from language is challenging since image-text pairs do not contain fine-grained object-language alignments. Previous solutions rely on either expensive grounding annotations or distilling classification-oriented vision models. In this paper, we propose a novel open-vocabulary object detection framework directly learning from image-text pair data. We formulate object-language alignment as a set matching problem between a set of image region features and a set of word embeddings. It enables us to train an open-vocabulary object detector on image-text pairs in a much simple and effective way. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets, COCO and LVIS, demonstrate our superior performance over the competing approaches on novel categories, e.g. achieving 32.0% mAP on COCO and 21.7% mask mAP on LVIS. Code is available at:
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尽管对象检测方面取得了很大进展,但由于实例级边界盒注释所需的巨大人性化,大多数现有方法都仅限于一小一少量的对象类别。为了减轻问题,最近的开放词汇和零射击检测方法试图检测培训期间未见的对象类别。但是,这些方法仍然依赖于一组基类上手动提供的边界盒注释。我们提出了一个开放的词汇检测框架,可以在没有手动提供边界盒注释的情况下培训。我们的方法通过利用预先训练的视觉语言模型的本地化能力来实现这一目标,并产生可直接用于训练对象探测器的伪边界盒标签。 Coco,Pascal VOC,Objects365和LVIS的实验结果证明了我们方法的有效性。具体而言,我们的方法优于使用人类注释的边界箱训练的最先进(SOTA),即使我们的培训源未配备手动边界盒标签,也可以在COCO新型类别上用3%AP培训。在利用手动边界箱标签作为基线时,我们的方法主要超过8%的AP。
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In this work, we focus on instance-level open vocabulary segmentation, intending to expand a segmenter for instance-wise novel categories without mask annotations. We investigate a simple yet effective framework with the help of image captions, focusing on exploiting thousands of object nouns in captions to discover instances of novel classes. Rather than adopting pretrained caption models or using massive caption datasets with complex pipelines, we propose an end-to-end solution from two aspects: caption grounding and caption generation. In particular, we devise a joint Caption Grounding and Generation (CGG) framework based on a Mask Transformer baseline. The framework has a novel grounding loss that performs explicit and implicit multi-modal feature alignments. We further design a lightweight caption generation head to allow for additional caption supervision. We find that grounding and generation complement each other, significantly enhancing the segmentation performance for novel categories. We conduct extensive experiments on the COCO dataset with two settings: Open Vocabulary Instance Segmentation (OVIS) and Open Set Panoptic Segmentation (OSPS). The results demonstrate the superiority of our CGG framework over previous OVIS methods, achieving a large improvement of 6.8% mAP on novel classes without extra caption data. Our method also achieves over 15% PQ improvements for novel classes on the OSPS benchmark under various settings.
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Open vocabulary object detection has been greatly advanced by the recent development of vision-language pretrained model, which helps recognize novel objects with only semantic categories. The prior works mainly focus on knowledge transferring to the object proposal classification and employ class-agnostic box and mask prediction. In this work, we propose CondHead, a principled dynamic network design to better generalize the box regression and mask segmentation for open vocabulary setting. The core idea is to conditionally parameterize the network heads on semantic embedding and thus the model is guided with class-specific knowledge to better detect novel categories. Specifically, CondHead is composed of two streams of network heads, the dynamically aggregated head and the dynamically generated head. The former is instantiated with a set of static heads that are conditionally aggregated, these heads are optimized as experts and are expected to learn sophisticated prediction. The latter is instantiated with dynamically generated parameters and encodes general class-specific information. With such a conditional design, the detection model is bridged by the semantic embedding to offer strongly generalizable class-wise box and mask prediction. Our method brings significant improvement to the state-of-the-art open vocabulary object detection methods with very minor overhead, e.g., it surpasses a RegionClip model by 3.0 detection AP on novel categories, with only 1.1% more computation.
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通过将元学习纳入基于区域的检测框架中,很少有射击对象检测经过广泛的研究。尽管取得了成功,但所述范式仍然受到几个因素的限制,例如(i)新型类别的低质量区域建议以及(ii)不同类别之间的类间相关性的过失。这种限制阻碍了基础知识的概括,以检测新型级别对象。在这项工作中,我们设计了元数据,(i)是第一个图像级的少量检测器,(ii)引入了一种新颖的类间相关元学习策略,以捕获和利用不同类别之间的相关性的相关性稳健而准确的几个射击对象检测。 meta-detr完全在图像级别工作,没有任何区域建议,这规避了普遍的几杆检测框架中不准确的建议的约束。此外,引入的相关元学习使元数据能够同时参加单个进料中的多个支持类别,从而可以捕获不同类别之间的类间相关性,从而大大降低了相似类别的错误分类并增强知识概括性参加新颖的课程。对多个射击对象检测基准进行的实验表明,所提出的元元删除优于大幅度的最先进方法。实施代码可在上获得。
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长期以来,将物体检测推向开放量和几乎没有射击转移一直是计算机视觉研究的挑战。这项工作探讨了一种持续的学习方法,该方法使探测器能够通过多数据远见语言的预训练扩展其零/少量功能。我们使用自然语言作为知识表示,我们探讨了从不同培训数据集积累“视觉词汇”的方法,并将任务统一为语言条件的检测框架。具体而言,我们提出了一种新颖的语言感知探测器OMDET和一种新颖的培训机制。拟议的多模式检测网络可以解决多数据库联合培训中的技术挑战,并且可以推广到任意数量的培训数据集,而无需手动标签分类合并的要求。与单独训练相比,Coco,Pascal VOC和更宽的面部/行人的实验结果通过在关节训练中或更高的分数来证实了疗效。此外,我们对超过400万个独特的对象词汇进行了预先培训,并在ODINW的35个下游任务上评估了所得模型。结果表明,OMDET能够在ODINW上实现最新的微调性能。分析表明,通过扩展提出的预训练方法,OMDET继续改善其零/少量调整性能,这表明了进一步扩展的有希望的方法。
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这项工作的目的是使用零手动注释建立可扩展的管道,以将对象检测器扩展到新颖/看不见的类别。为此,我们做出以下四个贡献:(i)追求概括,我们提出了一个两阶段的开放式摄制对象检测器,其中类无形的对象建议与预先训练的视觉视觉训练的文本编码一起分类语言模型; (ii)要将视觉潜在空间(RPN框建议)与预训练的文本编码器配对,我们提出了区域提示的概念,以学习将文本嵌入空间与区域视觉对象特征相结合; (iii)为了扩展学习过程以检测更广泛的对象,我们通过新颖的自我训练框架利用可用的在线资源,该框架允许在嘈杂的未经图像的网络图像上训练所提出的检测器。最后,(iv)评估我们所提出的检测器,称为及时插图,我们对具有挑战性的LVI和MS-COCO数据集进行了广泛的实验。提示件表现出优于现有方法的卓越性能,而其他培训图像和零手动注释较少。带代码的项目页面:。
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Open world object detection aims at detecting objects that are absent in the object classes of the training data as unknown objects without explicit supervision. Furthermore, the exact classes of the unknown objects must be identified without catastrophic forgetting of the previous known classes when the corresponding annotations of unknown objects are given incrementally. In this paper, we propose a two-stage training approach named Open World DETR for open world object detection based on Deformable DETR. In the first stage, we pre-train a model on the current annotated data to detect objects from the current known classes, and concurrently train an additional binary classifier to classify predictions into foreground or background classes. This helps the model to build an unbiased feature representations that can facilitate the detection of unknown classes in subsequent process. In the second stage, we fine-tune the class-specific components of the model with a multi-view self-labeling strategy and a consistency constraint. Furthermore, we alleviate catastrophic forgetting when the annotations of the unknown classes becomes available incrementally by using knowledge distillation and exemplar replay. Experimental results on PASCAL VOC and MS-COCO show that our proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art open world object detection methods by a large margin.
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现有的开放式视频探测器通常通过利用不同形式的弱监督来扩大其词汇大小。这有助于推断出新的对象。开放式视频检测(OVD)中使用的两种流行形式的弱点,包括预审计的剪辑模型和图像级监督。我们注意到,这两种监督模式均未在检测任务中最佳地对齐:剪辑经过图像文本对培训,并且缺乏对象的精确定位,而图像级监督已与启发式方法一起使用,这些启发式方法无法准确指定本地对象区域。在这项工作中,我们建议通过从剪辑模型中执行以对象为中心的语言嵌入来解决此问题。此外,我们仅使用伪标记的过程来视觉上仅通过图像级监督对象,该过程提供高质量的对象建议,并有助于在训练过程中扩展词汇。我们通过新的重量转移函数在上述两个对象对准策略之间建立桥梁,该策略汇总了它们的免费强度。本质上,提出的模型试图最大程度地减少OVD设置中对象和以图像为中心表示之间的差距。在可可基准上,我们提出的方法在新颖类中实现了40.3 AP50,绝对11.9比以前的最佳性能获得了11.9的增长。对于LVIS,我们超过了5.0 Mask AP的最先进VILD模型,总体上有3.4个。 。代码:。
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Detection Transformer (DETR) directly transforms queries to unique objects by using one-to-one bipartite matching during training and enables end-to-end object detection. Recently, these models have surpassed traditional detectors on COCO with undeniable elegance. However, they differ from traditional detectors in multiple designs, including model architecture and training schedules, and thus the effectiveness of one-to-one matching is not fully understood. In this work, we conduct a strict comparison between the one-to-one Hungarian matching in DETRs and the one-to-many label assignments in traditional detectors with non-maximum supervision (NMS). Surprisingly, we observe one-to-many assignments with NMS consistently outperform standard one-to-one matching under the same setting, with a significant gain of up to 2.5 mAP. Our detector that trains Deformable-DETR with traditional IoU-based label assignment achieved 50.2 COCO mAP within 12 epochs (1x schedule) with ResNet50 backbone, outperforming all existing traditional or transformer-based detectors in this setting. On multiple datasets, schedules, and architectures, we consistently show bipartite matching is unnecessary for performant detection transformers. Furthermore, we attribute the success of detection transformers to their expressive transformer architecture. Code is available at
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使用图像文本对的对比语言图像预测(剪辑)在零拍摄和传输学习设置中的图像分类中取得了令人印象深刻的结果。但是,我们表明,直接应用此类模型以识别对象检测的图像区域导致由于域移位导致的性能差:剪辑训练以与文本描述的整体匹配,而不捕获图像之间的细粒度对齐地区和文本跨度。为了缓解此问题,我们提出了一种称为RegionClip的新方法,可显着扩展剪辑以学习区域级视觉表示,从而在图像区域和文本概念之间实现细粒度对齐。我们的方法利用剪辑模型将图像区域与模板标题匹配,然后预先列出我们的模型以对准要素空间中的这些区域文本对。将预磨料模型转移到开放词汇对象检测任务时,我们的方法显着优于3.8 AP50和2.2 AP的最新技术,分别用于COCO和LVIS数据集的新型类别。更多,学习区域表示支持对象检测的零拍摄推断,显示了对COCO和LVIS数据集的有希望的结果。我们的代码可在上获得。
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We present in this paper a novel denoising training method to speedup DETR (DEtection TRansformer) training and offer a deepened understanding of the slow convergence issue of DETR-like methods. We show that the slow convergence results from the instability of bipartite graph matching which causes inconsistent optimization goals in early training stages. To address this issue, except for the Hungarian loss, our method additionally feeds ground-truth bounding boxes with noises into Transformer decoder and trains the model to reconstruct the original boxes, which effectively reduces the bipartite graph matching difficulty and leads to a faster convergence. Our method is universal and can be easily plugged into any DETR-like methods by adding dozens of lines of code to achieve a remarkable improvement. As a result, our DN-DETR results in a remarkable improvement ($+1.9$AP) under the same setting and achieves the best result (AP $43.4$ and $48.6$ with $12$ and $50$ epochs of training respectively) among DETR-like methods with ResNet-$50$ backbone. Compared with the baseline under the same setting, DN-DETR achieves comparable performance with $50\%$ training epochs. Code is available at \url{}.
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本文介绍了用于学习对象级别,语言感知和富含语义的视觉表示的接地语言图像预培训(GLIP)模型。 Glip统一对象检测和短语进行预培训。统一带来了两个好处:1)它允许GLIP从检测和接地数据中学习,以改善两个任务和引导良好的接地模型; 2)GLIP可以通过以自培训方式产生接地盒来利用大规模的图像文本对,使学习的表示是语义丰富的。在我们的实验中,我们在27M的接地数据上预先列车触胶,包括3M人的注释和24M Web爬网的图像文本对。学习的表示表明了强烈的零射击和对各种对象识别任务的可转换性。 1)直接在Coco和LVIS上评估(在训练期间没有在Coco中看到任何图像)时,Plip分别达到49.8 AP和26.9 AP,超过许多监督基线。 2)在COCO上微调后,GLIP在Val和61.5 AP上实现60.8 AP在测试开发上,超过先前的SOTA。 3)当转移到下游对象检测任务时,具有完全监控动态头的1次触发器竞争对手。代码将在发布。
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最近对物体检测的自我监督预防方法在很大程度上专注于预先绘制物体探测器的骨干,忽略了检测架构的关键部分。相反,我们介绍了DetReg,这是一种新的自我监督方法,用于预先列出整个对象检测网络,包括对象本地化和嵌入组件。在预先绘制期间,DetReg预测对象本地化以与无监督区域提议生成器匹配本地化,并同时将相应的特征嵌入与自我监控图像编码器的嵌入式对齐。我们使用DETR系列探测器实施DetReg,并显示它在Coco,Pascal VOC和空中客车船基准上的Fineetuned时改善了竞争性基线。在低数据制度中,包括半监督和几秒钟学习设置,DetReg建立了许多最先进的结果,例如,在Coco上,我们看到10次检测和+3.5的AP改进A +6.0 AP改进当培训只有1%的标签时。对于代码和预用模型,请访问的项目页面
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