文本识别是文档数字化的长期研究问题。现有的方法通常是基于CNN构建的,以用于图像理解,并为Char-Level文本生成而建立RNN。此外,通常需要另一种语言模型来提高整体准确性作为后处理步骤。在本文中,我们提出了一种使用预训练的图像变压器和文本变压器模型(即Trocr)提出的端到端文本识别方法,该模型利用了变压器体系结构,以实现图像理解和文字级级文本生成。TROR模型很简单,但有效,可以通过大规模合成数据进行预训练,并通过人体标记的数据集进行微调。实验表明,TROR模型的表现优于印刷,手写和场景文本识别任务上的当前最新模型。Trocr模型和代码可在\ url {https://aka.ms/trocr}上公开获得。
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图像变压器最近使用监督(VIT,DEIT等)或自我监督(BEIT,MAE等)预训练技术取得了显着的自然图像理解进展。在本文中,我们提出了\ textbf {dit},一种自我保护的预训练\ textbf {d} ocument \ textbf {i} mage \ textbf {t} ransformer模型,使用大规模的不尺度的文本图像用于文档AI任务,这是必不可少的,因为由于缺乏人类标记的文档图像,因此没有受到监督的同行。我们将DIT作为骨干网络在各种基于视觉的文档AI任务中,包括文档图像分类,文档布局分析,表检测以及OCR的文本检测。实验结果表明,自我监管的预训练的DIT模型可在这些下游任务上实现新的最新结果,例如文档图像分类(91.11 $ \ rightarrow $ 92.69),文档布局分析(91.0 $ \ rightArow $ 94.9),表检测(94.23 $ \ rightArrow $ 96.55)和OCR的文本检测(93.07 $ \ rightarrow $ 94.29)。代码和预培训模型可在\ url {https://aka.ms/msdit}上公开获得。
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由于其有效的模型架构以及大规模未标记的扫描/数字出生的文件的优势,在各种视觉上丰富的文档理解任务中已经证明了文本和布局的预先培训。我们提出了具有新的预培训任务的Layoutlmv2架构,以在单个多模态框架中模拟文本,布局和图像之间的交互。具体地,对于双流多模态变压器编码器,LayOutLMV2不仅使用现有屏蔽的视觉语言建模任务,还使用新的文本图像对齐和文本图像匹配任务,这使得它更好地捕获跨模块交互在预训练阶段。同时,它还将空间感知的自我注意机制集成到变压器架构中,以便模型可以完全理解不同文本块之间的相对位置关系。实验结果表明,LayoutLMV2优于大幅度的LayOutlm,并在大量下游的下游富有的文件理解任务中实现了新的最先进的结果,包括Funsd(0.7895 $ \至0.8420美元),电源线(0.9493 $ \至0.9601美元),Srie(0.9524 $ \至0.9781美元),Kleister-NDA(0.8340 $ \ 0.8520美元),RVL-CDIP(0.9443 $ \至0.9564美元),DOCVQA(0.7295 $ \至0.8672美元) 。我们使我们的模型和代码公开可用于\ url {https://aka.ms/layoutlmv2}。
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自我监督的预训练技术在文档AI中取得了显着进步。大多数多模式的预训练模型都使用蒙版的语言建模目标来学习文本模式的双向表示,但是它们在图像模式的预训练目标方面有所不同。这种差异增加了多模式表示学习的困难。在本文中,我们建议\ textbf {layoutlmv3}为文档AI预训练多模式变压器,并具有统一的文本和图像掩蔽。此外,LayoutLMV3通过单词斑点对齐目标进行了预训练,可以通过预测是否掩盖文本的相应图像贴片来学习交叉模式对齐。简单的统一体系结构和培训目标使Layoutlmv3成为以文本为中心和以图像为中心的文档AI任务的通用预培训模型。实验结果表明,LayoutLMV3不仅在以文本为中心的任务中实现最先进的绩效,包括形式的理解,收据理解和文档视觉问题回答,而且在以图像为中心的任务(例如文档图像分类和文档布局)中分析。代码和模型可在\ url {https://aka.ms/layoutlmv3}上公开获得。
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Astounding results from Transformer models on natural language tasks have intrigued the vision community to study their application to computer vision problems. Among their salient benefits, Transformers enable modeling long dependencies between input sequence elements and support parallel processing of sequence as compared to recurrent networks e.g., Long short-term memory (LSTM). Different from convolutional networks, Transformers require minimal inductive biases for their design and are naturally suited as set-functions. Furthermore, the straightforward design of Transformers allows processing multiple modalities (e.g., images, videos, text and speech) using similar processing blocks and demonstrates excellent scalability to very large capacity networks and huge datasets. These strengths have led to exciting progress on a number of vision tasks using Transformer networks. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Transformer models in the computer vision discipline. We start with an introduction to fundamental concepts behind the success of Transformers i.e., self-attention, large-scale pre-training, and bidirectional feature encoding. We then cover extensive applications of transformers in vision including popular recognition tasks (e.g., image classification, object detection, action recognition, and segmentation), generative modeling, multi-modal tasks (e.g., visual-question answering, visual reasoning, and visual grounding), video processing (e.g., activity recognition, video forecasting), low-level vision (e.g., image super-resolution, image enhancement, and colorization) and 3D analysis (e.g., point cloud classification and segmentation). We compare the respective advantages and limitations of popular techniques both in terms of architectural design and their experimental value. Finally, we provide an analysis on open research directions and possible future works. We hope this effort will ignite further interest in the community to solve current challenges towards the application of transformer models in computer vision.
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Scene text spotting is of great importance to the computer vision community due to its wide variety of applications. Recent methods attempt to introduce linguistic knowledge for challenging recognition rather than pure visual classification. However, how to effectively model the linguistic rules in end-to-end deep networks remains a research challenge. In this paper, we argue that the limited capacity of language models comes from 1) implicit language modeling; 2) unidirectional feature representation; and 3) language model with noise input. Correspondingly, we propose an autonomous, bidirectional and iterative ABINet++ for scene text spotting. Firstly, the autonomous suggests enforcing explicitly language modeling by decoupling the recognizer into vision model and language model and blocking gradient flow between both models. Secondly, a novel bidirectional cloze network (BCN) as the language model is proposed based on bidirectional feature representation. Thirdly, we propose an execution manner of iterative correction for the language model which can effectively alleviate the impact of noise input. Finally, to polish ABINet++ in long text recognition, we propose to aggregate horizontal features by embedding Transformer units inside a U-Net, and design a position and content attention module which integrates character order and content to attend to character features precisely. ABINet++ achieves state-of-the-art performance on both scene text recognition and scene text spotting benchmarks, which consistently demonstrates the superiority of our method in various environments especially on low-quality images. Besides, extensive experiments including in English and Chinese also prove that, a text spotter that incorporates our language modeling method can significantly improve its performance both in accuracy and speed compared with commonly used attention-based recognizers.
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Scene text recognition (STR) enables computers to recognize and read the text in various real-world scenes. Recent STR models benefit from taking linguistic information in addition to visual cues into consideration. We propose a novel Masked Vision-Language Transformers (MVLT) to capture both the explicit and the implicit linguistic information. Our encoder is a Vision Transformer, and our decoder is a multi-modal Transformer. MVLT is trained in two stages: in the first stage, we design a STR-tailored pretraining method based on a masking strategy; in the second stage, we fine-tune our model and adopt an iterative correction method to improve the performance. MVLT attains superior results compared to state-of-the-art STR models on several benchmarks. Our code and model are available at https://github.com/onealwj/MVLT.
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已经证明了视觉变压器架构以非常有效地为图像分类任务工作。用变压器依靠卷积骨架解决更具挑战性的愿景任务的努力,以进行特征提取。在本文中,我们调查使用纯变压器架构(即,没有CNN骨干网)的使用,用于2D体姿势估计的问题。我们在Coco DataSet上评估了两个Vit架构。我们演示了使用编码器 - 解码器变压器架构产生最新的技术结果,导致该估计问题。
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变压器是一种基于关注的编码器解码器架构,彻底改变了自然语言处理领域。灵感来自这一重大成就,最近在将变形式架构调整到计算机视觉(CV)领域的一些开创性作品,这已经证明了他们对各种简历任务的有效性。依靠竞争力的建模能力,与现代卷积神经网络相比在本文中,我们已经为三百不同的视觉变压器进行了全面的审查,用于三个基本的CV任务(分类,检测和分割),提出了根据其动机,结构和使用情况组织这些方法的分类。 。由于培训设置和面向任务的差异,我们还在不同的配置上进行了评估了这些方法,以便于易于和直观的比较而不是各种基准。此外,我们已经揭示了一系列必不可少的,但可能使变压器能够从众多架构中脱颖而出,例如松弛的高级语义嵌入,以弥合视觉和顺序变压器之间的差距。最后,提出了三个未来的未来研究方向进行进一步投资。
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在本文中,我们提出了一个文本降低不变的自动编码器(Text-Diae),这是一种旨在解决两个任务的自我监督模型,即文本识别(手写或场景文本)和文档图像增强。我们首先采用基于变压器的体系结构,该体系结构将三个借口任务作为学习目标,在预训练期间必须在不使用标签数据的情况下进行优化。每个借口目标都是专门针对最终下游任务量身定制的。我们进行了几项消融实验,以确认所选借口任务的设计选择。重要的是,所提出的模型并未基于对比损失表现出先前最新方法的局限性,而同时需要更少的数据样本来收敛。最后,我们证明我们的方法超过了手写和场景文本识别和文档图像增强的现有监督和自我监督的设置中的最新设置。我们的代码和训练有素的模型将在〜\ url {http:// on_accepters}上公开提供。
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连接视觉和语言在生成智能中起着重要作用。因此,已经致力于图像标题的大型研究工作,即用句法和语义有意义的句子描述图像。从2015年开始,该任务通常通过由Visual Encoder组成的管道和文本生成的语言模型来解决任务。在这些年来,两种组件通过对象区域,属性,介绍多模态连接,完全关注方法和伯特早期融合策略的利用而显着发展。但是,无论令人印象深刻的结果,图像标题的研究还没有达到结论性答案。这项工作旨在提供图像标题方法的全面概述,从视觉编码和文本生成到培训策略,数据集和评估度量。在这方面,我们量化地比较了许多相关的最先进的方法来确定架构和培训策略中最有影响力的技术创新。此外,讨论了问题的许多变体及其开放挑战。这项工作的最终目标是作为理解现有文献的工具,并突出显示计算机视觉和自然语言处理的研究领域的未来方向可以找到最佳的协同作用。
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Vision-and语言(VL)预培训已被证明对各种VL下游任务非常有效。虽然最近的工作表明,基于完全变换器的VL模型可以比以前的基于区域特征的方法更有效,但它们在下游任务上的性能通常显着降低。在本文中,我们呈现仪表〜(\ textbf {m} ultimodal \ textbf {e} nd-to-text \ textbf {t} ransform \ textbf {er}),我们通过它系统地调查如何设计和预先列车基于完全变换器的VL模型以端到端的方式。具体而言,我们将模型设计沿多个尺寸分析:视觉编码器(例如,剪辑 - vit,Swin变压器),文本编码器(例如,Roberta,Deberta),多模式融合(例如,合并注意力与共同关注),架构设计(例如,仅编码器与编码器 - 解码器)和预训练目标(例如,屏蔽图像建模)。我们对广泛的VL任务进行全面实验,并提供有关如何在保持快速推理速度的同时培训表演VL变压器的见解。值得注意的是,仪表〜使用仅使用4M图像进行预培训的VQAV2 TEST-STD设置的精度为77.64 \%,超过最先进的区域特征的VINVL模型+1.04 \%,以及优于以前最好的完全变换器的ALBEF模型+1.6 \%。
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Scene text recognition (STR) involves the task of reading text in cropped images of natural scenes. Conventional models in STR employ convolutional neural network (CNN) followed by recurrent neural network in an encoder-decoder framework. In recent times, the transformer architecture is being widely adopted in STR as it shows strong capability in capturing long-term dependency which appears to be prominent in scene text images. Many researchers utilized transformer as part of a hybrid CNN-transformer encoder, often followed by a transformer decoder. However, such methods only make use of the long-term dependency mid-way through the encoding process. Although the vision transformer (ViT) is able to capture such dependency at an early stage, its utilization remains largely unexploited in STR. This work proposes the use of a transformer-only model as a simple baseline which outperforms hybrid CNN-transformer models. Furthermore, two key areas for improvement were identified. Firstly, the first decoded character has the lowest prediction accuracy. Secondly, images of different original aspect ratios react differently to the patch resolutions while ViT only employ one fixed patch resolution. To explore these areas, Pure Transformer with Integrated Experts (PTIE) is proposed. PTIE is a transformer model that can process multiple patch resolutions and decode in both the original and reverse character orders. It is examined on 7 commonly used benchmarks and compared with over 20 state-of-the-art methods. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms them and obtains state-of-the-art results in most benchmarks.
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无约束的手写文本识别是一项具有挑战性的计算机视觉任务。传统上,它是通过两步方法来处理的,结合了线细分,然后是文本线识别。我们第一次为手写文档识别任务提出了无端到端的无分段体系结构:文档注意网络。除文本识别外,该模型还接受了使用类似XML的方式使用开始和结束标签标记文本零件的训练。该模型由用于特征提取的FCN编码器和用于复发令牌预测过程的变压器解码器层组成。它将整个文本文档作为输入和顺序输出字符以及逻辑布局令牌。与现有基于分割的方法相反,该模型是在不使用任何分割标签的情况下进行训练的。我们在页面级别的Read 2016数据集以及CER分别为3.43%和3.70%的双页级别上获得了竞争成果。我们还为Rimes 2009数据集提供了页面级别的结果,达到CER的4.54%。我们在https://github.com/factodeeplearning/dan上提供所有源代码和预训练的模型权重。
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文档AI或Document Intelligence是一个相对较新的研究主题,指的是自动阅读,理解和分析业务文档的技术。它是自然语言处理和计算机视觉的重要研究方向。近年来,深度学习技术的普及已经大大提高了文档AI的发展,如文件布局分析,视觉信息提取,文档视觉问题应答,文档图像分类等。本文简要评论了一些代表性模型,任务和基准数据集。此外,我们还介绍了早期的启发式规则的文档分析,统计机器学习算法,深度学习方法,尤其是预训练方法。最后,我们展望未来的Document AI研究方向。
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Leveraging the advances of natural language processing, most recent scene text recognizers adopt an encoder-decoder architecture where text images are first converted to representative features and then a sequence of characters via `sequential decoding'. However, scene text images suffer from rich noises of different sources such as complex background and geometric distortions which often confuse the decoder and lead to incorrect alignment of visual features at noisy decoding time steps. This paper presents I2C2W, a novel scene text recognition technique that is tolerant to geometric and photometric degradation by decomposing scene text recognition into two inter-connected tasks. The first task focuses on image-to-character (I2C) mapping which detects a set of character candidates from images based on different alignments of visual features in an non-sequential way. The second task tackles character-to-word (C2W) mapping which recognizes scene text by decoding words from the detected character candidates. The direct learning from character semantics (instead of noisy image features) corrects falsely detected character candidates effectively which improves the final text recognition accuracy greatly. Extensive experiments over nine public datasets show that the proposed I2C2W outperforms the state-of-the-art by large margins for challenging scene text datasets with various curvature and perspective distortions. It also achieves very competitive recognition performance over multiple normal scene text datasets.
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