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与EMNLP2022 SERETOD车间共同划分的半监督和增强任务的对话系统的挑战。
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已知历史和未来的上下文信息对于准确的声学建模很重要。但是,获取未来的上下文会带来流式ASR的延迟。在本文中,我们提出了一个新的框架 - 块,模拟未来的上下文和解码(Cuside)以进行流语言识别。引入了一个新的仿真模块,以递归地模拟未来的上下文帧,而无需等待未来的上下文。使用自我监督的损失与ASR模型共同训练模拟模块;ASR模型通过通常的ASR损失(例如我们实验中使用的CTC-CRF)进行了优化。实验表明,与使用真实的未来框架作为正确的上下文相比,使用模拟的未来上下文可以大大降低延迟,同时保持识别精度。使用Cuside,我们在Aishell-1数据集上获得了新的最新流媒体ASR结果。
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恢复程序的呼叫图对于基于流程间分析任务和应用程序至关重要。核心挑战是识别间接呼叫的目标(即,间接分支机构)。由于二进制文件中的信息丢失,如果目标程序以二元形式为二元形式,则变得更具挑战性。二进制文件的现有间接Callee识别解决方案都具有高误报和负面,使呼叫图不准确。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于暹罗神经网络的新解决方案,受到质疑答案应用的进步的启发。关键洞察力是,神经网络可以学习通过理解其上下文,即附近呼叫和分支机构的指示是间接代表的潜在目标。在此洞察力之后,我们首先预处理目标二进制文件,以提取电话和分支的上下文。然后,我们构建适用于汇编语言的自定义自然语言处理(NLP)模型。此外,我们收集了丰富的呼叫和分支,并将其上下文与NLP模型嵌入,然后培训暹罗网络和分类器以回答电呼叫路上的问题。我们已经实施了Inclelee的原型,并在几组目标上进行了评估。评价结果表明,我们的解决方案可以将手段与F1措施相匹配93.7%,召回的93.8%,精度为93.5%,比最先进的解决方案好得多。为了展示其有用性,我们将iCallee应用于两个特定的应用 - 二进制代码相似性检测和二进制程序硬化,并发现它可以大大提高最先进的解决方案。
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This paper illustrates the technologies of user next intent prediction with a concept knowledge graph. The system has been deployed on the Web at Alipay, serving more than 100 million daily active users. Specifically, we propose AlipayKG to explicitly characterize user intent, which is an offline concept knowledge graph in the Life-Service domain modeling the historical behaviors of users, the rich content interacted by users and the relations between them. We further introduce a Transformer-based model which integrates expert rules from the knowledge graph to infer the online user's next intent. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed system can effectively enhance the performance of the downstream tasks while retaining explainability.
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Deep neural networks (DNNs) are found to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks, and various methods have been proposed for the defense. Among these methods, adversarial training has been drawing increasing attention because of its simplicity and effectiveness. However, the performance of the adversarial training is greatly limited by the architectures of target DNNs, which often makes the resulting DNNs with poor accuracy and unsatisfactory robustness. To address this problem, we propose DSARA to automatically search for the neural architectures that are accurate and robust after adversarial training. In particular, we design a novel cell-based search space specially for adversarial training, which improves the accuracy and the robustness upper bound of the searched architectures by carefully designing the placement of the cells and the proportional relationship of the filter numbers. Then we propose a two-stage search strategy to search for both accurate and robust neural architectures. At the first stage, the architecture parameters are optimized to minimize the adversarial loss, which makes full use of the effectiveness of the adversarial training in enhancing the robustness. At the second stage, the architecture parameters are optimized to minimize both the natural loss and the adversarial loss utilizing the proposed multi-objective adversarial training method, so that the searched neural architectures are both accurate and robust. We evaluate the proposed algorithm under natural data and various adversarial attacks, which reveals the superiority of the proposed method in terms of both accurate and robust architectures. We also conclude that accurate and robust neural architectures tend to deploy very different structures near the input and the output, which has great practical significance on both hand-crafting and automatically designing of accurate and robust neural architectures.
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The advance of computer-aided detection systems using deep learning opened a new scope in endoscopic image analysis. However, the learning-based models developed on closed datasets are susceptible to unknown anomalies in complex clinical environments. In particular, the high false positive rate of polyp detection remains a major challenge in clinical practice. In this work, we release the FPPD-13 dataset, which provides a taxonomy and real-world cases of typical false positives during computer-aided polyp detection in real-world colonoscopy. We further propose a post-hoc module EndoBoost, which can be plugged into generic polyp detection models to filter out false positive predictions. This is realized by generative learning of the polyp manifold with normalizing flows and rejecting false positives through density estimation. Compared to supervised classification, this anomaly detection paradigm achieves better data efficiency and robustness in open-world settings. Extensive experiments demonstrate a promising false positive suppression in both retrospective and prospective validation. In addition, the released dataset can be used to perform 'stress' tests on established detection systems and encourages further research toward robust and reliable computer-aided endoscopic image analysis. The dataset and code will be publicly available at http://endoboost.miccai.cloud.
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A computational graph in a deep neural network (DNN) denotes a specific data flow diagram (DFD) composed of many tensors and operators. Existing toolkits for visualizing computational graphs are not applicable when the structure is highly complicated and large-scale (e.g., BERT [1]). To address this problem, we propose leveraging a suite of visual simplification techniques, including a cycle-removing method, a module-based edge-pruning algorithm, and an isomorphic subgraph stacking strategy. We design and implement an interactive visualization system that is suitable for computational graphs with up to 10 thousand elements. Experimental results and usage scenarios demonstrate that our tool reduces 60% elements on average and hence enhances the performance for recognizing and diagnosing DNN models. Our contributions are integrated into an open-source DNN visualization toolkit, namely, MindInsight [2].
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